eaperu ago

In 1985, I interviewed for an IT job at Information on Demand, Inc. Owner: Robert Maxwell. CEO: Christina Maxwell. The interviewer told me that they did a lot of business with an organization in Maclean, Virginia and then revealed that it was the ClA. At the time, Christina was a high school graduate. Her subsequent career was concentrated in internet search technology and data warehousing products for the Defense and Intellience communities, including the Air Force, Homeland Security and the FBI. She cofounded the Chiliad data mining company around 1998, according to her CV, which has not been updated since 2013 and chiliad.com is dark and now appears to be registered to a Chinese owner. Chiliad technology was used to build the FBI Investigative Data Warehouse (IDW).

letsdothis3 ago

Very interesting. Thank you for the comment.

Quicktor ago

great stuff...

I swear all these sodomites run in the same Bolshevik/Communist/CIA/MOSSAD/NASA/MI-6 sex magik club...build up that 'kundalini' force by blasting someone's anus and stealing their soul..."The Order of the Sun"...too real...

fucking insects...

freereef ago

nasa named a crater after jack parson

Gladys_Kravitz ago

Yes, and fittingly, it's on the dark side of the moon.

freereef ago

@middle_path 0 points (+0|-0) 10 months ago

How is this impossible?

link ...

0 [–] @i_scream_trucks 0 points (+0|-0) 10 months ago

its inherently false, op is a retard.

link parent ...

0 [–] @SurfinMindWaves 0 points (+1|-1) 10 months ago

Doesn't the atmosphere cause light to reflect, like when we get a rainbow?

link ...

-3 [–] @DMTco2Melatonin [S] -3 points (+0|-3) 10 months ago

No, quantum scattering is quite different to refraction at a 42* angle.

link parent ...

1 [–] @xenoPsychologist 1 points (+1|-0) 10 months ago

Tachyon, Hypernumbers, Electromagnetic resonance, Nuclear magnetic resonance, Superconducting Quantum Interference Device, United States gravity control propulsion research, Magnetohydrodynamics, Electrohydrodynamics, Biefield-Brown effect, Atomic coherence, Coherence (physics), Coherent light, Destructive interference, Dyadic rational, Half-integer, Half-integer spin, Yamaha TX81Z, Principia, Spin-½, Formalism (philosophy of mathematics), Spin quantum number, Chimie organique, Collapse of the wave function, Particle physics, Symbolic Logic, Electrogravitics, Ley line, Einstein manifold, Einstein metric, Platonic solid, Differential geometry, Crystal momentum, Physique du solide, Root mean square, Intermodulation, ITU-R 468 noise weighting, A-weighting, Alternating current, Total harmonic distortion analyzer, SINAD, Auditory masking, Fourier analysis, Signal-to-noise ratio, Otonality and Utonality, Fundamental frequency, Fourier series, Ohm's acoustic law, Octave equivalence, Microtonal music, Størmer's theorem, Critical band, Harmonic series, Pythagorean comma, Limit (music), Consonance and dissonance, Interval ratio, Superparticular ratio, Pythagorean interval, Just intonation, Music theory, Wave function, Wave function collapse, Wave equation, Roll-off, Taylor series, Normal mode, Quaternion, Phonon, Scalar field, Vector field, Eigenvalues and eigenvectors, Tensor, Spinor, Scalar, Linear algebra, Spin (physics), Geodesic, Mathematical Philosophy, Quantum electrodynamics, Quantum Physics, Electromagnetism, Frequency modulation synthesis, Sound Engineering and Wave interference

flyingcuttlefish ago

Epstein mystery - this so-called "science foundation" that he had an office at, I think in Palm Beach.... maybe related to Aerojet type of things (??). The foundationt comes up in detail during the deposition of Epsn's pilot.

auchtung ago

Interesting, for some reason I remember Aerojet Corp being a CIA front op. Not sure where I read this in the past, but I do know they have a location in Camden, Arkansas, funny enough near Little Rock.

