new4now ago

I think you might like this one ..

Laaurel Canyon CA mid 60's ...CIA and MK Ultra?

HunkaHunka ago

bizarre facts:

John Lennon was living in The Dakota apartment attached to the same apartment where Rosemary's Baby was filmed (a film about occult infant sacrifice) when he put out an album featuring a picture of butchered babies . After filming wrapped up on Rosemary's BAby , starring Mia Farrow (me a pharoah) , Lennon accompanied Mia Farrow and The Beatles and The Beachboys to Rishikesh, India compound of the Maharishi Yogi, where they indulged in occult transcendental meditation rituals , ancient East Indian rites . The song Helter Skelter was recorded from sessions originating in Rishikesh, and appeared on The WHite Album. Mike Love of the Beachboys was with them and helped do the background Beachboys style backing vocals on the Beatles song 'Back in the USSR' , which was on the same album as Helter Skelter. The album was a focal point of the fake Manson murders hoax, and in fact Charles Manson, spook actor and songwriter for the CIA that he was, was actually living in the mansion of Beachboys millionairie Denis Wilson at the same time that Wilsons bandmate was living with Sir Paul McCartney and John Lennon in Rishikesh. Purported hippie cult guru Charles Manson implicated the Beatles song 'Helter Skelter' as having been a driving force behind motivating him and his followers to plot the murder of Sharon Tate. Bizarelly, Sharon Tate was married at the time of her purported (faked) murder to Roman Polanski , who was the director of.....Rosemary's Baby. So in fact Sharon Tate had known John Lennon while her husband was filming in The Dakota, in the very apartment which was partially sublet to John Lennon . All of this sound a tad too coincidental? Too closely intertwined to even be real?

Yes. It sounds too far-fetched , Until you put two and two together and realize that the entire Manson thing was a psy-op. It was fake. Faked to implicate the 'freedom and peace' movement/proponents of the sixties . To blame the murder (fake) on hippie bums, and make it look all proponents of ending the war and ending the draft seem sinister and immoral, by association. Just one component of an entire program other black-ops designed to do exactly the same thing. As were The hippie Beach Boys lyrics calculated to disgust hard-working Americans 'tell the teacher we're surfing, surfing USA' , in other words anyone who opposed the draft was at best a lazy, school-skipping, uneducated party bum slut , at worst a grotty lunatic like Charles Manson. Listen to David McGowan's interviews on Laurel Canyon and Operation Chaos.

More weirdness: The Beatles and The Beach Boys were tied in to creating 'psy-ops music' by their work in helping craft the Manson murder hoax (which was a component of Operation Chaos) and both bands have been associated with some of the most depressing music in history. The Beatles put out Eleanor Rigby , a song about an old lady who dies alone and no one attends her funeral, and somber sounding weariness like Hey Jude , Let if Be, Imagine, and generally off-putting nonsensical songs (I am the Walrus, Uncle Albert etc,) Not to mention The Beatles Manson 'predictive programming' song Maxwell's Silver Hammer, about a psychotic male serial killer, published right when Mansons followers had just purportedly murdered Sharon Tate. So The Beatles were busy little Mi5 agents in 1969 and throughout the early 1970s. Their depressing nonsense saturated the play lists of CIA owned rock radio.

While their psy-ops pals The Beach Boys were associated with two of the most depressing songs of the era (some suspect The Beach Boys actually wrote them but refused to sully the Beach Boys brand with their publication) namely 'Seasons in the Sun' , which purportedly was so popular that it rocketed to number one , and was about a young man who is dying saying goodbye to the world. Sure. We are supposed to believe that a morbid, sad song like that flew off the shelves, wildly popular to number ONE on Billboards Top 100 chart summer of 1974. and lo and behold the Beachboys originally recorded it with Terry JAcks, and decided to instead have Terry JAcks record and release it himself.

And just two years after that , in 1976, a morbidly sad song about (I kid you not) the Beachboys dead dog 'Shannon' (an Irish setter) rocketed to no. 6 in the U.S. and number one in Canada, to be one of the biggest hits of summer of 1976. It was about a dog which drowned. oh lets party , first we'll play the song about dead old lady Eleanor Rigby, then we'll follow it up with the song about the dying boy, and then the song about the drowned dog. and throw into the party mix the song about the dead astronaut, yes the song of the same era by Sir Jaggers' good friend David Bowie called A Space Oddity (1969) , which is about an astronaut whose equipment malfunctions and who dies drifting aimlessly out to space in his tin can spaceship ( Bowie, himself, declined a knighthood offered by Queen Elizabeth) .

