racmo ago

On the last instagram pic jc says 'sausagefest' and cwoolman says 'no girls allowed in the clubhouse'. THAT'S NORMALLY SAID WHILE VIEWING ART I GUESS

Oh_Well_ian ago

Ambramovic spreads pigs blood and semen on a wall and calls it 'art'.

They think 'art' gives them cover and we're all just too stupid and unrefined to get it..

Same way LBGTQPB----- is being used as a cover for degeneracy. It's an alphabetical slippery slope in plain view.

PedoStomperReturns ago

Yes I'm sure it's pig's blood.

Agent999 ago

No women on upper level? One lady, maybe, downstairs....what women don't like the "complicated" art? Weird people.

Kekmet-Peperoni ago

also with the staircase it kinda looks like theres a barrier with a wheel on a track that could perhaps be pulled over to block it off.

Oh_Well_ian ago

yes... good eye... I actually mention that in the OP

DerivaUK ago

Staircase easily cleaned with a good hose down to clinically clean again, nowhere for telling ‘specks’ to hide. Make good tether points too, I’d imagine.

Oh_Well_ian ago

check this out >> https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1539432

The painting was scrubbed from imgur but here it is:


@bopper @exposethecriminals

exposethecriminals ago

My gosh, that is horrific. I had not seen that before -- nightmarish -- and the same size and height window. Thank you for digging that up.

bopper ago

Oh man, that makes you shudder... that is screwed up.

Oh_Well_ian ago

Alefantis is freaking out somewhere right now..

Oh_Well_ian ago

bopper ago

Alefantis became unhinged talking to Ryan about this and above all things wanted the video on this taken down, It was striking really.

PedoStomperReturns ago

It sucks that Ryan had a family to watch out for, because no one from this little community has been in direct contact with Alefantis since then. If it had of been me, I have to admit, I would have played the tough guy and told the pedo creep to come find me. I'm not really one for being threatened, and I have no family to speak of.

Oh_Well_ian ago

Alefantis was consolidating his entertainment/rape/torture/snuff/organ trafficking businesses under a single roof. The entire block where Pegasus is located was being bought up. The houses were holding pens for the children. The playground was the showroom. The room in the OP was the venue. The art was the money laundering. The warehouse was used to ship out the organs.


Yuke ago

Now, this is where you and I disagree. You say that "the entire block where Pegasus is located was being bought up". Bought up by whom exactly? What info do you have that suggests this is so and how does it relate back to these same guys? And then "The houses were holding pens for the children". I'm sorry, but we don't have any direct evidence of that so far; it's a guess. Stick to solid facts and not sensationalized comments that don't have any.

PedoStomperReturns ago

Comet Ping-Pong, owned by Jimmy Comet. Right next door, Bucks Camping & Fishing, owned by Jimmy Comet. Next door to that, Besta Pizza, the joint that had to change their logo because it was ripped straight from the FBI Pedo Symbols document. On the opposite site, Politics & Prose, a bookstore regularly visited by Hillary Clinton, and whom also had a Pedo Symbol (spiral) as their logo.

The entire block was being bought up by a pedo network, clearly.

Yuke ago

That block is nowhere near Pegasus.

PedoStomperReturns ago

So four suspect buildings right next to each other, two owned by JA and two with pedo symbols in their logos, that's not alarming or suspicious at all to you?

Yuke ago

I never once said that, I only said that they hadn't bought up the block where Pegasus is.

Oh_Well_ian ago

'It Takes a Village'

I'm free to hypothesis in my comments, Yuke. I refrain from making those assumptions in my submissions. I have been doing that since the beginning.

Look around DC. It a community of these people and Satanism is rampant. Same thing with Philadelphia and Baltimore.

Yuke ago

I don't mind hypothesizing if it sounds like a hypothesis, but what you do sometimes is make claims, claims that sound like facts; that's very different. Anyway, carry on, we're on the same team.

