Vindicator ago

@letsdothis2, you've got a lot of stuff in this thread, but no thesis about what is directly relevant to PG here and why it's worth investigating. All I see is this:

This post is relevant to pizzagate because of our interest in the rainbow symbolism as it pertains to the research on pedophilia.

You speak of "rainbow symbolism" as if it is common knowledge and something frequently discussed, which is not the case. Please edit this post to give a summary explanation of this other thread you reference:

It was research for the following post which first alerted me to the use of the rainbow as a symbol during the Second World war : Jimmy Savile > the Process Church of the Final Judgement > the House of Rothschild > Alefantis and David Brock's ex boyfriend William Grey > Ed Buck

Research posts here need to do more than quote or link to historical information or past threads. They need to analyze that information and give the relevance:

2: Empiricism: EACH factual claim that is not common knowledge must be sourced...If you present opinion/argument, connect your dots and provide sources for them.

3: Clarity: All titles must adequately describe post content and must establish direct relevance to pizzagate. EACH link in your post must include a description of content and how the link relates to the post

Flairing per Rules 1, 2, and 3 so you can edit this. Thank you.

@think- @Ben_Matlock @EricKaliberhall

letsdothis2 ago

@carmencita, perhaps you can help out.

carmencita ago

Do you need info regarding how the rainbow relates to pedophilia? Let me know exactly what you need help with.

letsdothis2 ago

Lol. I was at a friend's place having some wine last night when I read vindicator's comment so I don't really remember why specifically I thought of you regarding this. However, if you have any links that would help with this rainbow connection I would appreciate it. I think these posts regarding SHAEF are quite important so it would be a shame to lose them. If not, don't worry. Hopefully I can edit them to the moderators' satisfaction.

carmencita ago

OK. Will see what I can find. While researching rainbow cultural garden I saw some things but can't find them now. Will keep searching.

letsdothis2 ago

Don't worry about it carmencita. I've done the editing now.

carmencita ago

Oh great! Glad to hear it.

letsdothis2 ago

Wait a minute this post is 1 month old. Lol.

Vindicator ago

Shit. Sorry. Left the comment on the wrong thread. Meant to leave this on the new one, LOL. :-) I will copypaste.

letsdothis2 ago

No worries vindicator. I get what you are saying. I'll have a look tomorrow to see if I can edit the post as per your requirements.

letsdothis2 ago

More on Kissinger:

From Behold a Pale Rider by William Cooper:

Chapter Twelve

The Secret Government

Henry Kissinger wrote what was officially termed the results in 1957 as Nuclear Weapons and Foreign Policy, published for the Council on Foreign Relations by Harper & Brothers, New York. In truth, the manuscript had already been 80% written while Kissinger was at Harvard. The study group continued, veiled in secrecy. A clue to the seriousness Kissinger attached to the study can be found in statements by his wife and friends. Many of them stated that Henry would leave home early each morning and return late each night without speaking to anyone or responding to any- one. It seemed as if he were in another world which held no room for outsiders.

These statements are very revealing. The revelations of the alien

presence and actions during the study must have been a great shock.

Henry Kissinger was definitely out of character during this time. He would never again be affected in this manner, no matter the seriousness of

any subsequent event. On many occasions he would work very late into

the night after having already put in a full day. This behavior eventually led to divorce.

A major finding of the alien study was that the public could not be

told. It was believed that this would most certainly lead to economic

collapse, collapse of the religious structure, and national panic, which

could lead into anarchy. Secrecy thus continued. An offshoot of this find- ing was that if the public could not be told. Congress could not be told. Funding for the projects and research would have to come from outside the Government. In the meantime money was to be obtained from the military budget and from CIA confidential, nonappropriated funds.

Another major finding was that the aliens were using humans and

animals for a source of glandular secretions, enzymes, hormonal secre- tions, blood plasma and possibly in genetic experiments. The aliens ex- plained these actions as necessary to their survival. They stated that their genetic structure had deteriorated and that they were no longer able to reproduce. They stated that if they were unable to improve their genetic structure, their race would soon cease to exist. We looked upon their explanations with extreme suspicion. Since our weapons were literally useless against the aliens, Majesty Twelve decided to continue friendly diplomatic relations until such time as we were able to develop a technol- ogy which would enable us to challenge them on a military basis. Over- tures would have to be made to the Soviet Union and other nations to join forces for the survival of humanity. In the meantime plans were developed to research and construct two weapons systems using conventional and nuclear technology, which would hopefully bring us to parity.

