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Truthseeker3000 ago

Chet Hanx who is Tom Hanks idiot son posted about how his parents are fine and aren’t sick with symptoms.

plancktonne ago

The FBI Lab should take a sample from the cauldron in the Chappaqua forest.

"All: Double, double toil and trouble; Fire burn and cauldron bubble.

"Second Witch: Fillet of a fenny snake, In the cauldron boil and bake; Eye of newt, and toe of frog, Wool of bat, and tongue of dog, Adder’s fork, and blind-worm’s sting,"

Isn't one version of the Wuhan Corona Virus tale is that its origin was people eating fresh bats from the Wet Markets?

Vindicator ago

Pizzagate began with the Podesta email leaks from Wikileaks in October 2016. We were banned from Reddit and migrated here November 23, 2016. This tweet falls right in that window.

justregtoasku ago

good man

( is there a bot on voat that could do this?)

Oncetherewasonlydark ago

Is it actually possible that -

PG = Pizzagate

Tips = Clues

5 plugs = Pentagram

Sterling = Follow the money

Corona = The virus

This surely can't be a coincidence?

carmencita ago

No. Not a coincidence because of the date which was in 2017. I agree Sterling May denote money.

carmencita ago

Rosie the Queen of Carona as in Me Julio and the Queen of Carona

Carona- a neighborhood in NY with Spanish heart. It’s also featured in the song by Paul Simon.

carmencita ago

Wow. Corona goes back to 2011 and here is the typewriter again. The one he took to Australia.

@MercurysBall2 @septimasexta

plancktonne ago

How would he know, before leaving for Australia, and before he tested+ for Corona Virus, to bring along that heavy relic? Even rich people aren't usually that stupid. (Except for Prince Charlie, the future king of England, who has his serfs and peasants, butlers and footmen, ship his own personal toilet seat around the world in advance of his royal ass (or arse).)

Also, Madonna used the same brand of typewriter in a pic for her new album. How did she know in advance? And Ellen DeGeneres and Hanks both post pics of a strange, cartoon, little red demon. Hanks on a white orb, and DeGeneres on what commenters say is a very expensive $1,400 off-white hoodie.

Note that celebs are suddenly looking very ill (diseased, not stunningly beautiful). DeGeneres, Will Ferrell and Bob Geldof most prominently. Joe Biden is becoming yellow (chromatically, not cowardly) like some severe liver diseases cause. Or he's attempted to emulate Trump's orange tan and it's gone wrong.

loooooongtimelurker ago

Also, Madonna used the same brand of typewriter in a pic for her new album.

in the video Ma ddy says she could murder a bowl of pasta - blatant and breaks my heart - their symbolism is undeniable and it will be their downfall

Artlife ago

How would he bring that heavy relic? I think I read somewhere that he's on his yacht in quarantine.

plancktonne ago

Hanks/DeGeneres Related Tweets - Q Related Account

"Best decode of Ellen's hoodie I've seen." [Forrest Gump?] [Ellen looks deathly ill.]

"Some contractor anons recognized the barcode behind Tom Hanks in his Australia photo as being from a government facility." [Referring to Hank's pic of him allegedly in quarantine.]

carmencita ago

Tom knew about corona and the plan way ahead of the virus imo. I may be wrong but those pics and messages they are posting are connected to the virus. If you look in ph whatever

Oh_Well_ian ago

When are people going to grasp that people like Hanks and Madonna are at or near the top of the pyramid?

These people have been privy to and part of the 'plan to destroy America' since 9/11, or longer.

carmencita ago

They have been given the green light on almost everything. They are allowed to travel the earth at their whim. Why? As you say. They are their pets. They are one of Them. They have been in on it all along.

torpoolocc ago

Smith corona sterling is an old typewriter. He posted a photo of it a week or so ago.

And there are older models that don’t have a number 1 because round a use a lowercase L.

But a simple goof search would have found that but is boomers just know.

tossitrightinthere ago

I remember typing on a Smith-Corona and using a 1 as a lower case L.