septimasexta ago

Actually this is a topic worth revisiting. Koons has something else going for him other than his art "talent". Here is a very informative Steemit article on him and ICMEC......

"Meet Jeff Koons: Artist, ICMEC "Champion for Children" and child molester"

Gothamgirl ago

Thanks for sharing.

septimasexta ago

The Koons Family Institute on International Law & Policy:

"Advocate and advance. We conduct and commission original research into the status of child protection legislation around the world to help make children safer."

"Child Protection Project

Working to establish a common, global DEFINITION for “child protection” that encompasses DIVERSE perspectives."

septimasexta ago


"100 Best Practices in Child Protection"

Looks like global control of children. The STATE, not the parents call the shots....Uses LEGAL definitions.

fogdryer ago

Gothamgirl ago

Thanks for sharing.

fogdryer ago


ArcAngel ago

kinda like.. 'HEY!!! i found you!!! thank god... but since your already missing..heheeh'

Gothamgirl ago

I know this guy was mentioned as a pedo, and in the art for embassies, but this is bullshit!