The results of the research were Projects JOSHUA and EXCALIBUR.

JOSHUA was a weapon captured from the Germans which was capable of shattering 4-inch-thick armor plate at a range of two miles. It used aimed, low-frequency sound waves, and it was believed that this weapon would be effective against the alien craft and beam weapons. EXCALIBUR was a weapon carried by missile not to rise above 30,000 feet above ground level (AGL), not to deviate from designated target more than 50 meters, able to would penetrate "1,000 meters of tufa, hard-packed soil such as that found in New Mexico," carry a one-megaton warhead, and intended for use in destroying the aliens in their underground bases. JOSHUA was developed successfully but never used, to my knowledge. EXCALIBUR was not pushed until recent years and now, we are told, there is an unprecedented effort to develop this weapon. The public would be told that EXCALIBUR would be needed to take out Soviet underground command posts. We know that is not true because one rule of war is that you try not to destroy the leaders. They are needed either to unconditionally surrender or to negotiate terms. Leaders are also needed to ensure peaceful transition of power and the compliance of the populace to all negotiated or dictated terms.

The events at Fatima in the early part of the century were scrutinized. On the suspicion that it was alien manipulation, an intelligence operation was put into motion to penetrate the secrecy surrounding the event. The United States utilized its Vatican moles and soon obtained the entire Vati- can study, which included the prophecy. This prophecy stated that if man did not turn from evil and place himself at the feet of Christ the planet would self-destruct and the events described in the book of Revelations would indeed come to pass. The prophecy demanded that Russia be consecrated to the Sacred Heart. It stated that a child would be bom who would unite the world with a plan for world peace and a false religion. The people would discern that he was evil and was indeed the Anti-Christ World War III would begin in the Middle East with an invasion of Israel by a United Arab nation using conventional weapons, which would culminate in a nuclear holocaust. Most of the life on this planet would suffer horribly and die as a result. The return of Christ would occur shortly thereafter.

When the aliens were confronted with this finding they confirmed that it was true. The aliens explained that they had created us through genetic manipulation in a laboratory. They stated that they had manipulated the human race through religion, satanism, witchcraft, magic, and the occult. They further explained that they were capable of time travel, and the events would indeed come to pass if the conditions were not met. Later exploitation of alien technology by the United States and the Soviet Union, utilizing time travel in a project named RAINBOW, confirmed the prophecy. The aliens showed a hologram, which they claimed was the actual crucifixion of Christ. The Government filmed the hologram. We did not know whether to believe them. Were they using our GENUINE religions **** to manipulate us? Or were they indeed the source of our religions with which they had been manipulating us all along? Or was this the beginning scenario of the genuine END TIMES and the RETURN OF CHRIST which had been predicted in the Bible? I DO NOT KNOW THE ANSWER.

A symposium was held in 1957....

letsdothis2 ago

Henry Kissinger received his AB degree summa cum laude, Phi Beta Kappa[23] in political science from Harvard College in 1950, where he lived in Adams House and studied under William Yandell Elliott.[24] He received his MA and PhD degrees at Harvard University in 1951 and 1954, respectively. In 1952, while still a graduate student at Harvard, he served as a consultant to the director of the Psychological Strategy Board.[25] His doctoral dissertation was titled "Peace, Legitimacy, and the Equilibrium (A Study of the Statesmanship of Castlereagh and Metternich)".

Kissinger remained at Harvard as a member of the faculty in the Department of Government and, with Robert R. Bowie, co-founded the Center for International Affairs in 1958 where he served as associate director. In 1955, he was a consultant to the National Security Council's Operations Coordinating Board.[25] During 1955 and 1956, he was also study director in nuclear weapons and foreign policy at the Council on Foreign Relations. He released his book Nuclear Weapons and Foreign Policy the following year.[26] From 1956 to 1958 he worked for the Rockefeller Brothers Fund as director of its Special Studies Project.[25] He was director of the Harvard Defense Studies Program between 1958 and 1971. He was also director of the Harvard International Seminar between 1951 and 1971. Outside of academia, he served as a consultant to several government agencies and think tanks, including the Operations Research Office, the Arms Control and Disarmament Agency, Department of State, and the RAND Corporation.

think- ago

Thank you.

letsdothis2 ago

William Yandell Elliott

William Yandell Elliott was the third by that name in a line of “Tennessee Templars,” closely associated with the Masonic founders of the post-Civil War Ku Klux Klan.

