Kevdude doll, Im not fond of em either. But EQUAL opportunity hating here! Can we hate all pedo creepos equally?
Difference between you, Kevdude and @think- , other mods etc and ME, is that I can walk away from this board anytime I want or until someone bans me. I give not one fuck, because Ive done more than my fair share, my conscience is clear, and I can go back to my FUNtastic real world life and never think about any of you again. Whereas you guys are stuck with each other in the never ending spewfest of bile. That's gotta suck :(
Im Jewish? First I've heard...! last I checked, I was in a confessional box trying not to get touched up by the creepo white Christian tranny in a dress, next box along (that was years ago though)
Hey @kevdude : I KNOW yourself, @vindicator and @think- are kind, moral folk at heart with a heavy duty conscience and the ramblings of anti semite freaks make you feel dirty as hell, cos that's NOT what you're about and it sickens and cheapens you that you have to listen to and deal with pederasts like this remedial inbred on a daily basis. So good luck with that! Fine by me if those are the rules! Im not in charge! :)
@CheeseboogersGhost Youre never going to quit projecting, are you? Just admit youre dying for some good kosher jew meat up your no no hole
Well this is the only explanation for this artist to be recognised in any way, shape or form. An 8 year old could produce better drawings. I think artist is too loosely used these days, these yukky people have hijacked the word!
Last year, Deblasio's top aide Jacob Schwartz was arrested for child porn. They found 6month old baby being raped on his laptop. He was set on $7500 bail.
"A leading young Democrat and de Blasio administration employee has a secret taste for sickening kiddie porn that involves baby girls as young as 6 months old, court papers revealed Friday.
Jacob Schwartz, 29, was busted for allegedly keeping more than 3,000 disgusting images and 89 videos on a laptop after downloading the filth from the internet."
'According to his online biography, Schwartz got involved in politics at a young age, helping his father campaign for Democratic district leader in Greenwich Village.
The elder Schwartz served as New York counsel to Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders’ failed presidential campaign, and was also the campaign treasurer for law professor and liberal activist Zephyr Teachout when she challenged Gov. Andrew Cuomo for the 2014 Democratic nomination.
Arthur Schwartz also had his own brush with the law in 2015, when he was busted for removing hidden surveillance cameras trained on the front door of a $700-a-month, rent-stabilized apartment occupied by a 93-year-old client battling her landlord.
Prosecutors agreed to drop felony grand larceny charges in exchange for Arthur Schwartz paying $720 in restitution.
Jacob Schwartz attended Lehigh University, where he was a member of the “On Tap” a capella singing group, which later scored a gig on the Celebrity Infinity cruise ship.
The all-male quartet scored high marks on the “Cruise Critic” website, where a member from Denmark wrote in 2013, “we really enjoyed the On Tap boys on our Infinity cruise to Alaska.”
Jacob was groomed by his Pedo Father - child porn involving babies is a learnt behavior. No hetero man can deny that. His dad is a prime suspect. It's a cabal.
Get your finger out of your nose. Aaron Hillel Swartz was trying to do what others could not, because he thought he could. He was ultimately wrong. He made obvious mistakes in hindsight. He was born in 1986. I am actually surprised that he had the cognisence We all know the pattern.
I knew you would show up! Isn't like "New York" called "Jew York"? Trump has always hated them. How did his father ever make it past the Jews and Italians that live in the New York boroughs and make a success of himself?
You would think that these pedo supporters cheesebogie and is-he-sure would give up, they certainly know a lot about these pedos and still try to defend them......hmmmm.....I wonder why that is!
a large portion of pizzagate is jewish. Then, considering that they are less than 2% of the US populace....its a fucking mathematical anomaly of the most epic kind. You keep on shillin for jews witcha bad self. Gatekeeper
I pointed out a pattern how most of the Pizzagate thing is jewish and it offends you to the point that you want me silenced and banned. If THAT doesn't open peoples eyes to YOU then nothing will.
