septimasexta ago

"In India, there is virtually no control over the surrogacy industry, and indeed, it is an industry."

Lady Lynn Rothschild's India orphanage:

"Sir Evelyn de Rothschild gifts wife orphanage in Tamil Nadu on birthday"

septimasexta ago

BRAVE NEW WORLD is real. We were forewarned.

lamplight ago

No one has the right to buy children. A thought that crossed my mind while reading this is "what is his intent?" Why would a man want so many children. Maybe he has also studied microbiology and immunology and plans to experiment on these children. Sounds like a new Dr. Mengele if this were true.

HennyPenny ago

I have seen recently on Craigslist Alabama a "couple" with children already, trolling for expectant mothers who can't afford to raise their babies that are due, promising to go through attorneys, describing themselves as having 4 bdrm home, etc. A brief check up on the adoptive father to be doesn't look too promising, judgement liens, apt. living,etc. Who patrols that type of solicitation? @carmencita

Shizy ago

For the adoption to be legalized it has to go through the court, so a judge would be overseeing the situation. And I agree that's how it should be, however the concern would be if they use dirty judges to sign off on questionable adoptions

Gothamgirl ago

Someday they will cut out the mothers involvement completely. I see babies growing in pod incubators, watch they will claim it's healthier for the baby. Trump 2020.

realityisinsanity ago

Like the days of Noah.

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

Great article. I posted about surrogacy on here several times and you can search through for my posts about that. Several really important issues are involved with surrogacy that seriously tie it to human trafficking and baby sales. In my opinion surrogacy needs to be banned and most adoptions should be re-examined aside from step-parent adoptions.

Shizy ago

I would argue to include any relative adoption since all too many kids have crap parents and need a grandma or aunt to step in and care for them permanently.

13Buddha ago

Thanks for mentioning your prior posts. I look forward to reading them. 100% agree that all surrogacy should be banned, for without that, abuse would continue. Also agree that adoption criteria should be re-examined. If only...

carmencita ago

UPVoats Requested by Me for this Magnificent Post! and I must say that microbiologist has a somewhat odd name. Yuka Unno very much like Yoko Ono. Hmm. Could be nothing.

carmencita ago

"Surrogacy is out of control in the US. When the primal bond - as ancients as humankind itself - between mother and child is destroyed, what will be left?" THIS. And one of the most frightening things I have read. What will we do then. We need to stop this NOW. We need states to enact laws against these renting womb perverts making money off of poor mothers. Pressure your Law Makers Now.

septimasexta ago


"@JeffKasky 2h2 hours ago More Jeff Kasky Retweeted NormalDawn Cameron & David, please watch your fucking language on television. I don't want to hear you say the T***p-word."

"Jeff Kasky @JeffKasky 7h7 hours ago More Jeff Kasky Retweeted Jeff Kasky Dear Friends, a Twitter-follower/Trump supporter was offended that I called Mitch McConnell a "piece of shit." You're right, that was not fair. Let me be more accurate: McConnell is an entire PILE of shit. "

"Jeff Kasky @JeffKasky 7h7 hours ago More Jeff Kasky Retweeted Winyan Staz Wakien You guys, I'm going to tell you this but you have to promise to keep it secret: @davidhogg111 and @cameron_kasky are not just 'crisis actors,' but they're both transgender abortion gun 2ndamendment Trump MAGA Mexican imposter alien witch hunt fake news communists. Shhhhhhhhhhhhh"

"Breaking the Seal on Adoptions" OneWorldAdoptionSvcs Jun 26, 2014

ATD Mediation / Jeffrey A. Kasky, Esq.

carmencita ago

I would def say Nope. And that was even before you presented the info listed above. This guy is on his side and not on the side of the birth mother and child. Profit is the name of his game.

carmencita ago

I am sorry I had to stop reading after only finishing about half of your report. You wrote a very find report, don't get me wrong. It's just that my Head Hurt and I could no longer process this evil that this Perverted Moron is committing. I could not wrap my head around it. I can not process it. WTH is going on in Japan? I thought they were the ones who were turning out the most educated and brainy children on the planet. Evidently they think some are good for educating and some are good for selling off for profit. So Beyond Disturbing.

13Buddha ago

So much of this revolves around money and this guy has tons of it. I am wondering about the female academic who accompanied him to Macau and her expertise in microbiology and immunology. Are all of the children he has fathered and may still father be subjected to experimentation? The reasons used by him for doing so were preposterous but yet acknowledged. There is much more to this. Who knows if he is or plans to be in this country doing the same?

carmencita ago

We need to call in an expert. @darkknight111 This is horrid and an accident waiting to jump across the Pacific Ocean. What a Cesspool California will be. Possibly they are already getting prepared for this Baby Seller.

darkknight111 ago

I imagine that this could easily be used for all sorts of sordid acts: trafficking, producing more "breeders" for satanic cults, and another purpose not yet mentioned....

Organ Harvesting. Transplants are more effective when the host's MHC (markers that differentiate self from foreign) is similar to the donor's. This operation could EASILY be converted to an "organ farm". The fact that an immunologist is one of the accomplices makes the "organ farm" scenario much more likely.

Because the father is the same, its likely that this could be an "organ farm" serving much of the asian elites.

carmencita ago

Thank you. You always come through. This is exactly what I was afraid of. He possibly is starting a World Organ Harvesting Org. maybe he will just start with his own people, Asians. But I am sure he will want to become the richest man in the world. Surpassing possibly Jeff Bezos. These Money Whores Must Be Stopped.