Elliott’s entire career was dedicated to establishing a new “dark age” of globally extended medieval feudalism

Elliott’s four-decade campaign to scrap the U.S. Constitution, based on invidious comparisons to Great Britain and its Canadian colony, is pure Round Table, as is the Royal Institute of International Affairs, headquartered at Chatham House, with which Elliott and his “kindergarten” have coordianated their efforts. Elliott’s Round Table contemporaries included a fellow Lindsay prote´ge´, top British historian and intelligence director of Chatham House, Arnold Toynbee; Lord Lothian of the notoriously pro-Nazi “Cliveden Set”; Lord Leconsfield, later director of Britain’s Tavistock Institute psychological warfare center; and media magnate William Waldorf Astor. The whole intertwined complex of elite “British-American-Canadian” foreign policy think-tanks, councils, and conferences, including the New York Council on Foreign Relations, the Trilateral Commission, the Bilderberg Conferences, the Ditchley Foundation, the Aspen Institute, the International Institute for Strategic Studies, and dozens of other think-tanks, were founded and operate under the influence of the Round Tables.

Confederate High Priest

Anglophile and pagan occultist

Elliott reports having escorted Hirsch from his home to the Vanderbilt campus. Eyewitnesses report that in that period, Hirsch’s home, which Elliott visited, featured occult artifacts, a life-size nude portrait of Hirsch, and a human pelvis hanging from the ceiling, which Hirsch would caress as he engaged in conversation.

letsdothis2 ago

Sidney Mttron Hirsch

Sidney Mttron Hirsch (1883–1962) was an American model and playwright. He was a model for sculptors Auguste Rodin and Gertrude Vanderbilt Whitney. He was a member of The Fugitives.

Hirsch returned to Nashville but soon moved to Paris, France, where he became a model for the sculptor Auguste Rodin.[4] He was introduced to Gertrude Stein and George William Russell, who encouraged him to look at the double meanings of words in literary texts.[4] Meanwhile, he learned to read Latin, Ancient Greek and Hebrew.[4] Additionally, he learned some "Babylonian, Syrian, Chaldean, Arabic, Sanskrit, and ancient Egyptian."[4]

Hirsch moved to New York City, where he modeled for sculptress Gertrude Vanderbilt Whitney

letsdothis2 ago

The Body And Ritual Abuse, pt 1: Comparing Gurdjieff's Fourth Way, Marina Abramovic's Method

Gurdjieff is directly linked to Marina Abramovic, as well as Bartlesville. His 'Fourth Way' is intimately tied to the development of Abramovic's 'Method' and her 'spirit cooking' via Abramovic's repeated description of Gurdjieff as her spiritual "father." The common denominator between Abramovic's Method and Gurdjieff's Fourth Way is the use of the body, body movement, and physical experience as a medium for "spiritual development" /mental and emotional change and altered states.

Gurdjieff's Fourth Way was primarily designed to shock his followers out of their normal state of consciousness which he likened to sleep. This is identical to the description of Abramovic's Method. What this illustrates is the process of intentionally inducing traumatic shock in viewers in order to take advantage of the impressionable, vulnerable state it creates.

The concept of body-as-medium is a critical aspect of ritual abuse. The mind is not accessed directly. Instead, the deeper subconscious is targeted. This bodily experience ultimately controls the formation of the mind without conscious knowledge of the individual affected, especially in childhood.

The physical experience during these types of activities is also related to ancient practices of shamanism and trance. This is why the dancing at Findhorn(which tied to Svetlana Bakushina) is such a critical topic. This is the point to look for when researching ritual abuse: Dance, massage, and 'bodywork' - like the practices of massage and 'Watsu' at Harbin, Esalen, and The Haven. Again the concept of bodywork is not in itself negative, but is used at the heart of ritual abuse.

In these images one sees the ritual dancing employed by Gurdjieff to - in his words - bring the individual to an altered state of awareness which Gurdjieff likened to being 'awake.' I argue that this state is used by Gurdjieff and others because it allows programming to take place at a very deep level. Gurdjieff was infamous for his ability to control acolyte's minds directly their physical experience.

