Draintheshwamp ago

Amazing research. Thank you!

SearchVoatBot ago

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septimasexta ago

Great research LDT. This can keep us busy for awhile.

Here's what I've dug up: "Organisations listed by Siri: Sanofi, Glaxo (Smith Kline: owned by WELLCOME TRUST), Merck, Pfizer consultancies; Dynavax Technologies...."

Plotkin was on the Science Board of the new hepatitis B vaccine with novel adjuvant 1018 ISS, Heplisav-B vaccine (Dynavax Technologies) and stepped down around the time it received ACIP and CDC recommendations (last 2 steps to get on the CDC Childhood Recommended Vaccines list)

"Press Release Mar 2, 2018 Stanley A. Plotkin, M.D. Steps Down from Board of Dynavax Technologies Dr. Plotkin Will Continue as Scientific Advisor BERKELEY, Calif., March 02, 2018 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Dynavax Technologies Corporation (“Dynavax”) (NASDAQ:DVAX) announced today that Stanley A. Plotkin, M.D. has indicated his intention to step down from the Board of Directors (“Board”) effective from the 2018 Annual Shareholder Meeting on May 31, 2018.

“I am delighted that HEPLISAV-B has been launched and recommended by the ACIP,” Dr. Plotkin said. “When I originally joined the Dynavax Board many years ago it was because I knew that new adjuvants were needed to enhance the efficacy of vaccines. Now that licensure has been achieved, and in view of my desire to reduce my travel and wider commitments, I have made the decision to resign from the Board."

"About Dynavax Dynavax is a commercial-stage biopharmaceutical company focused on leveraging the power of the body's innate and adaptive immune responses through toll-like receptor (TLR) stimulation. Dynavax discovers and develops novel vaccines and immuno-oncology therapeutics. The Company’s first commercial product, HEPLISAV-B, a hepatitis B vaccine for adults, is approved in the United States." http://investors.dynavax.com/news-releases/news-release-details/stanley-plotkin-md-steps-down-board-dynavax-technologies


December 1987 Merck's RecombivaxHB patent

"Granted Sept. 6 to the inventors of the vaccine at the University of California, San Francisco and at the University of Washington. Patent covers the hepatitis B surface antigen produced from genetically engineered yeast and the Recombivax HB vaccine. In December 1987, Biogen received a patent covering the manufacture of "all hepatitis B surface and core antigens produced by genetic engineering." Biogen's technology is licensed to SmithKline ("The Pink Sheet" April 11, T&G-4). Merck maintains that any recombinant vaccine for hepatitis B produced through genetically engineered yeast falls under the claims of its patent." https://pink.pharmaintelligence.informa.com/PS014273/Mercks-Recombivax-HB-patent

June 7-8, 2000 "Scientific Review of Vaccine Safety Datalink Information, Simpsonwood Retreat Center, Norcross, GA" https://www.safeminds.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/03/simpsonwood-transcript-scientific-review-of-vaccine-safety-datalink-information.pdf SEE PAGE 4 OF THIS DOCUMENT. I believe the doctor referred to in this MARCH 1 2017 DOJ News release is the same: "EMORY DOCTOR GOES TO PRISON FOR DOWNLOADING THOUSANDS OF IMAGES OF CHILD PORNOGRAPHY" https://www.justice.gov/usao-ndga/pr/emory-doctor-goes-prison-downloading-thousands-images-child-pornography

"The din refused to fade and became shriller still when a freedom of information act petition by Congressman David Weldon exposed the minutes of a high profile meeting of 51 officials belonging to the CDC, vaccine manufacturers, and highly placed government officials who had met in Simpsonwood, Northcross Georgia, USA on 7th – 8th June 2000 to discuss two CDC studies that found undeniable association between mercury containing vaccines and autism. The relative risk found in both the studies was 7.62[42]; any figure above 1 being a sure indication.[43] CDC correspondence between the author Thomas Verstraeten and top notch scientists revealed he had manipulated the data at his level from a RR of 11.35 and unable to do so any further sent an SOS for help, "The association will not go away." Consequently the meeting was held where the guests decided to bury the association even as a member conceded his grandchild would not receive vaccines, another expressed concerns over targets to be met, while a third highlighted a similar role of the vaccine adjuvant aluminium which he felt had equally disastrous consequences. All of them agreed that these results should not reach the public.[44]" http://www.greenmedinfo.com/blog/anti-vaccination-pro-science-pro-health-anti-industry

August 27, 2010

Qui tam action filed against Merck for "...Merck's efforts for more than a decade to defraud the United States with respect to the efficacy of Merck's mumps vaccine." (FDA requires 95%) http://probeinternational.org/library/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/chatom-v-merck.pdf https://www.naturalnews.com/gallery/documents/Merck-False-Claims-Act.pdf

June 2015: " Whistleblower attorney accuses Merck of stonewalling by withholding information and files a motion to compel Merck to comply." https://ahrp.org/former-merck-scientists-sue-merck-alleging-mmr-vaccine-efficacy-fraud/

June 27, 2017 Merck claims "malware attack."