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letsdothis3 ago

Thanks for the comment. Made me go back and look for more Aerojet posts..

The Woolsey Fire started at the Rocketdyne complex near Thousand Oaks. Remember that massage parlour that Ashton Kutcher was seen at ? Well.....

The tremendously destructive Woolsey Fire has been widely reported as beginning “near” the Santa Susana Field Laboratory (SSFL or Rocketdyne), but it appears that the fire began on the Rocketdyne property itself. ..Aerojet is also seeking to monetize some 5,600 acres of land, the bulk of which is in Sacramento, California, where the company announced the elimination or relocation of 1,100 jobs last year. Drake declined to estimate how much the land is worth.

On Board of Directors of Aerojet..Thomas A. Corcoran -

Mr. Corcoran is a director with L3 Technologies, Inc. (Audit Committee member). Mr. Corcoran was a director with Force Protection, Inc., REMEC, Inc., United Industrial Corporation, ONPATH Technologies, Inc. (Chairman), LaBarge, Inc. (Audit Committee member), StandardAero (Audit Committee Chairman), ARINC, Inc. (Audit Committee member), Aer Lingus, Ltd. based in Dublin, Ireland and Serco, Ltd. based in Surry, UK.

SERCO is deep state.

Came across this old post that I thought deserved more attention - Ashok & Amrita Mahbubani (Podesta Emails)

It's all based on the addresses of multitronics and Yulista management services showing up as the same ..

Dycnorp at the same place:

The site or this version of it is dead but the description says "Description: ... Aerojet, AMPAC Fine Chemicals, Crew Training International (CTI), DynCorp (Mechanics/Components), DynCorp (pilots), Flight Safety Services and Yulista ..." --- Yulista being a possible connection to Multitironics.

letsdothis3 ago

Voat posts re JPL:

Church of Scientology Ties to the Clintons. by @darkknight111

https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/3295596/19358626 @grantedrights

The Church of Scientology is also working with Silicon Valley which has developed weaponized electronics disguised as computers, smart phones, wireless frequencies, and other systems. Sorcery is the unnatural manipulation of unseen forces like sounds, chemical reactions, and vibrational geometries with the intent of manipulating bodily chemistry, thoughts, and physiology. Kabbalah and Hermeticism are common forms of witchcraft practiced by the secret societies. Electronics enhance their sorcery.


...The strangely true connection between Scientology, the Jet Propulsion Lab, and Occult Sorcery https://io9.gizmodo.com/the-strangely-true-connection-between-scientology-the-5978746

Element 93 Fermi Labs and other underground facilities

John Podesta tweet about the To the Stars Academy https://twitter.com/johnpodesta/status/918203930395463682

Occultist father of rocketry 'written out' of Nasa's history http://www.wired.co.uk/article/jpl-jack-parsons...Crowley connection with JPL...UK related - Boulby Underground Lab

"To the Stars Academy" admitted WHAT?!?! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bN-DzG40IN8 Dr. Hal Puthoff and a psychic spy program


In 1967, Puthoff earned a Ph.D. in electrical engineering from Stanford University.[1][2][3] He then worked with, and invented, tunable lasers and electron beam devices, concerning which he holds patents, and he is co-author (with R. Pantell) of Fundamentals of Quantum Electronics (Wiley, 1969), published in English, French, Russian and Chinese. Puthoff published papers on polarizable vacuum (PV) and stochastic electrodynamics topics, which are examples of alternative approaches to general relativity and quantum mechanics.

