letsdothis3 ago

Bernhard and IG Farben background explored - https://dagobertobellucci.wordpress.com/2011/11/27/bernhard-and-ig-farben-background-explored/

An important step on the road to world monopoly was the most far-reaching corporation invented by the Rothschilds. This was the international drug and chemical cartel, I.G. Farben. Called “a state within a state,” it was created in 1925 as Interessen Gemeinschaft Farbenindustrie Aktien gesellschaft, usually known as I.G. Farben, which simply meant “The Cartel”. It had originated in 1904, when the six major chemical companies in Germany began negotiations to form the ultimate cartel, merging Badische Anilin, Bayer, Agfa, Hoechst, Weiler-ter-Meer, and Greisheim-Electron. The guiding spirit, as well as the financing, came from the Rothschilds, who were represented by their German banker, Max Warburg, of M.M. Warburg Company, Hamburg. He later headed the German Secret Service during World War I and was personal financial adviser to the Kaiser. When the Kaiser was overthrown, after losing the war, Max Warburg was not exiled with him to Holland, instead he became the financial adviser to the new government.

The world financial structure, far from being an unknown or hidden organization, is actually well known and well defined. It consists of the major Swiss Banks; the survivors of the old Venetian-Genoese banking axis; the Big Five of the world grain trade; the British combine, centered in the Bank of England and its chartered merchant banks, functioning trough the Rothschilds and the Oppenheimers and having absolute control over their Canadian colony through the Royal Bank of Canada and the Bank of Montreal, their Canadian lieutenants being the Bronfmans, Belzbergs, and other financial operators; and the colonial banking structure in the United States, controlled by the Bank of England through the Federal Reserve System; the Boston Brahmin families who made their fortunes in the opium trade, including the Delanos and others and the Rockefeller Syndicate, consisting of the Kissinger network headquartered in the Rockefeller Bank, Chase Manhattan Bank, American Express, the present form of the old Rothschild representatives in the United States, which includes Kuhn, Loeb Company and Lehman Brothers.

See: https://voat.co/v/GreatAwakening/3092944/17331974

letsdothis3 ago

This is BASF's website. They're a chemical company based out of Germany. I wonder if they had similar beginnings as IG Farben/Bayer: https://www.basf.com/us/en.html

In 1925, BASF merged with Bayer, Hoechst and three other companies to form I.G. Farbenindustrie AG. Between 1933 and 1945, I.G. Farben played a central role in the Nazi economy

PDF : Report of the Investigation of I. G. Farbenindustrie A. G. Prepared by Division of Investigation of Cartels and External Assets Office of Military Government, U. S. (Germany) November, 1945 excerpts:

A basic purpose of this investigation was to uncover as much information as possible concerning the nature and location of the far-flung and carefully concealed external assets of I. G. Farben. The investigation was, therefore, an important phase f the program adopted by the Allied Powers at Potsdam to strip Germany of all of her external assets in the interest of future world security and to use such assets for the relief and rehabilitation of countries devastated by Germany in her attempt at world conquest.... The report describes the methods used by I. G. Farben in penetrating into the economic life of foreign countries as a means of achieving world domination of the chemical industry, as well as the cloaking devices designed to conceal Farben’s external investments and interests.

I. G. Farben, nominally a private business enterprise, has been and is, in fact, a colossal empire serving the German State as one of the principal industrial cores around which successive German drives for world conquest have been organized. With a net worth of RM 6 billions at the very minimum, its domestic participations comprise over 380 other German firms. Its factories, power installations and mines are scattered all over Germany. It owns its own lignite and bituminous coal mines, electric power plants, coke ovens, magnesite, gypsum and salt mines. Its foreign participations, both admitted and concealed, number over 500 firms valued at a minimum of RM 1 billion. Its holding companies and plants blanket Europe; and its house banks, research firms and patent offices are clustered around every important commercial and industrial center in both hemispheres. In addition to its numerous foreign subsidiaries, I. G.’s world-wide affiliations included hundreds of separate non-German concerns and ranged over a score of industries. Its cartel agreements numbered over 2,000 and included such major industrial concerns as Standard Oil (New Jersey), the Aluminum Company of America, E. I. DuPont de Nemours, Ethyl Export Corporation, Imperial Chemical Industries (Great Britain), the Dow Chemical Company, Rohm and Haas, Etablissments Kuhlmann (France) and the Mitsui interests of Japan.

This report does not pretend to tell the complete story. In anticipation of Allied victory, thousands of Farben’s secrets went underground along with other German resources to lay the foundation for World War III; and thousands of its important files were, according to the testimony of its responsible officials, destroyed just prior to the advent of the Allied troops.

In 1938 the German government, dissatisfied with the progress made in the development and production of poison gases, called upon Farben to handle the problem. New I. G. plants for the production of these gases swung into operation and eventually, as indicated above, I. G. achieved 95 percent of the total production of poison gases. By order of the German Government many of these plants were completely destroyed before the occupation by the Russians; and all “fore and end products” were destroyed. But at least one of these terrible secrets which the Germans hoped to save for the next war has been uncovered. This investigation had disclosed that an I. G. Farben official at Wuppertal-Elberfeld developed the deadliest poison gas in the world. This gas, unknown to the military authorities of the Allied Nations, could have penetrated any gas mask in existence. I. G. originally carried out its poison gas experiments on monkeys; later on human beings. For the latter purpose, inmates of concentration camps were selected, and I. G. Farben officials, concerned only with creating weapons capable of assuring German world conquest, were unmoved by this use of human guinea pigs. Dr. ter Meer, one of I. G.’s leading scientists, who will be described in detail at a later point, justified the experiment not only on the grounds that the inmates of concentration camps would have been killed anyway by the Nazis, but also on the grounds that the experiments had a humanitarian aspect in that the lives of countless “Aryan” workers were saved thereby. Needless to say, these gases were not only used on helpless people during the stage of experimentation, but were later used to exterminate whole groups in concentration camps such as Auschwitz.

letsdothis3 ago

BASF https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/BASF

In 1916, BASF started operations at a new site in Leuna, where explosives were produced during the First World War. On 21 September 1921, an explosion occurred in Oppau, killing 565 people. The Oppau explosion was the biggest industrial accident in German history. Under the leadership of Carl Bosch - a critic of Nazi policies - BASF founded IG Farben with Hoechst, Bayer, and three other companies, thus losing its independence. BASF was the nominal survivor, as all shares were exchanged for BASF shares prior to the merger. Rubber, fuels, and coatings were added to the range of products.

Following the appointment of Adolf Hitler as Chancellor in 1933, IG Farben collaborated with the Nazi regime, profiting from guaranteed volumes and prices, and from the slave labor provided by the government's Nazi concentration camps. IG Farben also achieved notoriety owing to its production of Zyklon-B, the lethal gas used to murder prisoners in German Nazi extermination camps. In 1935, IG Farben and AEG presented the magnetophon – the first tape recorder – at the Radio Exhibition in Berlin.