And then there's the Alan Parson's Project's depressing music, and ALan PArsons produced some of the Beatles most depressing studio songs, and worked closely with the band Pink Floyd, yet another BRitish band who put out horribly depressing music. Parsons was a producer and major contributor to the creation of Pink Floyd.

And the horrible , British sound track music of the rock films 'Tommy' and ''The Wall , both films often sad and disturbing. The Wall featuring Alan Parsons associates Pink FLoyd, and Tommy featuring Brit Sir Elton John , who worked on Tommy with The Who, another British Invasion band. (The Who's lead singer Roger Daltrey received a knighthood)

A cascade of sadness and death from Sir Elton, constantly singing about giving up on lifes dreams (Goodbye Yellow Brick Road) and the horribly discordant misery of 'Someone Saved My Life Tonight' (wishes he hadn't been saved by the sound of it) and about DEAD Marylin Monroe (Goodbye Norma Jean)

And then the horrible dirges from British Sir Bono (with or without you)and British Sir Geldoff (I don't like Mondays) and BRitish spy Gordon Sumner (aka 'Sting') and his songs of death and despair (dead salmon frozen in waterfall, etc.). (Stings drummer was Stewart Copeland, whose father Myles Copeland was a founding member of the CIA after WW2) btw, John Lennon was subletting the guest suite part of actor Robert Ryans Dakota digs, a huge three story portion of the building , when Rosemary's Baby was filmed there in Robert Ryan's apartment in 1968. see this:

In 1972 Robert Ryans wife died inside the apartment, and Ryan moved out and sold the entire thing to John Lennon. Lennon moved in there with his wife Yoko Ono. Lennon left Yoko for five years, and was reuniting with her and was purportedly shot dead outside the building in 1980 right in front of his wife Yoko. Yet Yoko Ono still lives there to this very day. As if. She would have moved out long ago if the shooting had even been real.

HunkaHunka ago

  • think of the implications of the official story as it stands today and how unlikely it is:

1968 actress Sharon Tate's husband directs a film about a woman whose baby is stolen by a satanic coven, and it is set in a building known as 'The Dakota' in downtown NY. The film is titled 'Rosemary's Baby'.

1969 only months later, while the film Rosemary's Baby is still playing in theaters, 8.5 months pregnant actress Sharon Tate and her unborn baby are, in real life, murdered by a satanic coven (the Manson cult).

1973 Yoko Ono has recently married John Lennon, they are planning to have a baby together, and the place they choose to live in to conceive their baby is .... the apartment where Sharon Tate's husband directed a film about a woman whose baby was stolen by a satanic coven, and months later, while the film was still playing in theaters, Sharon Tate and her unborn baby were in real life murdered by a satanic coven.


1975 Yoko Ono while living in same Rosemary's Baby apt. gives birth to a baby boy, son Sean Lennon. She has no qualms about giving birth to a baby in, of all places, the same apartment eerily associated with both the baby-eating satanic cult in the film and the gruesome cult murder of actress Sharon Tate and her baby.

1980 John Lennon is gunned down right outside the front entrance to same building, 'The Dakota'.

These were young millionaires who could afford to live any place on earth and they chose the creepiest of creepy apartments in which to conceive and raise their baby? There is no way in hell that the wealthy Yoko Ono would have agreed to it. f you were a millionaire planning to have a baby , with your choice of any idyllic baby -environs place in the world to live, cost no object , etc. ....

would you choose the exact same frigging apartment which had been used to film a film about a satanic cult victimizing a pregnant woman and her newborn baby?

Especially when you know that the wife of the director of the same film had his 9 months pregnant wife and her unborn baby murdered by a satanic cult the same year the film was released?

None of it makes sense. There's no way in hell Yoko Ono would have agreed to live there, let alone the fact that she actually went through with it , moved in there in 1973, became pregnant there, carried her baby to term there, and gave birth to her baby , son Sean Lennon, while living there.

None of it makes sense , until you realize that Sharon Tate's murder was staged, and that John Lennon had been in on it ,and that he and his wife both knew that the Manson cult had been an elaborate hoax. That explains why Yoko would have no qualms about living there, having her baby there, etc., because she knew there was no danger, no bad memories, or anything else.