I argue that this is the same experience alluded to by Bakushina, Findhorn. This is what makes ritual abuse so easy to dismiss and yet so mysterious - the fact that it is an ultimately non- verbal experience. This is also why Abramovic's method, Gurdjieff's fourth way, and ritual abuse are directly comparable with ancient cultural practices that achieve this altered state through the body - whether it is Haitian Voodoo, South Korean shamanism, or any other ancient tribal practice.

The Washington Post wrote of her: "She seems determined to become a modern-day Gurdjieff, a Russian mystic-philosopher who, like Abramovic, held nearly mesmeric powers over the wealthy and famous, and who, like Abramovic, spoke of breaking through the mundane, limited consciousness of everyday human existence to higher states of awareness and potential. Gurdjieff offered the world “The Work,” while Abramovic offers us “The Method.”

Sources discussing the 'left hand path' also include chapters on theosophy and Buddhism. A descritption of Gurdjieff's fourth way can be found in "Lords Of The Left Hand Path," by Stephen Flowers, a self described practitioner of the 'Left Hand Path,' who associated with Michael Aquino.

An entire chapter of this text is dedicated to Gurdjieff's Fourth Way. This, from an associate of Aquino, further illustrates that Gurdjieff and his cult was using a state of nonverbal bodily awareness for explicitly harmful purposes.

Gurdjieff's work as a spy is also mentioned by Flowers on page 155. This is important because it shows the degree of intimacy that exists between the occult and intelligence activities. Such overlap can be used to explain the mix of ritual and "MKULTRA" type experiences in some survivors of such abuses. Such blurring is also embodied in the person of Michael Aquino, a high ranking military psy-ops agent and a dedicated occultist who was accused of ritually abusing children at the Presidio military facility.

think- ago

....and another important influence on Abramovich and her 'Spriti Cooking' concept was Tibetan Buddhism (which has a dark left-hand path - Tantra), and meeting the Dalai Lama.

karenrussell63 ago

a lot of good connections here. thanks for your hard work.

exposethecriminals ago

I just found this out, I had no idea:

Archers' Bows and Rainbows in Egyptian Antiquity

many cultures associate the rainbow with a gigantic sky serpent


Julunggul - Australia:

Julunggul is a Rainbow Snake Goddess of fertility, associated with rebirth and the weather. She oversaw the maturing and initiation of boys into manhood

Aida-Wedo - Haiti - Voodoo (mentioned in my other comment, she co-teaches blood sacrifice to humans):

Aida-Wedo together with her husband Danmbala Wedo (the Snake Spirit):

Aido-Hwedo - Nigeria and the Congo:

carmencita ago

Rainbow Cultural Garden - MK Ultra Kindergarten #Bush

letsdothis2 ago

Ah yes, I forgot about that!

exposethecriminals ago

I just found out the top female Voodoo deity is a rainbow who co-teaches humans how to make blood sacrifices:

The Mystica - Voodoo

Danbhalah, the Serpent, and Aida-Wedo, the Rainbow, taught men and women, how to procreate, and how to make blood sacrifices so they could become the spirit and obtain the wisdom of the Serpent.

Aida-Wedo, the Rainbow....It is believed that she can have the vices of jealousy, discord, and vengeance. She can be vain, likes pretty jewelry and perfume, and angers easily. archive

Ayida-Weddo -- Wikipedia

Illuminati High Wizards dress the same as the Voodoo spirit of the dead Baron Samedi :

"look is very unique. It’s a top-hat, a wand or a cane, the face painted like a corpse, and an old-school tuxedo of sorts." (from my other comment)

letsdothis2 ago

and shades of i Pet Goat 2

exposethecriminals ago

Yes, and Baron Samedi smokes a pipe like leprechauns (or cigar.)

According to this site, halfway down :

The hat of a Leprechaun is also magical and allows him to travel to distant lands instantly.

I wonder that symbolizes.

letsdothis2 ago

Very nice work. That's interesting because:

this link establishes the connection between SHAEF and the Process Church

The Process Church is also said to have infiltrated voodoo circles..can't remember where I read that but these links describe some associations:

In New Orleans, the Process rented a large house in the French quarter. The eight Luciferans from the London home church, with Alsatian dogs, began to run a coffee house and serve home-made brownies, attempting to relate to the hippie community. One night a week they ran telepathy sessions. They talked about the Gray Forces of moderation which needed to be annihilated. They also talked about some of the Process "work" On the Yucatan peninsula. There is some indication that while in New Orleans they became interested in voodoo.

