banusaur ago

LOFL The great MIT? Their Media Lab is a fucking pedophile operation? After years of hearing snooty shit about how fucking brilliant this university was in the tech scene, it turns out they are just the #1 CP op. Aaron Swartz knew.

The28th ago

In Memory of Aaron Swartz ... He paid with his life. New York's medical examiner allegedly conducted an autopsy. He pronounced death by "hang(ing) himself in his Brooklyn apartment."

Lingering suspicions remain. Why would someone with so much to give end it all this way? Why would he throw it away?

Why was no private autopsy and forensic examination done? Why aren't questions raised about a potential coverup? Why isn't independently determined full disclosure demanded?

Did Aaron take his own life or was he murdered?

darkknight111 ago

One of Eric's associates. Member of CFR.

darkknight111 ago

Schmidt has hits on the Podesta Emails.

Looks like you hit a nerve since the head shill is here. Attacking those who oppose CP and defending pedos. Sounds like something a liberal would do now isn't it?

Do we have any hackers in our group? If so, I have a special mission I'd like to covertly discuss. @swordfish69

GreenDell144 ago

Wow. There are so many connections here between so many players. The first time I heard about MIT, I was like: “naahhhh” and it almost black pilled me, but like those child-proof stairs at Pegasus museum, something didn’t fit. This generation of pedos isn’t just overwieght unshaven guys luring kids into their vans with candy. Their websites on the darknet, the constant networking in new places like whack-a-mole, their social media, their encrypted streaming.... etc. They need and thrive on high tech blind spots. Thanks OP, for good research that connects so many important elements.

Blacksmith21 ago

Somebody hit a nerve. Good post. AWShill seems to know an awful lot on the subject. No agenda there...

DopperGaanMan ago

That's because it's DarkMath and he works for MIT and is trying to give legitimacy to the concept of Aaron Swartz, a made up character of the deep state. You are part of the little charade too.

Blacksmith21 ago it Mr no comments. I'm part of the charade. Got it. Go fuck yourself.

DopperGaanMan ago

Yes, you spend every day here. It's so glaringly obvious what you all are.

Blacksmith21 ago

I have really good connectivity and SEC. Easy if one isn't living in a basement connecting via Comcast.

DopperGaanMan ago

What a silly obfuscation.

Blacksmith21 ago

Spoke likke a 20 something.

Are_we__sure ago

Wow, what a load of nonsense.

He might have been a nice guy and a brilliant guy, but, Aaron Schwartz was DEFINITELY illegally accessing JSTOR documents and definitely illegally accessing the MIT network to do it. And there is a A TON of evidence to back this up. NONE of the controversy about his death involved the question did he do this and was he guilty. He did do it and he definitely was guilty. None of his friends or family dispute this. Schwartz had written a manifesto about this. There is zero evidence he was doing anything about child porn.

The downloaded content included more than 4 million articles, book reviews, and other content from our publisher partners' academic journals and other publications;.......We stopped this downloading activity, and the individual responsible, Mr. Swartz, was identified. We secured from Mr. Swartz the content that was taken, and received confirmation that the content was not and would not be used, copied, transferred, or distributed.

It WAS NOT a ONE TIME THING. It had been going on for weeks. He illegally hooked his laptop up to MIT network to do it faster and automatically. In two days he stole 400K articles. When they found his laptop, they set up a camera and caught him. He was committing mulitple crimes and they were not victimless. Because of him, JSTOR had turned off access to documents for the entire MIT community a couple of times, he was affecting the speed of the entire network. Imagine paying a large tuition to a college and working your paper, or thesis and you go to access the materials you need to do your work and getting the page that says Your university has lost access to JSTOR materials.

He was stealing content. Content that produces $70 million dollars annually, Money that not only went to JSTOR but went to publishers and authors.

If you come into my company and steal my company's main product, you are victimizing me and all my employees and partners. For some of the Publisher's that worked with JSTOR, he stole like 97% of their content.

Scwartz admitted to JSTOR what he stole. He gave them back the articles and journals he downloaded in return for them not pursuing what would have been multi-million dollar lawsuit against him.

eagleshigh ago

Do I steal papers from Elsevier every time I used Sci-Hub to access it? @Antiracist @bojangles @SarMegahhikkitha

Are_we__sure ago

No, because I'm assuming you are accessing them within their terms of service.

eagleshigh ago

I am using Sci-Hub to access them. Is that 'within their terms of service'?

@Antiracist @bojangles @SarMegahhikkitha

antiracist ago

I'm glad you exist, but academic papers should be free.

@eagleshigh @bojangles @sarmegahhikkitha

DopperGaanMan ago

Aaron Swartz is a made up character of Deep State.

I know MIT are creepy fuckers but that's a fact.

leahxpearl ago

That’s absurd. You have no idea what you’re talking about.

DopperGaanMan ago

Eh Voat is run by MIT.

fartyshorts ago


DopperGaanMan ago

Well MIT are hardly going to admit the truth. Are you?

carmencita ago

BERNARD KRISHER made countless visits to North Korea, to provide "food relief", while really visiting orphanages to select children for overseas “education”. ( N Korea featured in the Steve Bing Bill Clinton private jet trip to "rescue" female journalists who were shown eating pizza with a tiny girl in Podesta's emails) THE Place they were eating the pizza btw, was Comet Ping Pong. The “One Laptop per Child” project was initiated by NICHOLAS NEGROPONTE, who is the brother of former UNITED NATIONS AMBASSADOR and intelligence official JOHN NEGROPONTE. APPOINTED by Hillary Clinton no less. During RALPH BOYCE'S years in Indonesia over 50 DEAD BOYS were discovered in a cave in Bali. Anti-pedophile activists call him Ralphie Boyz. He later left diplomatic service to head Boeing in SE Asia. SOME of the stuff in this article Turned My Stomach. All this is going on with the Blessings of the US.

DopperGaanMan ago

Just look at @greycloud aka Epstein the highschool physics teacher.

:) wink wink

greycloud ago

ever wonder why the world's best and brightest are more supportive of that type of stuff, and the world's most ignorant and least intellectually gifted are the most opposed to it?

DopperGaanMan ago

Wow and Voat is hosted by MIT.
