ESOTERICshade ago

McCain Institute has private bilderberg type events. Participants include rothschilds, CFR/Trilateral mbrs, russian PM, HRC, Tony Blair, NCMEC/THORN, Petraeus,Saudi/qatar ambassadors! This is HUGE!!!

That is certainly an interesting piece of info. NCMEC and Thorn. I am still dumbfounded by the fact that people believe the Republicans are waging a "war against the deep state."

Trump's dog and pony show contribution to stop child trafficking was to meet with child traffickers in a big glitzy public display. If this were Obama the Trump supporters would be calling it evidence of Obama's guilt.

When Trump passed an executive order to confiscate the assets of human rights abusers Trump supporters went wild expecting an international child trafficking ring, and the ring in D.C, to be exposed and people to be arrested in mass. Of course nothing happened.

Soros moved some money around and of course that was proof that Soros was going to be arrested. Then there was the famous Q lie that Soros was arrested in the Atlanta airport and taken to Camp David. Soros then showed up at the Davos Summit to heckle Trump.

Then team Q also raided the Obama library and Obama was going down. They were convinced that Obama was under house arrest. When Obama made a show of participating in a jurty duty meeting that was proof that he was secretly being arrested.

It just never stops with these Trump people. ZIONISM IS OUR ENEMY and these people are even ignoring the fact that Trump is the global salesman and leader of the Zionist movement. Some even defend Zionism because if they don't they have to give up their Trumpy Bear.

The Trumpers ignore the fact that Trump's dad was a member of the Chabad mafia and it gets no worse than that. Kushner is a Chabad Kingpin. Chabad is so psychotic evil that even the Jews that understand who Chabad is hate Chabad.

Our government has not announced that there is a pedophile ring entrenched within itself and that it is attempting to destroy it. There is no war on the deep state because Trump is now the cover for it and does the deep state's bidding as King Zionist.

Zionism is not a religion it is a political movement and Trump it its public face and leader. What will it take for the Trump supporters to break out of this illusion and rejoin the truth movement?

PedoStomper ago

A million times this. As soon as Trump made statements about how pro-Israel he was, I completely gave up any shred of hope that I had of him not being a sold out LOSER.

letsdothis1 ago

By the way, the author of Covert Network: Progressives, the International Rescue Committee and the CIA, Eric Thomas Chester, also warns against viewing the world through a partisan lens and says that both the Democrats and Republicans are corrupt.

ESOTERICshade ago

By the way, the author of Covert Network: Progressives, the International Rescue Committee and the CIA, Eric Thomas Chester, also warns against viewing the world through a partisan lens and says that both the Democrats and Republicans are corrupt.

Its so obvious that I wish the Trump people would take the ice bucket challenge and just get it over with. This is what Trump supporters need. A dose of reality. Ice cold water on the head.

Ice Bucket Challenge ... xoxo - GloZell

I understand why they cheer for Trump. They believe Trump is "our only hope" and they believe being a Trump cheerleader is helping us. Following Trump is equal to doing nothing while Rome Burns to the damn ground, and Trump supporters are teaching newbies to be delusional which is even worlse.

The only path to freedom is by fighting the establishment and that means Trump too.

YogSoggoth ago

You would prefer Hillary. Whatever. He is a much kinder dictator, so far. What the heck does that have to do with this awesome post? Putting the pieces together with others help. That is what makes us a community for the same cause.

ESOTERICshade ago

You would prefer Hillary.

No. Both are shit choices because they work for the same masters. Only bonus for me is that Trump comes without SJWs.

What the heck does that have to do with this awesome post?

I asked OP if the Trump exposure was too much and if it was junking his post and he said no, and that it was time Trump got exposed as doing nothing that will make a difference in our daily lives or futures. The answer to our freedom when it comes to both parties is "neither."

YogSoggoth ago

OK, that is an acceptable answer. My Hobby for the last 7 years(?) was studying money, currency. Those are two different things. Watch Mike Maloney - Hidden Secrets Of Money 1-7 for a starter course. My point is that while there is no more important thing than protecting the children of the world, the best way to protect them on a macro level is protecting the economy of any given country. We are macro in this group, but we all have to realize that money moves things. I would not criticize Trump right now. Maybe next month if we find the Trump spirit cooking video. Don't think micro.

ESOTERICshade ago

The human being is a very creative critter when it focuses on the correct problems. With both parties being slave to the banker's "money" it makes both parties a non answer for us. At least that is the way I see it. If the minds of Trump supporters were freed to focus on other subjects the solutions they come up with might be closer to something that would make a difference.