For several years researchers have claimed that while presenting itself as another drug study program, MK-OFTEN was in fact a campaign to weaponize the occult. That CIA agents and scientists began consulting with psychics and witches and looking into the feasibility of voodoo and black magic as tools of their trade.

Although the CIA had been investigating ESP and the paranormal, and infiltrating occult groups, since 1952, when Andrija Puharich began contact with The Nine, someone at the CIA evidently felt that the occult underground in 1969 might have access to special techniques for the manipulation of consciousness and memory, and they took to their study with renewed vigor.

1966 not only saw the kickoff of Project MKOFTEN but also the beginning of a major paradigm shift, not only in the conduct of psychological warfare but the tone and content of the overall culture as well.

Concurrent with the birth of MK OFTEN, 1966 saw the establishment of the Church of Satan in San Francisco, created by Anton Szandor LaVey (birthname: Howard Stanton Levey). LaVey claimed to have worked as a former police photographer and according to Jacques Vallee, continued to work for the SFPD as a credentialed special agent.

Michael Aquino, a Army Intelligence officer specializing in psychological warfare (what else?), would join LaVey's Church of Satan in 1969 and rise to a leadership position before leaving to form his own Temple of Set in 1975.

1966 would be a pivotal year for another notorious Satanic cult: The London-based Process Church of the Final Judgement, formed by two disgruntled Scientologists, Robert and Mary Ann DeGrimston.

exposethecriminals ago

I wouldn't be surprised if the Process Church used a rainbow symbol, just a hunch.

Anton LaVey worked two positions in a police department? Wow.

exposethecriminals ago

Rainbow symbolism and flag waving in rituals in voodoo:

Eight different stones in eight different colors are used to symbolize eight ancestor gods (eight signifies eternity). Chains of colored beads symbolizing the rainbow of Aida-Wedo, or more snake vertebrae encircle the round end of the calabash [used in making the rattle.] When the vertebrae rattle making the asson [rattle] “speak,” the spirits come down to the faithful through Danbhalah, the oldest of the ancestors.

Other important members of the worship are the la place or commandant la place, the master of ceremonies who orchestrates the flag waving ceremonies source


Voodoo ritual flags / banners:

  • Rainbows:

  • NSFW: Reminiscent of the Starbucks demon, with a snake inside the demon:

  • Possibly Tanit who is typically shown with no legs:

exposethecriminals ago

More similar to Baron Samedi / Illuminati High Wizards :


  • Leprechauns - rainbow symbolism:

  • The Wizard of Oz - rainbow symbolism:

  • "Oz the Great and Powerful" - gold:

  • Madonna:

Her longer-coated suit is worn with a hat similar to the saturno ("Saturn") Catholic clergy hat:

White suit with crystal ball cane - It's only for three seconds but this "slow walk" creeps me out. Supposedly she was only using canes that day due to injury.

  • "Slow walk" wearing an "Illuminati High Wizard" outfit, in Boom Boom Room (The Standard Hotel, NYC) band Onyx Collective's music video:

  • Scrooge McDuck - "Ask About Illuminati":

  • Mr. Peanut (sells his own species for food) :

  • Monopoly Man:

  • Voodoo Doughnut:

letsdothis2 ago

Origin of the Rainbow Patch

The 42nd Infantry (RAINBOW) Division received the name "Rainbow Division" in 1917 during its organization at Camp Mills, Long Island, New York. The Chief of Staff of the Division at that time was Colonel Douglas MacArthur, As they were discussing the organization of the Division and reviewing the National Guard units from 26 states that would make up the Division, Colonel Douglas MacArthur commented that "The 42nd Division stretches like a Rainbow from one end of America to the other." The comment caught the interest of those present and they decided to call it the "Rainbow Division".

The 42nd Infantry Division (42ID) ("Rainbow"[1]) is a division of the United States Army National Guard. The 42nd Infantry Division has served in World War I, World War II and the Global War on Terrorism (GWOT). The division is currently headquartered at the Glenmore Road Armory in Troy, New York.

letsdothis2 ago

In the video on GlaxoSmithKline and 23andme, the videographer speculates on age restrictions being placed on people's lives in the future if their genetic coding is deemed inferior. This reminded me of a 70s film: Logan's Run. Note the rainbow in the poster as well as the reference to the 23rd century:

Mentioned in this voat post: Elite Abducting Children's Organs & Trafficking-COT Part2 -

exposethecriminals ago

Great finds and connections!

