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MercurysBall2 ago

The Warren D. Johnson, Jr. Medical Center Inaugurated in Haiti -

On February 10, Dr. Warren D. Johnson, Jr., former Chief of Infectious Diseases, and now Director of the Center for Global Health within the Department of Medicine's Infectious Diseases Division, was honored during an inauguration ceremony, in which a new clinical facility was named after him in Port au Prince, Haiti: The Warren D. Johnson, Jr. Medical Center.

..Founded in 1982, GHESKIO is the first institution in the world exclusively dedicated to the fight against HIV/AIDS. The construction of the new clinical facility was sponsored by the United States Agency for International Development and will double the space available at GHESKIO for research, training and clinical services. A second laboratory building was also inaugurated at the ceremony and was named in honor of Rodolphe Merieux, the late son of the President of the French Biotechnology company, BioMerieux, Lyon, Alain Merieux.

The dedication ceremony of the Medical Center was attended by over 300 people including local supporters, international visitors, and Haitian dignitaries. International attendees included Dr. Andrew I. Schafer, Chairman of the Department of Medicine at Weill Cornell Medical College, as well as individuals from the NIH and multiple universities such as Vanderbilt University, NYU, Dartmouth College, and others. Haitian dignitaries who attended the ceremony included the Minister of Health and Population, Dr Gabriel Thimothee; US Ambassador to Haiti, Mrs. Janet Ann Sanderson, and French Ambassador to Haiti, Mr. Christian Conan.

ClearlyTheTruth ago

Notice anything at the link you provided at the end of this comment?

What is The Truth that has been Shared with All since The Beginning?

What is happening NOW?

MercurysBall2 ago

APHL 2019 at St. Louis Union Station Hotel - Fondation Mérieux USA

CEO of APHL: Scott Becker

Over his 20+ year tenure, Executive Director Scott J. Becker has taken

the Association of Public Health Laboratories (APHL) from a modest

nonprofit focused on public health laboratory training to a center for

quality laboratory systems with a budget of $75 million, a global reach

and wide-ranging programs and services.

Scott is active in national and international public health initiatives. He chairs the Governance Working Group for the

Global Laboratory Leadership Program (GLLP), a collaboration with the World Health Organization (WHO), the US Centers

for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and others to develop a competency-based curriculum for laboratory leaders.

Additionally, Scott is a member of the Affiliate Council of the Association of State and Territorial Health Officials (ASTHO)

which he formerly chaired.

MercurysBall2 ago

Transgene "designs and develops therapeutic vaccines and immunotherapy products to treat cancers and infectious diseases" and is owned at 55% by the holding

Along with this research, Transgene’s strategy is to identify prognostic and predictive “biomarkers” to anticipate a patient’s response to therapy in order to improve product efficacy and provide more personalized medicine.

About transgenes

The idea of shaping an organism to fit a specific need isn't a new science

Uh huh...

Ethical controversy

Transgene use in humans is currently fraught with issues. Transformation of genes into human cells has not been perfected yet. The most famous example of this involved certain patients developing T-cell leukemia after being treated for X-linked severe combined immunodeficiency (X-SCID).[28] This was attributed to the close proximity of the inserted gene to the LMO2 promoter, which controls the transcription of the LMO2 proto-oncogene.[29] In common with most forms of genetic engineering, the use of transgenes for purposes other than to correct life-threatening genetic abnormalities is a major bioethical issue