Up until this time, Merck's Recombivax HB was used exclusively in U.S.A since 1987 when it was introduced as the FIRST recombinant vaccine. The 1986 Vaccine Injury law allowed Big Pharma vaccine liability protection by the Federal Government. "Congress calls on Merck's Frazier to report on how much havoc malware attack wreaked on manufacturing by Eric Palmer | Sep 22, 2017 " https://www.fiercepharma.com/pharma/congress-calls-merck-ceo-frazier-to-report-extent-manufacturing-interruptions-from-petya https://www.courthousenews.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/09/Letter-to-Merck.pdf

July 2017 "Merck first announced a shortage in July 2017 citing demand and manufacturing process updates. It has pushed back its predicted availability several times and plans to allocate its supply to the CDC." https://www.aappublications.org/news/2018/11/13/hepbshortage111318 (Wellcome) GLAXO SMITH KLINE EngerixB made available for "birth dose" as a Merck substitute.

July 28, 2017

"Vaccines and Related Biological Products Advisory Committee Meeting: FDA Briefing Document: Heplisav-B (Hepatitis B Vaccine Recombinant and 1018 ISS Adjuvant: Applicant: Dynavax Technologies Corp." https://www.fda.gov/media/106641/download

February 21, 2018 "In February 2018, the ACIP recommended Heplisav-B be used in patients ≥18 years of age for vaccination against hepatitis B virus." https://www.clinicaladvisor.com/home/topics/hepatology-information-center/cdc-recommendations-on-the-use-of-heplisav-b-published/ https://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/volumes/67/wr/mm6715a5.htm

LOOK AT THE EFFICACY RATES: "The ACIP Hepatitis Vaccines Work Group conducted a systematic review of the evidence, including data from four randomized controlled trials assessing prevention of HBV infection and six randomized controlled trials assessing adverse events in adults. Seroprotective antibody to hepatitis B surface antigen (anti-HBs) levels were achieved in 90.0%–100.0% of subjects receiving HepB-CpG (Dynavax Technologies Corporation), compared with 70.5%–90.2% of subjects receiving Engerix-B (GlaxoSmithKline Biologicals)." Engerix-B is currently being used for the HepB birth dose to replace Merck's HepB vaccine. HeplisavB and its novel adjuvant has a FDA approved average 95% rate but can only be used for 18 and up. https://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/volumes/67/wr/mm6715a5.htm

November 13, 2018 "Merck HepB vaccine shortage to continue into 2019"

"Merck first announced a shortage in July 2017 citing demand and manufacturing process updates. It has pushed back its predicted availability several times and plans to allocate its supply to the CDC." https://www.aappublications.org/news/2018/11/13/hepbshortage111318

February 15, 2019 "Merck HepB vaccine shortage extended through 2019"

"GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) has an adequate supply of hepatitis B vaccine to make up for the shortage, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). The company produces single-component Engerix-B and combination vaccine Pediarix. Merck first announced a shortage in July 2017 citing demand and manufacturing process updates. It has pushed back its predicted availability several times and plans to allocate its supply to the CDC." https://www.aappublications.org/news/2019/02/15/hepbvaccineshortage021519


California SB276 "(f) Effective immunizations not only protect immunized individuals from disease, but have the ability to provide indirect protection for which immunizations are not effective or safe. This indirect protection is called herd or community immunity. (g) Herd immunity successfully occurs if and when a sufficient portion of the community is immune. Herd immunity prevents sustained transmission of disease even when immunization coverage is below 100 percent." https://leginfo.legislature.ca.gov/faces/billTextClient.xhtml?bill_id=201920200SB276

NOTE: According to the Merck qui tam action case, 95% vaccine efficacy "is the efficacy threshold on which the FDA insists for its licensing and approval of the vaccine" https://www.naturalnews.com/gallery/documents/Merck-False-Claims-Act.pdf During HeplisavB efficacy trials, GSK's EngerixB was 70.5% - 90.2% Inadequate for "community immunity".

letsdothis3 ago

Thanks septimasexta. Great write up.

septimasexta ago

Actually this is research I had done prior to your post. It just happened to fit.