Oh_Well_ian ago

sure... perhaps I went too far here, but when you look at Connecticut Avenue and Besta, Comet, Bucks, Beyond Borders, Et al. is shows a definite pattern. Make no mistake about it, these people want to drastically change humanity for the worse.

That is why I call the Cabal: 'Apocalypto in Armani Suits'

bopper ago

POTUS is slamming Lebron James, there's a reason for it, James has some questionable colleagues and charity dealings.

Oh_Well_ian ago

being a Laker fan I went from loving the deal for LeBron to hating it

The minute he attacked Trump I felt he was implicated.

but all sports stars are, I guess.. <sigh>

bopper ago

Yeah, I was hesitant to say anything, but then with Trump tweeting, doesn't look good.

bopper ago

Good refresher. I forgot some of this.

Yeah I think when Q says 'sick' and 'evil' etc. this is the kind of thing he's talking about, this is the far end of the spectrum, or grade, of that evil. I would hope the far end, maybe not, maybe not at all. Too much for some people.

Pizzalawyer ago

These photos are of just one room in the museum, not the museum itself, the building is much larger than this long narrow room. The room has a door to the outside and the barn door is probably to another room of the museum.

If Qanon is becoming mainstream, then Pizzagate is sure to follow so.we need to make sure our posts and commentary are convincing. The so called coat hanger on the floor looks like a stain in the concrete, not a torture or abortion device.

I regard the museum photos as depictions of a building featuring bonafide modern art and sculpture. Alefantis has a history of being involved in the arts and at one time had an art gallery . I dont quite understand why he calls this a museum rather than a gallery. Maybe he was trying to get around some zoning regulations.

Anyway, the stairs, the gliding loft, the sliding barn door, the metal desk, the drafting table are all great examples of metal art. The wooden slab tables are very popular now, a slab of wood with bark still on it costing hundreds of dollars. I know this because there is not only an architecture store near me but I have also recently consulted with such an artist about sawing slabs from one of my huge walnut trees that fell over in a storm. Slab wood is being used as countertops in tiny houses and sliding barn doors are the rage in home remodeling.

Now before you start to accuse me of being a shill, I believe Alefantis to be a pervert and I think this room and the items in it can readily be used during the off hours to engage in sexual perversions with adults or children. Notice the hoist, imagine the gliding loft be used like a camera dolly. Comet Ping Pong is a bonafide eating establishment but in the after hours it can convert to more nefarious activities. IMO, the museum and its objects can have the same dual purpose.

PedoStomperReturns ago

Its a possibility that Pegasus is where some of the compromising, blackmail-related stuff is filmed.

Oh_Well_ian ago

Anyway, the stairs, the gliding loft, the sliding barn door, the metal desk, the drafting table are all great examples of metal art.

really? Please explain the ROOSTING pick and the comments on the IG page. Just what do you think was going on as they were all looking to the area below where the table alter is located?

The only thing you got right in your entire comment was the coat hanger stain. And by the way, notice that was not in the submission and you should have posted your comment appropriately. Pretty shady concern trolling you're participating in here:

If Qanon is becoming mainstream, then Pizzagate is sure to follow so.we need to make sure our posts and commentary are convincing.

Pizzalawyer ago

all the folks roosting? It looked like a gallery opening party. Not a bunch of Satanists watching a sacrifice. Grow up!

Oh_Well_ian ago

is this you AreWeSure lol

you faggots FREAK OUT when this place is mentioned...

THANKS for proving how relevant it is..

Pizzalawyer ago

you didnt read that portion of my comment, did you, that said this legitimate gallery could be used for nefarious purposes like Comet Ping Pong. When your post implies that there is an audience watching a child sacrifice (with door open to the outside) on a wood slab being butchered by Satanists with a coat hanger. you look stupid and you make the rest of us look stupid.

I'll suffer organized spam over stupidity any day.