John Lennon and Yoko Ono of course knew that Tates' death had been faked. (as it most obviously was) As was John Lennons death faked some years later in 1980. By the same elite psy-ops crew which controls the CIA and the FBI and the NYPD and the media, and the whole compartmentalized, masonic intelligentsia and intel netword from top to bottom.

HunkaHunka ago

And when you take into consideration that the same people poisoned America's water supply with fluoride, tainted America's vaccines with Mercury , poisoned American's air with chem trails.... Does it not make perfect sense that they poisoned the airwaves too? They poisoned our minds and our emotions in the same way that they poisoned our water.

So listen to Freddie Mercury (Queen singer) songs of suicide right after getting your mercury-laced vaccine. Why did he name himself after a widely dispersed poison? And who appointed Freddie Mercury (his real name is Farrokh Bulsara) as Queen of the airwaves for at least a couple of years? The real Queen. Templar sex goddess Queen of the Bahamas, Elizabeth herself.

William Schaap, world-renowned legal scholar, author, university professor, and expert on CIA media control, reveals the CIA outright owned 250 different media networks, including radio, television, and newspaper networks forty years ago:

Quote: William Schaap

William Schaap. Attorney. Graduated from the University of Chicago Law School in 1964. Has been a practicing lawyer since then. A member of the bar of the State of New York and of the District of Columbia. Specialized in the 1970's in military law. Practiced military law in Asia and Europe. later became the editor in chief of the Military Law Reporter in Washington for a number of years. In the 70's and 80's he was a staff counsel of the Center for Constitutional Rights in New York City. In the late 1980's was an adjunct professor at John J. College of Criminal Justice of the City University of New York where I taught courses on propaganda and disinformation. Since 1977 or '78, in addition to being a practicing lawyer, was a journalist and a publisher and a writer specializing in intelligence-related matters and particularly their relationship to the media. For more than 20 years he has been the co-publisher of a magazine called the Covert Action Quarterly which particularly deals with reporting on intelligence agencies, primarily U.S. agencies but also foreign. He published a magazine for a number of years called Lies Of Our Times which specifically was a magazine about propaganda and disinformation. Also he has been the managing director of the Institute for Media Analysis for a number of years. For about 20 years he was one of the principals in a publishing company called Sheraton Square Press that published books and pamphlets relating to intelligence and the media. He has written dozens of articles on -- particularly on media and intelligence and edited about seven or eight books on the subject. He has contributed sections to a number of other books and has had many of his articles, appear in other publications around the world including New York Times, Washington Post and major media outlets.



About a third of the whole CIA budget went to media propaganda operations. ...We're talking about hundreds of millions of dollars a year just for that.....close to a billion dollars are being spent every year by the United States on secret propaganda. The FBI is much harder to -- to get figures for because they don't generally admit to conducting media operations. And unless and until something gets exposed and they have to admit that particular operation, they -- they deny to an extent where it's really hard to try and estimate how much money is being used by the FBI and by the military intelligence agencies. But it's sort of clear that hundreds of millions of dollars a year are being spent by various aspects of the government on deliberately creating and spreading lies.

And when you associate one thing with another over time, just the mention of the one brings the association of the other. What this will sometimes mean is that even when something is later exposed as a lie, if it was accepted as a truth for a long time, the exposure of it as a lie is not believed. It's in one ear and out the other.

But when the Church Committee reported on the CIA media operations, for example, beyond friends in the press, beyond having people who were just generally -- thought along similar lines, it turned out that they had thousands of journalists in their employ.

Not merely friendly, not merely agents, not merely someone you could pass a story to, but people who might have appeared to the outside world to be a reporter for CBS was in fact a CIA employee getting a salary from the CIA. And that was repeated thousands of times all around the world. They also owned outright, the CIA -- about that time 250 or more media organizations. That's wire services, newspapers, magazines, radio, TV stations -- all around the world that they owned outright. The actual shareholder of the company turned out to be some CIA front.

The Church Committee, unfortunately, did not name very many of these organizations because those that got named, of course, had to close down immediately. But it was learned that -- even things like the Rome Daily American, which was a major English language newspaper in Rome, for 20 or 30 years had been owned by the CIA. This was published and, of course, the paper closed the next day.

