cueanon2 ago

I've been looking into Texas and its secretive world off and on for 20 years and believe it is one of the largest, deepest, longest rabbit holes, maybe the biggest on the planet. From San Antonio up to Austin and Dallas, I-35 takes you past sites in question such as Fort Hood with its I underground tunnels, Waco site of Branch Davidian massacre, close by Crawford, Bush-43's home base, and these don't include Houston, Marfa and all the rest, Houston being an entire book in itself. Having read Pete Brewton's book many years ago, The Mafia, CIA and George Bush, the extensive reach of its narrative is mind-boggling. For example, well-known Mafioso Carlos Marcello's empire expanded (it was huge) from Louisiana into Texas during the 1940s and 1950s and David Ferrie trafficked in illegal weapons out of Schlumberger mine. Marcello had set up numerous mob-connected individuals in Texas decades ago and they dealt in drug and arms trafficking out of the country via controlled ports

in New Orleans and the Texas gulf. But that's nothing. Jeb Bush was the point man for corrupt dealings in Venezuela because he was fluent in Spanish, and Neil Bush is currently the Bush point man for corrupt dealings in China. Back in 2009 there was a fascinating post on "what does it mean" website entitled "Waco Cracker of 'Cosmic Code' and David Koresh's Mother Murdered." As reported by BBC, "The mother of notorious sect leader David Koresh has been found stabbed to death at the house of a sister in Texas, police say. Bonnie Clark Halderman, who was in her sixties was found dead at the home of Beverly Clark..." It goes on: "The murders of David Koresh and his followers were ordered by then US President Clinton after Branch Davidian hackers were reported to have cracked the American Black Operations most 'ultra secret' code named 'Cosmic.' " As reported by AFPN News, "Two of the Branch Davidian village members had been able to hack into the Pentagon/CIA/FBI BlackOps databases, and discovered that the CIA with the utilization of CIA's Buffalo Airlines, were daily transferring cocaine, laundered money, special ops agents, kidnapped children for CIA pedophile programs, and arms at the old WWTwo runway that bordered Branch Davidian village." According to the info provided Koresh and co were spying on the airport, observing its activities. Koresh's mother was planning to write a book about it.

"The entire village knew about the CIA's Buffalo Airlines activities that tied directly to George Bush Senior and his direct involvement with the CIA., the Mafia, Syria, Jordan, Iraq, Colombia, Panama, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Mexico, Peru and other global locations, that included global elites' intelligence operations, banking operations, drug transfers, arms transfers, child pedophile kidnapping transfers, aircraft refueling, and global money laundering network."

MercurysBall2 ago

Interesting comment. Thank you for some of those reminders.

MercurysBall2 ago

Voat posts re Halliburton:

Jamie Leigh Jones testified at a Congressional hearing that she had been gang-raped by as many as seven co-workers in Iraq in 2005 when she was an employee of KBR, and then falsely imprisoned in a shipping container for 24 hours without food or drink.[64][65] KBR was a subsidiary of Halliburton at the time. Jones and her lawyers said that 38 women have contacted her reporting similar experiences while working as contractors in Iraq, Kuwait, and other countries. On September 15, 2009, the 5th Circuit Court of Appeals ruled in favor of Halliburton, in a 2 to 1 ruling, and found that her alleged injuries were not, in fact, in any way related to her employment and thus, not covered by the contract.

Jamie Leigh Jones (born 1985)[1] is a former employee of KBR, an American engineering, construction and private military contracting company. During her employment, KBR was a subsidiary of Halliburton from 1962 to 2007.[2][3][3] She is notable for accusing then fellow KBR employees of drugging and gang-raping her on July 28, 2005, at Camp Hope, Baghdad, Iraq.

..Jones alleged that KBR officials locked her in a trailer after she informed them of the rape and would not permit her to call her family.[9] In her account, after a day of being locked in the trailer, a sympathetic guard gave her a cell phone and she called her father. It is then known that her father contacted U.S. Representative Ted Poe (R-TX) who contacted the State Department. Agents were dispatched from the U.S. Embassy in Baghdad and removed Jones from KBR custody.[5] A 2006 investigation from the federal Equal Employment Opportunity Commission found that Jones was not locked in a trailer by KBR, and that she was placed in a "secure location" before being returned to Texas

MercurysBall2 ago

BR Cattle Company LLC

1826 Snake River Rd Ste C


TX 77449-7750