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letsdothis1 ago

The Clintons have affiliations with more than one cult. Here's one associated with the Hampstead case:


Ching Hai, the self-styled "Supreme Master" of Zen whose disciples came up with massive contributions to President Clinton's legal defense fund, is no ordinary woman even if one discounts her claim she is the living reincarnation of Buddha and Jesus Christ.

Central to the children’s testimony was the involvement of their father, actor Ricky Dearman, who has known connections to the self-professed spiritual leader, the ‘Supreme Master’, Ching Hai. The children go on to assert that they worship the ‘Supreme Master’. Notably, the Satanic Bible also states that ‘Satan’s ministers will obey all commands of the ‘Supreme Master‘. Objectively speaking, these claims cannot be overlooked, particularly since – in true Satanic style – keeping up a charade of decency and respectability is vital to abusers.

Ricky Dearman is involved in the film industry as an actor and has affiliations with ‘Supreme Master Television’, a television station airing from 14 satellite platforms and reaching hundreds of millions of households around the world. The beneficiary and focal point of this self-created spiritual hierarchy, Ching Hai is worshipped by followers the world over. Actively involved with child orphanages and schools in third world countries, she also has elite connections, including well-documented links to the Clintons.

think- ago

Thanks for posting. Maybe we should look into this again as well.
