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Podge512 ago

Makes you wonder about the disturbingly recurring theme of paedophilia in De Chomo's collaborations with Scorsese; from the child prostitute Iris in Taxi Driver, to the violent, psychopathic child rapist Max Cady in the remake of Cape Fear, to the prostitute Ginger McKenna whose pimp, Lester Diamond, fondly reminisces in a phone conversation on her wedding day about how he had been pimping her out since she was 14 in Casino.

YogSoggoth ago

"The De Niros had a kind of salon on Bleecker Street, where art critic Clement Greenberg, film essayist Manny Farber, and artist Margaret McKee, among others, would drop by and discuss Freud, Kierkegaard, Gertrude Stein, or Zen. “Nobody had any money at all,” painter Buffie Johnson said." Greenburgs work for the Rothchilds. Freud was a pedophile like his son. He traveled to Russia with Michael Powell and Martin Scorsese to work on a film project; he grew his hair shoulder-length and went on location in Colombia, where he played a slave trader turned priest in Roland Joffé’s The Mission. De Niro was also in a jackass film called Dirty Grandpa. Jackass boys are friends with Sir Richard Branson of Virgin airlines fame.