But most people didn't realize the extent of the intelligence media organization. It's fairly incredible. They sort of brag about it. When you read the books about the history of the CIA, one of the heroes was the first man in charge of media operations, a man named Frank Wisner. And they referred to his organization as the Mighty Wurlitzer. And there's this image of this guy sitting at one of those giant organs, you know, with seventeen keyboards and you're playing this -- sort of like The Phantom of the Opera in that scene, and there was the guy running the CIA media operations all around the world. And he really was because every single city of any size on earth, he had some employee who was -- supposedly worked for a newspaper or a magazine or a radio station or a wire service, and they could get stories anywhere. [1999] Testimony of Mr. William Schaap on the role of the U.S.

Government in the assassination of Martin Luther King

Jim said he looked and he saw this guy at a nearby desk sit down and type -- this is a CIA officer, an employee of the U.S. Government -- type an editorial and then wave goodbye to everybody, left the office. The next morning that appeared as the editorial -- the lead editorial in the largest newspaper in Japan. Now, that level -- they didn't go to a friendly publisher and say, gee, we would sort of like it if you could maybe do something a little bit favorable to this issue. They wrote the editorial, they handed it to the guy. And the next day in Japanese it appears in the paper.

HunkaHunka ago

btw, in case there is any confusion about the song 'Shannon' being closely associated with The Beach Boys, even though the hit version was (allegedly) recorded by this guy Henry Gross. The voice in the song sounds suspiciously identical to the voices of The Beachboys themselves (but no one is supposed to notice that part).

And as in the song 'Seasons in the Sun', the story surrounding the creation of this 'huge hit' involves The Beach Boys and a convoluted , unconvincing version of events: Quote:

Shannon (song)

"Shannon" is a 1976 song by Henry Gross. It became an international hit, reaching number six on the U.S. Billboard Hot 100 and number five on the Cash Box Top 100. Although it was a much smaller hit in the UK and Australia, the song reached number one in Canada and New Zealand.[1]

"Shannon" was written about the death of Beach Boys member Carl Wilson's Irish Setter of the same name. While touring with the Beach Boys in 1975, Gross visited Wilson's home in Los Angeles and in conversation said he owned an Irish Setter called Shannon. Wilson replied that he also had an Irish Setter named Shannon that had recently been killed by a car.[2][3][4]

The single went gold in the U.S.[5] and became a worldwide hit, reaching #6 on the U.S. Billboard Hot 100 and #5 on the Cash Box Top 100 in 1976. In Canada it reached #1. "Shannon" also reached #1 in New Zealand, but peaked only at #32 in the UK.[5] So lets get this straight. Henry Gross is touring with The Beach Boys. He finds out that by coincidence he and Carl Wilson both owned Irish Setters named Shannon. Then the song Shannon is born, but with the added oddity that the voice in the recorded song sounds just like Denis Wilson of The Beach Boys.

[ btw, subsequent reading reveals that the dog Shannon was actually hit by a car, but buried at sea (body thrown from Beach Boy Denis Wilsons yacht) ]

RE: the back story to 'Shannon'

It's convoluted, full of implausible coincidences and sound-alike voices and probably fake popularity.

Add to that the convoluted tale behind 'Seasons in the Sun', which was another lovely 'summer themed' , summer hit song of death , involving...The Beach Boys..just two years before 'Shannon' got everyone up on the dance floor.:


Seasons in the Sun

Terry Jacks recorded "Seasons in the Sun" in 1973. They made the decision to record the song when The Beach Boys, who had recorded a version with Terry Jacks producing, decided to abandon their recording. Jacks's version was released in the United States in December 1973, and made the Billboard Hot 100 a month later. On March 2, 1974, the song began a three-week run at number one atop the Hot 100, and remained in the top 40 until almost Memorial Day weekend. Jacks's version also spent one week on the Easy Listening charts.[4] Billboard ranked it as the number two song for 1974.[5] Although he released several other singles that were moderately successful in Canada, "Seasons in the Sun" would become Jacks's only major solo hit in the United States.[6]

Another one-hit wonder, like Henry Gross, is this Terry Jacks.

For some reason, any sad song associated with The Beach Boys was set to get on the radio automatically , as a huge hit, each summer back then. [On the topic of voice similarity and summer hits about death and the sea etc., throw in the vocals on the Alan Parsons song 'Time'. Its that same heart-rending strong falsetto voice from Shannon, isn't it? (time keeps flowing to the sea til its gone forever, etc.) That came out in 1981, five years after 'Shannon']

But back to Henry Gross and Terry Jacks' summer songs of death (for the BBQ party season), and their implausible popularity...