Oh_Well_ian ago

there you go with the 'coat hanger' canard again, counselor...

Find out where I said anything about the coat hanger other than it was proven to be a stain long, long ago.

You're making yourself look stupid, you fucking moron. People are smart. You can't control them, dick cheese.

Now.. why don't you go fuck yourself, AreWeSure

Pizzalawyer ago

why are you calling me AreWeSure? He and I spar lots of times and he correctly points out lots of errors. Learn from the criticism instead of relying on insults.

Yuke ago

He's right. It was a music performance that they were watching and it was deemed to be the opening of Squareform's "new gallery" see here - https://www.instagram.com/p/d8b_T7CjIh/?taken-by=littleredfoxdc

Pizzalawyer ago

thanks for backing me with real.evidence. Im just trying to keep overly active imaginations in check so we dont look stupid.

Yuke ago

I've been encouraging exactly that for a very long time too. I like facts, facts hold weight.

Joe10jo ago

Wow! I’ve seen this posted on Voat several times but it just dawned on me that the table.... see how it delves in to a V shape at the end and there’s that little area between that’s carved out even more?? Like, for easier access if you know what I mean?? What do you guys think?

3141592653 ago


carmencita ago

I knew there was a reason for that. I just didn't want to put it together in my mind. Oh God How Horrid.

Oh_Well_ian ago

exactly correct...

WeirdTimes ago

I have seen pictures where they were building an underground tunnel. This tunnel goes from the white house to bestapizza and further to the pegasus building. Maybe i'll find the source again. This building is very important

Oh_Well_ian ago

lol Yeah... they were digging with shovels to the White House which is over 4 miles from Besta and Comet.

stop pooping up my submission, newbie.

WeirdTimes ago

Lol you think they don't have such opportubities? Watch at min 9 https://youtu.be/A_1Z9o7OxQw Its enough to build a tunnel from besta pozza to the killroom

Yuke ago

Are you talking about the construction pics where a couple of guys were standing looking down at a hole in the ground. One had long hair? If so that site is this site, Pegasus.

septimasexta ago

I studied the hole pic on the Instagram when we first found it. Brian did a great job plotting out the location of the hole and the trench on a map of the Pegasus interior in his video. By using the brick matching technique, I deduced that the hole would be right at the bottom of the "stairs". The comments on the Instagram referred to a "pop-up" at a particular restaurant directly down the road from Pegasus. I took it to have a double meaning. A "pop-up" at the time could refer to a temporary restaurant or AN EXIT FROM A TUNNEL. Why would they make a restaurant comment while looking at a hole in the ground?

Yuke ago

These are really old pics now. I've seen what the inside of the main part of Pegasus looks like now, the upstairs part. It's been turned into what looks like living accomodation. The downstairs is still used as a workshop.

Factfinder2 ago

Got any links to current pics?

Yuke ago

These are about the most recent but even these are from 2017, the ones with the large White marble looking table (the top is actually wood). There are sources I'm following for these but don't want to reveal them because some douche will comment on them and then they'll get closed. I'd like to keep monitoring.

Oh_Well_ian ago

Another huge red flag!!!

Why go through all that trouble to fabricate such an elaborate and specialized area that Alefantis and his clique were wildly anticipating and turned out in huge numbers for, just to tear it down???

Do you have any pics of the remodel?

Yuke ago

One of the most suspicious parts for me is that the two main guys from Squareform, who used to work from Pegasus, have both since moved from Washington DC on the East coast, to the West coast in Portland, and I think the other was San Diego. Its strange that they both made a huge move like that at a similar time.

dundundunnnnn ago

Are they friends with VooDoo Donut?

Devious1 ago

In the roosting pic, notice what's being lowered or hung on the rope on the left hand side.

