toutedesuite ago

Holy f*ck. Things starting to get REAL.

plancktonne ago

There is a long article, in the UK Daily Mail, mostly on one of Epstein's executors, that may contain info on people connected to Epstein as well as donors to him and recipients of donations from him and his foundation(s), including the Clinton Global Initiative.

Executor of Jeffrey Epstein's estate - was seen removing a bag of items from the pedophile's mansion the day after his suicide

21yearsofdigging ago

Great post and yes, lots to dig deep on. I am seeing the effects of Epstein and his penchant for the sex doll robot transhuman fuck doll. I wonder if this was partly attributed to his sick humor and perversion. Not really connected but I recently watched a Bill Burr special where he addresses (in his humorous way) the future of fuck dolls for the geeks and the perverts. Love Bill Burr by the way

Mammy ago

It is my understanding that Natasha/Natalia are commonly interchangeable in Slovak languages. Then in English we would say Natalie.

TippyHome ago

So it's all about transhumanism! Ahhh the pope is saying weird things that are

Church canons, th e dems are saying eat no meat, unless you eat other humans. Omg, this is the undercurrent that is going on justifying the pedophile. Being pushed in all universities and wedding out our students. No wonder they are crazy as bed bugs. But these humanists keep rolling along, laughing about how they are duping the public until they move for the guns and put us in reeducation camps. Unbelievable

carmencita ago

Hi my friend. As usual you make too much sense. Although scary I so agree with your comment. These Quasimodo Frankenstein transhumanist scientists are frightening I am sure many think this is all a joke and will go nowhere. Yes this all may just end badly as a pick up your guns to settle it once and for all. Sad but true. RIP Molly.

TippyHome ago

Thanks, Carmencita! I think of you often and glad you remember me. I had moved over to ha voat and had tried to not be so involved in pg because it is so upsetting. I know it honestly it is true and the more I see of the gay pride trans pride drag queen push, I see the push to ultimately change people protecting children from the debauchery. Making it ok to see these (almost) naked men carrying pride flags-when we know kids have been told rainbows and the colors of the rainbow are a good thing. Subtle to start, then...the push in the parades. Thanks for remembering Molly. I still believe something will come out when the Awan brothers are brought up again, and we see that it was always about DWS, the Awans, the Pakistanis and their satellites. I keep praying that Pres Trump will be able to help with your home state. It is very distressing and disturbs is greatly that tptb in CA have let what’s happened has happened. Two friends(who are liberals) went to SanFran in June for a graduation and came back with terrible stories. Sadly, still liberal, and aren’t conceding that the dems did this to the state. Completely delusional. Like almost all the libs.

carmencita ago

Oh dear. Are you and I the only ones that know the real truth about Molly? Her death ties into so much that we post about. Especially her ties to Seth Rich. Also Joe Montano close side of Tim Kaine died at same time. He also did voter outreach like Seth Rich. Hard to find articles say that all three knew each other. Yes when the dirty rotten lies and truth comes out regarding the Awans and DWS you and I will not be surprised as to what they are guilty of. RIP Molly Seth and Joe. Thank God for people like you. We need you here. Very few know about Molly. She was the key to so much.

TippyHome ago

Carmencita, last night I got the biggest shock to me in a long time about Molly’s case. It has not died- someone who knew Molly and she was one of his good friends is doing his best to bring the murderers to justice, because her murder was a message to him that they would get to his wife and do to her what they did to Molly. It goes very very deep-rod Rosenstein is the culprit and he is dirty and horrible and has been for a

Very long time. The gist is that she realized that the satellites being used to track global warming and the possible heating of the earth actually picked up on the heat being generated by the human traffickers. At least that’s what I think I understood from the articles I read. They are written in lawyer/government language and it’s been a long time since I’ve been forced to read such convuluated documents. I will figure out a way to get them posted here so you can read. First thing I have seen about this in so long and it made me think it may be solved and she is vindicated.

carmencita ago

Oh my God. This is the best news ever. How great it would be to do a post on it and her. The reason for her death is unbelievable but also true. Please keep me in the loop. Would be great if it exposed the Seth Rich involvement as well. But just Justice for Molly would be so beautiful. Thank you 🙏

TippyHome ago

The person who was friends with her has endured so much, but I think he was a cia spook who has seen everything in his life. He knows all that happened to Ambassador Stevens. More horrible than can even be imagined. I will figure out how to send over the thread with what he reveals about Molly and others.

carmencita ago

Oh dear. God bless him and his wife. Rosenstein should be tarred and feathered. Or worse. I heard a couple things about Stevens. Horrid. I am waiting to hear. TY.