I find the timing of the "malware infection" at Merck quite interesting. It happened around the time the qui tam lawyers had to finish up collecting evidence in their case against Merck- which some say will go to trial in 2020. Was certain evidence "wiped"? Merck never directly says the malware attack was the cause of not manufacturing the HepB and Gardasil products- the only 2 affected. Both use aluminum adjuvants. Remember, in the Simpsonwood document one of the "consultants" also brings up the aluminum adjuvant in the HepB vaccine and a possible interaction with the mercury. The recombinant vaccines heavily rely on adjuvant to reach the 95% efficacy for FDA licensing. Merck only introduced its "new at the time" recombinant HepB vaccine in 1987- just after the 1986 Vaccine Injury law was passed which gave Big Pharma protection from liability lawsuits. For the first time, newborns were given a recombinant HepB vaccine containing aluminum adjuvant and mercury. Since HepB is sexually transmitted and is mainly a problem in third world countries, the main benefactors of the "birth dose" would be pedophiles- just my opinion. Remember, Stanley Plotkin was on boards of both Merck and Dynavax. While the CDC says that the remaining Merck HepB vax will be mixed in with the GSK Dynavax ONLY FOR THE BIRTH DOSE, conveniently, Merck has NO stock for the 18 and up adults. Enter the "just in time" approved HeplisavB vaccine with a NEVER BEFORE USED non-aluminum 1018 ISS adjuvant (shepherded through ACIP by Plotkin) to be used (GSK product also available) for 18 and up ADULTS. The new adjuvant affects the "Toll-like receptor-9" which theoretically can trigger an autoimmune response.

According to "Vaccines and Related Biological Products Advisory Committee Meeting: FDA Briefing Document: Heplisav-B (Hepatitis B Vaccine Recombinant and 1018 ISS Adjuvant: Applicant: Dynavax Technologies Corp." https://www.fda.gov/media/106641/download

on p. 10 "Non-clinical investigations of the potential for CpGs or Heplisav to induce autoimmunity have been suboptimal given the lack of an appropriate mouse or well-characterized NHP models of human autoimmunity."

The Simpsonwood meeting was actually looking at the then "new" Merck HepB vaccine- not just mercury. The stats which produced an alarming RR 7.6 for AUTISM were based on a comparison group- one had the full vaccine schedule, including the HepB birth dose, The other group had same vaccine schedule EXCEPT the HepB birth dose.

septimasexta ago

Notice the recent "board slide?"

septimasexta ago

In order to achieve "herd immunity" (truthfully, this only works for natural immunity, but we are misled to believe it applies to vaccine immunity) the VACCINES HAVE TO WORK. The "proof" for FDA vaccine licensing is the "Anti-HBs Titer ≥ 10 mIU/ml" rate in efficacy trials. 95% of individuals in the vaccine trials for mumps must reach this titer. Unfortunately, vaccines do not provide lifelong immunity and their efficacy weakens over time. HERE IS PROOF:

"Table 1 Anti-HBs Titer ≥ 10 mIU/ml before and after Booster Dose. From: Immune Persistence After Infant Hepatitis-B Vaccination: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis" https://www.nature.com/articles/s41598-018-30512-8/tables/1

According to this Table below, U.S.A. babies given hepB recombinant vaccine at birth, 1 month, and 12 months only had a 24% EFFICACY by the time they were ages 16-19. When given a booster at that age, the efficacy was 92% - still below the FDA 95% rate.

"Middleman et al. U.S.A Cross Sectional Study 2014 16–19 420 24.0% 92% Recombinant Standard 00 01 12 "

WHY ARE WE NOT HEARING ABOUT "IMMUNE PERSISTENCE?" Why are they blaming the "unvaxxed" for outbreaks, when the vaccines have UNADVERTISED FAILURE RATES?

letsdothis3 ago

Why are they blaming the "unvaxxed" for outbreaks, when the vaccines have UNADVERTISED FAILURE RATES?

Because it's just another one of their scams that they like to run.

septimasexta ago


letsdothis3 ago

Another quick one: https://en.globes.co.il/en/article-israeli-viral-vaccines-co-synvaccine-raises-17m-1001210612

The company was founded on the basis of commercialized research from Tel Aviv University and Weizmann Institute of Science led by Prof. Tamir Tuller, who mapped 3,000 different viruses.