The Ludwigshafen site was almost completely destroyed during the Second World War and was subsequently rebuilt. The allies dissolved IG Farben in November 1945.

Both the Ludwigshafen and Oppau plants were of strategic importance for the war because the German military needed many of their products, e.g., synthetic rubber and gasoline. As a result, they were major targets for air raids. Throughout the war, Allied bombers attacked the plants 65 times.

On 28 July 1948, an explosion occurred at a BASF site in Ludwigshafen, killing 207 people and injuring 3818.[13] In 1952, BASF was refounded under its own name following the efforts of former Nazi Party member and Third Reich Wehrwirtschaftsführer (war economy leader) Carl Wurster.

In 1968 BASF (together with Bayer AG) bought the German coatings company Herbol.

BASF's European coatings business was taken over by AkzoNobel in 1999. BASF bought the Engelhard Corporation for $4.8 billion in 2006. Other acquisitions in 2006 were the purchase of Johnson Polymer and the construction chemicals business of Degussa.

On 19 December 2008, BASF acquired U.S.-based Whitmire Micro-Gen together with U.K.-based Sorex Ltd, Widnes, Great Britain.[22] Sorex is a manufacturer of branded chemical and non-chemical products for professional pest management. In March 2007 Sorex was put up for sale with a price tag of about £100 million.[23]

In May 2015, BASF agreed to sell parts of its pharmaceutical ingredients business to Swiss drug manufacturer Siegfried Holding for a fee of €270 million, including assumed debt.[24]

In October 2017, BASF announced it would buy seed and herbicide businesses from Bayer for €5.9 billion ($7 billion), as part of its acquisition of Monsanto.

letsdothis3 ago

Engelhard Schedule 14A dated 04-26-06 - SEC.gov https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/352947/000095016206000448/schedule14a.htm (On the purchasing of Engelhard by BASF)

Vanguard Group, an affiliate of Vanguard Windsor Funds, which reported beneficial ownership of more than 5% of our Common Stock for part of 2005, received $97,353 for administering 401(k) plans for our employees during 2005.


Vanguard Windsor Funds - Vanguard Windsor Fund is an open-end equity mutual fund launched by The Vanguard Group, Inc. The fund is co-managed by Wellington Management Group LLP, Pzena Investment Management, Inc.

Mr. Frederick William McNabb III Chief Executive Officer, President and Trustee Age: 61


Mr. Frederick William McNabb, III, also known as Bill, served as Director at Vanguard Group, Inc. He has been a Director of United Health Group Incorporated since 2018.

Voat post:

Bronfman Ties and Connections Pt 2

https://www.google.com/amp/s/geopolitics.co/2015/02/09/war-in-ukraine-was-originated-by-zionists-of-the-state-department-and-vanguard-group/amp/ Vanguard are SCUM! Major player in cabal terror ops via funny money to mercenary groups. Involved in Ukraine, Syria, Iraq, Liybia, etc. Major financial ties to ISIS. Counterfit money printing.

http://themillenniumreport.com/2017/12/corporate-transnational-warlord-pirates-are-on-the-run/ Vanguard CEO Frederick William “Bill” McNabb III was among the CEOs who stepped down. Vanguard has major ties to MIC and selling for both sides (incidentally a major MO for the Rothschilds). Major shareholder for Blackrock, Monsanto, Grey Stone, Disney, Raytheon, and a shit ton of other major corporate players.

letsdothis3 ago

Charlene Engelhard , Board Member Engelhard Foundation


American Philanthropist and artist with over twenty years experience working with international and domestic charities. Philanthropic endeavors focus on the arts, medicine and education. Harvard educated artist who specializes in fine arts painting.


HEART (Healing and Education through the Arts) program in 2006 in collaboration with Save the Children . It’s mission is to provide psycho-social support to children in impoverished areas with access to art.

Art in a Box program in collaboration with UNICEF to provide youth with art supplies and to educate teachers in art therapy. This program has been piloted in Sumatra, Panama, and Haiti. In 2013 UNICEF will include it in its Emergency Response kit. Produced a documentary in 2005 about the positive impact of art therapy for Indonesian youth post-tsunami.

Co-founded with the Boston Red Sox, Lindos Suenos, (Beautiful Dreams), a summer program that unites both American and Dominican Republican youth through the sport of baseball and provides support to different causes in the Dominican Republic. Artist in Residence program in the Caribbean. Participants included Guggenheim Fellows, Macarthur Fellows and Pulitzer Prize recipients and operated it for 7 years.


Charles Engelhard Foundation, 1984 – present Engelhard Hanovia Inc., 1981 – present Refugee’s International, 2006 – present Global Health Services Corps, 2012 – present Institute for Contemporary Art (ICA), 1982 – 2001 Engelhard Scholarship for the Visual Arts, Institute of Contemporary Art (ICA) Founder & Board Member, 1984 – 1999


The 2013 UNICEF Children's Champion Award Dinner - In This Photo: David Lauren, Bill Achtmeyer, Alli Achtmeyer, Bryan Rafanelli, Lauren Bush Lauren, Charlene Engelhard


FEED Projects was started in 2007 by Lauren Bush, an honorary spokesperson for the United Nations World Food Programme, and Ellen Gustafson, a former United Nations Communications Officer. FEED Projects sells FEED bags and a portion of each bag is donated to the United Nations World Food Programme to feed children around the world.

Bush came up with the idea of a FEED bag while in college at Princeton University. Intended as a fundraiser for the UN World Food Programme, FEED Projects has grown rapidly since its founding. FEED bags have been supported by many different celebrities, including Marcia Cross, Ali Larter, and Elizabeth Berkley. Gustafson and Bush also co-founded the FEED Foundation, a 501c3 non-profit with the mission of raising awareness and funds to ensure nutritious school meals for all children as a first step toward improving the global food system.

There are a variety of FEED products available for purchase on the FEED website, with new collections launched seasonally, as well as in person, at the FEED Shop & Cafe in DUMBO, Brooklyn. FEED bags are sold in a variety of models, including duffel bags, backpacks, and totes. Every single product provides school meals when purchased, represented by the number stamped on each bag or accessory. The meals are distributed by the brand's giving partners, the UN World Food Programme (global giving) and No Kid Hungry (US giving).

In 2012, FEED Projects is listed as a partner of the (RED) campaign, together with other brands such as Nike, Girl, American Express and Converse. The campaign's mission is to prevent the transmission of the HIV virus from mother to child by 2015 (the campaign's byline is "Fighting For An AIDS Free Generation").