I just found this:

Decoding Illuminati Symbolism: Moloch, Owls and the Horns of Satan: Part 1

Rainbows are also symbolic of the ancient worship of Moloch. At the end of the rainbow there are treasures that leprechaun would do anything to get back. It is depicted as a cauldron filled with gold. Again, it is the financial blessings that Moloch gave you in return for the sacrifice.

Perhaps this explains why we see the rainbow symbol so often in Stanley Kubrick’s Eyes Wide Shut archive

exposethecriminals ago

Leprechauns: At the End of the Rainbow Lies Richness for Irish Folklore

Those little men all dressed in green, obsessed with rainbows and treasure, trickery, and of course shoe-making.

exposethecriminals ago

Rainbow obsessed leprechauns dress like Illuminati High Wizards:

High Wizard :

look is very unique. It’s a top-hat, a wand or a cane, the face painted like a corpse, and an old-school tuxedo of sorts.

Leprechaun :

Often shown wearing an old-time high end suit, a top hat, and carrying a shillelagh. The shillelagh is their magic wand, walking stick, and weapon. (3/4ths down) They use it to "access their rainbow." (near end)

letsdothis2 ago

The mystery of Alfred Hitchcock's lost Holocaust exposé | The Times

For 70 years it has been one of the great mysteries of British cinema. What truth is there to the claim that, at the end of the Second World War, Alfred Hitchcock directed a never-seen documentary about the German concentration camps? Was the film suppressed by the British government because it was too horrifying and politically incendiary?

Over the years this elusive film — often referred to as “the lost Hitchcock” — has acquired a mythological status. A tantalising newspaper story in 1984 was headlined “The Horror Film That Hitchcock Couldn’t Bear to Watch” after it was mentioned in a biography of Sidney Bernstein. Lord Bernstein, who later set up Granada TV, was a leading British producer who had been head of the film section for the…

Unfortunately Keller did not realize that many images taken by PK 689 in Warsaw were published in the Berliner Illustrirte Zeitung in July 1941.22 A correlation of published and unpublished photographs would have revealed how easily any image could be propagandized through appropriately slanted captions and texts. Despite this failure to check the contemporary illustrated Nazi press, Keller's volume is an important study and perhaps an indispensable supplement to volumes without illustrations, such as Yisrael Gutman's The Jews of Warsaw, 1939-43,23 and it is an important addition to any Holocaust library collection.

A SHAEF project.

The Warsaw Ghetto in Photographs -

Two images have come to symbolize the complex series of events now known as the Holocaust: the first shows a child with his hands raised in surrender in the Warsaw ghetto; the second shows a British bulldozer burying skeletons in mass graves at Bergen-Belsen. Both images were part of the official administrative record of the perpetrators and the liberators; the first, of German provenance, was the twelfth of 53 photos appended to the official report about the liquidation of the Warsaw ghetto in the spring of 1943; the second was produced by British camera crews after the liberation of Bergen-Belsen.1

  1. The Stroop Report: The Jewish Quarter of Warsaw Is No More, trans. and annotated by Sybil Milton (New York, 1979), photo 12 in unpaginated photo section; and "Out of the archives: the horror film that Hitchcock couldn't bear to watch," The Sunday Times (London), 19 Feb. 1984, p. 5.

Sidney Bernstein, Chief of the Film Section at the Supreme Headquarters Allied Expeditionary Force (SHAEF)

Sidney Lewis Bernstein, Baron Bernstein (30 January 1899 – 5 February 1993) was a British businessman and media executive who was the founding chairman of the London-based Granada Group and the founder of the Manchester-based Granada Television in 1954. Granada was one of the original four ITA franchisees. He believed the North's media industry had potential to be cultivated.

Bernstein was a co-founder of the London Film Society[5] in 1925, where he met and befriended the young Alfred Hitchcock, who became a lifelong friend and, briefly, a producing partner. He was the first to bring October: Ten Days That Shook the World and other works from the Russian filmmaker Eisenstein, as well as the films of Pudovkin, to London, and sponsored Eisenstein's trip to Hollywood in the early 1930s.

letsdothis2 ago

Full text of "Project MKULTRA DOCUMENTS 178"

Henry Kissinger, whose meteoric rise to power is otherwise inexplicable, was a German refugee and student of Sir John Rawlings-Reese at SHAEF.

y late 1944, Victor was attached to the 105 Special Counter Intelligence Unit of the SHAEF, a joint operation of MI5 and X2, the counterespionage branch of OSS, a precursor of the CIA, operating in Paris. hmmmmmm....