Voat posts re Weizmann Institute of Science :

Dolores Zorreguietta Instagram - https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/2590059/13019447

The European Union financed and owns the Human Brain Project which developed neuro brain computer interface technologies and was founded by Henry Markram. Henry Markram is a professor at Ecole Polytechnique Federale in Switzerland and was educated at Weizmann Institute of Science in Israel. The President of Weizman Institute is the Belgian-Israeli Daniel Zajfman who has been a Director at Max Planck Society the reformed Nazi Kaiser Wilhelm Society and Henry Markram was also a member. The Israeli scientist Daniel Zajfman runs a renamed Nazi founded scientific institute. The electronic grid has been weaponized and programmed with the General Neural Simulation System also called Genesis to enable frequencies to hack into the brain and physiology. Genesis was developed by the Jesuit educated James Mason Bower.

The electronic grid and especially computers and smart phones are programmed with neuro brain interface programs that radiate electromagnetic frequencies designed to hack into the human brain and physiology. Other brain hacking systems include NEURON, NEST (software), and Brian (software). It is like an artificial intelligence radiated out of the electronic grid designed to covertly target the minds and physiologies of people in society. They can target individuals or target groups. Targeting can be subtle or it can be increased and extremely violent and torturous. Targeting consists of invasive and foreign thoughts and targeting of the physiology can cause pain, itching, spasms, pressure, irritation, fatigue and other attacks. The European Union which owns the Human Brain Project is based on the Treaty of Rome and the EU was signed in Rome at Capitoline Hill. The Black Nobility of Rome are leading in this scientific terrorism and have full access to these technologies.....

Another name from Jeffrey Epstein's Little Black Book with connections to BlackRock and the Clinton Foundation

Murray Bernard Koffler, OC OOnt (January 22, 1924 – November 5, 2017) was a Canadian pharmacist, businessman, and philanthropist. He was best known for creating the Canadian pharmacy retailer Shoppers Drug Mart, establishing the Koffler Centre of the Arts, Toronto Outdoor Art Fair, and an initial investor in the Four Seasons Hotels and Resorts.

.Both Kofflers were major supporters of the Weizmann Institute of Science in Israel. Both sat on the Institute's board of governors, and Murray was chair of the international board of directors. He was also chairman emeritus of the Canadian Society for the Weizmann Institute. Another of his contributions to the Weizmann Institute was his funding of the Koffler Accelerator—a sophisticated twin-tower instrument for nuclear research.

Four Seasons Hotels Limited, trading as Four Seasons Hotels and Resorts, is an international luxury hospitality company[3] headquartered in Toronto, Ontario.[4] Four Seasons operates more than 100 hotels worldwide.[5] Since 2007, Bill Gates (through Cascade Investment) and Prince Al-Waleed bin Talal have been majority owners of the company.

If you listen to Plotkin's testimony, it is brought up that the Gates Foundation is connected to his pro-vaccine group.

letsdothis3 ago

Memorial Sloan Kettering [MSK] scandal prompts wave of medical journal corrections from top facilities

Apparently MSK is partnered with the Weizmann Institute

Voat posts on MSK:

Joel Davis and corruption at the United Nations as reported by Inner City Press

Joel Davis was the only United States Youth Representative to attend the Global Summit to End Sexual Violence in Conflict in London this summer. When he graduated from Port Charlotte High School in 2013, Davis skipped college for a year to intern for Physicians for Human Rights, a non-profit organization. This would introduce him to the issue of sexual violence in combat.

..Physicians for Human Rights - Vice Chair of the Board of Directors, Kathleen M. Foley, MD ..

..In 1995, Dr. Foley became director of the Open Society Institute’s Project on Death in America, a $45 million, nine-year project focused on transforming the culture of death in the United States through initiatives in science, the humanities, education, and professional training. Recognizing a critical need for developing leaders and palliative care experts in order to facilitate change in patient care, Dr. Foley and her team created leadership programs for physicians, nurses, and social workers around the country, including at Memorial-Sloan Kettering Cancer Center.

..Prominent U.S. ethicists are among a number of international experts chosen by Pope Francis for his bioethics advisory board ..Dr. Kathleen M. Foley, a neurologist in pain and palliative care at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center and a professor of neurology at Cornell University, was appointed to the board.

Keith Raniere from NXIVM - US Patent: "Determination of whether a luciferian can be rehabilitated" - You've GOT to read this!!

Another Raniere patent - Intelligent switching system for voice and data https://patents.google.com/patent/US8068592B2/en?inventor=Keith+A.+Raniere

Inventors: Keith A. Raniere, Waterford, NY (US); Thomas A. Delaney, City Island, NY; Steven Danzig, Spokane, Washington; Saul Miodownik, West Hempsted, NY

Saul Miodownik, West Hempsted, NY was an electrical engineer, inventor and Director, Clinical Engineering, Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, New York, NY . He died in 2010.