Pudge76 ago

Damn!!! Great job, anon! A treasure trove of info! If Kimmy-boy is pals with the Molestas, this could have grave implications! Pedo-pals? Meghan McCann??? I need more popcorn and another PBR! lol

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think- ago

sigh It's so frustrating.

...oh look, the Italian ambassador to the US also loves pizza.

Italian Ambassador to the U.S. Armando Varricchio

Also note that the former Mexican ambassador was also present, which is interesting considering that the kids of three former Mexican presidents have been members of NXIVM.

letsdothis3 ago

On Twatter today: https://twitter.com/OliversWilde/status/1148842545264451584

Frank Parlato thinks that more indictments will be coming-for Salinas and others- and I think he is right!

Mexico's ambassador to US plucked from inner circle and raising eyebrows

Miguel Basañez is a trusted ally to President Enrique Pena Nieto, but many on both sides of border question choice of academic with no diplomatic experience

Born in Tuxpan in the state of Veracuz, Basañez studied law at UNAM in the capital, where he became close friends with future president Carlos Salinas.

No wonder Darroch resigned.

Are_we__sure ago

No wonder Darroch resigned.


You're pretending what exactly? I can't even follow your insta-conspiracy. What makes you say

No wonder Darroch resigned.

letsdothis3 ago

You and I both know why Darroch is leaving Washington. I'll give you a more detailed response in a few days.

Are_we__sure ago

I know why Darroch is leaving. You seem to be off in fantasyland.

You seem to missing a couple of giant, giant points here. A. Darroch did not want to leave Washington. B. The timing of the was not determined by Darroch, but was his Pro-Trump political allies.

3141592653 ago

Three former Mexican presidents?!

think- ago

think- ago

Yep. That's correct. Go figure...

And a son of a former Mexican president seems to be in charge of NXIVM now. Or so the rumours say. He is the head of the Mexican NXIVM branch. Which is alive and kicking btw.


new4now ago

Yep Son and daughter of ex Pres of Mexico,

Emiliano and sister Cecci Salinas

I believe Emiliano took over down there after Keith was arrested

Carlos Salinas etc owns Mexico with Carlos Slim as a frontman

There are also ties between Jeb Bush and I believe either son or brother of Salinas

He owns all the Cartels down there

NXIVM ties with Mexico, members include the children and siblings of some of the most important men of Mexico


Trump is battling the Deep State at the Mexican Border


carmencita ago

Jeb’s wife is Mexican born in Leon Guanajuato. They married in 1974. She did not speak English. She became a citizen in 1979 evidently when it still only took 5 yrs. They have deep roots there.

new4now ago

Is she tied in at all with Salinas?

She seems to be such an odd duck

She also likes shopping lol

carmencita ago

In Fla. she started the Arts for Life program to push art in the educational system. I have a feeling that her roll is similar to Barbara Bush. Stay in the background while they do their dirty work. We know Babs was involved with Rainbow Cultural Garden an arm of NXIVM. She could be involved in the Art Laundering end.

new4now ago

She pretty well stays out of politics

Not really much on her considering who she married

carmencita ago

So busy. Been away a few days. I think she either is either doing her dirty work quiet as a mouse or she is the only one in the fam that has been excused. They are all expected to do their part. The Nushes reek just like the Clintons

new4now ago

The Bush's corrupted the Clinton's

HW groomed him from the time he met JFK

Who groomed HW?

Englands ass is hanging out with pedophillia

She was suppose to win lol

Trump Train will take them all down and it starts here in the US

Last Q posts have us thinking it's all gonna come out

Most of those with Epstein are going down

Maybe tomorrow news will hit

Not to mention all those involved with Russia Russia

Seth Rich

Think maybe they got Epsteins blackmail pics

Been wondering where you were

I can imagine how busy you are

Your life has changed much

Your husband worried about you I know

So chin up, the one thing I learned about the death of a loved one is life goes on

Learn to laugh and smile again ❤

Might take you a bit to catch up

A lot been happening

Glad your back....get the popcorn ready

The pedo's and PP going down

Just where has Tony been and what about Hillarys brother death?