Puthoff took an interest in the Church of Scientology in the late 1960s and reached what was then the top OT VII level by 1971.[3] Puthoff wrote up his "wins" for a Scientology publication, claiming to have achieved "remote viewing" abilities.[4] In 1974, Puthoff also wrote a piece for Scientology's Celebrity magazine, stating that Scientology had given him "a feeling of absolute fearlessness".[5] Puthoff severed all connection with Scientology in the late 1970s.[6]

In the 1970s and '80s Puthoff directed a CIA/DIA-funded program at SRI International to investigate paranormal abilities, collaborating with Russell Targ in a study of the purported psychic abilities of Uri Geller[suspected Michael Jackson handler], Ingo Swann, Pat Price, Joseph McMoneagle and others, as part of the Stargate Project. Both Puthoff and Targ became convinced Geller and Swann had genuine psychic powers.[7] However, Geller employed sleight of hand tricks.

That's interesting because :

Keith Raniere from NXIVM - US Patent: "Determination of whether a luciferian can be rehabilitated" - You've GOT to read this!!

..This Is The Most Important Technology On the F-35

Cognitive EW, today in its infancy, may one day help justify the Joint Strike Fighter’s enormous cost...

Cognitive Dynamic Systems: Perception-action Cycle, Radar and Radio By Simon Haykin..The new sciences of complexity (whose birth was assisted by the Santa Fe Institute)...

..Karen Hurst needs looking into for the connections.. she writes many articles about the Pentagon's programs on EW and they are all published on the Jeffrey Epstein's Lifeboat Foundation website : https://www.virtualrehab.co/karen-hurst-joins-virtual-rehab-advisory-board/

Digging deeper into Keith Raniere's "Global Technologies Inc" reveals truly global links and maybe, government agencies connections. This needs more eyes...

Global Technologies Inc is a privately held company in Idaho Falls, ID...President: Francis Tsang

According to his resume he was at the Idaho National Engineering Lab (1974-1995), then President of GTI ID (1995-2007), Principal Scientist at NSTec (Remote Sensing Lab, Las Vegas) from (2008-2012), Global Medial Isotope Systems CTO (Las Vegas) presently

National Security Technologies, LLC (NSTec) was formed in 2005 as a partnership between Northrop Grumman Corporation, AECOM (a successor company to Holmes and Narver), CH2MHILL, and Nuclear Fuel Services. ..NSTec also operates the Remote Sensing Laboratory in Nevada and its sister group located near Washington, D.C.

NSTec works closely with DOE/NNSA, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and other agencies to improve national security in a number of mission areas, which include:

• Counter Terrorism Operations Support

septimasexta ago

Great research!

letsdothis3 ago

Thank you.

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letsdothis3 ago

Voat posts re Aerojet:

Ashton Kutcher, a Thai Massage Parlour, Studio City in North Hollywood, military connections, an Indian orphanage and the Clinton Global Initiative : 6 degrees

...So, looking up the massage parlour's address I came across this database...The first business that jumped out at me was Smack Ass Productions inc.....Agent is Christine Karasseferian..She is an accountant at AGI Accounting..Her partner at AGI Accounting is Jyoti Gaur..Jyoti worked at Aerojet Rocketdyne for 17 years... Jyoti was selected as a 2011 Clinton-Orfalea Fellow with the Clinton Global Initiative in New York.

letsdothis3 ago

Voat posts re Santa Fe Institute :


Speaking of 'evolutionary dynamics' that reminds me of a technology-based post I still have to do which ties in Epstein and the Santa Fe Institute and the algorithms they are using to track, monitor and 'nudge' populations through the social media platforms... Gaarrrrr... not enough time for everything...

See: https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/2973511/16130736

........ Geoffrey West, Ph.D, was named to Time magazine's "100 Most Influential People in the World" in 2007, with his work selected as a “breakthrough idea” by Harvard Business Review in 2006. He is a theoretical physicist and Distinguished Professor and former President of the Santa Fe Institute, with primary interests in fundamental questions ranging from elemental particles to universal scaling laws in biology, while developing a quantitative science of cities, companies and global sustainability.....

Here he is : Why Don’t Humans Live for More than 100 Years? | Physicist Geoffrey West Basically he's another nutter transhumanist.