carmencita ago

Ari is as big an evil scumbag as his other 2 brothers. Bottom of the barrel. Father still lives and was a practicing doctor 2 years ago. Ari and some other notables such as Oprah met with Bergoglio in Rome last July. Up to no good. There was another blind not too long ago about him and just as disgusting.

Lansing-Michigan ago

Ari Emanuel also Michael Moore's agent. Michael , very catholic, at one time recommended Oprah to run for president........Systemic pedophile problem of the US, UK & catholic church.

Waitlongtime ago

The shock of the hour is getting closer.

think- ago

From the Independent article about Emanuel and his company:

In 2002, an Endeavour employee called Sandra Epstein filed a sexual harassment lawsuit claiming that daily life at the company saw rampant pot-smoking, bullying, sexual frolics on desks, and one agent demanding that his assistants book prostitutes for him.

Nice. /s

think- ago

Speaking about South America, the former President of Venezuela (he's in Epstein's book iirc), says Epstein was invited by Fidel Castro, and flew to Cuba to visit him.

There was also a recent blind about a third, secret island, owned by Epstein and Maxwell, possibly being a Cuban island.

ESOTERICshade ago

There was also a recent blind about a third, secret island, owned by Epstein and Maxwell, possibly being a Cuban island.

Actually, there are several of them.

jealoushe ago

which island, whereabouts, I have been all over Cuba, and around the coast. I can't see this happening.

ESOTERICshade ago

I can't see this happening.

roflmao. Thats pretty funny. Of course you don't see it. You are not supposed to see it. And that username, gou much?

jealoushe ago

I what much???? its a name for a clothing line I wanted to make when I was 15...and stuck with it. LOL

Oh_Well_ian ago

David Copperfield and Richard Branson

ESOTERICshade ago

David Copperfield and Richard Branson

Yep. And there are others. Also look toward the British Isles, nasty place.

1031grnis ago

So why don't you report him to the FBI?

think- ago

Possibly because the FBI is also running sex trafficking rings. I'd recommend reading about the Franklin scandal.

Blacksmith21 ago

Kish Island. Levinson. Iran. Gateway.

YogSoggoth ago

Kish has docks for boats and an International airport. Abu Musa has a small runway and docking, as well as an interesting history. Once controlled by the UK. Since both are presently Iranian, I could see both used in such operations. I would imagine they would be trafficking to wealthy Middle Easterners like Qatar, UAE ect. That would also explain why the USA was described as exaggerating the conflict over the islands rightful territory, as strategic as it is. Not far West is where all the trouble with drones and mines on ships took place.

think- ago



think- ago

Ah, the Gritz story. Thanks.

Blacksmith21 ago

It all goes back to controlling the trafficking lanes. Government - including FBI involvement - means black money can be raised to support black "projects".

ESOTERICshade ago

It all goes back to controlling the trafficking lanes. Government - including FBI involvement - means black money can be raised to support black "projects".

Yes, this.

PawnsInTheGame ago

The FBI doesn't run the rings thats the CIA/MOSSAD but they do cover-up for them in the name of "national security". Also why they don't keep statistics for missing children.

think- ago

Any specfic reason you reactivated your account after 2.4 years to leave these comments?

PawnsInTheGame ago

Epstein getting suicided (allegedly??) was a deep event that prompted me to check the board again. Problem?

Oh_Well_ian ago

lol not credible, whatsoever

think- ago

Just asking because we have had a bunch of reactivated accounts in the last four or five months.

And you are alleging that the FBI doesn't run pedo rings, which I am not convinced of.

PawnsInTheGame ago

It seems to me that they run interference but the actual trafficking is done by the CIA/MOSSAD. This is just my opinion though.

Crensch ago

It seems to me that they run interference but the actual trafficking is done by the CIA/MOSSAD.

Does not equal:

The FBI doesn't run the rings thats the CIA/MOSSAD

A statement of fact like the above is not stated as an opinion.

So you're either a little stupid and unintentionally dishonest, or intentionally dishonest.

Which is it?

PawnsInTheGame ago

None of the above. Don't know why my statement is so controversial but you can fuck right off. No wonder this board doesn't have anyone posting in it anymore.

Crensch ago

I know your character is to be a little stupid and dishonest oh, that's why you're claiming you don't know why your statement is incorrect.

You never posted here anyway, so I don't really give a fuck what you think.

PawnsInTheGame ago

So you are nuclear buttmad because I stated my opinion with conviction? LOL

And I did post here before clearly. Stay mad ho

Crensch ago

Tone fallacy. You stated your opinion as a fact. The nice try on the backpedaling though.

PawnsInTheGame ago

Tone fallacy? Am I posting in Tumbler right now? lol

And you stated that I never posted here before as fact which is wrong but I guess you meant something different. . .

Crensch ago

You have zero submissions. I'm not entirely sure how you can claim any different.

PawnsInTheGame ago

Oh that's what you meant?? Because I have plenty of comments on different threads. As far as I know I can't post a submission until I have 100 upvotes so that's why I haven't yet.

Crensch ago

You had two and a half years to get the votes you needed to be a contributing member of this website. Your top-voted comments are vapid horseshit.

You are massively insignificant.

PawnsInTheGame ago

No shit! That's because I stopped posting almost three years ago and its not my fault the shitposts I did make got upvoted. Never claimed to be important but I know you are just lashing out because you are massive asshole

Crensch ago

You State opinions as fact. You are dishonest.

I would rather be an asshole than dishonest.

PawnsInTheGame ago

You also stated an opinion as fact (thinking that posts in a board don't count as posting in a board for whatever reason) so you are in the same boat but that's ok... I forgive you.

Crensch ago

And you make no submissions, which further suggests that you have nothing to contribute.

Crensch ago

You consider posts to be comments?


Your most up voted comments are completely vapid, suggesting that you have nothing of value to contribute.

PawnsInTheGame ago

I already said I didn't have enough points to make a submission and that it wasn't my fault that my top voted comments where shitposts. If anything that suggests that people upvote stupid shit regardless of the content of the post. The future is not written in stone Crensch I might yet make a valuable submission. . . perhaps the most important one yet?? o_O;

Crensch ago

There's something called a track record, and given that, I would bet money against you presenting anything of any value here.

PawnsInTheGame ago

Some people find value in the small things in life. Like shitposts. By those standards, my contributions are many. Namaste

ESOTERICshade ago

Stay in v/niggers and v/fatpeople where your intellect equals your contribution. Leave pizzagate alone asshole.

think- ago

There are high-ranking men in the FBI who are definitely members of pedo rings.

PawnsInTheGame ago

That I'm sure of. They need people on the inside to kill the investigations after all.