maurice1 ago

@letsdothis3 I'm out of points and can not post this today, so I'm leaving it here.

Jeff Bezos name has come up on voat before and anyone following pizzagate long enough, knows the issue of child porn and the pentagon.

Whoever gets the cloud storage service contract, guess what else they get from the pentagon?

letsdothis3 ago to keep an eye on.

new4now ago

Found this...

He would use the plane for two main reasons. Most commonly he would fly himself and a number of his entourage to a destination, or alternatively he would fly people to meet him. The rarest occurrence was when Epstein would fly without any of his usual entourage and just one other passenger. There was only one name that jumped out from the flight manifest as a good example of when Epstein alternated from his routine. His second meeting with Nicole Junkermann.

As of 2019, Nicole Junkermann’s current business portfolio is very impressive. She’s often described as an ex-model, entrepreneur and investor, but Ms. Junkermann is much more than just what you see at first glance

During her time at Infront Sports and Media, Junkermann would be caught flying on Jeffrey Epstein’s “Lolita Express” on three occasions. The first flight recorded, on 22nd March 2002, she would share with Epstein, Sean Koo, and one other passenger, but it’s her second trip which really stands out. On Saturday 31st August 2002, Jeffrey Epstein and Nicole Junkermann would fly from Paris Le Bourget Airport to Birmingham Airport, in the UK, alone. They would return to Paris, via the same route, on Monday 2nd September 2002.

For Jeffrey Epstein to fly without any of his normally present entourage is very unusual. So what was happening that weekend?

At that time, Junkermann was 27 years old, so it’s very unlikely that they were dating, as everyone knows Jeffrey Epstein isn’t interested in fully sexually developed adults. Finding this anomaly on Epstein’s plane manifest encouraged me to look deeper into the life of Nicole Junkermann, and amongst other things, whether or not she had any links to a state intelligence agency

The link between Nicole Junkermann, the Israeli state intelligence services and the Israeli Defence Force is not a tenuous one. The ominously named “Reporty Homeland Security” was the first incarnation of what is now called “Carbyne911” and is referred to as simply “Carbyne.” Described as a “global leader in public safety technology,” Carbyne is a call handling platform app that allows you to, amongst other things, stream any ongoing emergency directly to the responding emergency services. It claims, in the information section of a promotional video on YouTube entitled Nicole Junkermann presents Carbyne,” that it will:

“provide a plug and play solution that allows 911 callers to connect their smartphone features to the emergency operator so that the operator can make a better assessment of the emergency. Location data, audio, camera and video access can be shared, providing the operator with greater detail on the situation. The use of Carbyne’s solution will allow emergency management teams to better triage their cases and improve the utilization of downstream emergency services.”

One of the directors of Carbyne is Nicole Junkermann. The chairman of the board of directors is Ehud Barak, the 10th Prime Minister of Israel, the 14th Chief of Staff of the Israel Defense Forces, former Minister of Defense and former Head of Military Intelligence for Israel. Ehud Barak has had a long history as one of the more public faces of Israeli covert operations. Before he was Prime Minister, Ehud Barak was a big name in the IDF. Through the 1970’s, he led many operations including famously disguising himself as a woman to kill members of the PLO (Palestinian Liberation Organisation). Ehud Barak has already been linked with Epstein, and Benjamin Netanyahu has helped to highlight those links for his own political gain.

Another of Carbyne’s directors and board members is Brigadier Pinchas Buchris, the former Deputy Commander of an elite IDF operations unit and former Commander of the IDF 8200 Cyber Intelligence Unit. Amir Elichai is the Founder and CEO of Carbyne, he is also a former Israeli Army officer who served in various positions in the special elite forces and the intelligence corps. Alex Dizengof is Carbyne’s Co-Founder & CTO. He’s described as a Software Architect and Algorithms Developer. Dizengof had previously developed machine learning algorithms for robots and mobile platforms, as well as cyber security software for the Israeli Prime Minister’s Office.

These people have always been serious Israeli State assets and it would be naive to think anything has changed. It seems that Nicole Junkermann has some serious partners, and it makes me wonder whether or not Jeffrey Epstein’s original meeting with the then recently graduated Junkermann was as a recruiter for the Mossad.

More here....

letsdothis3 ago

That's an excellent find. Thank you very much. Further from that link:

I watched Nicole Junkermann carefully as she was buying up many start-up tech firms and at the end of 2018 my worst possible fear was realised. Matt Hancock, Member of Parliament for West Suffolk and Secretary of State for Health and Social Care in the UK, appointed Nicole Junkermann to the Healthtech Advisory Board. For the vast majority of people living in the United Kingdom, the NHS is an institution which we cherish and adore. Many of us will protect the National Health Service with our lives because that’s what it has done for us in our darkest days.

