fogdryer ago

in relation to racine wi. I looking for the llcs with the names of a raince lakes. Found a few, including Lake capital management llc.

im just starting so.......

millennial_vulcan ago

What a rad post. Taken me several days to read through it all! Just wanted to say for sure wineries are washing machines for the elite. Look no further than this group of sketch balls LOL


”Russians are major investors in French vineyards, but it’s the Chinese who have made headlines with their rapid acquisition of Bordeaux châteaus over the past three years. Bordeaux’s Chamber of Commerce and Industry (CCIB) has a desk devoted to helping Chinese investors in the region, but denied any firsthand knowledge of money laundering. “We are just intermediaries. There are intelligence services that follow these transactions very closely,” said Emmanuelle Fragnaud, project manager for the Chinese market at the CCIB.”

”As the exclusive partner for Christie’s vineyard real-estate division for Chinese investors in the southwest of France, Maxwell has plenty of contact with prospective Chinese owners. She’s never had a Chinese investor arrive with a suitcase of cash, but admits their clients have been carefully vetted. “Of course we don’t know how they earned their money.”

“Of course we don’t know how they earned their money” DOUBLE LOL!!

Wasn’t there a popular show from like 40 years back about shady types at a California winery. Wanna say Reagan’s ex wife (TRIPLE LOL, can’t make this shit up!) was in it.

Thanks again Vindi! <3

@carmencita @Blacksmith21 @fogdryer

fogdryer ago

Maynard Keenan has a winery in Az. Self proclaimed pedophile Tool is his band.

Maynard James Keenan, born James Herbert Keenan, is an American singer, songwriter, musician, record producer, actor, martial artist, and winemaker.

millennial_vulcan ago

Interesting, thanks! Of course D Barrymore has a winery too. Wonder What demons she’s hidden there.

Vindicator ago


toutedesuite ago

Wow. This dig on Hunter’s tats — reminds me of a certain 17th letter telling us ‘Their symbols will be their downfall.’. Praying this is another nail in their coffin....

Vindicator ago

Thanks for posting that. It's quite a tale. I wonder why no one posted that here last summer?

This really deserves it's own submission.

Here are the original sources, for future research:

The fact that the only two people this guy really dishes on are Roger Stone and Cole Romney, and he dropped this to /x/ the day before Maxwell's arrest, makes me think this is disinfo similar to the Shareblue "hacked Comet pizza menu" offering a "Haitian Special" we saw pushed here shortly after Trebillion reported the Comet server to DC Police and the FBI. Particularly since he didn't actually see Stone, but a "big man wearing a bull's head mask, with a Nixon back tattoo" which he later Googled and conveniently found dozens of MSM features on Roger Stone. Classic example of persuasion by confirmation bias.

Do we have any corroborating evidence that Stone traveled to Little St. James? Is he in the flight manifests?

I also found it rather unbelievable that he remembered the EXACT gps coordinates of where he delivered Cole Romney's dead woman years ago. Riiiiiight.

And then there's the fact that he began his tale with "I trust 4chan to do this because of our history of releasing legit info in the face of mass media coverup."

"Our" history? Epstein's driver is a 4chan anon? LMAO That is a really lame attempt to dupe anons with flattery. ES used that tactic here on a daily basis.

Isn't it interesting that the press covered the "Driver's" allegations about Stone, but not about Cole Romney, who he claims killed and disappeared multiple young women?

And isn't it interesting this whole revelation got so little traction?

millennial_vulcan ago

Ill get in there and hit this back, Vindi.

Vindicator ago

Did a bit more digging on "Cole Romney". This looks like disinfo as well, as there is no record of such an individual related to Mitt, as is implied.

Here's a Reddit thread on it:

The guy they thought fit the description:

toutedesuite ago

Your work is meticulous.

Vindicator ago

Only my copypasting. Other anons did the actual digging work. I just wanted to make sure we archived it here.

sAVAgeBeastN ago

Great Post, Thank you..

flyingcuttlefish ago

archive -

Mind Control Missile Murder Madness has a post -

Vindicator ago

Thanks, FC. Can you add a space after the hyphen so the archive url is a hot link?

Interesting blog post. Hard to believe someone is entertaining the idea that Hunter is Q in the comments. o_0

flyingcuttlefish ago

I hope this link work - here it is again ....

Vindicator ago


flyingcuttlefish ago

it has a better graphic. Twitter is blocking the images in tweets on the topic.

Ponycam ago

Wine barrels are large enough to hold a child or two.

millennial_vulcan ago

Children ..organs ..methamphetamine ..semi automatics ...take your pick!

SwansRonson ago

This guy asks the exact question I had when reading through the thread.

Vindicator ago

Keuka Lake is one of the Finger Lakes. He was looking up all the LLCs named after the Finger Lakes and x-refing them.

I would say this is a preliminary dig and it needs more eyeballs and diggers.

SwansRonson ago

Thanks for explaining the link. Interesting to see where this leads.

volunteerwork2020 ago

Also NXIVM was based in Albany which is roughly 3 hours away from the region.

Roughpatch ago


millennial_vulcan ago

Wow is right!

theoldonez ago

hashed out last year by researchers is their drone company partner diplomatic pouches via drone

Vindicator ago

Gee...what could go wrong? o_0

1Paydaddy ago

Pulitzer Prize Dig!

millennial_vulcan ago

God’s work.

carmencita ago

Diplomat Freight Hmm

Diplomats can ship to avoid us Customs in a Diplomat Pouch. Pouch can be stretched to be a box a duffel bag crate or shipping container. Bingo. Shipping Containers.

millennial_vulcan ago


Gorillion ago

Diplomat Freight. Hmmmm...diplomats can ship items in a Diplomat Pouch to avoid screening by Customs. This includes shipping containers - you know, big enough to hold people or missiles or whatevs.