YogSoggoth ago

Alright, let me put it another way so that you can better understand. The entire world is in the biggest financial bubble ever. The border is wide open. Child stealing crazies have infiltrated every aspect of the USA. We have active paid government employees that hate America. One thing at a time. If I were magically President tomorrow, I would not have the money for legal fees or the private security team that kept Trump alive so far. If crooked Hillary had won, we (pizzagaters) would all be visited by bad people and in a black op prison.

ESOTERICshade ago

If crooked Hillary had won, we (pizzagaters) would all be visited by bad people and in a black op prison.

I respect your opinion, and, I really don't think it would be that way. I think the general plan for humanity is on the same general course regardless of who the president is.

YogSoggoth ago

Obviously, you have not been visited.

ESOTERICshade ago

Obviously, you have not been visited. I hope it does not happen for you. If it does, and you survive, you will tighten up.

Actually its worse than that. I had something happen to me for 7 or 8 years that almost killed me. It was a direct result of my involvement in all this. It was horrible. Worse than I can describe.

YogSoggoth ago

Sorry to hear that. There is no R or D anymore, but the D's are always the choice of the bad people because of the liberalism. Lincoln was president when the Federal government waged war against half the country. What party was he?

ESOTERICshade ago

There is no R or D anymore,


but the D's are always the choice of the bad people because of the liberalism.

The most sneaky and hard to spot snakes are there with all their fake charities and "do gooder" organizations. It is the perfect place for evil to camouflage itself.

YogSoggoth ago

That is why I prefer to be the bad man. I wear my gun outside my vest for all the world to feel.

letsdothis1 ago

Thank you for your comment. It is time for us to start looking at Trump's connections with a more critical eye. I believe the whole Q thing is to pacify the truth community.

YogSoggoth ago

This is not about politics. This is about the perps. That is old school LEO talk for perpetrators. When you run across a scenario 24/7, you pick a perp. I have been skeptical of Trump from the debate years ago. If he is some kind of double agent, I have not figured out how. I am not a fool unless proven otherwise by empirical evidence.

ESOTERICshade ago

I believe the whole Q thing is to pacify the truth community.

Of course it is and it has done a beautiful job of derailing some people that were the best pizzagaters. These two political parties have been pretending to fight each other for decades. Nobody of note went to jail over the Hillary emails. Nobody of note will suffer mass arrests for "muh Russia" and I even see Q people regurgitating some of the Russian BS these days. It is incredibly destructive to our movement.

The only thing those two groups of criminals fight over is who gets the lion's share of our squandered tax money. Trump is in the process of laying another 2 TRILLION dollars worth of debt on us, our children, their children, etc....and doing exactly jack shit to raise our daily lives in a meaningful way. Los Angeles just made it illegal for homeless people to sleep in their cars. What are these people supposed to do now?

Trump is a slick gangster crook and people need to wake the fuck up and start fighting the real enemy and the enemy is both political parties. Any smart person that can read news hedlines can see that not only is it business as usual for the deep state but it is getting worse for us.

PedoStomper ago

The real enemies are the crusty old bankers who pull the strings. People spend too much time caring about politicians and they completely forget that the Rothschilds control who becomes President, so bitching about who they chose is just pointless. People need to zoom the lens way back and see that there's a much bigger picture.

letsdothis1 ago

I also see a lot of game theory psychology being used with the Q messages. That's why everything is a riddle because it's quite clear that researchers are drawn to puzzles. It's time for people to think about the very real possibility that they are being played and to ask themselves, as you point out, why the major players in all this deep corruption are no closer to jail.

ESOTERICshade ago

I also see a lot of game theory psychology being used with the Q messages. That's why everything is a riddle because it's quite clear that researchers are drawn to puzzles.

Its the perfect ruse because it allows participants to use as much confirmation bias as needed to solve the puzzle. The pieces do not have to fit, the pieces only need to be desired. It does not seem to matter to the players that nothing substantial ever comes of it. The thrill is playing the game and believing that it is somehow making a difference in our daily lives.

The savvy truth community is warning about this 5G network that will spy on us all in our homes and right now and its a hot topic for everybody but the Q people and the Trump supporters. Its all over the internet right now for anybody that wants to see a real threat. I see it all over the internet on a regular basis because I don't stayed buried in Trumpisms. The savvy truth community is very worried about this 5 G network because they are paying attention.

Warning about Trillions in debt coming down on our head. Warning about biometric national IDs. Now the Trump administration is supporting additional gun control measures because of this recent false flag. Youtubers who are on the correct message are getting their Youtube accounts deleted while the Trumpers jam the airwaves with noise. Their youtube accounts are not being deleted because they are carrying the proper government message.

If the Republicans were in a war against the deep state they would call out these false flag shootings for what they are. Instead the Republicans will end up allowing tougher gun control measures while giving a little lip service about "protecting our freedom."