Dont hear nada on that

We been waiting for this

Whoo hoo

Our children and their children etc. etc will never be totally safe, but think we gonna have a great start to making them safer

carmencita ago

So much happening and all their dirty linen hanging out for all to see. It’s amazing really. I want to see those darn royals get their takedown. Yep so much going on in my life. I check in when I can. Just can’t leave this place. Our Children keep me coming back.

new4now ago

Royals are Royals

They been all dirty from the get go and their crimes go no where

Course everyone below the Royals can go to hell via Prison lol

I want Clinton's and Bush's

Everyone else involved can come second

I voted for both Bush's, damn them to hell

Once the uppers get busted, all hell gonna break lose

I Think the the deplorables up to the challenge though

carmencita ago

I voted for Clinton first time and both Bushes too. But that was then. Yep they are 1st on my list too. Sure am woke now.

new4now ago

Have to admit, I not totally awake

There are things I just cant wrap my brain around

But I ok with that, I have trouble sleeping as it is

carmencita ago

Oh I know what you mean. Me too. I am awake to believing they have hoodwinked us all along and they are on the same team. But yes there are some things so hard to understand and unwind and get to. All in good time my friend.

letsdothis3 ago

Kim Darroch https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kim_Darroch

Sir Nigel Kim Darroch KCMG ( /ˈdærək/; born 30 April 1954) is a senior British diplomat, who has served as the British Ambassador to the United States since January 2016

Darroch was appointed a Companion of Order of St. Michael & St. George (CMG) in the 1997 New Year Honours,[21] and as a Knight Commander (KCMG) in the 2008 Birthday Honours.

Honours (especially Knight Commander) often indicates one is a member of the 'club'. So what was he doing at these times?

Darroch joined the Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO) in 1976.[3] He was appointed to the Diplomatic Service in 1980[8] to serve as a First Secretary in Tokyo from 1980 to 1984.[3] He served in a number of posts, including as desk officer for the Channel Tunnel project and co-secretary of the UK-French Channel Tunnel Treaty Group, as private secretary to David Mellor and then The Lord Glenarthur as the FCO's Minister of State from 1987 to 1989, and as Counsellor for External Affairs at the British Permanent Representative to the European Union for a year before being promoted to Director as head of the FCO's press office in 1998.


In 2000, Darroch moved back to policy work as Director of EU Comd, and in 2003 promoted further to be Director-General, Europe. In 2004, he transferred to 10 Downing Street, as Head of the Cabinet Office European Secretariat, where he served as the Prime Minister's principal advisor on European affairs. After three years, Darroch was appointed to replace Sir John Grant in Brussels, as British Permanent Representative to the European Union in 2007 for a four-year term.

letsdothis3 ago

Re The Lord Glenarthur :

Some comments from the David Icke forum:

https://forum.davidicke.com/showthread.php?t=229717&page=19 I can't say too much (husbands job) but Lord Glenarthur is a real dodgy one. He was in Mrs Thatchers government and was involved in 'dealings' with Aerospace. Real establishment.

He made my husband's skin crawl.....No idea if I should have put this in this thread or the JS - if you get my meaning


Apart from being well connected to the players in power Lord Glenarthur voted with the majority,...to:- allow the licensing of research into the creation of human admixed (formerly ‘inter-species’) embryos for research, and the use of hamster eggs for testing fertility of sperm.

http://www.publicwhip.org.uk/divisio...ds&house=lords....admixed human - inter species? I wonder just what do they get up to at that hospital!

Thats really interesting. I understand he was in charge of importing medicine for AIDS victims - but the medicine was contaminated so of course people carried on dying.

Why the hell is a person like that in charge of a hospital? He was health Minister in Lords when Jimmy Savile was put in charge of Broadmoor.

letsdothis3 ago

Re David Mellor:

Former London Mayor Ken Livingstone literally states that MI5 uses Children's Care Homes to blackmail politicians by filming them abusing children....... #PizzaGate

..The audio was from November 2012 during in his [Ken Livingstone former London mayor] radio talk with David Mellor on the LBC "The Whole Show"... here is the transcript of Ken Livingstone's quote:

I was racing in parliament against Mrs Thatcher the Kincora Boys Home where boys were being abused and MI5 was filming it because they were hoping to be able to blackmail senior politicians in Northern Ireland.

They were hoping to catch one of Ian Paisley's MP's - and they never did - and give themselves some leverage. The truth is there's been an awful lot of covering up of paedophiles and paedophile rings for decades and decades.

short clip from that radio show : https://youtu.be/jv9O0EZpIUs

More here: https://forum.davidicke.com/showthread.php?t=222773&highlight=alan+delaney&page=837

Note how David Mellor abruptly changes the subject..!..