TippyHome ago

I have tried to find out if some other classmates know anymore about anything being done to solve her murder. A big year reunion is in a month. I thought I’d ask then if any new news. It is so sad she won’t be at this reunion. But I am glad that many of us shut down Comey coming to teach an ethics class, when we all know that no one in the deep state has any ethics.

carmencita ago

I’m sorry I know it’s not funny but I had to laugh at Comey and ethics. HaHaHa. I will be eagerly waiting to hear what your alums may know.

About the rainbow. Really the Rainbow was featured many times with Jesus in pictures many years ago. This is another piece of creation by God that they have hijacked. I bet they are waiting to push that Jesus Loves homosexuals while the Rainbow gleams in the background. Sad and sick. Yes the drag queens reading in libraries is nauseating.

Don’t forget to write me the Reunion News.

kestrel9 ago

Is this how pedophiles envision the world? /s

The Trans-ilhuminati /s The joke is still on us! If they can they will.

The history of transhumanism is the history of Satanism in our time. It begins with the Cybernetics Group, a CIA front, headed by Norbert Wiener. In God and Golem, Inc., Wiener compares the creation of artificial intelligence with the Kabbalistic legend of the golem, a supposed living being created through magical means.

From the Cybernetics Group also emerged MK-Ultra, the CIA’s “mind-control” program, which was an extension of the Nazis’ experiments on schizophrenics, imported with Operation Paperclip. MK-Ultra promoted the “mind-expanding” quality of psychedelic drugs, based on occult legends that the shamans of ancient times used similar substances, equated with the “apple” of the Tree of Knowledge, to contact the spirit world.

Through MK-Ultra patients among the Beat Poets, like Allen Ginsberg, and agents William S. Burroughs, the CIA produced the Hippie culture of 60s. With “sex, drugs and rock ‘n roll”, they fulfilled the plans of the Frankfurt School to overthrow traditional morality by way of the infamous bands of the Laurel Canyon scene, in league with members of Crowley’s OTO, the Manson Family and the Church of Satan.

Epstein supported World Transhumanist Association:

David Pearce

David Pearce is co-founder of the World Transhumanist Association, currently rebranded and incorporated as Humanity+, Inc., and a prominent figure within the transhumanism movement.

Based in Brighton, England, Pearce maintains a series of websites devoted to transhumanist topics and what he calls the "hedonistic imperative", a moral obligation to work towards the abolition of suffering in all sentient life.[4][5][6] His book-length internet manifesto, The Hedonistic Imperative (1995), outlines how pharmacology, genetic engineering, nanotechnology and neurosurgery could converge to eliminate all forms of unpleasant experience from human and non-human life, replacing suffering with "gradients of bliss". Pearce calls this the "abolitionist project".

Infinity Dragon, No more fear! What could possibly go wrong?

Banny Lopez believes laser neurosurgery will remove the components of the anterior cingulate cortex (ACC) associated with pain and suffering, reducing fear and replacing it with its brain chip equivalent, albeit without the 'raw nasty feelings.'

Ploughshares Fund (found in the list of first link) SOROS related, a rabbit hole unto itself

Valarie Plame and Ploughshares Fund

Vascodegecko ago

Nice digs. Almost like he is the gatekeeper for specific science agenda. Among other things. Crazier and crazier.

kestrel9 ago

A gatekeeper for funding? Leverage works to help drum up donations, or trade works too.

Vascodegecko ago

It really seems like in certain circles all roads lad to Epstein. Some great research by letsdothis.

kestrel9 ago

Agree on all points!

