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Vindicator ago

Tunnels and shuttered adoption agencies, anyone?

Hello...missed this interesting deleted thread by @Gilderoy about a network of tunnels and a shuttered international adoption agency in Columbus near the research institute:

there are unused underground tunnels close to other places of interest, possibly providing easy, discreet subterranean passage in a chain of child-trafficking locations.

How this connection was derived is the result of some twists and turns:

It started while NotFBIAnon's mystery photo of the 3 Columbus big shots (the mayor, fire chief, and Columbus school board member) at the Stonewall Columbus Gay Pride Festival last year was being discussed last week on this thread. During the discussion, the recent FBI raid and closing down of an Ohio adoption agency, the European Adoption Consultants in February was brought up.

This led to another VOAT thread discussing how a branch of the European Adoption Consultants is located in Columbus a block or so away from the SEIU 1199 HQ in Columbus. In this thread, VOATer @HerbVendor mentioned the proximity of the adoption agency to the Battelle Memorial Institute, the Wexner Medical Center (Jeffrey Epstein managed Leslie Wexner's money until Epstein went to prison) and Ohio State University.

@HerbVendor also disclosed the fascinating information that there is an underground subway (not open to the public) which runs under this particular section of Columbus, OH. He/she related this personal anecdote:

I know someone who used to service the Battelle facility, when they were in their one day everything started shaking like an earthquake, but were told it was just the trains... OSU campus buildings also have a lot of underground access as well, wouldn't be surprised if there were tunnels too...

On another, semi-related note, apparently there is DISA fusion center in Columbus somewhere too.

MilitaryTribunals ago

Lebron James was going to open a Blaze pizza franchise only a few miles or less from this location, but when FBI raided and shut down European Adoption Agency in a suburb of Cleveland called Strongsville, he cancelled his plan without comment on why the sudden change of heart.

Check out Lebron's foundation logo too; is that a crown or stick people consisting of an adult in the center and two children on each side all holding hands? 🧐

Vindicator ago

@MolochHunter see parent. We had research three years ago about tunnels and an adoption agency shut down near Wexner's hospital. o_O