Nestlé Partners with Share Our Strength’s No Kid Hungry Campaign to Support School Breakfast Programs

Nestlé USA today announced its partnership with Share Our Strength to support the organization’s school breakfast initiatives as part of its No Kid Hungry campaign. The donation of $250,000 deepens Nestlé’s commitment to help children live healthier lives. In the spirit of today’s announcement, Nestlé CFO and Chief Transformation Officer Steve Presley will visit a local Arlington elementary school, accompanied by First Lady of Virginia Dorothy McAuliffe, who has long shared the same commitment.


(2000) The President [Clinton] announced today his intention to appoint Ronald Burkle, James Kimsey, Dorothy McAuliffe and Jay Stein to the Board of Trustees of the John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts.

Mr. Ronald W. Burkle, of Los Angeles, California, is the Founder and Managing Partner of The Yucaipa Companies, a private investment firm based in Southern California. Mr. Burkle is also the majority shareholder of Golden State Foods, the largest supplier of food products to McDonald's and Cyrk, Inc., the largest provider of toys and promotions for McDonald's. Mr. Burkle is a Member of the Board and Chairman of the Executive Committee of The Kroger Company and a Member of the Board of Kaufman & Broad Home Corporation. In partnership with Mario Lemieux, he is the majority owner of the Pittsburgh Penguins of the National Hockey League. He also serves as Chairman of the Board of D.A.R.E. (Drug Abuse Resistance Education) America and as Co-Chairman of the Burkle Center for International Relations at UCLA. He founded the Burkle Scholarship Award with the Los Angeles Urban League and is a Trustee of the National Urban League.

Mr. James V. Kimsey, of Arlington, Virginia, is the Founding CEO and Chairman Emeritus of America Online, Inc., Chairman of the AOL Foundation and Chairman of the Kimsey Foundation. He also was appointed by Mayor Anthony A. Williams to Chair the Washington Millennium & Bicentennial Commission, which is sponsoring a series of commemorative events throughout 2000 to focus on the rich history of the nation's capital. Mr. Kimsey serves on a number of boards, including the Children's Scholarship Fund, the Boys & Girls Clubs, and the Vietnam Veterans Memorial Fund, and is Chair of Refugees International and a Board Member of several foreign policy councils and national security organizations. Mr. Kimsey is Chairman of the Board of The Washington Opera and sits on the executive committee of the National Symphony Orchestra. He is also a member of the U.S. Military Academy Board of Visitors and the Board of Directors of Georgetown University. Mr. Kimsey attended Georgetown University and graduated from the U.S. Military Academy at West Point.

Ms. Dorothy Swann McAuliffe, of McLean, Virginia, serves on the boards of several privately held companies in the real estate development area, including the Jefferson National Management Company, Jefferson National Title Insurance Company, and the Columbia Land and Development Corporation. Previously, she was associated with the law firms of Thompson & Mitchell and Heron Burchette Ruckerett & Rothwell. Ms. McAuliffe is also a Member of the Board of the Friends of the Georgetown University Child Development Center. She is a graduate of Georgetown University Law Center.

letsdothis3 ago

World Food Programme and Monsanto: https://www.wfpusa.org/organizations/monsanto-company/

letsdothis3 ago

The 2013 UNICEF Children's Champion Award Dinner - In This Photo: David Lauren, Bill Achtmeyer, Alli Achtmeyer, Bryan Rafanelli, Lauren Bush Lauren, Charlene Engelhard

Related to Ralph Lauren:

Comment by @carmencita https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/3048604/16912578

I decided to look up some info on Sid Sheinberg. He is co-founder of The Children's Action Network. Some Supporters of CAN are: .. Armani, Bulgari, Lucy Dahl (daughter of Roald Dahl) David Geffen Ralph Lauren Stella McCartney Ron & Cheryl Howard Family Found. Saban Family Found. (Haim Saban) Lorraine and Sid Sheinberg Versace Linda Thompson (gf of Elvis and formerly married to Bruce Jenner now Caitlyn)

This is quite a list imo.

I agree. http://childrensactionnetwork.org/supporters.htm

carmencita ago

All I can say after reading these people are a disgusting bunch using Hungry Children as a smokescreen to make bundles of money. Ralph Lauren has gone under the radar but we know if you are an elite you are caught up in the Cabal. I rarely have seen Lauren mentioned now hes been connected.

letsdothis3 ago

Ali Larter

voat post:

You can dig up recently deleted tweets. Heres some of Chrissy Teigen's

John Legend is holding an art dinner where they were commemorating him. 100k to sit at the Elysium table. Marina Ambromavic is at the head of this table. Where there are occult and Illuminati you will always find their high priestess....


Eva Mendes, Kirsten Dunst, James Franco, Elijah Wood, David Arquette, Ali Larter and Hayes MacArthur, Amber Heard, Finola Hughes and Russell Young, Camilla Belle

letsdothis3 ago

Elizabeth Berkley https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elizabeth_Berkley

Elizabeth Berkley (born July 28, 1972)[a][1] is an American actress and reality show personality. Berkley's most notable roles were as Jessie Spano in the television series Saved by the Bell, and as Nomi Malone in the 1995 Paul Verhoeven film Showgirls.

Berkley is an animal rights activist and in 1997, donned a $600 form-fitting gown made entirely of collard greens for the "Lettuce Be Lean" campaign, sponsored by PETA to try to encourage people to embrace vegetarianism.[40] In 2008 and 2009, she was among a number of celebrities included in an online poll by PETA to select the "Sexiest Vegetarian of the Year".

Are those PETA pedo swirls? https://imgur.com/a/zZ2KxPK

On November 1, 2003, Berkley married artist and occasional actor Greg Lauren at the Esperanza Hotel in Cabo San Lucas. Berkley formally changed her name to Elizabeth Berkley Lauren; however, she still uses her maiden name professionally.


Another Sisters of Mercy reference in the film "Showgirls" ...set in Vegas - Vision Thing (a Bush reference) - more occult weirdness

letsdothis3 ago

Twitter thread on relationship between Englelhard and DuPont https://twitter.com/HousatonicITS/status/1104230994973020160


Engelhard Corporation, Incorporated: 1938 as Porocel Corporation

Engelhard Corporation is a leading supplier of catalysts used in the petroleum, chemical, and food industries. An unusually diversified company, Engelhard also produces a variety of industrial products such as paper coating agents, color pigments, temperature sensing devices, and precious metal-coated anodes, as well as materials for consumer goods such as cosmetics and automotive paints. A unifying thread of its many activities is surface and materials science—chemically or mechanically engineering ingredients to give them specific properties. For most of the 20th century, the name Engelhard was been associated with the glamorous, and sometimes notorious, world of precious metals: gold, silver, and those metals in the platinum group. Since pioneering catalytic converters for automobiles in the 1970s, Engelhard has become involved in a very broad range of industries. It has numerous international subsidiaries. A little more than half of the company's sales come from outside the United States.