If you dismiss everything "pizza" related.. Why would a pizza party need to be secret? 60s hippies would not be ok with government figures reading to kids about secret get togethers.
Ecspecially after FBI document showing pizza was a codeword used in pedophile community.
There is equal amount of evidence that Jacob provided child-pornography to the Clinton campaign, that there is evidence for "collusion" between the Trump campaign and the big bad Russians...
We have a sayin here in Sweden... Don't be a cunt inside glass-houses, you fucking cunt...
There is equal amount of evidence that Jacob provided child-pornography to the Clinton campaign, that there is evidence for "collusion" between the Trump campaign and the big bad Russians...
Again this is your fantasy. There's zero evidence in this case that he provided child pornography to anyone.
Evidence of Collusion
Trump campaign manager Manafort has long standing ties to pro Kremlin oligarchs and is in debt to them. He saw the campaign as chance to get out of debt and "get whole." He offers private inside briefings to the pro-Kremlin oligarch.
Manafort's assistant who was the campaign number 2 all the way through and then worked on the Trump inauguration has pleaded guilty and is cooperating.
Trump campaign foreign policy advisor George P meets with a Russian Agent in London who says they can provide emails that will show dirt on Hillary Clinton. He takes this back to the campaign and they instruct him to try and get these emails. George P plead guilty and is cooperating.
Trump Jr agrees to a meeting set up a family friend, business partner and pro-Kremlin oligarch who promises emails and dirt on Clinton as “part of Russia and its government’s support for Mr. Trump.'' An existing campaign of support that Trump Jr already seems aware of.
Less than a month ago, we learn that Lawyer, Trump Jr, Kushner and Manafort meet with is an informant for the Russian government.
>“I am a lawyer, and I am an informant,” she said. “Since 2013, I have been actively communicating with the office of the Russian prosecutor general.”
Michael Flynn meets several times with the Russian ambassador after the election and lies about it. It's said he is trying to establish communications with Russia. He pleads guilty and is cooperating.
Jared Kushner also meets with the Russian ambassador and wants a communication channel to the Kremlin and even suggest using secure communication gear at the Russian embassy.
Erik Prince, on behalf of Trump flies to the Seychelles Islands to meet with the ruler of the United Arab Emirates and a Russian Banker very close to Putin, his wife works for Putin's daughter. The person who set up this meeting is cooperating.
Trump himself commits several acts of obstruction of Justice relating to the above. When the FBI director wont stop the Russia investigation Trump fires him for this reason.
When the Trump Jr meeting with the Russian informant comes out, Team Trump spends a week lying about this in an ever changing series of statements until Trump Jr finally releases his emails with de facto evidence of collusion. Trump himself takes part in crafting this fake cover story.
And we still do not know what Mueller has yet to reveal. The list of questions written up by Trump's lawyers did include this little nugget indicating that Mueller has more information about active outreach to Russia.
"What knowledge do you have of any outreach by your campaign, including by Paul Manafort, to Russia about potential assistance to the campaign?"
We also know that Trump has lied about his Russian connections over and over and over again. And his Russian connections are incredibly extensive and go back years. While he was claiming he has nothing to do with Russian, he was trying to build Trump Tower Moscow. We also know he is going to dodge Mueller's interview. If subpoenaed, I bet he pleads the 5th.
@EricKaliberhall - "What's a Mook?" Is something Chris Plante says whenever he talks about that creep. Check out WMAL online. Chris is on 0900-1200ET, M-F and is now nationally syndicated. I promise you will be the funniest political commentary you've heard - 3 hours per workday.
Also Larry O'Connor's show at 1500-1800ET is awesome. More live political radio with Dr. Gorka and other team Trump folks calling in randomly - DC insider stuff
I have Heterochromia, two different coloured eyes. To me, if you look close, it looks like Maddie has the same as her pupil is still round not mis-formed. I think that people have just called it the wrong name. I wasn't trying to be awkward. :)
No, that's fine. You know more about it than I do. Supposedly some genetically-linked trait associated with desirous characteristics sought by the Cabal. Bloodlines?
