Conspirologist ago

James Gunn is the founder of Troma film studio, which is situated in Hell's Kitchen NY, an infamous district inhabited by openly self admitted satanist degenerates and perverts. If you know this, nothing can surprise you.


More like Guardians of Pedophiles

77777777777 ago

They're all TRANNIES

memphistre ago

Not defending this, but of course these people are supporting him. It means more cash flow in their accounts.

letsdothis2 ago

Guardians of the Galaxy is a MARVEL production. Y'all need to start there: :

Stan Lee named his MARVEL comic franchise after Jack "Marvel Whiteside" Parsons, founder of the Jet Propulsion Laboratories

Marvel subtly pushing pedophilia? -

septimasexta ago

GOOD CATCH! I think James Gunn started out in comics.

letsdothis2 ago

James Gunn

He started his career as a screenwriter in the mid-1990s, writing the scripts for Tromeo and Juliet (1996), ...

Tromeo and Juliet :

The film was directed by Lloyd Kaufman from a screenplay by Kaufman and James Gunn

Kaufman is the co-founder of Troma Entertainment film studio

I saw this video a few days ago, but haven't had a chance or inclination to look any further as I'm more interested in politicians, lawyers, etc..

Troma Films Linked To Satanism On Instagram! James Gunn, Tony Podesta, Loyd Kaufman #PIZZAGATE

Edit: The comics sub-culture is used as part of the Transformation Agenda and for the continuing infantalisation of adults. It's also used to cover up information in google searches by having stories developed with names of people and places in the real world who are of interest to people like us.

YogSoggoth ago

If I am not mistaken Troma is a sleaze/ B movie/cult film outfit. Geared towards youth, Jewish run, they produced such classics as Toxic Avenger. "I've never corn holed a blind chick" is a memorable quote from the series. There was also the game that the teenagers played running over people, and getting extra points for cripples and baby strollers, or some nonsense. Worth looking into in my opinion.

Piscina ago

Yes, I totally agree with you. I was reading tweets this morning. If someone was sitting on the fence and was not a critical thinker, they could easily be duped into comparing apples to oranges. Let's not forget that this douchebag laughed about hurting innocent children.

theHare ago

That she boon on snl, I guess, is trending top of you toob and she’s shilling for these fuckers. It’s on “the view”. Oh my god these people are straight fing out of the pits guys.

rooting4redpillers ago

The bottom sludge of the pits.

NoRoyalty ago

WTF is Trump waiting for?

rooting4redpillers ago

The golden opportunity, I hope.

kazza64 ago

fucking pedophiles ruin everything

kazza64 ago

mainstream media will not mention the word pedophilia in relation to this story they said james had some old rape jokes on his social media

drj2 ago

Fuck them all. I hope the movie tanks at the theaters and no one fucking goes. I hope their careers go to shit.

amonymous ago

They will ignore it for a paycheck. This is a re-occurring theme. Tavistock has nothing to do with this and its negligible if they have any effect on anything at all. You should not work for disney after this maybe make movies for universal or something but Disney does not want their hands in this. You could make the argument Disney tapped James Gunn because of his pedophile tendencies. If that was the case then they will not bring him back for the same reason.

septimasexta ago

"Tavistock has nothing to do with this and its negligible if they have any effect on anything at all." You are quite mistaken. Tavistock - Fritz Perls and Gestalt Therapy - Bandler and Grindler - Neurolinguistic programming

"NLP was created in the late 1960’s and early 70’s by Richard Bandler, a computer scientist and John Grindler, a linguist. Together they studied the work of Fritz Perls, a Gestalt therapist, Virginia Satire, a family therapist and Milton Erickson, a Hypnotherapist, all of whom succeeded in helping their clients make dramatic changes in their lives. By drawing upon and Utilising the various skills and successes of these therapists, NLP was born."

How To Manipulate People - NLP Mind Control

NLP Persuasion

NLP Techniques: One Simple Phrase To Overcome Resistance

maurice ago

This is a great peer review on neurolinguistic programming. Anyone reading it, will need to use some mental gymnastics to understand some of the word play, such as saying "otherness". Like so many peer reviews, they are not just written with college level grammar, but are written with double means.