Factfinder2 ago

Good catch. What is that thing? https://imgoat.com/uploads/fc3d7152ba/132097.png

Devious1 ago

https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1541984 Unfortunately, not Long after my post, they took the image hosting site down. Here's a couple of images you havnt got https://imgur.com/a/zZf5DKI

To me, what ever gets lowered on the rope it's very sinister. Petty some of my other images got scrubbed - The stairs, which you mentioned a kid couldn't climb, the actually get hoisted up, to create a better viewing platform. Have other images somewhere, not sure on which device though.....

Joe10jo ago

Something that maybe releases noxious gases?

Yuke ago

It's just a sculpture by one of their friends.


It is a strange building. But I would think if it were to be used for sacrifices that there would be a stone table present. Like granite. Looks more like an auction hall.

PedoStomperReturns ago

While the "stone altar" is probably used at a lot of upper-level sacrificial events (Bohemian Grove level and higher), I think these guys are basically the equivalent of "frat boy Satanists" who just get fucked up from all the adrenochrome they're consuming, so there's really no need for them to go all-out like that. Their main concentration is keeping what they're doing hidden, and a giant stone tablet would be hard to conceal.


I understand what you are saying, but I'm thinking of easy ckean up. You don't want blood stains everywhere and bacteria growing. Something like a granite counter top or stainless steel. I don't mean an enormous stone alter complete with oversized candelabras. :)

Oh_Well_ian ago

lol because you have been to human sacrifices before and they all have granite alters?

that is a ridiculous statement

pretty much what I have come to expect from you over the last year


Fuck off. You have no common sense. Blood would stain a wooden table and it's not hygienic.

Oh_Well_ian ago

zero submissions to v/pizzagate^^^

faggot is a shill


I was thinking the same about you. Shills attack people. I don't have time to make submissions. I have a job. This is your job. Right?

dbvapor ago

James Alefantis reminds me of Dexter’s brother on the TV show Dexter.

PedoStomperReturns ago

I imagine Alefantis as being a master manipulator in real life, except that he's also a sodomite meth-head so he's not nearly as calculating as Dexter or his brother are in the show, so he slips up and makes mistakes. There's a reason why in the beginning of PG, James was willing to talk to researchers and actually take them on a tour of the restaurant; the guy is cocky and arrogant.

WeirdTimes ago

Dexter would have killed these guys!

Blacksmith21 ago

Not sure how any of that ever got through inspections....

GeorgeT ago

Same way as H.H.Holmes' World's Fair Hotel back in 1893 which was rigged with secret passage ways, torture chambers, trap doors and crematorium. He is supposed to have killed 200 people, confessing to 27. I posted Wikepidea article back in December 2016 just before the Madisson Welch psyop. I tweeted it with a title 'Comet Ping Pong - too far fetched, so was World's Fair Hotel. Meet HH Homes' + Link. I was shaddowbanned immediately. I had only just joined twitter with barely 25 followers. I posted it again - it was erased!!! Someone better tell me to my face PG is not real! We have uncovered a global pedo - satanic SRA ring - THE DEEP STATE! You better believe they know we know! I followed Alex Jones for 15 years, and I had never seen him as spooked as he was on that day (Mar25, 2017, PG march) when he apologised to that Creep Of The Century (who might turn out to be the worst serial child murderer in history!)

PedoStomperReturns ago

And have you noticed that ever since that "apology," Alex Jones has seemed even more off-the-rails than usual? There was stuff about his wife leaving him, his vids are being removed from YT, and now he's getting sued. It's either A. All for show, to get people to go "Whoa, I better not talk about certain subjects or I'll get sued too!" or B. The guy overstepped his boundaries as controlled opposition and now he's having his character slowly broken down and destroyed, and he may be "dealt with" in the future.

GeorgeT ago

I truly think it's B. Once he interviewed Trump, as a presidential candidate he joined the establishment and those who join the establishment must abide by its rules. He does look unhinged. He did an interview with Megyn Kelly that was rather odd.