I have no idea. It was pretty bad stuff if I recall correctly. Was Schniederman the AG at the time? I can't imagine he would put his fingers on the scale in favor of Schwartz /s
I will never forget that. The Secret Pizza Party Book reading was a Big Tip Off about De Blasio, imo. He needs to be looked at much closer. Yes, the book IS a Grooming Tool. He and his wife should both be researched. She is a former lesbian. Nothing against them, but these people are always using their life styles to further their perverted crimes and propaganda. She now is straight? I don't believe anything these people tell us.
That whole family are disgusting. WTF New Yorkers?! You guys lost your goddamns minds voting for that grossbag.
NEVER FORGET DeBlowsio's Slap in the Face, PAID FOR trip to Hamburg, GERMANY, when his ass should've been there for his city.
"de Blasio’s travels to Hamburg, where he spoke at a nonviolent political demonstration against the G-20 meeting of world leaders and visited his son, who is living abroad this summer, would probably have raised curiosity under most circumstances. But the timing of his trip — he left the day after the ambush killing of a city police officer as she sat in her mobile command unit in the Bronx — drew criticism from even some staunch supporters."
The voyage was also a convenient way for the mayor to visit his son, Dante, who is spending the summer in Germany, without having to pay for a plane ticket; the airfare was picked up by the rally organizers. Dante appeared in photographs with the mayor at official events during the trip, and Mr. de Blasio began his speech at the rally by pointing out his son’s presence.
URGHHHH. Well New Yorkers. You got what you deserved.
It seems that the 3 largest cites NYC LA and Chicago all have DS D Bags. Let me tell you they were put in there I believe by Election Fraud. What they do now is flood the Primaries with tons of candidates and the pool is so large that the votes are watered down and they know just how many to add to get their results. They have fine tuned this for decades. So yes, Bill D and Jerry B and Rahm E have all been held in place to do what is needed to continue the disgusting trafficking, drugs and organ ops in their cities.
great insight Carm. And we can never forget that crackhead DC mayor barry got voted in a second term. SMDH. Always wondered what secrets that dude took to the grave with him...
They are like the Pedos in Hollywood. One covering for the other. There could be a lot going on with them. I venture to say they could be caught in the NXIVM as well. Or they are protecting those that are. Our State Political Heads I believe have been infiltrated. In all the large cities at least, we have those supported by the Deep State which are both Dems and Rep. so there are many to worry about. At this point I am considering them all guilty until proved innocent. One of the De Blasios is a Beard or maybe they both are.
first thing Hillary did when she got in the White House was hook up with the FBI
she wanted the dirt, those that didn't have perversions, she set up, those that did she gave them what they wanted in return for what she wanted , not to mention her own sick self
from the Clowns she got the info she needed worldwide and went for it
she had powerful people watching her back since the Mena days
I was given 2 choices in Nov 8, 2016
There was no way in hell I was going to vote Hillary
was already knee deep in Haiti and started going back to Arkansas
Yes and she learned a lot from her father who did small time stuff for Al Capone. She had a Big Push from her father who went to Penn State and she still donates there and roots for the teams. Think she didn't know about Sandusky? She surely is part of that Ring too.
Lib f*cktards. You just know that sneaky prick and his rainbow family (I for real don't care about color but its grating with this dumb dumb tribe) is gonna run for POTUS. All signs point to YES.
(Edit: anyone else think that's the agenda here? Fits right?)
The book, written by (((Adam Rubin))) and illustrated by Daniel Salmnieri, has received a mix of reviews online — with some parents questioning the lessons it holds.