International Flavors and Fragrances, Lyondell Chemicals https://www. amazon.com/Century-Investors-Guide-Chemical-Companies/dp/1422001571

International Flavors and Fragrances: greening a taste and smell supply chain - https://www.theguardian.com/sustainable-business/international-flavors-fragrances-household-chemicals

International Flavors & Fragrances https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/International_Flavors_%26_Fragrances

International Flavors & Fragrances was formed in 1958 by the merger between Polak & Schwarz (P&S) and van Ameringen-Haebler. Polak & Schwarz was founded in 1889 by Leopold Schwarz, who had an interest in spices, flavors, and fragrances, and his brother-in-law, Joseph Polak in the small Dutch town of Zutphen. P&S quickly grew to 36 sites globally.

Andreas Fibig, CEO

In 2016, IFF joined the Well Living Lab as a Sustaining Alliance Member. The Well Living Lab is a collaboration of the Mayo Clinic and Delos Innovate Well that is seeking to, among other things, study indoor environments and create healthier indoor spaces.[


From 2008 to 2014, Mr Fibig was president and chair of the board of management of Bayer HealthCare Pharmaceuticals, a division of Bayer AG, Germany. Previously, Mr Fibig held several positions of increasing responsibility at Pfizer, Inc., US, including the roles as senior vice president of the US Pharmaceutical Operations from 2007 to 2008; and as president of Latin America, Africa and Middle East from 2003 to 2007. Prior to that, Mr Fibig served as market company president at Pharmacia Corporation in Germany from 2000 to 2003. From 1984 until 1999, Mr Fibig held a series of leadership positions at Boehringer Ingelheim GmbH, Germany.

Mr Fibig became member of the Audit Committee at Novo Nordisk A/S in March 2018. In March 2018, the Board of Directors of Novo Nordisk A/S assessed that Mr Fibig qualifies as independent pursuant to the US Securities Exchange Act.

voat posts re Novo Nordisk:

ICMEC & Inappropriate Associates shows relationship between NN and the Podesta Group

MMR vaccine does not cause autism, another study confirms Primary Funding Source: Novo Nordisk Foundation and Danish Ministry of Health.

"President Rivlin visits Denmark and discusses collaborative research fund: President (((Reuven Rivlin))) visited Denmark this week in and conducted a tour with the Novo Nordisk Foundation, an international fund that supports scientific and humanitarian causes." https://www.jpost.com/Israel-News/President-Rivlin-visits-Denmark-and-discusses-collaborative-research-fund-569136

David Geffin financed a school for kids on the UCLA campus

David Geffen School of Medicine and Haiti: https://www.voat.co/v/pizzagate/2414228/12012594

They are involved with stem cell research too:


The California stem cell agency has hired one of Washington's more influential lobbyists, The Podesta Group, to promote a $10 billion biomedical industry aid package being pushed by CIRM Chairman Robert Klein.

In response to an inquiry, Don Gibbons, CIRM communications chief, today said a contract had been signed with the firm, which was founded by Tony Podesta (see photo) in 1988

In addition to grabbing some cash right now, Podesta said, "Our strategy also positions CIRM to play a major role in shaping longer-term federal policies on biomedical research in general and stem cells in particular."

The firm said it is "the longest-tenured Washington representative of the pioneer biotech companies – Genzyme, Genentech and Amgen." It also represents Novartis Vaccines and Diagnostics and Novo Nordisk. Business Week has labelled The Podesta Group as one of seven "Uber-influencers: The Lobbyists Likely to thrive in the New Washington."

The hiring of the lobbyist has drawn fire from at least one critic, John M. Simpson, stem cell project director of Consumer Watchdog of Santa Monica, Ca., who has called it an unnecessary, costly diversion from CIRM's stem cell research mission in California.


Scientists at the Eli and Edythe Broad Center of Regenerative Medicine and Stem Cell Research at UCLA have been awarded a $12M grant from the California Institute for Regenerative Medicine – also known as CIRM – to initiate a phase 1 clinical trial to test a novel cancer treatment for advanced-stage lung cancer.

“New immunotherapy drugs such as pembrolizumab are effective for approximately 20 percent of lung cancer patients, so new options are needed for combination therapies that improve these results,” said Dubinett, a professor of medicine, chief of the Division of Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine at the UCLA David Geffen School of Medicine and a member of the UCLA Broad Stem Cell Research Center.

Highly relevant comments in this link: Trump tweets about Tony Podesta. Maybe because of his connections with biotech companies like Genentech, the Bertarelli Foundation and their links with the Swiss Guard of the Vatican.


Don't forget the Geffen Playhouse https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/2063874/10201987


which leads to the Wasserman Foundation and Casey Wasserman > Jules Stein Eye Institute > UCLA David Geffen School of Medicine


Lew Wasserman was a Hollywood mogul. His grandson Casey flew on Jeffrey Epstein's Lolita Express : https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1441264/6958363

letsdothis3 ago

Twitter thread on relationship between Englelhard and DuPont https://twitter.com/HousatonicITS/status/1104230994973020160


Engelhard Corporation, Incorporated: 1938 as Porocel Corporation

Engelhard Corporation is a leading supplier of catalysts used in the petroleum, chemical, and food industries. An unusually diversified company, Engelhard also produces a variety of industrial products such as paper coating agents, color pigments, temperature sensing devices, and precious metal-coated anodes, as well as materials for consumer goods such as cosmetics and automotive paints. A unifying thread of its many activities is surface and materials science—chemically or mechanically engineering ingredients to give them specific properties. For most of the 20th century, the name Engelhard was been associated with the glamorous, and sometimes notorious, world of precious metals: gold, silver, and those metals in the platinum group. Since pioneering catalytic converters for automobiles in the 1970s, Engelhard has become involved in a very broad range of industries. It has numerous international subsidiaries. A little more than half of the company's sales come from outside the United States.

International Flavors and Fragrances, Lyondell Chemicals https://www. amazon.com/Century-Investors-Guide-Chemical-Companies/dp/1422001571

International Flavors and Fragrances: greening a taste and smell supply chain - https://www.theguardian.com/sustainable-business/international-flavors-fragrances-household-chemicals

letsdothis3 ago

WIFF WAFF ARRIVES IN THE HEART OF EAST LONDON - https://web.archive.org/web/20171201130532/https://premierconstructionnews.com/2015/12/24/25113/

London’s highly acclaimed social ping pong entertainment concept, Bounce, has opened its doors to its second venue in Shoreditch on 5th October, following the resounding success of its flagship venue in Farringdon.