Whoever let this be a thing needs to be executed.

Roughpatch ago

Mitch M. Wife family owns ships.

Vindicator ago

I agree. This shit needs to stop.

jthun2 ago

the people who have the power to investigate it are the same ones who let it be a thing

carmencita ago

Diplomat Freight Hmm.
Yes Diplomats can ship in Diplomat pouch to avoid Customs. Also pouch can be stretched to mean box duffel bag crate or even shipping container. Bingo.

Vindicator ago


Threadreaderapp is a great convenience, but it doesn't work once the tweets have been scrubbed.

theoldonez ago

archive it

IShallNotFear ago

someone else did it but here it is

derram ago : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : :

This has been an automated message.

lightmeup77 ago

Bloody hell. Thats one hell of a lot of work.



Vindicator ago

The bot that makes Voat great :-)

Gary1954 ago

Hunter keeps a ferocious schedule. All that sex, drugs and flying all over the place. How does he find time to do any work for Burisma? Oh that's right, he does not actually do any work for anyone. He just picks up the loot for Pop.

FingerLakes ago

What is the significance of the changes and reporting dates?

The reason is for their required filings and Biennial Reports.

What is the University near Finger Lakes that is a key part of the bigger Agenda?

Cornell University

Cornell, NXIVM, Knights of Pythias and Knights of Malta, Pilgrims Society, Atlantic Council, Trilateral Commission, Council on Foreign Relations, Club of Rome and other groups involved are all connected to the same “Root” and model for the Agenda -

Racine, Wisconsin

Why do they need to control port cities both on the coasts and the interior?

What did Racine implement beginning yesterday and why did the special Weill Cornell and Mason Lab COVID experiment suddenly shut down?

Why is Wisconsin a major national hotspot for COVID? What happened before the April primary? Why did Nancy Pelosi say “No pressure, it’s all riding on Wisconsin, no pressure”?

The Truth has been shared since The Beginning.

ababcb ago

Why is Wisconsin a major national hotspot for COVID? What happened before the April primary?

Covid-19 did not begin in China as the media would have you believe, it began as early as October 2019, possibly even April 2019 in Wisconsin and Illinois, and it was covered up as E-cigarette deaths.

"COVID-19: Further Evidence that the Virus Originated in the US"

As readers will recall from the earlier article (above), Japanese and Taiwanese epidemiologists and pharmacologists have determined that the new coronavirus could have originated in the US since that country is the only one known to have all five types – from which all others must have descended.

Wuhan in China has only one of those types, rendering it in analogy as a kind of “branch” which cannot exist by itself but must have grown from a “tree”.

The Taiwanese physician noted that in August of 2019 the US had a flurry of lung pneumonias or similar, which the Americans blamed on ‘vaping’ from e-cigarettes, but which, according to the scientist, the symptoms and conditions could not be explained by e-cigarettes.

He said he wrote to the US officials telling them he suspected those deaths were likely due to the coronavirus. He claims his warnings were ignored.

Cases involved in the outbreak of severe lung illness associated with vaping products were first identified in Illinois and Wisconsin in April 2019.–2020_vaping_lung_illness_outbreak

Some of the earliest deaths were in Racine

Q20191776 ago

"Like a vacuum cleaner. "

75usmc79 ago

Now I know who CORN POP is.

LasVegasDude ago

Thanks for the links, Anon!

Vindicator ago

My pleasure. My hands are about to fall off, what with all the copypasting. Worth it for the derram archives, though. I don't think this account will last long on Twitter.

millennial_vulcan ago

It’s still there Vindi.

Vindicator ago

That's really surprising! New York Post got suspended for reporting on it. Maybe that account is too small to catch Twitter's attention. :-)

jangles ago

Pulitzer prize like effort!
@Vindicator doing heavy lifting reminds me of the early days!

Vindicator ago

Hey there, jangles! Good to see ya

I think all of our early-days work is really starting to bear fruit. Amazing times!

jangles ago

had to finish a masters degree :) also appreciate seeing work from the early days getting light! Happy thanksgiving!

Vindicator ago

Hey congrats, jangles! That's hard work. Plus, you've got to deal with the arrogant liberal fools in academia. Eeeew. Good for you for such a challenging undertaking.

Happy Thanksgiving to you, too!

toutedesuite ago

I feel ancient.

Vindicator ago

How come?

toutedesuite ago

Have been here so long following the excelkent work done by you and others! I remember being brand new and quite overwhelmed/intimidated by the voat pros and the shills — and the chalkenges involved in discerning who was who. Seems like recently, yet now I am a long term lurker and see so many fresh young questioning viaters!

Awokcanuck ago

Great post. If only LT. Columbo were around they'd be confessing by now.

Intlrnt2 ago

Thanks for taking the time to dig, organize, summarize, and format for easy access.

It will be great if something substantive comes from your work, but even if not, your work alone distinguishes you as a solid MVP.

Vindicator ago

Nah...all I did was copy it here. It was another anon who did the digging. :-)

Blacksmith21 ago

Nice work!

Vindicator ago

Not my research, but I knew it was good when I saw it. Kicked myself in the ass for not thinking of looking up LLC's with the names of the lakes in his tat. Obvious! I must be getting old, LOL.

GetWoke ago

Oh man, there’s a lot here

ColdSteam ago

Yup - wow

SearchVoatBot ago

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