A Jewish author writing a children's story celebrating abhorrent behavior with creepy child grooming undertones?
how do those downvotes taste, I have accumulated well over 1500 in the exact same manner. then that fact is used to call ME, the only prominent jew-namer, a shill lmao
There are that many kikes on this board? Wow shocking. How the fuck is noticing that it seems to be a cabal of kikes into diddling kids, worth down voting?
If you name the Jew much the taste of down votes from heebs is sweet. Means you are on target.
At some point the researchers will start putting 2 and 2 together and realize whats going on. How many kike last names that all hang out together have to get busted before the Goyim break their mental conditioning to love and protect, their baby penis sucking vampire lord.
millennial_vulcan ago
LOL IM NOT JEWISH for the millionth time!!!
But its so awesome winding CheesyDickHood up! @oh_well_ian @blacksmith21 @carmencita
Kevdude doll, Im not fond of em either. But EQUAL opportunity hating here! Can we hate all pedo creepos equally?
Difference between you, Kevdude and @think- , other mods etc and ME, is that I can walk away from this board anytime I want or until someone bans me. I give not one fuck, because Ive done more than my fair share, my conscience is clear, and I can go back to my FUNtastic real world life and never think about any of you again. Whereas you guys are stuck with each other in the never ending spewfest of bile. That's gotta suck :(
millennial_vulcan ago
What is JIDF?
Im Jewish? First I've heard...! last I checked, I was in a confessional box trying not to get touched up by the creepo white Christian tranny in a dress, next box along (that was years ago though)
Hey @kevdude : I KNOW yourself, @vindicator and @think- are kind, moral folk at heart with a heavy duty conscience and the ramblings of anti semite freaks make you feel dirty as hell, cos that's NOT what you're about and it sickens and cheapens you that you have to listen to and deal with pederasts like this remedial inbred on a daily basis. So good luck with that! Fine by me if those are the rules! Im not in charge! :)
@CheeseboogersGhost Youre never going to quit projecting, are you? Just admit youre dying for some good kosher jew meat up your no no hole
new4now ago
Jewish Internet Defense Force (JIDF)
have to admit that I don't know not one Jewish person personally
and the only time it came up is with regards to the holocaust
race and religion doesn't play a part with me, pedo's are pedo's
Boog makes it sound that if you got rid of the Jews, there would be no pedo problem
we know it isn't true
He can have his hate, I want nothing to do with it
I was called a Nazi when I was younger just because I was German
so I avoid race mongers
some people here, all they have is their racism, it's why I don't have people coming here
millennial_vulcan ago
folk are idiots, New. I just want folk to know it aint just the jews!
new4now ago
is common sense on the endanger list? :)
CheeseboogersGhost ago
The jigs up.
millennial_vulcan ago
no your tiny shriveled limp excuse for a penis is what's up because you think someone Jewish is in the house.
I can see you drooling through your missing hick teeth while rocking back and forth in a corner. LOL
WalnutSauceGoat ago
Good reminder. Thank you!
TrishaUK ago
Adam Rubin also has a book called Robo-Sauce. I don't know what it is about but maybe a hidden meaning too? - Also ........Daniel Salmieri the illustrator has some dodgy drawings, just weird imo... - WELL after looking at his 'artwork' I have come to the conclusion that he is one of the most non-talented artists I have ever looked at! How do these people get work? Check his Instagram and you will see what I mean hahaha ....
Oh_Well_ian ago
exactly... they get work because Pedo's are in high places and are pushing an agenda 24/7/365
No group has more loyalty to each other than the kid rapers.
Pattern_Blind ago
Kiddy diddlers and kikes stick together. No matter how horrible the crime.
TrishaUK ago
Well this is the only explanation for this artist to be recognised in any way, shape or form. An 8 year old could produce better drawings. I think artist is too loosely used these days, these yukky people have hijacked the word!
DeathToMasonsASAP ago
Thank you for reposting this, I forgot about it. Where is Are_We_Sure?
Sackajahweeda ago
Of all the books to read to all the audiences...he chooses this and these. Accident or design?