With the creation of Bounce Shoreditch spanning over two and a half years, the £3.5million project encompassed an investor line-up including PR man Matthew Freud, Zoopla’s Alex Chesterman and Zetter Group’s Mark Sainsbury. Bounce is also due to open its first international venue in Chicago in early 2016, with further planned openings in the US and Asia.

from the post Evidence: Celebrity Freud family quietly invested millions in multiple ping pong and pizza restaurants in London and Chicago by @swordfish69

letsdothis3 ago

Other ping pong stories royal family related:

Harry the court jester: Prince takes on Kiwi kids at scissors, paper, rock and ping pong during a school visit... then splats a photographer on the FOREHEAD with purple paint

There was beer pong at Harry and Meghan’s wedding reception

2015 article : https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3224582/The-historic-news-stories-Queen-1960s.html

The original plan of a solid lump of gold was ruled out because it would be too heavy. ‘The Prince would have been bowed down by the weight,’ said engineer David Mason, who hit on the ping pong idea while watching a table tennis tournament on TV just ten days before the Investiture. He was commissioned to come up with a solution by Lord Snowdon, Princess Margaret’s husband, who organised the ceremony.

Snowdon’s original plan had been for Charles to wear a simple gold band like the actor Laurence Olivier in Henry V, rather than the 3lb coronet designed by the Garter King of Arms he actually wore.

letsdothis3 ago

Coronet of Charles, Prince of Wales - https://ipfs.io/ipfs/QmXoypizjW3WknFiJnKLwHCnL72vedxjQkDDP1mXWo6uco/wiki/Coronet_of_Charles%2C_Prince_of_Wales.html

The Coronet of Charles, Prince of Wales is a small crown that is part of the Honours of Wales. The gold coronet, with diamonds set in platinum, was made for and used by Prince Charles at his investiture as Prince of Wales in 1969. Designed by the artist Louis Osman, the coronet was a gift from the Worshipful Company of Goldsmiths to the prince's mother, Queen Elizabeth II.

In the centre of the arch is a monde (a gold-plated ping-pong ball[5]) engraved with the Prince of Wales's insignia by Malcolm Appleby, surmounted by a plain cross. Orbiting the monde are 13 square diamonds set in platinum arranged as the constellation of Scorpio – the Prince of Wales's star sign. Within the 24-carat textured gold base is a purple velvet cap lined with ermine. The gold was mined in the Mawddach Valley in Merionethshire. It was the last Welsh gold held in stock by Johnson Matthey. Around the base are four crosses and four abstract fleurs-de-lis in 22-carat gold sparsely decorated with diamonds and emeralds.

Johnson Matthey https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Johnson_Matthey


The Board of Directors of Johnson Matthey Plc is pleased to announce that Patrick Thomas will succeed Tim Stevenson as Chairman.


Mr Stevenson, a father of three daughters who is also the Lord Lieutenant of Oxfordshire, brings decades of experience of British industry to JM. This includes 25 years at the lubricants and chemicals group Burmah Castrol, where Mr Stevenson, a qualified barrister, began life in the legal department and where his numerous foreign travels included the Mercedes incident. He eventually became chief executive, a post he held for two years before a £3 billion takeover by BP in 2000.

BP https://www.sourcewatch.org/index.php/BP

BP (formerly known as "British Petroleum") is a global oil, gas and chemical company headquartered in Britain and responsible for the largest environmental disaster ever in the United States, the April 20, 2010, blowout of its Deepwater Horizon oil well in the Gulf of Mexico (discussed in more detail below). The company owns numerous refineries and chemical manufacturing plants around the world. [1] BP is the United Kingdom's largest corporation. Its global headquarters are in London, and its U.S. headquarters are in Houston, Texas. Its major brands include BP, AmPm, ARCO, and Castrol. The company reported in 2012 that natural gas makes up more than half of BP's energy production, making us the largest producer and supplier in the U.S

BP has several powerful lobbying connections.[38] They are currently working with the Brunswick Group in response to the 2010 oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico. Brunswick's Washington, D.C. office includes Hilary Rosen, former Democratic congressional aide; Anthony Coley and David Sutphen, both former aides to the late Senator Edward Kennedy; and Michele Davis, former Treasury Department officer under former president George W. Bush and a GOP congressional aide.[39]

BP also employs the Podesta Group, led by Anthony Podesta.[40] Podesta's brother is John Podesta, former president Bill Clinton's Chief of Staff.

letsdothis3 ago

This is getting crazy.. David Sutphen

With nearly twenty years of experience at the intersection of private industry, government and the social sector, Sutphen joined 2U, Inc. -- the world's leading education technology company -- in 2017. In his role as Chief Strategy and Engagement Officer, Sutphen leads 2U's communications and brand functions, as well as the company's social impact, strategic partnerships, and business development efforts. As a member of the senior leadership team, Sutphen reports directly to the CEO.

Beyond his work at 2U, Sutphen sits on the Board of Trustees of Amherst College, his alma mater, as well as the Boards of GetSchooled, CityBridgeEducation and the US Soccer Foundation -- the official charity of US Soccer.

voat related post on 2U inc :

Real Estate Companies and Agendas 2021 and 2030. A Gender for TRANSformation

Here's a Little Sis networking map for Ms Rudin DeWoody : Interlocks between NYPD, New York City Police Foundation, PAL, and Big Business Interests

The New Hot Spot for NYC Office Space: Brooklyn https://www.wsj.com/articles/the-new-hot-spot-for-nyc-office-space-brooklyn-1486925530

Like many expanding technology companies in New York, 2U Inc. had been on a hunt for office space in a neighborhood setting surrounded by like-minded businesses. It finally found its spot—not in the usual tech precincts of Manhattan, but over the bridge in Brooklyn’s Dumbo area.

The education-technology company this week is expected to sign a lease for almost 80,000 square feet on the upper floors of 55 Prospect St., a building that is part of a 1.2 million-square-foot redevelopment of former industrial buildings called Dumbo Heights. In December, 2U will vacate its 20,000 square feet of space at Chelsea Piers and make the move.

The Dumbo area, in particular, has pulled a number of tenants from Manhattan’s hot Midtown South neighborhoods. In 2016, advertising agency 72andSunny signed a lease to move from about 13,000 square feet at 30 Cooper Square in Manhattan to 63,000 square feet in the 19th-century warehouse complex called Empire Stores on the Dumbo waterfront. Media firms Laundry Service and Cycle also have signed deals to relocate to Empire Stores this year from 40 W. 25th St. in Manhattan.

Developers say they are expecting an uptick in interest and leasing as the projects get closer to completion. Dock 72, a Brooklyn Navy Yard project anchored by co-working space giant WeWork Cos., will be ready for tenants to build out spaces in 2017. The developers behind it, Rudin Development and Boston Properties Inc., are expecting activity to pick up this spring.