CIA Stack Sullivan also teamed up with Eric Fromm in the Narco-Hypnotic Mind Control programming of the infamous dancer and black heroine, Katherine Durham.[56] Dr. Wills served as Director of Psychotherapy at Chestnut Lodge from 1954-1967.

Dr. Maccoby also worked under Psychologist Erich Fromm. Erich Seligmann Fromm (March 23, 1900 – March 18, 1980) was born in Frankfurt, Germany, the only child of Orthodox Jewish parents. Fromm was a social psychologist, psychoanalyst, humanistic philosopher, and democratic socialist.

In 1934, Fromm turned up in New York associated with the Institute of Social Research at Columbia University. The institute was funded by the wealthy Jewish Weil Family of Nazified Argentina. The FBI took a good look at Fromm when he met with English film critic, journalist, writer, and political activist Cedric Henning Belfrage just after WWII. During the war, he had worked as a Press Control Officer for SHAEF (Supreme Headquarters Allied Expeditionary Force). SHAEF was the headquarters of the Commander of Allied forces in north west Europe, General Dwight D. Eisenhower.

letsdothis2 ago

By late 1944, Victor [Rothschild] was attached to the 105 Special Counter Intelligence Unit of the SHAEF, a joint operation of MI5 and X2, the counterespionage branch of OSS, a precursor of the CIA, operating in Paris.

X-2 Counter Espionage Branch -

The head of the Office of Strategic Services (OSS), William Donovan, created the X-2 Counter Espionage Branch in 1943 to provide liaison with and assist the British in its exploitation of the Ultra program's intelligence during World War II.[1] A few months before, Donovan had established a Counterintelligence Division within the Secret Intelligence Branch of the OSS but rescinded this order upon development of the X-2.[2] The X-2 was led by James Murphy, whose branch would have the power to veto operations of the Special Operations and Secret Intelligence Branches without explanation.[1] Donovan modeled the Counter Espionage Branch on British Counter Espionage.[3] With the creation of the X-2 Branch, the British insisted that it follow British security procedures to maintain the secrecy of Ultra.[1] The X-2 established separate lines of communication for itself as a self-contained unit.[4] By the end of World War II, the X-2 had discovered around 3,000 Axis agents.

William J. Donovan -

William Joseph Donovan (January 1, 1883 – February 8, 1959) was an American soldier, lawyer, intelligence officer and diplomat. Donovan is best remembered as the wartime head of the Office of Strategic Services (OSS), the precursor to the Central Intelligence Agency, during World War II. He is also known as the "Father of American Intelligence" and the "Father of Central Intelligence".

In 1916, Donovan spent several months in Berlin on behalf of the Rockefeller Foundation, seeking to persuade the governments of Britain and Germany to allow the shipment of food and clothing into Belgium, Serbia, and Poland. In July of that year, at the behest of the State Department, he returned to the U.S. and took his cavalry troop to the Texas border to join General John Pershing's army in the hunt for Pancho Villa.[11] Promoted to major in the field, he returned to Buffalo, then joined the 69th Regiment, also known as the "Fighting Irish Regiment". This was the same 69th of Civil War fame,[12] later called the 165th, which was training for America's expected entry into World War I, and which became part of the 42nd Division, also known as the "Rainbow Division"

69th Infantry Regiment (New York) -

The 69th Infantry Regiment is an infantry regiment of the United States Army. It is from New York City, part of the New York Army National Guard. It is known as the "Fighting Sixty-Ninth",[1] a name said to have been given by Robert E. Lee during the Civil War. An Irish heritage unit, as the citation from poet Joyce Kilmer illustrates, this unit is also nicknamed the "Fighting Irish", immortalized in Joyce Kilmer's poem When the 69th Comes Home.[2][3] Between 1917 and 1992 it was also designated as the 165th Infantry Regiment. It is headquartered at the 69th Regiment Armory in Manhattan.

69th Infantry Coat of Arms

letsdothis2 ago

John Rawlings Rees CBE MD RAMC FRCP (also known as 'Jack' or 'J.R.') (25 June 1890 – 11 April 1969) was a British civilian and military psychiatrist.