Runpaint ago
The New York Daily News covered this, and the article includes an Amazon review saying "It sounds like something a pedophile would say".
Look at the body language on them.
Pedo to the right looks completely awkward.
Pedo to the left looks hypnotized looking at the children.
And the Pedo Boss in the center looks creepy as fuck using the "keep the secret" hand gesture.
Oh_Well_ian ago
exactly... foxes in a henhouse.
GeorgeT ago
Last year, Deblasio's top aide Jacob Schwartz was arrested for child porn. They found 6month old baby being raped on his laptop. He was set on $7500 bail.
DeathToMasonsASAP ago
You are a conspiracy theorist and a wingnut. D
VoatisCIA ago
"A leading young Democrat and de Blasio administration employee has a secret taste for sickening kiddie porn that involves baby girls as young as 6 months old, court papers revealed Friday.
Jacob Schwartz, 29, was busted for allegedly keeping more than 3,000 disgusting images and 89 videos on a laptop after downloading the filth from the internet."
Are_we_sure ago
Except he wasn't is top aide whatsoever. It wasn't even a guy who worked in City Hall.
It was a guy who worked for the city, like thousands of other people.
He worked in the Department of Design and Construction which is not even in Manhattan, it's in Long Island City.
YogSoggoth ago
Just in case anyone forgot. Deblasio is connected to hardcore CP. Put that in your database. He is still a free man with influence.
millennial_vulcan ago
Please tell me this story isn't true? Do you have a link?
GeorgeT ago
It's mainstream. Question is - what is Sessions doing?
Oh_Well_ian ago
unfortunately, it's true..
'According to his online biography, Schwartz got involved in politics at a young age, helping his father campaign for Democratic district leader in Greenwich Village. The elder Schwartz served as New York counsel to Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders’ failed presidential campaign, and was also the campaign treasurer for law professor and liberal activist Zephyr Teachout when she challenged Gov. Andrew Cuomo for the 2014 Democratic nomination. Arthur Schwartz also had his own brush with the law in 2015, when he was busted for removing hidden surveillance cameras trained on the front door of a $700-a-month, rent-stabilized apartment occupied by a 93-year-old client battling her landlord. Prosecutors agreed to drop felony grand larceny charges in exchange for Arthur Schwartz paying $720 in restitution. Jacob Schwartz attended Lehigh University, where he was a member of the “On Tap” a capella singing group, which later scored a gig on the Celebrity Infinity cruise ship. The all-male quartet scored high marks on the “Cruise Critic” website, where a member from Denmark wrote in 2013, “we really enjoyed the On Tap boys on our Infinity cruise to Alaska.”
GeorgeT ago
Jacob was groomed by his Pedo Father - child porn involving babies is a learnt behavior. No hetero man can deny that. His dad is a prime suspect. It's a cabal.
Oh_Well_ian ago
yep... 'where are the parents??' the normies shout.
IT IS THE PARENTS, I keep reminding them..
CheeseboogersGhost ago
Oy vey I see a (((pattern))) here
YogSoggoth ago
Get your finger out of your nose. Aaron Hillel Swartz was trying to do what others could not, because he thought he could. He was ultimately wrong. He made obvious mistakes in hindsight. He was born in 1986. I am actually surprised that he had the cognisence We all know the pattern.
millennial_vulcan ago
I knew you would show up! Isn't like "New York" called "Jew York"? Trump has always hated them. How did his father ever make it past the Jews and Italians that live in the New York boroughs and make a success of himself?
TrishaUK ago
You would think that these pedo supporters cheesebogie and is-he-sure would give up, they certainly know a lot about these pedos and still try to defend them......hmmmm.....I wonder why that is!
VoatisCIA ago
Look at the cases: Schneidean, Klein,Weiner,and soon DeBlasio!