Understanding legalese is an advantage to dissecting this stuff.

septimasexta ago

"Although a common understanding of reframing derives from the pioneering formalization by John Grinder and Richard Bandler (Reframing: Neurolinguistic programming and the transformation of meaning, 1983), no specific appeal to the methods of neuro-linguistic programming is intended here. Of greater relevance are insights into framing emerging from the work of George Lakoff and Mark Johnson (Metaphors We Live By, 1980; Philosophy In The Flesh: the Embodied Mind and its Challenge to Western Thought, 1999)."

Good resource. Will be working through it. Thanks!

amonymous ago

Ok I am sorry I just felt that way because I have seen people say "dont mention T@vis0ck" and try and not directly spell it. The implication was if you type the word tavistock you are fucked. That was a little bit of hysteria but this makes sense with the Neuro Linguistic Programming.

maurice ago

As a young man, I went reading into many topics. When I got into Aleister Crowley, MKULTRA, and an assortment of related subjects, I started having random strangers on the city bus tell me things like, "Stay out of McGregor's Garden." Mind you, this was the late 90s, the internet was young and most homes didn't have a computer yet. Most of what I read was from public library's and books I'd bought. What was on the internet back then, was mostly college archives. It was the time of AOL, no google or youtube yet. But even then, big brother knew what people would research.

If you look into the Church Commission reports from the 1970's, you will find many names of people connected to unethical human experimentation. Those people were never punished. Most went on to hold esteemed positions in their fields of study. Bush senior was part of the CIA during the 70s. He went on to be president.

MKULTRA never ended.

The FBI use to actively pursue exposing satanic cults until the late 90s......Do you understand what happened? Why they stopped?

ALL "magick" is science, and as septimasexta, "knowing the technique behind a magic trick - it's no longer magic."

septimasexta ago

Thanks for your comment. Now people will be curious about this topic. That's a good thing. These methods lose their power when the targeted individual is aware of how they work. Kind of like knowing the technique behind a magic trick - it's no longer magic. LOL!

Factfinder2 ago

Don't forget his "joke" on video about anally raping his daughter:

Kodo0 ago

Dont forget his "joke" about NAMBLA either

septimasexta ago

Good supporting post . Thanks!

darkknight111 ago Might wanna dig into instagram too.

carmencita ago

This one is just plain weird. James Gunn These people are deranged with their strange tweets. They are using this medium to get attention with the most bazaar statements. Narcissists is what they all are. Bleeping Narcissists.

Oh_Well_ian ago

I believe the tweets were identifiers that let others know they are both club members and willing customers.

Kinda like Craig's List or Backpage add's.

'How do you hide messages in plain view'? -Q

A: Dress them up as jokes

carmencita ago

None of this is funny when you are talking about those kind of jokes, but really did they think we would think they were funny just because they were presented as jokes? That's the whole thing in a nutshell. They thought we would because they did. So they really do think those things are funny. It's a real joke to rape children, at least to them. Why? Because we know how much they really hate them. That is the really Hidden Story. How they could even dress them up as jokes when they are not. But to them, they are. They are Beyond Repair. They Need T Be Totally Institutionalized Til Death. They are a Danger to All Children.

Oh_Well_ian ago

Nothing is funny about it, of course. No way they are 'jokes', that's why I call them 'tweets'. How many times can anyone laugh at the SAME JOKE over and over, especially one that is not funny.

There is also a lot of 'normalization' going on here, much like the repetitive nature of the Elsa and Spiderman videos. Keep beating the drum and people will begin to march in a line. The sheer number of tweets on the subject is staggering.

carmencita ago

I agree. They are part of the plan. Along with the art we have been discussing. So really the arts are playing a very large part in the normalization of our people. They no longer even call it sexual abuse. They are coming out with the real word. Rape. And people are accepting it. That is the sad part. Who really has challenged them on twitter? I did not see memes from the community. Very sad indeed. We must not back down.

derram ago :

Chris Pratt, 'Guardians of the Galaxy' Cast Release Statement Defending Gunn, Decrying Social Media Mobbing. They're Right. | Daily Wire

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