The Healthtech Advisory Board is described as a collection of clinicians, academics, and IT experts. The official government website says “the board will look at how the NHS can harness the potential of technology and create a culture of innovation, with the aim of improving patient outcomes and reducing the workload on NHS staff.” It fails to mention why it requires an Israeli intelligence linked venture capitalist who has been involved in multiple scandals. Their first official meeting took place on 19th November 2018—see Appendix I for the other members of the Healthtech Advisory Board.

The two members which are of note relating to this story are Nicole Junkermann and Parker Moss, the latter happening to be the Chief Business Officer at OWKIN, which is one of the many companies in Junkermann’s vast portfolio. OWKIN is an AI startup that uses machine learning to augment medical and biology research. On its own, the company would probably be a perfect fit for the future of the NHS, but because of its connection to Nicole Junkermann and Israeli intelligence, OWKIN should be seen as too much of a risk to the data protection for NHS users.

On June 16th 2019, Nicole Junkerman’s NJF holdings website issued an article under the title “London Hospital’s Could Offer Patient Data to Google-backed AI Startup in a Bid to Develop Better Drugs.” It was exactly as I had expected. The convoluted title was celebrating the fact that OWKIN had already been promised NHS patient data, and they’re already confidently announcing it to their investors, and their other associates. We need to call for Matt Hancock to remove Nicole Junkermann from the Healthtech Advisory Board as of immediate effect, and we should have an inquiry into how NHS data can be protected from hostile foreign intelligence agencies.

...The other Healthtech Advisory Board members include Rachel Dunscombe, who was the CEO of the NHS Digital Academy and Director for Digital for Salford Royal NHS Group, but since being appointed to the Healthtech Advisory Board, she has also joined KLAS Arch Collaborative as their Global (non-US) Leader and Senior Tech Evangelist. Manoj Badale OBE who is described as a Digital Venture Builder and has business ties with the Murdoch family. David Gann CBE Vice President of Innovation at Imperial College London. Sir Mark Walport, an English medical scientist and former Chief Government Scientific Advisor to the UK Conservative Governments from 2013 until 2017. Nicola Blackwood the Baroness of North Oxford and a member of the House of Lords. Roger Taylor, who is Chair of the Centre for Data Ethics and Innovation. Jeni Tennison OBE, Chief Executive Officer at the Open Data Institute and lead developer for Dan Sheldon, who is Head of Well Digital. Daniel Korski CBE, former Advisor to David Cameron and Hamid Karzai’s governments—and is someone who deserves their own article. Michelle Brennan, President of Johnson and Johnson, one of the pharmaceutical heavyweights.


OWKIN, a New York City-based company that provides machine learning tools for medical research purposes, has launched an AI-powered network comprised of 44 hospitals and research institutions in the United States and Europe. Members include Cleveland Clinic, Mount Sinai and Groupe AP-HP, a group of 39 hospitals in France.

I've written about the Cleveland Clinic in relation to the Hampstead case here:

Moving company Momentous Relocation of the Hampstead case changed its name from Baxter International after a court case with the Ministry of Defence. Some coincidences..

See : Head Of Largest British Spy Agency Who Allegedly Resigned 'For Family Reasons' Actually Quit Since He Helped A Paedophile Priest Avoid Jail. PM Theresa May Accused Of Covering Up The Scandal.

Robert Hannigan, head of the GCHQ intelligence agency, stepped down in 2017 after the National Crime Agency discovered he helped a gay pedophile family friend with an interest in baby rape images avoid a custodial sentence four years earlier. British Prime Minister Theresa May is being accused of covering up the scandal...

...he is a trustee of the Cleveland Clinic and a member of the Council on Foreign Relations. ...

re Cleveland Clinic:..

Mirabaud Securities, the financial firm that Draper worked at prior to BT, moved from their address at 33 Grosvenor place in 2016 to Verde Building, 10 Bressenden Pl, Victoria, London SW1E. Interestingly, Tishman Speyer acquired the Verde building in 2012. More on this New York real estate firm in another post.

Back to 33 Grosvenor Place - The private US health clinic Cleveland Clinic is moving in : US healthcare chain unveils UK plan for private hospital overlooking Buckingham Palace

George Webb seems to think they are dealing in organ trafficking...

Certainly a lot to look into.

new4now ago

Someone else on Epstein flights was buying a lot of start ups too

Also the name Hannigan sets the bells off I my head

Will track them down

letsdothis3 ago

Will track them down

Please do.

new4now ago

Hannigan was part of the Russia thing against Trump, but what I remember goes back further I think.

Will find it

On other thing.....there are people buying up internet patents I think it is

For a monopoly maybe, will look after supper

letsdothis3 ago

Well, well, well.. going to have to continue this when I have more time...

Israeli container ID solution keeps American ports and rails safe -