Ties to the Huawei case... links then to Stanford Hotel.. 27club... etc...

letsdothis3 ago

(2015 article) Brunswick Group Promotes 14 New Partners https://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/brunswick-group-promotes-14-new-partners-300051725.html

Brian Buckley, London

Brian is a member of the financial institutions group, advising clients on a range of financial communication and reputational matters, including M&A, capital markets transactions, investor activism, restructuring and international profile-raising. He has advised global companies including BNP Paribas, Intercontinental Exchange and Christie's International.

Charlie Potter, London

Charlie joined Brunswick from his practice as a barrister at Blackstone Chambers, where he specialized in administrative, commercial and regulatory law. Before going to the Bar, Charlie spent four years at the BBC, including as a producer at the flagship television current affairs program 'Newsnight'.

Erik Hotmire, Washington, D.C.

Erik advises financial institutions and corporations on crisis, litigation, corporate reputation and regulatory matters with a focus on strategic counsel, media handling and public affairs.

Prior to joining Brunswick, Erik served as Senior Advisor to the Chairman of the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, Special Assistant to the President and White House spokesman, Director at public affairs firm Clark & Weinstock, and U.S. Senate Communications Director. He began his career as a radio and television journalist.

Jeff Sindone at MerchantCantos, New York

Jeff is Partner for MerchantCantos in New York, Brunswick's creative communications agency. He helps global companies and organizations address complex multi-media communications and business challenges.

Previously, Jeff was President of Forum Media, the multimedia division of Forum Strategies & Communications. Jeff began his career in broadcast news with Fox News and has also worked for Medialink Worldwide.

Justin Dini, New York

Prior to Brunswick, he worked as a speechwriter for former New York City Comptroller William C. Thompson. Justin spent nearly a decade as a business and financial journalist. His work has appeared in The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, Institutional Investor, TheStreet.com, The New York Observer, and Adweek.

Linus Turner, Brussels

Before joining Brunswick, Linus worked at other leading communications firms in London and Brussels, as well as at a UK think tank, and has been active in British political and issues campaigns.

Stuart Hudson, London

Previously, Stuart served as a Special Adviser at 10 Downing Street and has worked on a wide range of local and national political campaigns. He has also served as Head of Government Affairs at Ofgem. He trained in competition policy at the Office of Fair Trading and worked on several high profile anti-trust investigations in the energy sector.

Interesting - Linus Turner retweeted https://twitter.com/BrunswickGroup/status/913331360416374784

Ambassador Anthony Gardner joins Brunswick Group

Voat posts re Anthony Luzzatto Gardner

The Luzzattos -People of interest - Ann Luzzatto, Tamera Luzzatto & Anthony Luzzatto Gardner

The ICMEC, the Belgian Connection and the Dutroux Scandal- Hiding in Plain Sight - Part 3 by @ShockDoctrine101

Anthony Luzzatto Gardner – EC Ambassador (in Belgium) • Howard Gutman – Top-tier DNC Bundler, US Ambassador to Belgium 2009-2013, Allegations of soliciting sex from minors as Ambassador (See - https://steemit.com/pizzagate/@v4vapid/clinton-state-department-cover-up-of-pedophilia))

letsdothis3 ago

Brunswick Group http://www.brunswickgroup.com/alan-parker-i1453/

Sir Alan Parker is Chairman of Brunswick, which he founded in 1987. Alan has worked on a wide range of assignments, acts as senior consultant on many of the firm’s retained accounts and takes an active role in special project work. Alan has established a number of group companies to Brunswick, including MerchantCantos, an integrated creative communications agency, and Brunswick Arts, the leading public relations agency for arts and cultural institutions.

From January 2016 to April 2018, Alan was Chair of Save the Children International, the umbrella organisation for the Save the Children movement. He was previously Chair of Save the Children UK from 2008 to 2015. He is also Chairman of HRH The Duke of Edinburgh’s Commonwealth Study Conferences. He was the founder and Vice-Chairman of China Now, a nationwide festival in the UK in 2008 celebrating Chinese arts and culture designed to strengthen understanding and relationships between the UK and China, and was also Chairman of the reciprocal event, UK Now, held in China in 2012.

Alan was knighted in 2014 for services to business, charitable giving and philanthropy

Knighted? Of course he was... voat posts >>

The truth is coming out: Four Major Charities Rocked by Epidemic of Sex Abuse... by @kestrel9

http://archive.is/DzIUY Four Major Charities Rocked by Epidemic of Sex Abuse, Including Crimes Against Children

A staggering 22 aid organizations signed a letter which apologized for what has unraveled as a massive failure to deal with abuse in the sector. ActionAid UK, Christian Aid, Cafod, Care International UK, and Voluntary Service Overseas, as well as Oxfam, Save the Children and others were among those named

... Kevin Watkins, chief executive of Save the Children UK, told MPs that a total of 19 staff are believed to have been dismissed. A further 11 are believed to have been dismissed by Save the Children International. Watkins blamed “predatory men” who seek out work in the charity sector to be able to get to vulnerable people. Staff are also calling for the removal of Sir Alan Parker as the charity’s international chairman.

letsdothis3 ago

Hilary Rosen https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hilary_Rosen

Rosen met Elizabeth Birch in 1994. Birch was a lawyer for Apple Inc. and later became the executive director of the Human Rights Campaign.[2] The couple adopted girl boy twins Anna and Jake from Texas in 1999.[14][50] They received some criticism from conservative groups who opposed LGBT adoption.[2] Rosen and Birch separated in 2006.[4][6]

Rosen has lived in Washington, D.C. since her studies at George Washington University.[4] She is well-connected and has been called a "Washington insider".[4][6] Al Gore and Greta van Susteren were among guests who attended her fiftieth birthday celebration.[6]

In addition to being a Democratic strategist, Rosen has described herself as a "strong, progressive Democrat".[2][40] She has been a longtime supporter of the Democratic Party and has hosted fundraisers for candidates, including Senator Barbara Boxer (D-CA).[8] She has also been a longtime supporter of Hillary Clinton.

voat posts:

Rockefeller's, Tamera Luzzatto, Podesta and Clinton links


SKDKnickerbocker is a progressive public affairs and political consulting firm that specializes in working for Democratic Party politicians. It has offices in Washington, DC, New York City, Los Angeles, CA, and Albany, New York.[1] The firm employs notable figures like former Obama White House Communications Director Anita Dunn, Bill Burton, and Hilary Rosen.

The firm's current and former public affairs clients include the Rockefeller Foundation, AT&T, Facebook, Girls Who Code, NoVo Foundation, the Human Rights Campaign, the Center for Reproductive Rights, the New American Leaders Project, and the Obama Presidential Library.


