fogdryer ago

I already posted this

kazza64 ago

talking about left eye jesus christ have you seen jeff bezos

matheasysolutions ago

yuuup, he (and Harvey Weinstein) was the final straw into diving into this rabbit hole:

kazza64 ago

this has no scientific basis but if i want to an insight into somebodys soul i always look at their left eye which is the eye on the right when you're looking at somebodys face it will tell you how whacked out and off balance they are i dont know why but its something i noticed years ago ..... bezos eye freaks me out its one of the most obvious ive ever seen like it is jumping out of his body

matheasysolutions ago

Yup. Always trust your gut / intuition. Bezos is as close to an android as will be publicly disclosed hahaha

kazza64 ago

lol ..... him and zuckerberg

kestrel9 ago

I don't think the eye thing is an anomaly, or that it's means something about a person.

Vindicator ago

Yeah, a lot the stuff I read gives me a left eye anomaly. /raises skeptical eyebrow

May be something to the black eye thing. Time will tell.

kestrel9 ago

Speaking of eyes... good compilation of Illuminati eye... gets to the kids at the end. Darkened Right Eye

derram ago :

MathEasySolutions on Twitter: "EVEN "Southern Poverty Law Center" (SPLC) Co-Founder Morris Dees has a VERY weird drooping left eye... annd his 18 year-old Step Daughter accused him of attempting to molest her... 👁️ Molestation 👁️👁️…"

This has been an automated message.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

bigleaguepolitics -