PedoStomperReturns ago

Unlike a lot of people, I think Alex Jones has been controlled opposition from day one. I mean, I look at it like this. The fact that anyone can go on YouTube and look up "Bohemian Grove" and actually view the Cremation of Care ritual, the fact that the video hasn't been scrubbed from existence, it tells me that the elite are A. aware that the video was filmed, and B. they are still allowing the person who published the video to live. So many people have been killed by the elite for far less, but this guy "sneaks" into Bohemian Grove (which I have to assume has armed guards surrounding the place, or at the very least high-level security people), brings a camera in there, and lives to tell about it? Not only does he live to tell about it, but he runs an ultra-successful "independent" radio program?

I believe Alex Jones has been paid off from the start, the Bohemian Grove footage was "allowed" to leak in order to give him legitimacy among the "conspiracy people." With PizzaGate, he overstepped and was made to formally apologize to Jimmy Comet. After that, my guess would be that he is either being mentally destroyed by their gangstalking and mind games, OR he is just doing his bidding and hamming up his "role" as the mentally deranged conspiracy theorist.

GeorgeT ago

And I believe that this was in fact another reason why they got rid of William Cooper who was exposing Alex big time back in 2000. All makes sense (oh and for predicting 9/11 on June 28, 2001)

Blacksmith21 ago

Very interesting piece of history: https://the-line-up.com/dr-hh-holmes-murder-castle

Sounds like he had a Ghost Ship of hos own.

Factfinder2 ago

Especially the "staircase."

septimasexta ago

Reminds me of the "decorative" bars protruding from the ceiling at Comet. There was a photo of Alefantis in the restaurant sitting in the air on one of these. Almost looked like a floating stairwell leading to the hidden second story.

Blacksmith21 ago

Inspector probably got some free pizza for an "art exemption". Imagine 20 people trying to get down those stairs if that place caught fire?


PedoStomperReturns ago

I can only hope that place would catch on fire, preferably with Jimmy inside.

RageAgainstTheAmish ago

Hopefully they all die if that ever happens

Oh_Well_ian ago

probably because the entire District is owned and paid for...

carmencita ago

Hmm. A shill voated both our comments down. Not surprised. Good.

carmencita ago

When you have a guy that is visiting the White House, why would you expect him to have Anything expected at all, He would be able to have anything remodeled or redone with out any suspicion on that block. No inspector is going to come knocking on his door.

Oh_Well_ian ago

DC is the most evil city in the entire world

it's not even close

carmencita ago

UpVoat. Thanks for bringing this back for research. I bet there is a drain somewhere under that table or very near, if you catch my drift. I can’t even. Beyond Evil.

GeorgeT ago

If that creep posted that pic of Murder Room (remember that one, straight out of Hostel Set!) on a PUBLIC instagram - imagine what they posted in private!!!!

carmencita ago

Agee. What really gets me is they posted it and then HE got upset with Ryan for what HE posted on public media, for anyone to see. He thought no one was watching. Wrong. And Yes, I shudder to think about their secret postings. Horrid and Unspeakable, I am sure.

Sum-of-Nun ago

Not a drain but do you see the wire coat hanger on the floor toward the bottom right of the table? Right next to some stained concrete.

carmencita ago

Yes there IS a hanger and I see what might be a stain. Am on phone so not too clear. But there is something there. We know there is a drain in at least one place. Why do you need a drain in a Museum? For when the hose down the Artwork? Mm. 🤔 Hmm.

GeorgeT ago

If he is indeed part of the Rothchild clan - then he would have access to everything which leads me to fancy that the museum is the tip of the Iceberg - the real actual temple is underground with tunnels and all!

carmencita ago

Exactly. The set up HE has there is completely professionally contracted with architect drawings and all that HIS money can buy. Yes, I am sure there is also some type of underground operation as well. All the macabre things THEY are used to WE find repugnant and totally disgusting. But for them it is enticing and a sexual high that I can't even imagine. Morbidly Evil.