Conservative website National Review Online noted that Rosen's name appears frequently on the White House visitor log.[12] However, the firm does not meet the standard, legal definition of lobbying[13] and is not registered to lobby the federal government.

This post submitted 2.2 years ago : NEW EVIDENCE AND ANALYSIS: Terry Bean linked to pedophilia, CP, blackmail, and child advocacy NPOs

Two years after the pedo-threesome, the case against Bean is dropped.

It is very telling that Lori Deveney, the attorney for the 15 year old victim, is not at all on the side of the prosecution:... Bean hired […] public relations strategist Hilary Rosen. Rosen works for SKDKnickerbocker, a firm that includes Anita Dunn, Obama's former communications director.

Hilary Rosen and Bean's attorneys construct the narrative that Bean is the victim of an extortion ring. Oh the IRONY!

However, article from YESTERDAY: New Civil Lawsuit Filed Against Terry Bean in Multnomah County Circuit Court

The complainant appears to be the alleged victim in the criminal case against Bean in Lane County.

letsdothis3 ago

Patent for gold electroplating https://patents.google.com/patent/US4207149

Application filed by Engelhard Minerals and Chemicals Corp

Inventor David R. MasonAlan BlairJohn S. Stevenson

Current Assignee BASF Catalysts LLC Engelhard Minerals and Chemicals Corp

pdf document: THE ELECTROFORMING OF GOLD AND ITS ALLOYS - https://link.springer.com/content/pdf/10.1007/BF03214663.pdf

letsdothis3 ago

The Charles Engelhard Foundation https://www.activistfacts.com/foundation/70-CharlesEngelhardFoundation/

Donations include $974,000 to Natural Resources Defense Council in 2000

https://www.activistfacts.com/organizations/19-natural-resources-defense-council/ ::::

The Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC) is one of the largest and most well-funded environmental activist organizations in the United States. The organization was founded in 1970 with a $400,000 grant from the liberal Ford Foundation.

The NRDC conducts knee-jerk advocacy and creates scare campaigns on a wide array of environmentalist issues, including ending affordable energy, pushing a “guilty until proven innocent” chemical policy that goes against science, and opposing resource development.

Hedge-fund billionaire and environmental activist Tom Steyer, who could be called the next Al Gore, backs an anti-fossil fuel organization called the Energy Foundation, which has given millions to NRDC. Ironically enough, researchers have uncovered that Steyer’s hedge fund “minted a lot of money off oil and gas investments, among other environmentally destructive business ventures.” A profile of environmental groups profiting from the very oil and gas companies they fundamentally oppose by the progressive magazine The Nation confirmed that “NRDC still holds stocks in mutual funds and mixed assets that do not screen for fossil fuels.”

The NRDC also received more than $1.7 million in 2011 from the SeaChange Foundation—a foundation with dubious funders. An exposé by the Washington Free Beacon uncovered that Klein Ltd., a company incorporated in Bermuda that exists solely on paper, donated at least $10 million to the SeaChange Foundation. SeaChange then funnels that shadowy money to a number of progressive organizations.

NRDC has received similarly hidden contributions through other “donor-advised” funds, criticized by some watchdogs as “dark money.” The Schwab Charitable Fund, a donor-advised fund that donors to other left-environmentalist groups have used to obscure their identities, funneled at least $4.7 million in NRDC donations since 2008.

NRDC also receives considerable funding from more traditional liberal foundations. The George Soros-backed Open Society Institute and Foundation to Support Open Society gave NRDC over $2.2 million since 2008. The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation, one of the largest left-environmentalist foundations in the country, has provided NRDC with over $4.7 million over that same period.

Voat posts re Tom Steyer:

Tom Steyer, The Man Behind The $20 Million Dollar Trump Impeachment Ad Campaign, Emailing Podesta About "Walnut Sauce". Calls Podesta "True Master Of Cuisine".


Tom Steyer's brother is James (Jim) Steyer: CEO and Founder Common Sense Media, National Children's Policy Expert and Media Entrepreneur

with lots of connections to the Clintons https://www.politico.com/story/2014/02/billionaire-jim-steyer-tom-steyer-education-103890

His Common Sense Media organisation works in partnership with Salesforce.org - which I think is a CIA organisation

And they are closely connected to the whole Polaris, NCMEC child tracking system : The Polaris Project: Technologies and Statistics by State..

letsdothis3 ago

Voat post re Schwab Charitable Trust:

https://voat.co/v/Worldnews/2913272 , comment by @thewebofslime

fake soros sponsored "yellow vest" protests in israel. A dig... Seems legit right? That is until we dig deeper to see what organizations funded and organized all this. The whole thing was organized by the ceo of "the new alliance" organization which is funded by the "Tides" San Francisco progressive fund:...

Now who are the chief donors to this "Tides fund"? Jonathan Soros (son of…) and the progressive "Ford Foundation":.. Novo Foundation...The Schwab Charitable Fund ($1,070,842)..

These people want to finish what hussein tried to do with US tax money in the 2015 israeli elecrtions. They want to crown the israeli globalist deep state with the crown of lefitimate power once again. And most of all they want to keep the normie israeli asleep. So they use the yellow vest movement cynically to achieve their goal. Luckily, only about 50 people came to this fake protest, most of them being progressive political activists and professional paid protestors. People are waking up.

"The more we know…"

List of voat posts re Tides Foundation here

letsdothis3 ago

The Charles Engelhard Foundation https://www.activistfacts.com/foundation/70-CharlesEngelhardFoundation/

Donations include $974,000 to Natural Resources Defense Council in 2000

https://www.activistfacts.com/organizations/19-natural-resources-defense-council/ ::::

The Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC) is one of the largest and most well-funded environmental activist organizations in the United States. The organization was founded in 1970 with a $400,000 grant from the liberal Ford Foundation.

The NRDC conducts knee-jerk advocacy and creates scare campaigns on a wide array of environmentalist issues, including ending affordable energy, pushing a “guilty until proven innocent” chemical policy that goes against science, and opposing resource development.

Hedge-fund billionaire and environmental activist Tom Steyer, who could be called the next Al Gore, backs an anti-fossil fuel organization called the Energy Foundation, which has given millions to NRDC. Ironically enough, researchers have uncovered that Steyer’s hedge fund “minted a lot of money off oil and gas investments, among other environmentally destructive business ventures.” A profile of environmental groups profiting from the very oil and gas companies they fundamentally oppose by the progressive magazine The Nation confirmed that “NRDC still holds stocks in mutual funds and mixed assets that do not screen for fossil fuels.”

The NRDC also received more than $1.7 million in 2011 from the SeaChange Foundation—a foundation with dubious funders. An exposé by the Washington Free Beacon uncovered that Klein Ltd., a company incorporated in Bermuda that exists solely on paper, donated at least $10 million to the SeaChange Foundation. SeaChange then funnels that shadowy money to a number of progressive organizations.