While Trump supporters are playing a game of assgrab Trump is fucking us over.

US Gross National Debt Spikes $1 Trillion in Less Than 6 Months

White House Considering Confiscating Guns From "People Considered Dangerous"

President Trump confirmed on Friday that he would support stricter firearms regulations, including a proposal to strengthen the federal background check system and raising the minimum age for buying a semi-automatic weapon to 21 - something the powerful National Rifle Association has said it opposes.

Trump also reiterated his support for training members of school staffs to carry concealed weapons:

“A teacher would have shot the hell out of him before he knew what happened,”

So lets think about that. Instead of calling it a false flag he supports putting guns in our schools? Why not call it a false flag and arrest the criminals responsible? Why do I smell a rat?

But, as Bloomberg reports, The White House is considering the idea of using restraining orders to take firearms away from people considered "dangerous" as part of its response to last week’s massacre at a Florida high school, two people familiar with the matter said.

Under extreme risk protection orders, which are also known as red flag laws or gun violence restraining orders,firearms can be confiscated from people found to be at risk.

Get ready medical marijuana users, psych med users, war veterans, and anybody else they can jam into their definitions. Marijuana users are already being eyeballed for having their guns taken.

At the White House on Thursday, Florida Attorney General Pam Bondi described to President Donald Trump similar efforts underway in her state to allow law enforcement to seize firearms from someone who is deemed to be a danger to themselves or others.

"Good," Trump responded.

So there you have it. Instead of calling it a false flag to protect our gun rights Trump said "good" when they said they want tighter gun laws FOR A FALSE FLAG. Wake up Trump people you are getting played.

letsdothis1 ago

Meanwhile the Oxfam scandal created a few scapegoats to offer as sacrificial lambs for the international development community. i watched the parliamentary hearing and noted that the outcome was the suggestion of creating a global IT system to track ID workers. I think we understand on here what these IT systems actually do beneath the surface.. we've had ample posts on THORN for example. The globalist noose is tightening while we play 5D chess with imaginary friends.

ESOTERICshade ago

Meanwhile the Oxfam scandal created a few scapegoats to offer as sacrificial lambs for the international development community

Speaking of International slaps in the face here is this gem. 33 is the magic Masonic number. Trump is a Freemason so he knows what time it is.


Report Finds UN Employs 3,300 Pedophiles, Responsible For 60,000 Rapes In Last 10 Years

So there you have it. A big laugh and public slap in the face from the Freemasons, Jesuits, and affiliated secret societies. What are these pedophiles names? Why is the international rape gang that we pizzagaters have always known about not being talked about by Trump? Where is this war on deep state pedophiles? Who are these fabled "white hats" playing a game of 64 Gorillion D chess on our behalf while they laugh at us and wink at us with their numbers?

Business as usual for the deep state and I look forward to the day when the Trump supporters get back into the real fight with the rest of us.

carmencita ago

White House Considering Confiscating Guns From "People Considered Dangerous" This should be a Wake Up Call. What will be in the Fine Print? Anyone taking meds for ADHD or meds for Depression and related problems. Also Veterans with PTSD and the list goes on. You get my drift. Also they may open new mental homes for these people like the Privatized Prisons. There will be too many of them. We must get them off the streets. This is a Nightmare Waiting To Happen.

ESOTERICshade ago

White House Considering Confiscating Guns From "People Considered Dangerous" This should be a Wake Up Call.

Eventually our schools with be a gulag atmosphere and this is what is desired by both parties of our government. Pro Common Core Betsy Davos is the Trump education guru. She is the sister of serial mass murderer Erik Prince, founder of Blackwater mercenary company. These are answers to made up events, false flags, mind you. Who is playing who?

Apparently the “Solution” to Mass Shootings Is to Turn Schools Into Prisons

$450 million to put a law enforcement officer in every public school, and 1 officer for every 1,000 students by 2018 school year…

Increased Safe Schools funding to provide metal detectors, bulletproof glass, steel doors. Safety plans would be required before money would be spent

Mandatory active shooter drills in all Florida schools by the fall 2018 semester.

New ‘See Something, Say Something’ hotline, website and mobile app.”

Why is Trump not calling these people out? Because he is part of it.

carmencita ago

Unless there is an outcry, this is what is coming. People seem to be in favor since the are quiet as church mice.

RuthUp ago

We have created and supported systems which have been contorted through corruption and manipulation into spending more time protecting the systems themselves, rather than performing the functions in service to the intended functions of the systems. The few are benefiting from this while we watch the humans within these self-protected systems behave like a heartless AI programmed to win.

carmencita ago

I more than agree but how do we start to fix the problem. In the meantime they have their fun.