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MercurysBall2 ago

Euan Rellie >> Happy Socks >> Palamon Capital Partners >> Louis Goodman Elson: Personal Network : Johannes Peter Huth -The Education Endowment Foundation

The Education Endowment Foundation (EEF) is an independent charity established in 2011 to improve the educational attainment of the poorest pupils in English schools..The Education Endowment Foundation (EEF) was founded in 2011 by lead charity The Sutton Trust, in partnership with Impetus Trust (now part of Impetus–Private Equity Foundation), with a £125 million founding grant from the Department for Education..

The EEF was initiated in November 2010, when the Secretary of State for Education, Michael Gove, announced plans to establish an education endowment foundation intended to help raise standards in challenging schools, inspired by the Obama administration's Race to the Top initiative in the USA

The EEF was formally launched in July 2011, with Chairman Sir Peter Lampl declaring its aim would be to ‘develop initiatives to raise the attainment of the poorest pupils in the most challenging schools’.[7] The EEF took over from the Sutton Trust the development of the Teaching and Learning Toolkit, and Sir Kevan Collins, former Chief Executive of the London Borough of Tower Hamlets, was appointed the EEF's first chief executive.

In October 2019, it was announced that Professor Becky Francis would replace Sir Kevan Collins as chief executive of the EEF

Before joining the EEF, she was Director of the UCL Institute of Education at University College London

Sutton Trust posts:

James Sainsbury has been chair of trustees of Home-Start UK since 2000. Affiliations include: Chair, Resurgence Trustee, Headley Trust [1] Trustee, Tedworth Charitable Trust [2] Director, Sutton Trust

Google linked to the Podesta Group -

The direct connections between the US and UK pizzagates are Tony Podesta, ARK, Execution Charitable Trust and Will Draper from the Hampstead case.. ARK is a network of schools and associated programs linked to London's moneyed elite and 'psychological operations' cohort known loosely as Tavistock...

..Isn't Christchurch the location of the Hampstead Cover up in the U.K. Where the children were satanically ritually abused by their father Ricky Dearman. The place Aaron Dover was exposing because it was linked into a massive fraud and trauma mind control using Satanic Ritual Abuse. Aaron Dover unfortunately "died" today. His mother J. Dover worked for the Tavistock Institute.

Sutton Trust Evaluation Project (STEP): Phase 3, An Evaluation of PEEP Provision for “excluded” families: Room to Play by Maria Evangelou, Kate Coxon and Kathy Sylva University of Oxford Department of Education [pdf]

That link is broken now.

Think i found a related document: Room to Play - A Summary of the Evaluation 2006-2008

Special thanks are due to Sir Peter Lampl of the Sutton Trust for his enthusiasm in

getting this project started and for supporting its continued operation, and to Lady

Karen Lampl for her particular interest during its initial phase. The regular and

highly positive encouragement and involvement of Laura Barbour of the Sutton

Trust has been invaluable and very much appreciated.

Special thanks are also due to Philippa Charles of the Garfield Weston Foundation for her

support and direct interest in the project.

What is PEEP?

Registered address: The Peeple Centre, Littlemore, Oxford OX4 6JZ

The Sutton Trust is an educational charity in the United Kingdom which aims to improve social mobility and address educational disadvantage.[1] The charity was set up by educational philanthropist Sir Peter Lampl in 1997 and since then has undertaken over 150 research studies[2] and funded a wide range of practical programmes to support young people in early years, primary and secondary school, and in accessing higher education and the professions.[3][4] The charity's Chief Executive is James Turner, formerly of the Education Endowment Foundation

.The Sutton Trust US programme was launched in 2012 with the UK/US Fulbright Commission...

Sir Peter Lampl, OBE (born 1947), is a British philanthropist. He is the founder and chairman of the Sutton Trust and the Education Endowment Foundation..

Lampl worked outside Britain for over twenty years, initially as a management consultant with The Boston Consulting Group in Boston, Massachusetts, Paris and Munich. He then worked as an executive at International Paper, the world's largest paper and forest products company, where he spent six years in senior management positions.

MercurysBall2 ago

found this while researching another subject. Freaked me out. google Room to Play and hit images.

I google 'room to play as well and got a lot of creepy stuff:

Simen Johan – Room to Play -

Simen Johan creates surreal and narrative tableaux of corrupted youth. His images of children and adolescents are constructed by digitally manipulating and combining parts of faces and bodies belonging to people of various ethnicities, ages, and genders.

His fictional identities are depicted in equally fabricated scenarios that are replete with references to both the art historical tradition and Freudian sexuality.

The poster-perfect finish of his prints belies the disturbing nature of their content; a pubescent girl hula hoops against an idyllic seaside backdrop, as the hoop leaves bruises on her waist; an androgynous teenager cradles the head of a dead sheep on which flies are beginning to land.

kestrel9 ago

Don't miss his Books pages, clearly some are for pedos.