At least with something equally sad, like 'Eleanor Rigby' by the Beatles....there was a plausible explanation for the song Eleanor Rigby's fame and air play . It was, after all, a Beatles song, from a widely-selling Beatles album. So... that is partially why it got on the radio. With the added bonus that the song Eleanor Rigby at least had the redeeming quality that it seemed sympathetic to plight of the socially isolated, forgotten and neglected poor people in London.

But what of 'Seasons in the Sun'? There is no plausible reason for it to have become a hit. Terry Jacks was relatively unknown. The song itself was just plain sad. There was no 'social commentary' element to it. It was a young boy dying in the spring , and he didn't want to die because spring was so nice. But die he did. That's it. Death is sad. Thanks for telling us.


Then 'Shannon' comes along with the same message. Two years later. A beloved pet dog has died , and its sad that a dog has died, and that's it. Death is sad. Thanks for telling us. We'll be so grateful to be depressed by this news, that we will rocket your garbage to number one hit on the radio...yeah, right.

madhatter67 ago

Seasons in the sun was a translation of a Jacques brel song....brel was known for writing depressing songs about sordid subjects....and happened to be Belgian!

Scott walker covered a lot of brel songs.....and seriously list the plot several times

I kinda like both of them....but think I'll have to do some digging on them with this in mind

HunkaHunka ago

please take a moment to upvote my comment, it contains my own original research

HunkaHunka ago

The Presidio was the psy-ops base wherein the CIA created the bogus

Church of Satan and the bogus Manson Family psy-ops orgs, themselves a component of Operation Chaos. All under the command of the 7th Psychological Operations Group.

Notably The 7th Psychological Operations Group began as an offshoot of the original United States Army and Broadcasting division. Indicating a strong psy-ops component to the U.S. military activities in radio. Are we naive enough, still, to believe that the powers the be allowed AM rock radio to become a 'counterculture threat' to the establishment? When the 'establishment' themselves, very obviously. knew that the power of radio broadcasts was a powerful tool in warfare. The control freaks at the top (who print themselves all the money they want, btw){ would just allow the American radio stations to become 'privately-owned' potently massive threats to their power base, and not bother buying up said radio stations for their own use?

Kids...wake up. (btw, I reference 'kids' in reference even to myself , my own naive youth, back when I , like everyone else, still thought that the media was independently owned and intensely competitive, etc., and that the rockers themselves were 'defiant rebels' who had been propelled to fame and power by the 'little guys' like me tuned into radio...)

Anyone who still believes that , probably also clings to the bogus theory that the CIA started murdering rockers in the late sixties because the rockers were on the cusp of leading throng of penniless drugged up losers into the hall of power etc. yeah, right, cling to your ignorance. KIDS. Why murder rockers when they can pull the license of any station they don't like, buy out any record label they don't like, etc. These are not small fries who would resort to murdering people. Further , David McGowans research confirmed that all the rockers worked for the CIA, kiddies.

Because that is what you are still are, if you refuse to face the facts.

You still exist on the same mental/emtional level of the angry, ignorant teen that you were back in 1967, KIDS.

And look who was living just south of the Presidio of San Francisco

oh, does it look like biker band the Grateful Dead may have been associated with the Hells Angels right across the street from them?

Is it looking like Janis Joplin (said to have been an 'unofficial member' of the Grateful Dead ) and Jimi Hendrix , may have had their deaths faked by the 'Grateful Dead' psy-ops crew? Hence the name the Grateful Dead (alive after fake death, and grateful for having had their deaths faked)

Amidst all the fake death carnage and chaos of the 27 Club, the fake Kent State shootings, the fake Manson/Bundy/Zodiac murders, the fake stabbing at Altamont, psy-op radio band Jefferson Airplane pumps out 'White Rabbit' , the song about teens drugged out of their minds,

horrifying parents, their kids fallen down the rabbit hole into the world of Manson, Morrison and probably an impending drug death.

Gotta put a stop to all that war-protest nonsense. Freedom is dangerous, love is sluttiness, peace is weak etc. The hippie movement was fake, it was a creation of British intel and their U.S. extension The CIA.

lopus ago

Very interesting, thank you!