Vindicator ago

There are too many names for one or two researchers. Just pick a committee and look for any connections to Epstein The Advisory Boards of the Lifeboat Foundation (where Jeffrey Epstein had a large part to play)

(if you don't know about the Lifeboat Foundation and its deep links to Epstein, you can take your pick from the list of posts here:

Giving this a "Help" flair, LDT.

think- ago

@Vindicator, would you consider sticking the post for a couple of days - that would be terrific, thank you!

Vindicator ago

Absolutely :-)

think- ago

Thank you.

letsdothis3 ago

Thank you.

letsdothis3 ago

Previous post about Lawrence Krauss and Arizona State University:

Tag words: McCain; miliatry level technology; Michael Aquino; Fort Huachuca; Vatican and Jesuits Name New Telescope ‘Lucifer’; Cindy McCain ; OPERATION SMILE; CarisJames; Dr. George Poste

More to come about all that...

carmencita ago

Yes McCain is a tag word. ASU has connections to him and Cindy. Lifeboat has interested me for quite some time. Thanks much for Highlighting it. Am only on phone and not too good with it but will do what I can. Superior Work as usual.

letsdothis3 ago

More about the Program for Evolutionary Dynamics and Dominic Wodarz

DEC 5 Dr. Dominik Wodarz

University of California, Irvine

NOV 16 Professor Samuel Bowles

Santa Fe Institute ... A cooperative species: Evolutionary models and the Pleistocene human condition

JAN 28 Jessica Flack

Santa Fe Institute

APR 16 Professor Herbert Gintis

Santa Fe Institute


More on the head of Santa Fe Institute and WIRED Magazines "50 people who will change the world" below...

This kind of mind would certainly help tie together NEW MEXICO, Junkermann type surveillance , Aquino type mind kontrol / game theory, and Epstein style transhumanism ...

letsdothis3 ago

From the twitter account of Dominik Wodarz :

Replying to


Thanks to you and


for putting together #ISEEC17, what a great conference! Wish I could have spent more time, but glad I made some of it!

Where’s the #ISEEC17 after party? On the patio at La Bocca pizzeria and wine bar. Come join!

I'm noticing the 699 address but first more about Athena , her husband and the ISEEC...


Carlo C. Maley (born ca 1969) is the director of the Arizona Cancer and Evolution Center, the first president of the International Society for Evolution, Ecology and Cancer, co-founder and director of the Center for Evolution and Cancer at UCSF and was a member of the advisory board of the National Evolutionary Synthesis Center (NESCent).[1] He is currently an associate professor in The Biodesign Institute and the School of Life Sciences at Arizona State University.

This is Carlo's and Athena's wedding at the Four Seasons Scottsdale

Athena Atkipis

Christina Athena Aktipis (born ca 1981)[citation needed] is the co-director of the Human Generosity Project, the director of the Cooperation and Conflict lab at Arizona State University, vice president of the International Society for Evolution, Ecology and Cancer (ISEEC), and was the Director of Human and Social Evolution and co-founder of the Center for Evolution and Cancer at UCSF. She is currently an assistant professor in the Department of Psychology] at Arizona State University.[1] She is a cooperation theorist, an evolutionary biologist, an evolutionary psychologist, and a cancer biologist who works at the intersection of those fields.[2] Dr. Aktipis is the author of the forthcoming book from Princeton University Press Evolution in the flesh: Cancer and the transformation of life.

cooperation theorist, an evolutionary biologist, an evolutionary psychologist = Jeffrey Epstein areas of interest.. It gets better..

She is currently the Chair of the Zombie Apocalypse Medicine Meeting (ZAMM), scheduled to take place in October 18–21, 2018, at Arizona State University.

Zombie Apocalypse Medicine ?

