Immelda ago

Thank you everyone for your posts adding to the articles. Now we know a lot of people knew about him and a lot of people know about others who are abusing children. But with these 'stars' not naming people it won't stop.

ThatGuy2018 ago

Typical jewess. Creates an avenue for seeking out child abuse victims for a. to shut them up before they go and spill the beans to others, and b. to pick them up for further abuse. Sick.

DerivaUK ago

I’ve read somewhere that Childline was set up as a filter to expose (read: prevent) potential whistleblower victims. There is an article around somewhere revealing a serious sexual assault on a child at one of Rantzen’s parties.

think- ago

I’ve read somewhere that Childline was set up as a filter to expose (read: prevent) potential whistleblower victims.


sore_ass_losers ago

"UK PIzzagate" is rich and well researched, yet in fact AFAIK not much changed as a result of the revelations.

An underage actor Ben Fellows claimed Rantzen invited him to a party at a house in the New Forest. He got hit upon numerous times. It turns out Rantzen has a house in the New Forest, Fellows says she was there, doesn't claim it was her house. There was a pedophile incident in the pool at Rantzen's house, a young girl was molested, but Rantzen claimed she wasn't around.

Item 7 refers to the incident.

DerivaUK ago

Ben Fellows also made an accusation about being sexually assaulted by then MP Sir Kenneth Clarke. This had been revealed in the infamous documentary ‘The Cook Report’ by the brilliant exposer journalist, Roger Cook. The documentary was about to air when David Cameron (one day to be PM) was then head of Carlton Communications and helped by then PM John Major arranged a buyout of Central Television, the company who produced the documentary, thus ensuring the programme never made it to air. Ben Fellows was later accused of perverting the course of justice and MP Kenneth Clarke ended up being cleared of the alleged assault. However, Mr Fellows was later also cleared of the charges against him and maintains his story is true to this day. He also made claims about ‘Lord’ Andrew Lloyd Weber having stuck his tongue down Ben Fellow’s throat in an earlier incident. (Notable how the article below repeatedly refers to Ben as ‘Ken’ Fellows)

think- ago

The_Savant ago

You know what - I've actually been saving a few things about Savile in case I needed them later so this is useful stuff.

think- ago

When you find something interesting, @The_Savant, please consider doing a submission, if you have the time. I think we still don't know half of the things Savile did and to whom he was connected to.

The_Savant ago

Well... I hold back because I know that people like swordfish already know 9x more than I do. If you'd like, I can leave a few links for you here and now and you can tell me how many you knew about (it will probably be most.)

With the post you've just read taken into account, would you like to see The Guadian accept ZERO responsibilty and say that the BBC was transparent throughout the whole scandal? This is evidence that the cover-up is still going.

Why, then, does this article include several examples of BBC staff who knew about his fucked up secret life? (and is a really good article btw.)

He even had a ‘London Team’ - a group of schoolgirls he treated like his personal harem - who were regularly waved into his dressing room by a BBC receptionist before the filming of Top of the Pops.

In another incident he had a 19-year-old girl meet him at a portable corporate hospitality cabin in Shepherds Bush, west London, before forcibly kissing and groping her behind a curtain while smoking a cigar in a smoke-filled room. When she ran out and complained to Savile’s radio producer Ted Beston the victim 'was treated as if she was being silly', the report by retired judge Dame Janet Smith found.

It emerged low-ranking and middle managers knew about Savile's abuse but senior executives, who were absolved of any blame by the report, were not compelled to give evidence

A parallel inquiry into paedophile Stuart Hall revealed BBC bosses were aware – or should have been – that the It's a Knockout presenter was abusing girls. If staff did dare try and report him they were told 'keep your mouth shut, he is a VIP', the review found

It also emerged BBC bosses missed five opportunities to snare the 'untouchable' star - who died in 2011 aged 84 - as he molested victims over a period of five decades.

Savile was close to Thatcher (very close.) In these exchanges, we learn that 1) Savile and Thatcher met regularly; 2) Savile and Thatcher visited Stoke Mandeville hospital together (where Savile had abused children) and; 3) Donations on behalf of Thatcher were made to the hospital of £500,000 - not much for a hospital, but plenty to enable a pedo ring and hush it up. (A side note about Thatcher - she gave a knighthood to Cryil Smith in 1988 despite being told he was a pedophile.)

This article shows that - not only was Savile at a party held by Tony Blair, but he was also being really creepy there. He had a lot of high level connections.

Here is another article that reveals 14 instances of compliance of Scotland Yard with Savile. This article names a lot of suspects (and somewhat tries to cover for them but what can you do?) and many of them are MPs. It suggests that a much wider ring was involved.

This article contains a warning from the barrister of the Savile case that patients are still at risk

Barrister Kate Lampard, whose review of Savile's offending across NHS institutions made a series of recommendations, said many volunteer programmes at hospitals still "pose a potential risk to patients" due to inadequate checks, while stricter controls are needed so they are not under threat from celebrity guests.

And the most disturbing article last, here is an account from a 12 year old girl who said that Savile and others abused her in a satanic ritual.

“She recalled being led into a room that was filled with candles on the lowest level of the hospital, somewhere that was not regularly used by staff. Several adults were there, including Jimmy Savile who, like the others, was wearing a robe and a mask.