You also should read this:

Wimpole Muse
-- And the book

It's about the life of a guy called himself Sverre Helgesen (probably not his real name), who claimed that he grew up in London and went to school together with David Jones, later to be known as "David Bowie". He also tells a lot of weird stories, which I did not believe all those years ago. But today, with all the knowledge we have now I tend to believe most of the stuff he is telling.

Here are his stories he tells about his youth with Bowie - and Stephen Ward.


Back to the Beatles:
Sergeant Pepper album cover mirrored


We know that at the release party of Sergeant Pepper at May 19th 1967 at Brian Epstein's flat also Jimmy Savile was present. He also was good friends with the bealtes at least till the death of Brian Epstein.

Brian Epstein was gay and maybe he was blackmailed by Savile? Or The Kray brothers?

There also was a rumour that the Krays once wanted to take over the Beatles' management. But not sure about that:

This Blog claims, that the Krays maybe even killed Epstein... ("suicide" ... we know..) - but not sure about this! --

See Savile and Epstein here in the little video clip "the Duke meets the Beatles" from 1964

QUOTE: The Beatles are given awards by Prince Philip. The Fab Four play around with their awards. - wft?? So they are all together: Beatles, Epstein, Savile, Prince Philip!

Which 60ties Pop group went to a brothel with Savile? Well, I hope not the Beatles...


Think also of Joe Meek, who was gay and killed first his landlord and then himself in 1967. Joe Meek also was afraid to be questioned about the so called "suitcase murder". A young guy called Bernard Oliver was found killed and dismembered in two suitcases, who allegedly had been working in Meek's studio.

Here's more about that connection, but the Aangirfan-blog sometimes is to be taken with a grain of salt

Aangirfan about Sverre H.:


Lord Boothby, btw.. is not just the dirtbag we know from his time in politics, he had an interesting youth! He was friends with Michael Llewelyn-Davies, who was , as a boy, the inspiration for James Barrie for the little hero of his book "Peter Pan"...



more interesting read about the Beatles and the Swinging Sixties: Sibyllas Nightclub


btw... Andrew Lloyd Webber wrote a musical about Stephen Ward!

Primalredemption ago

Yes, yes, yes and yes. I have a very interesting story I wish I could share, relating to ALL the keywords in your thread, but it would be waaaay too easy to trace the leak back to my personal identity.

Let’s just say: the handlers link all the various characters together in a way that seems totally organic to an unsuspecting eye. They themselves don’t even realize they are under mind control and have no conscious recollection of their atrocities. But any outsider not under MK who comes close to the group and shows signs of even remotely catching on to the plot is dealt with immediately.


The Beatles were all killed on the summer solstice somewhere near New Zealand (their winter solstice 1964). They were last seen arriving at Wellington airport on June 21st 1964. They were replaced by doppelgangers who had been appearing as them in film, concert, television and public since October 1963.

Watch these two videos. The first one is The Beatles performing at the NME awards a few days before they left for the world tour, from which they never returned

The second video is again from the NME award show, but a year later. Are thes the same 4 guys? Everyone I show them too in real life is shocked and agrees that it's not the same men

You are correct in saying that they were part of a satanic agenda - Jane Asher was also killed and replaced.

sAVAgeBeastN ago

It was only Faul... calm down.. not the entire crew.


The "Paul is dead" psyop was designed to cover up what really happened to the real Beatles. It is easily debunked by finding the many appearances of Faul before 1966.

Anyhow, just watch the two videos I posted. Are you telling me they are both the same John Lennon? Not that I care what people on the internet who claim to be Paul is dead savvy - most are Judeo-masonic shills who get a thrill out of being deceitful. Vis a vis fuck off.

JastheMace ago

You should check out Miles Mathis


"The Free Love" movement was a psy-op pushed by marxist psychologists and sexologists who sought to Kritik all judeo-western morality.

In tandem the CIA controlled mainstream media pushed the sex, drugs and rock and roll.

The elites cremate their cares. Nothing Matters, therefore do as thou wilt. They just want to have kinky sex and all the drugs to fill the hole of the souls they sold for temporal power

But the elite also recognize that the salt of the earth who still have their souls, resist the attacks on family and god.

So they have to slowly psy-op and change definitions. Marriage becomes plural marriage, then open marriage.

Soon marriage no longer means what it once did and no longer has the social significance. So it's easier to attack it.