CheeseboogersGhost ago
You knew I would show up? Wha? Trump is most likely jew.
millennial_vulcan ago
Get lost Fucknut. what part of CATHOLIC PRIESTS and THE VATICAN don't you understand? Or Mohammed
Filthy disgusting pedos come in all colors and creeds, you stupid c*nt.
CheeseboogersGhost ago
a large portion of pizzagate is jewish. Then, considering that they are less than 2% of the US populace....its a fucking mathematical anomaly of the most epic kind. You keep on shillin for jews witcha bad self. Gatekeeper
millennial_vulcan ago
weve banned this dangerous anti semite and filth spreading vomit bucket once, and we can do it again, right?
@vindicator @think- I mean, unless you'd rather he stayed, continuing to bring the whole V/Pizzagate subverse into disrepute....
RumpRangerRick ago
Dear Jewkeeper.
Get out.
AOU ago
Nice try, Shlomo.
CheeseboogersGhost ago
I pointed out a pattern how most of the Pizzagate thing is jewish and it offends you to the point that you want me silenced and banned. If THAT doesn't open peoples eyes to YOU then nothing will.
"anti-Semite" = telling the truth about YOUR kind
millennial_vulcan ago
folk who use the term "faggot" are projecting and just dying to lie down and take it up the butt by a big manly stud.
Do you like that, boy?
CheeseboogersGhost ago
oh looky!! A gate keeping pedo kike who wants to silence and ban me from pizzagate for pointing out a jewish pattern. reddit jew
think- ago
Yep. Only a coincidence. As usual.
ProgNaziGator ago
If you dismiss everything "pizza" related.. Why would a pizza party need to be secret? 60s hippies would not be ok with government figures reading to kids about secret get togethers.
Ecspecially after FBI document showing pizza was a codeword used in pedophile community.
Blacksmith21 ago
Don't forget about Jacob Schwartz (and his buddy Robby Mook). Worked for Blahole and HRC.
https://thegoldwater. com/news/3198-Robby-Mook-Just-Deleted-Twitter-Photo-of-Him-and-Pedophile-Jacob-Schwartz
Are_we_sure ago
This is utter bullshit. Schwartz worked for the city. He worked the Department of Design and Construction.
And when did he work for Clinton?
DeathToMasonsASAP ago
How did you know that? Just had that info in your back pocket?
Are_we_sure ago
I knew that from the first time that guy appeared on this board when he was arrested, people immediately starting lying about him back then too.
EricKaliberhall ago
Every time he provided child-pornography to the Clinton campaign... So Jacob probably had to work a lot of double shifts... Maybe even nights.
Are_we_sure ago
so in your fantasies.
OK. Got it.
EricKaliberhall ago
There is equal amount of evidence that Jacob provided child-pornography to the Clinton campaign, that there is evidence for "collusion" between the Trump campaign and the big bad Russians...
We have a sayin here in Sweden... Don't be a cunt inside glass-houses, you fucking cunt...
Are_we_sure ago
Again this is your fantasy. There's zero evidence in this case that he provided child pornography to anyone.
Evidence of Collusion
And we still do not know what Mueller has yet to reveal. The list of questions written up by Trump's lawyers did include this little nugget indicating that Mueller has more information about active outreach to Russia. "What knowledge do you have of any outreach by your campaign, including by Paul Manafort, to Russia about potential assistance to the campaign?"
We also know that Trump has lied about his Russian connections over and over and over again. And his Russian connections are incredibly extensive and go back years. While he was claiming he has nothing to do with Russian, he was trying to build Trump Tower Moscow. We also know he is going to dodge Mueller's interview. If subpoenaed, I bet he pleads the 5th.
Here's today's reality vs fantasy news report.
toutedesuite ago
Thank you for so completely outing yourself:-)
EricKaliberhall ago
Who is Jacob Schwartz -
Blacksmith21 ago
What's a Mook?
