carmencita ago

The article in Playboy about the tunnels is from 2015 and THIS was posted in the Comments:Pretty obvious that this is for human trafficking. PedoWood is a cursed land. Amazing! 2015!

kestrel9 ago

I was wondering where to put this:,_1st_Baron_Hastings,_KG.png scroll down for pic

In a February 27, 2013 post over at the blog First Things, Tristyn K. Bloom asks (and answers) the question, was “Hugh Hefner Inspired by Fifteenth-Century Prayer Book”?

The answer is, of course, “probably not,” but the juxtaposition of the arms of Hastings (from the Hastings Hours in the British Library) and the logo of Playboy, Inc. are striking.

The coat of arms of Hastings is Argent a maunch sable.  A maunch is a stylized medieval sleeve from a dress ("severed at the shoulder" according to J.P. Brooke-Little's An Heraldic Alphabet); the way it frames the central part of the white shield looks remarkably like the white bunny head on black that is the Playboy logo.

SPOILER ALERT Gloucester charged Hastings with treason, and he was immediately taken out and beheaded on a block of timber at the Tower. His body was buried in the north aisle of the chapel of St. George's in Windsor Castle, near the tomb of Edward IV.

DonKeydich ago

You should have waited five days so we could celebrate the ANNIVERSARY OF THIS FACT BEING KNOWN ON THIS SUB


derram ago :

So, There Were Tunnels to Celebrity Homes Below the Playboy Mansion | Playboy :

🇺🇸Patriot 24/7🇺🇸 on Twitter: "So, There Were Tunnels to Celebrity Homes Below the Playboy Mansion Interesting for all of my #QClearance #QAnon followers.…"

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