A lot of this comes down to California based cults, communes, activist organizations, and pornographers who were in communication with Foundation Funded Psychology "research institutes" (social engineering)

HunkaHunka ago

the main thrust was to target the United States. Culturally and economically. JFK proved that America was a threat to the globalists control, which is why they stepped up the destruction of America after his assassination. The globalists used opium to weaken, infiltrated and destroy China, in the same way they have succeeded doing so in America. America is destroyed, its industry is lost , its culture completely raped , its males neutered and emasculated. By Queen Elizabeth.

kestrel9 ago

I agree with you.

Nothing Matters, therefore do as thou wilt. They just want to have kinky sex and all the drugs to fill the hole of the souls they sold for temporal power

I'm wondering about the one world religion aspect, the ritualistic killing, etc. They have enough power to engage in the kinky sex and do all the drugs, but the need for the occult and for control, and the religious aspects of their aggressive push towards the scorched earth (destroying lives, people, countries, humanity) isn't explained solely by the desire to do drugs and have sex. There are things that matter for them, it's just not same things that matter for the remaining 97% of humanity. (I picked the percentage, not saying it's exact).

HunkaHunka ago

the 'ritual killing' and "so and so celeb was a satanic sacrifice" and 'so and so is an mkultra project' is mostly groundless speculation and bullshit hysteria. Celebrity deaths are routinely faked when an individual wants their privacy back and wants to leave public life without having to actually die to do it. Anyone who thinks 'but death is sacred, they would not fake deaths', is an idiot. They fake LIFES for these people , so they can fake DEATHS for them. By that I mean, most of their popularity is fake in the first place. They enter the sitcom set and the recorded laugh track chuckles at every one of their jokes...they go on the set of Ellen or Late Night , and the trained fake audience pretends to be thrilled to see them...the industry puts up fake fanzine sites staffed with fake fans...industry magazines fan the bullshit to greater heights...and the music industry is the worst of all....forced radio play for CIA spook 'acts' who have very little in the way of musical talent.. rent a crowds at their earliest shows, complimentary tickets stuffing the empty seats, govt. agencies paid to distribute free tickets to the families of employees as 'employee benefits' , its all a fucking sham, an illusion. So yes they have fake lives, fake celebrity, most of them do not even use their real birth names, For FS, wake up people. They fake the deaths of these people. Because what they don't tell you is that most of them are govt. spooks who 'know too much' and are told that if they want to leave , they will have to leave their superhero persona and costume behind in the costume room , change their name , and get the fuck gone and don't come back.

kestrel9 ago

Sure CIA spooks are hidden and disappear, that's their job. And yes Hollywood is fake. But MKULTRA and all the spin off mind control research isn't fake, it has been used to create the weaponized false reality that plagues the whole country: FAKE NEWS, the BS social 'sciences' education (not all), FAKE books, FAKE research papers, FAKE narratives, complete with carrots and sticks to enforce the acceptance of them. But disgusting experiments on humans isn't fake.

The push towards a one world government isn't fake and my point was that the people at the top with the most money display such an utter sadistic disdain for humanity, with the need to destroy and control, that it's no less demonic than if we caught them on tape carrying out a ritual slaughter of the cast of GLEE.

As far as your response, I don't think it's valid to write off the entire subject and not give any concrete examples, or even make a case for specific instances even if you can't prove it. I've found what appears to be very plausible explanations for the real reasons behind the Manson killings (non ritualistic), but that's almost a giveaway, in hindsight. Their case is in most everyway, an example of what you're arguing. But the travesty of it is how many young people are lured into occult activity, who ruin their lives using drugs and degrading themselves by living as little wanna be celebrity fuckbags to please the Elites.

You may not believe that evil is real, and I'm not faulting you if you don't, but not everything can be written off as 'just the spooks playing us'. A great deal of it can, but at the heart of it, regarding the most powerful people, the man behind the curtain, if you will, it doesn't add up. Systematically dehumanizing people on a global scale isn't necessary to carry out covert plans, and only evil mfkrs can conceive of doing what they've been doing, while taking great pleasure in doing so.

SkyCruiser ago

David McGowan's work "Weird Scenes Inside the Canyon: Laurel Canyon, Covert Ops & the Dark Heart of the Hippie Dream" should be a must read for you pertaining to this line of thought.

kestrel9 ago

Thank you for the link, will check it out.