The Zombie Apocalypse Medicine Meeting (ZAMM) is a radically interdisciplinary meeting that bridges science and the arts to grapple with the most pressing challenges of the present and the future. We define a zombie as an entity that is fully or partially under the control of another entity. This includes host-parasite interactions, autonomous technology, and coercion/control in human interactions. These dynamics - where one entity controls another - can lead to unanticipated biological, technological and social consequences. ZAMM brings together scientists, artists, doctors, lawyers, ethicists and futurists to engage with the challenges of zombification and the apocalyptic conditions that may be generated by or contribute to zombification. We use the zombie apocalypse as a lens through which we can engage about potentially frightening aspects of our present and future without fear and anxiety, but instead with imagination and creativity. The goal of ZAMM is to reduce the global burden of zombification and contribute to apocalypse prevention and preparedness through interdisciplinary engagement.

Now that storifying is what I call high-level mind control. In this case, of the scientific community...

Translational Zombie Theory - The etiology and treatment of zombie-related diseases and disorders. Topics include rabies, toxoplasma gondii, resuscitation, trauma, microchimerism, parasite-associated mental illness, sickness behavior, sleep deprivation, predator/prey adaptations, mind control, manipulation, and eating behavior.

Evidence Based Zombie Medicine- Medical challenges during the zombie apocalypse. Topics include zombie survival toolkit, treatment of mammalian bites, wound care and repair, thermoregulation, solar injury, and empirically proven strategies for resisting mind-control.

Organizing Committee

ZAMM is organized by an interdisciplinary team based primarily at ASU

Athena Aktipis, Psychology, Conference Chair

Joe Alcock, Emergency Medicine, Organizing Committee

David Guston, Political Science, Organizing Committee

Carlo Maley, Evolutionary Biology, Organizing Committee

Pamela Winfrey, Sci-Arts, Organizing Committee

Cristina Baciu, Support Staff, Conference Logistics Coordinator

A number of Arizona State University connections there.

Many of Epstein's friends and acquaintances are being outed in the fallout. One of those is Lawrence Krauss, the former Arizona State University professor and world-renowned physicist who himself faced allegations of sexual misconduct spanning a decade’s time. Krauss reportedly received $250,000 from one of Epstein’s foundations for his Origins Project.

think- ago

Evidence Based Zombie Medicine- Medical challenges during the zombie apocalypse.

Madness. Imagine that these are some of the most renowned scientists in the US....

Baichu ago

I think that is one of the problems on the planet.....renowned scientists! They are, or can be, beyond insane.

letsdothis3 ago

Yes. Needs further digging.

The_Real_Wahrheit ago

Well they all preer-review each other's work, and hire and promote each other. I would postulate that all of those involved are actually frauds, or they have been handed a research agenda they then carry out to wide acclaim.

letsdothis3 ago

Prof. Dominic Wodarz and Evolutionary Dynamics (an Epstein pet subject area)

Summary - Dominik Wodarz is Professor in the Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology at University of California, Irvine. The subject area of his research is theoretical / mathematical biology, with emphasis on infectious disease, the immune system, cancer, and evolutionary dynamics. His studied Biology at Imperial College, London, and obtained his PhD from the University of Oxford.

Professor of Theoretical and Computational Biology

University of California, Irvine

Ecology and Evolutionary Biology

We work on mathematical and computational models of biological processes, with the following focus: 1) Dynamics of virus infections and the immune system, 2) Dynamics of cancer and its treatment, 3) General evolutionary dynamics and population dynamics. The common theme among these diverse topics is population dynamics as well as ecological and evolutionary theory. A lot of the work is biomedical in nature and thus related to systems biology, where we model the dynamics of cells, pathogens, and molecules. This has many practical applications such as the analysis and development of treatments against infectious diseases and cancer. We collaborate with several experimental laboratories in order to couple computational work with data.

letsdothis3 ago

Program for Evolutionary Dynamics by Martin Nowak pdf

I also appreciate the work and friendship of the many

people with whom I have had the honor of collaborating and whose enthusiasm for science is woven into the ideas presented here: Roy Anderson,...and Dominik Wodarz.

I thank Jeffrey Epstein for many ideas and for letting me participate in his

passionate pursuit of knowledge in all its forms.

A 1999 paper from Nowark and Wodarz :