Vindicator ago

@PlutoInCapricorn: I need to remove this because you've provided no supporting source material links (Rule 2). Please repost with links to supporting evidence. Or, you can repost as-is to our speculative sister-sub, v/pizzagatewhatever. Thanks.

neurotica ago

'The Rock' Dwayne Johnson?

dundundunnnnn ago

Yes. Go to his youtube and twitter and ask what the fuck he knows.

PrideOfOshtekk ago

That guy always makes great posts. He called out Black Nobility members too.

ESOTERICshade ago

The should be scrutinized. I know people don't want to believe we may simply be switching Marxism Socialism for National Socialism during this political shift but I always keep my eyes in 50/50 mode. A "Socialism" is a Socialism and neither brand is good. The founders of this country set up a Democratic REPUBLIC but they lost control of it as the bankers slithered in, cursed be the name of Alexander Hamilton.

I have not verified the following information but here it is. Knights Of Columbus is often police officers.

Joseph Schmitz was a top executive for Blackwater now renamed Academi and was Inspector General for the Department of Defense under the Bush Administration. While Inspector General he investigated human trafficking which produced no results and later resigned. Joseph Schmitz is a Roman Knight of Malta, worked as a professor at Jesuit Georgetown, and also worked as an adviser for Donald Trump during the election. They put corrupt individuals like Joseph Schmitz in high level positions of power to protect their criminal interests. The Department of Defense produced no results investigating human trafficking under Joseph Schmitz because he worked for human traffickers. George Bush Sr. was also linked with the Franklin Cover Up which was a child sex trafficking ring involving various US politicians. The human trafficking networks are at the ports, borders, and being run by mafia and paramilitary along with corrupt police involved with Freemasonry and the Knights of Columbus.

The Bush family used the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan for recruiting members of their paramilitary Skull and Bones death squad which operates inside the United States involved with assassinations, persecution, and human trafficking. Skull and Bones is a common symbol used by various militaries and represents death. Initiates are initiated during times of war by murdering innocent people similar to gang initiations. The Skull and Bones secret society is located at Yale in New Haven Connecticut and is a top military council ran by the Bush family and their high level associates.

The Bush family were involved with hiring a paramilitary hitman to attempt to murder me in a staged robbery gone wrong a few years ago however I was armed. Also located in New Haven Connecticut is the headquarters of the Knights of Columbus which have infiltrated the police department there.

The Italian Mafia also have a presence in New Haven and there is a human trafficking operation going on at the ports. I have received several death threats regarding this information. I am aware of a US Marine named Alex Alvarez located in Watertown Connecticut not too far from New Haven and he is initiated into the Skull and Bones death squad and assists in this human trafficking network and with intimidation and assassinations involved in covering it up.

The Bush family also have female death soldiers like a young woman and child murderer named Ashley Esther Dalene who is a member of the US military and involved in gang stalking, torture, murder, and child sacrifice. She lives in Bethel Connecticut right next to Greenwich where the Bush family have a residence. Crown Prince Pavlos of Greece worked for Charles R. Weber, a ship-brokerage firm located in Greenwich, Connecticut which works with the mafia and port authorities. The New World Order is all about enslavement for the purpose of human trafficking.

ESOTERICshade ago

Human Sacrifices as part of their satanic rituals at the Old Navarre a former Whore House and Casino located at 1725-1727 Tremont Pl, Denver, Colorado, across from the Ships Tavern at the Brown Palace Hotel in downtown Denver, Colorado.

There is a Navarre area near the Basque Country that has a rich history of Satanism. I wonder if this is a reference to that. Off the coast near the Bay Of Biscayne is near the notorious Isle Of Man and the Island Of Jersey, both famous satanic pedophile dens.

ESOTERICshade ago

New Haven, Connecticut

Towns and cities with "new" are often founded by Illumaniti affiliated families and have long histories of satanic activity and child trafficking. Newport, Rhode Island was known as the first wheel of commerce for the african slave trade and was owned and operated by Jewish merchants who also controlled the liquor distilleries that so wounded the American Indians. They also owned the gunpowder manufacturing business. New York, Newtown shooting at the school, etc....

huhWHAThuh ago

This shit will be cleaned up. Too many people know too much. And it's far broader than a few hundred people on a blog doing research. Millions have their eyes wide open and are digging for information. 10s of millions have at least part vision of the lawless filthy mess govt and politicians have degenerated into by just tuning into Fox or reading Drudge and some of the other alternative news sites. Talk is that the military is prepared, but if Trump needs to, he can deputize 110 million gun owners into the federal marshal service. There isn't a sewer anywhere in the world deep enough for these sewer rats to hide. People know that all the chips are pushed out onto the table this time. It will get cleaned up.

Narcissism ago

Ties in with a lot of what George Webb has been saying over the last year.

think- ago

This recent bombing in NYC was done as an excuse to increase security for their human trafficking operation from the Jersey ports into NYC.

Could anyone please explain?

Oh_Well_ian ago

sure... FBI and DHS take jurisdiction over local law enforcement and provide an umbrella of protection for criminals, literally acting as private security to protect and escort shipments

independenceday ago

Why would any foreign entity be guarding ANY of our ports? Fox guarding the hen house? If there is a firing squad for these evil people, i hope i can watch.

PlutoInCapricorn ago

Guy doesn't source his claims, but personally I think he's right about a lot of things. I think he was an insider or has astra-mental gifts that allow him to gather this info.