NRDC has received similarly hidden contributions through other “donor-advised” funds, criticized by some watchdogs as “dark money.” The Schwab Charitable Fund, a donor-advised fund that donors to other left-environmentalist groups have used to obscure their identities, funneled at least $4.7 million in NRDC donations since 2008.

NRDC also receives considerable funding from more traditional liberal foundations. The George Soros-backed Open Society Institute and Foundation to Support Open Society gave NRDC over $2.2 million since 2008. The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation, one of the largest left-environmentalist foundations in the country, has provided NRDC with over $4.7 million over that same period.

letsdothis3 ago

Mr Mason was just 28 when he received a call in March 1969 from Mr Osman at his office at Engelhard Industries in Cinderford, then the world's largest refiner of precious metals.


Engelhard Corporation is a former American Fortune 500 company headquartered in Iselin, New Jersey, USA. It is credited with developing the first production catalytic converter. In 2006, the German chemical manufacturer BASF bought Engelhard for $US5 billion (5,000,000,000).

The company was started by Charles W. Engelhard, Sr. in 1902[1] when he purchased the Charles F. Croselmire Company in Newark, New Jersey. He subsequently founded the American Platinum Works in 1903 and acquired several other companies. In 1904, he purchased Baker & Co., a platinum smelting and refining business located in Newark and in 1905, he established Hanovia Chemical and Manufacturing Company also in Newark.

Goldfinger on Forty-Fourth Street http://www.ivy-style.com/goldfinger-on-forty-fourth-street.html

Yesterday saw the passing of of Oscar de La Renta, who happens to be connected to the subject of the column I was working on. His widow Annette is daughter of the late Charles Engelhard, Jr., who established the gold standard of elegance at J. Press.

The 1964 James Bond movie “Goldfinger,” adapted from Ian Fleming’s spy thriller of the same name, brought Engelhard unwanted celebrity. A man for all seasons, Fleming was author, journalist and a former British investigator in World War II. He was also a longtime Engelhard pal familiar with Engelhard’s intricate mineral and financial machinations, and modeled arch-fiend Auric Goldfinger on Mr. Engelhard.

Naming the Engelhard Library at the JFK School of Public Affairs failed to amuse the Harvard Crimson, which alleged that Engelhard’s Goldfinger-like machinations had beat restrictions on the export of newly mined gold by manufacturing solid gold art items, such as pulpit tops, dishe and bracelets. Once legally exported, they could be melted down into bullion again. London tabloids one-upped The Crimson, disclosing that Engelhard partied in an orange Goldfinger sweatshirt and called the stewardess of his private plane Pussy Galore.

When her husband died March 17, 1971 at their house in Boca Grande, Mrs. Engelhard called to tell me she would be honored, if Felix, my Uncle Irving, and I would be her guests at the funeral. Irving was traveling in Europe, but we were seated in the pews of St. Mary’s Abbey Church in Morris Township, New Jersey, alongside former President Lyndon Johnson, former Vice President Hubert Humphrey, Senator Ted Kennedy, and Senate Majority Leader Mike Mansfield.

Images of Princess Margaret, Patron of the NSPCC, with Oscar de la Renta : here

Voat posts re Oscar de la Renta:

COINCIDENCE? Clinton emails- Laura Silsby- Haiti- child trafficking- Dominican Republic- Oscar de la Renta- D. R. orphanage- Clintons and MORE! by @septimasexta

From New York High Society to riots in Haiti - Podesta Group - Jet Blue and Spirit Airlines- and accusations of human trafficking

comment by @carmencita https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/2932236/15746367

On 26 July 2006, Annette de la Renta was appointed temporary guardian of the 104-year-old Brooke Astor, a long-time friend, in the wake of elder abuse allegations being made against Astor's son, Anthony Dryden Marshall.[citation needed] On 13 October 2006, de la Renta became permanent guardian.[citation needed] On 20 October 2014, her husband, Oscar de la Renta, died of cancer, at age 82.[12]

De la Renta serves on the boards of the Metropolitan Museum, the New York Public Library, the Morgan Library, the Animal Medical Center, and the Engelhard Foundation. She also served on the board of directors of ROCKEFELLER UNIVERSITY for 25 years, and now serves as a trustee emeritus

She and her husband had a close relationship with Bill and Hillary Clinton and a couple of other names listed.The Kissingers, Charlie Rose and Barbara Walters

Posts re BASF:


Mr. Gerry P. Podesta has been Senior Vice President of Dispersions and Pigments Business, North America at BASF Corporation and BASF SE since November 1, 2014.

This is BASF's website. They're a chemical company based out of Germany. I wonder if they had similar beginnings as IG Farben/Bayer: https://www.basf.com/us/en.html

In 1925, BASF merged with Bayer, Hoechst and three other companies to form I.G. Farbenindustrie AG. Between 1933 and 1945, I.G. Farben played a central role in the Nazi economy


It just gets weirder and weirder but these folks are all 1) tied together in their hideous crimes 2) because what they have done is so bad, none can out the others so there is high trust 3) they all take orders from above government..we have found illuminati references which lead to families like the Rothchilds and the Rockerfeller's and have also found CIA/MI6/Business management 4) they are all tied either directly or indirectly with old nazi ideas 5) they are all tied either directly or indirectly to IGFarben companies including Monsanto, Bayer, BASF, and subs 6) we have been living in a deeply controlled environment and these folks have tried to influence our spiritual development and have basically abused us 7) they use and abuse others for their own personal gain..this includes children, taking slaves, destroying people, certainly killing people 8) the end game appears to be to create a new world order or one world government where they were in charge..and it appears this WILL NOT happen now..

[Sidenote: Book mentioning Engelherd as Goldfinger and Q which was most probably an MI6 inspired Q-Branch.. just sayin.. For Your Eyes Only: Ian Fleming and James Bond]

carmencita ago

Absolutely amazing. Thank you for that rundown. My favorite is this: and it appears this WILL NOT happen now. Hopefully this is correct. I hear more and more of their lies now than ever before, even on MSM and the news. They are having to fight harder now since we are reaching the masses. We have to fight to reach Our Children though, for those are they ones they have been brainwashing through social media and movies, etc. They are our future and those are the ones we must save.

letsdothis3 ago

heck out the top new article which followed shortly after: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-6773445/Police-called-London-City-Airport-Waterloo-station-suspicious-packages.html

Hearts within hearts postage: https://imgur.com/a/2oaJ89v

Documenting for future dissemination.

letsdothis3 ago

Urban dictionary: wiff waff https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Wiff%20Waff

Wiff Waff is about a 300 year old name for "ping pong" they used a wine bottle cork and called it wiff waff because of the sound it made. they also used cigar box lids for paddles...