Director of the Tavistock Clinic and President of the World Federation for Mental Health

After the war, the Tavistock Clinic underwent considerable changes, in which Rees played a key role. He was a member of a group who referred to themselves as the ‘invisible college’, in reference to the 17th century precursor to the Royal Society.[8] This group orchestrated** "Operation Phoenix"**, making plans for Tavistock to rise from the ashes of war.

Cake of Light is the eucharistic host found within Thelema, the religion founded by author and occultist Aleister Crowley in 1904. It contains honey, oil, and particular bodily fluids(menstrual blood, semen, etc.), and is usually cooked in the shape of a small, flat wafer. It appears by name in two important Thelemic rituals: the Gnostic Mass and the Mass of the Phoenix.

Marina Abramovic and the Cake of light

Steinmacher ago

lot of work connecting the dots. good job!

letsdothis2 ago

More Lucis Trust: The Science Of The Seven Rays

We might begin by asking, Why seven rays? Why not ten or twelve, for those are also numbers of considerable spiritual significance? The number seven features prominently in the human perception of structure of the world: the seven colours of the rainbow, seven notes of an octave; in occult cosmology the seven major planes and subplanes of existence, and in the calculation of time the seven days of a week. Then there are the seven sisters of the Pleiades, the seven Rishis of the Great Bear, and the seven Spirits before the Throne of God. All are essentially living forces carrying the one Life into expression – seven great interpreters of the One Essence as it takes on form.

Lucis Trust & The United Nations Exposed (ignore the music)

letsdothis2 ago

Lucis Trust and Rainbows of Light

Rainbows are interesting in a number of ways. It’s said that at the time of their death great saints become as a radiant rainbow and the physical form disintegrates. There are many instances of this in occurrence noted in the historical records in India and China and which have been investigated by the Institute of Noetic Sciences.

Related posts:

From the The Psychosynthesis Trust to Teens & Toddlers and ARK to Children our Ultimate Investment UK (COUI)

The Institute of Noetic Sciences researches parapsychology, most likely in tandem with government interest in the subject as described by MKULTRA and ritual abuse survivors. The group was co-founded by Astronaut Edgar Mitchell.

The Body And Ritual Abuse: Comparing Gurdjieff's Fourth Way, Maria Abramovic's Method and MKULTRA

Further, Naranjo was "a consultant for the Education Policy Research Center, created by Willis Harman at Stanford Research Institute." The Stanford Research Institute is notorious for its involvement in MKULTRA type programs, much like its British cousin, the Tavistock Institute.

Willis Harman: " taught for several years at the University of Florida before joining the Stanford faculty in 1952.[2] He eventually left Stanford to become a senior social scientist at SRI International where he initiated a futures research program, exploring the national and global future. In this capacity he worked on long-term strategic planning and policy analysis for an assortment of corporations, government agencies, and international organizations.[4] He then served as president of the Institute of Noetic Sciences from 1975 until his death in 1997."

nzmc ago

First thing first

Swastika was not invented by nazis

Rainbow was not invented by lgbt

Order templi orientis did not invent its partial knowledge

It’s much older and coming from civilizations before current

letsdothis2 ago


Hypercyberpastelgoth ago Watch 103:59:00 and keep watching for a few minutes and inevitably you'll see the helicopter FLIR pan and zoom on to a dead cop or soldier after the three ladies are cuffed and arrested by LVMPD. Did the LVMPD shoot him or the arrested women? DAMNING AS DAMNING CAN GET I THINK I WOULD SAY.

letsdothis2 ago

That's very interesting. Reminds me of the Lee Rigby murder and 3 women dubbed the '3 angels of Woolwich' at the time. There were a lot of occult overtones .. don't have the time for posting about that : The '3 Angels Of Woolwich' Online Petition Calling For Gallantry Medals Gains 60,000 Signatures

Hypercyberpastelgoth ago

We keep hearing about a cover up about 3 other people in Paddocks hotel room and hearing they were Asian women or Asian men but it looks it was 2 women and 1 guy of foreign decent. Look like dresses females and some men in polygamy sects wear so maybe Mormons? BD's? If they were Japanese then Aum Shinrikyo even though they're all mostly on death row? Who killed the guy lying on the ground the cops or the women and man? Is it the other arrested person even a man? Might be a women.