“She was molested, raped and beaten and heard words that sounded like ‘Ave Satanas’, a Latin­ised version of ‘Hail Satan’, being chanted. There was no mention of any other child being there and she cannot remember how long the attack lasted but she was left extremely frightened and shaken.”

“She recognised him because of his distinctive voice and the fact that his blond hair was protruding from the side of the mask. He was not the leader but he was seen as important because of his fame.

He was not the leader. There was clearly a leader who was more powerful and prominent than he was. When did this take place? 1975 - the year Thatcher became PM. Thatcher obviously played a large role.

If you think this deserves a post, let me know. I won't find out until the morning because I'm going to bed now but this sort of feedback is helpful.

think- ago

Thank you very much, @The_Savant! Much appreciated! :-)

I will look into it in the next couple of days and get back to you via PM. It is a lot of very interesting material for sure! :-)

UnicornAndSparkles ago

Thanks for the ping ☺️

think- ago

Welcome! :-)

think- ago

Hi @Immelda, thank you for your submission! :-)

I would like to ask you to add some more background info; this way, the users would know some more details before actually clicking a link.

Some readers might be newbies and might not know who Savile was, please add a sentence or two about his job and the allegations against him.

Please also add a sentence about the cover-up at the BBC (readers outside the UK might not be familiar with it), and a sentence that Childline is an organization intends to help survivors of sexual abuse. (As already pointed out in the headline.)

You could also add this excerpt from your second link as a quotation:

The talk of a BBC cover-up grew louder and more insistent as it emerged that the editor of Newsnight had vetoed an earlier report into the allegations, and this, along with the fact that Savile was using BBC property to continue his dubious and possibly illegal behaviour whilst bosses turned a blind eye, has made things very uncomfortable for those individuals who were considered his colleagues at the time of the abuse - individuals such as Esther Rantzen, for example.

Rantzen has admitted that she heard the rumours at the time, referring to it as 'green room gossip', the implication being that it was classier to ignore it.

You will have 24 hours to edit, please ping one of the mods when you will have edited, we will then delete the 'Edit Warning' flair. Thank you! :-)

Immelda ago

Thank you for your input, i will certainly clean the post up in the morning as i am in bed now 😊

think- ago

Haha, ok! Sleep well! :-)

Immelda ago

Thank you, i hope this is much better now :)

think- ago

Excellent, @Immelda, thank you! :-)

I have already removed the flair.

scarlettm512 ago

What better way to keep a lid on accusations than to run a charity that handles reported cases of abuse. The kids accusing the "little fish" can be trotted out as proof that they are "saving the children" and the ones pointing a finger at the elite can just simply disappear. I don't trust any of these children's charities anymore, especially not ones concerned with the abuse or trafficking of kids.

Immelda ago

I reported some of my abuse to 2 NSPCC workers and they told the person who i had named as one of my abusers. Obviously it was denied and things got worse for me.

carmencita ago

I know. Right? I don't trust them anymore either. No more donating for us now. Save the Children is one of the worst. Shriner connections and Masons. Yes, the rewarding with a Dame or Knight Award is not always a sign but many times it is. Especially the High Level ones. There is a list. Bob Hope and Elton John are HL Knights. Yes, she ware rewarded for keeping her mouth shut.

giggelingpanda ago

This one w Elton John actually confused me. Wasn't he BBF with Lady Di?

sore_ass_losers ago

@carmencita Elton John had some exhibit of part of his photograph collection in a gallery and had one seized by the police. It was a photo of two little girls by the American photographer, Nan Goldin. The whole thing blew over. To me the photo definitely appeals to the prurient interest. Besides that he's rumored to have used young 'rent boys'.

carmencita ago

I heard he was stopped at the Atlanta Airport and they confiscated what the called Child Pornography. Not surprised. Those two boys he has, I feel so sad for them.

millennial_vulcan ago

when did you hear that? If EJ has a cp charge come out against him, he is finished.

carmencita ago Entitled Klara And Edda Belly-Dancing, the photograph depicts an image of two naked young girls and was taken by controversial American photographer Nan Goldin. In 1989, the Sun published a story alleging that he had a taste for young rent boys. They also claimed he demanded that any boys found for him should be drugged with vast amounts of coke before being brought to his bed. WHAT did he want to do to those boys that he demanded they be so heavily drugged. HE is one of the biggest lies out there.

carmencita ago

Yes, well he could have fooled her. Remember that pedophiles are Good Groomers. I have come to realize that they Groom themselves and their friends and relatives as well into believing they are exactly the opposite. That is why they are always so shocked. I read something so shocking the other day about a place called Elm House in UK. It was on here. If I find it will send along.

giggelingpanda ago

Thank you. I always read what you post, and as you said...i always think "that's CANT get worse".

But it always does.

carmencita ago

Here is a link to a post Click on the picture next to the title. This is more extensive and better than the one I read. Shocking and Sick.

Immelda ago

One of my friends on twitter was at Elm House and important to Operation Conifer.

carmencita ago

I will look at it. I think I have heard of this before. TY.

giggelingpanda ago

Thank you @carmencita

carmencita ago


carmencita ago

I read some of it. Amazing. Every country has their pedophiles. They are a sorry lot.

derram ago :

Jimmy Savile allegations: Esther Rantzen's response defies belief - Telegraph :

Esther Rantzen – being a Dame gives me clout - Telegraph

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