EricKaliberhall ago
The village idiot. :)
Blacksmith21 ago
@EricKaliberhall - "What's a Mook?" Is something Chris Plante says whenever he talks about that creep. Check out WMAL online. Chris is on 0900-1200ET, M-F and is now nationally syndicated. I promise you will be the funniest political commentary you've heard - 3 hours per workday.
Also Larry O'Connor's show at 1500-1800ET is awesome. More live political radio with Dr. Gorka and other team Trump folks calling in randomly - DC insider stuff
Blacksmith21 ago
The Greenwich Village idiot.
Random - check this out. Does Zuckerberg have double coloboma?,c_limit/MarkZuckerberg.jpg
TrishaUK ago
I don't see any coloboma! That has to be the pupil that is mis-formed. (excuse some of these gross eye pics) - - If anything he has slight Heterochromia = 2 different coloured eyes,
Blacksmith21 ago
Yeah, some of those are pretty extreme cases. I'm no expert in this area. My understanding was coloboma was always associated with Maddie McCann:
She was the one that started everyone finding eye abnormalities with Cabal-related individuals.
TrishaUK ago
I have Heterochromia, two different coloured eyes. To me, if you look close, it looks like Maddie has the same as her pupil is still round not mis-formed. I think that people have just called it the wrong name. I wasn't trying to be awkward. :)
Blacksmith21 ago
No, that's fine. You know more about it than I do. Supposedly some genetically-linked trait associated with desirous characteristics sought by the Cabal. Bloodlines?
TrishaUK ago
Yeah sickos - who knows what goes through their warped minds.
EricKaliberhall ago
It looks like it... Boy from Brazil or something even more fucked up...
Blacksmith21 ago
Yeah, WTF. I know who may have an idea.... @matheasysolutions ^^^
Oh_Well_ian ago
Yep... do you know what is currently going on in that case?
Blacksmith21 ago
I have no idea. It was pretty bad stuff if I recall correctly. Was Schniederman the AG at the time? I can't imagine he would put his fingers on the scale in favor of Schwartz /s
Darl_Von_Kibble ago
Is this the kind of pizza that I think it is?
carmencita ago
I will never forget that. The Secret Pizza Party Book reading was a Big Tip Off about De Blasio, imo. He needs to be looked at much closer. Yes, the book IS a Grooming Tool. He and his wife should both be researched. She is a former lesbian. Nothing against them, but these people are always using their life styles to further their perverted crimes and propaganda. She now is straight? I don't believe anything these people tell us.
millennial_vulcan ago
That whole family are disgusting. WTF New Yorkers?! You guys lost your goddamns minds voting for that grossbag.
NEVER FORGET DeBlowsio's Slap in the Face, PAID FOR trip to Hamburg, GERMANY, when his ass should've been there for his city.
"de Blasio’s travels to Hamburg, where he spoke at a nonviolent political demonstration against the G-20 meeting of world leaders and visited his son, who is living abroad this summer, would probably have raised curiosity under most circumstances. But the timing of his trip — he left the day after the ambush killing of a city police officer as she sat in her mobile command unit in the Bronx — drew criticism from even some staunch supporters."
The voyage was also a convenient way for the mayor to visit his son, Dante, who is spending the summer in Germany, without having to pay for a plane ticket; the airfare was picked up by the rally organizers. Dante appeared in photographs with the mayor at official events during the trip, and Mr. de Blasio began his speech at the rally by pointing out his son’s presence.
URGHHHH. Well New Yorkers. You got what you deserved.
Edit: LINK
carmencita ago
It seems that the 3 largest cites NYC LA and Chicago all have DS D Bags. Let me tell you they were put in there I believe by Election Fraud. What they do now is flood the Primaries with tons of candidates and the pool is so large that the votes are watered down and they know just how many to add to get their results. They have fine tuned this for decades. So yes, Bill D and Jerry B and Rahm E have all been held in place to do what is needed to continue the disgusting trafficking, drugs and organ ops in their cities.
new4now ago
it's a pay to play system
as for the voting fraud, I think you have something there
the states Hillary lost the election with she thought she had it in the bag
by the time she realized she was screwed, it was too late to change the votes
Obama was when I started bitching WTF
dude came out of no where, did nothing, and all of a sudden he is president
carmencita ago
dude came out of now where
Yeah, and that proves that if they want someone in they get him in
There was some dirty stuff that happened. I can't talk about it, or I will dox myself. Believe me, it was down and outright dirty.
