Konran ago


Pizza, really?

Horus symbolism, really?

Baphomet - possibly the esoteric device from the schools of 'Sofia' used to ward off those afraid of knowledge. Possible bastardisation of Mahomet. Or a coded word that when reversed means Tem. ohp. AB; Templi omnium hominum pacts abbas, “the father of the temple of peace of all men”. Really?

Satanic Panic (V 2.0), really?

'First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win'.

I feel this is a mix of 2 and 3. Which means I'd like to believe we're closer to winning than ever before.

septimasexta ago

This confirms it: PIZZAGATE IS REAL. Does Jeffrey know James?

HelloDolly ago

I have seen other Hollywood skits that mock people that believe in, for example, the Illuminati. It's an effective Saul Alinksy tactic - play on the fear of ridicule. It's pretty effective, which is why so many people were afraid to tell people they supported Trump. Too bad Hollyweirdos, the scales are tipping. Most people are starting to understand how truly bizarre and crazy, not to mention evil, most of you are.

derram ago

https://invidio.us/watch?v=0gts3q4zz88 :

SATANIC PANIC Official Trailer (2019) Comedy Horror Movie - YouTube

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