There were a few states Bernie won when it came up that she did. That's all I can say. See my newest post in whatever about Margot Kidder
millennial_vulcan ago
great insight Carm. And we can never forget that crackhead DC mayor barry got voted in a second term. SMDH. Always wondered what secrets that dude took to the grave with him...
carmencita ago
I they are all Crackheads.
millennial_vulcan ago
I think youre right :)
Matt_Helm ago
Correct it's why the big cities are all Democrat run they are like mafia bosses each with their own territory.
millennial_vulcan ago
Oh_Well_ian ago
I posted about this topic in v/politics again today.
ProfessionalCynic ago
My radar has always been up about De Blasio and his lesbian wife. Something more going on there. They both are dirty as hell.
carmencita ago
They are like the Pedos in Hollywood. One covering for the other. There could be a lot going on with them. I venture to say they could be caught in the NXIVM as well. Or they are protecting those that are. Our State Political Heads I believe have been infiltrated. In all the large cities at least, we have those supported by the Deep State which are both Dems and Rep. so there are many to worry about. At this point I am considering them all guilty until proved innocent. One of the De Blasios is a Beard or maybe they both are.
new4now ago
personally, I think politics have there own NXIVM
first thing Hillary did when she got in the White House was hook up with the FBI
she wanted the dirt, those that didn't have perversions, she set up, those that did she gave them what they wanted in return for what she wanted , not to mention her own sick self
from the Clowns she got the info she needed worldwide and went for it
she had powerful people watching her back since the Mena days
I was given 2 choices in Nov 8, 2016
There was no way in hell I was going to vote Hillary
was already knee deep in Haiti and started going back to Arkansas
that bitch is a black widow
carmencita ago
That's a good name for her. There is no name bad enough for her. She is Evil Personified.
new4now ago
I read when she was young, the teachers loved her, which to me means, she didn't have friends lol
I don't think anyone really liked her
carmencita ago
She already was learning how to charm and GROOM.
new4now ago
The only reason she married Bill was for his name and protection
she knew Bush was backing him
when I hear about her being a wife, mother and grandmother I want to puke
If ever there was a woman without a maternal bone in her body it's her
carmencita ago
Yes and she learned a lot from her father who did small time stuff for Al Capone. She had a Big Push from her father who went to Penn State and she still donates there and roots for the teams. Think she didn't know about Sandusky? She surely is part of that Ring too.
millennial_vulcan ago
Lib f*cktards. You just know that sneaky prick and his rainbow family (I for real don't care about color but its grating with this dumb dumb tribe) is gonna run for POTUS. All signs point to YES.
(Edit: anyone else think that's the agenda here? Fits right?)
carmencita ago
Good God! That's a scary proposal. Frightening actually :(
3141592653 ago
Sick sick book
Samchay6 ago
A Jewish author writing a children's story celebrating abhorrent behavior with creepy child grooming undertones?
Must just be a coincidence...
auralsects ago
how do those downvotes taste, I have accumulated well over 1500 in the exact same manner. then that fact is used to call ME, the only prominent jew-namer, a shill lmao
Pattern_Blind ago
There are that many kikes on this board? Wow shocking. How the fuck is noticing that it seems to be a cabal of kikes into diddling kids, worth down voting?
If you name the Jew much the taste of down votes from heebs is sweet. Means you are on target.
At some point the researchers will start putting 2 and 2 together and realize whats going on. How many kike last names that all hang out together have to get busted before the Goyim break their mental conditioning to love and protect, their baby penis sucking vampire lord.