Matt_Helm ago

Our US Army actually court-martialed a soldier who tried to stop this boy raping bullshit. Our own military prosecuted a heroic American soldier who was so angry he beat the shit out of one of the rapists. That tells you everything you need to know about the Pentagon they don't want to stop this shit they approve of it.

Scablifter ago

Yeah, man love thursday. Its always a thursday, the day before the muslim holy day of friday when sins are cleansed from the souls of evil doers

angelafogo ago

Oh but these sins wont cleanse. They will go with them when they reach the bottom.

Verite1 ago

My god oh my god oh my God. Can this person make a statement? This corroborates with an article that just came out about the US government instructing US soldiers to turn a blind eye and not get involved with this because it was their culture. UGH

angelafogo ago

He will not risk his career or expose himself sorry.

Freemasonsrus ago

That was tough to read. Beyond fucking sick of hearing about innocence being destroyed.

angelafogo ago

Inverting gods creation. Destroying innocence. That is the essence of satanism and The Cabal

MeisterYodaz ago

At first these things were sickening me. Now its fuel for the warrior inside. Man these satanists will burn!

angelafogo ago

They will. But we must not yield.

mergen ago

Hello, Is your voat username related to your real name? Maybe you should create another account, v/pizzagate is monitored by them. Safety first!

angelafogo ago

Thank you. Let them come to Brazil. I am a tough woman! Blessings

Gothamgirl ago

Sounds simular to the shower pics the Podesta's have.

angelafogo ago

Hot showers serves a double purpose. They clean the scene and they promote dilatation.

dundundunnnnn ago

My first thought, too

separationordeath ago

bet you this shit didn't happen until after Europeans arrived.

SavedbyJCfromRSA_MK ago

The Afghan war lords are the descendants of Alexander the Greats Army of Europeans. The boy rape thang came to this region from the ancient Greeks.

SavedbyJCfromRSA_MK ago

Sorry, no links just memory from history classes. Also have heard it in reference to the futility of trying to conquor Afganistan. That even Alexander the Great couldn't do it. His army ended there and was absorbed locally. I don't mean to put all the blame on the Greeks. Sexual Abuse of Children is not a single cultures problem. What they did back in Ancient Greece wasn't MK type mental shattering of the infant. This is a modern perversion.

Their Suicide Bombers and our Mass Shooters are cut from the same cloth. They are products of a shared technology. Once you learn to split an atom or a mind, that becomes the way it is, It's next to impossible to put a powerful technology back in a box and close the lid. You can hide it away and tell everybody just hush about this. Like the CIA did in the Church Committee Hearings, 1977, ...."we stopped all that.". Weather modification hasn't been openly mentioned by the government since about 1952. I guess that promising new science just completely fizzled out.

angelafogo ago

Interesting. Do you have a link for that?

think- ago

Are you sure there wasn't boy rape before Alexander the Great? Not saying we shouldn't not despise ancient Greek culture for their boy rape tradition.

From what I've read, many people hold the view that the strict gender segregation in Afghanistan is one of the reasons this happens.

think- ago

Unfortunately, this is wrong. It goes back hundreds of years - the submission made by the OP three days ago explains this very well.

But I think the wars in Afghanistan made the situation even worse.

angelafogo ago

That is a very good plausible explanation. I also believe that this phenomena is mostly in afghanistan and nearbies. Do you have a link that corroborates your theory regarding alexander the great?

think- ago

Yes, there is a similar problem in Pakistan apparently (men owning child sex slaves quite in the open).

It's not a theory I hold, I just asked @SavedbyJCfromRSA_MK whether he/she is sure that this is something that Alexander the Great brought to Afghanistan (genuineley curious). So I'd be grateful for any links / sources, too. Maybe this needs some digging.

pizzaequalspedo ago

Wow that’s very horrific to read. Satan certainly has a stranglehold on the Middle East.

Upswing ago

This "tradition" is called Bacha Bazi. The late german journalist Udo Ulfkotte wrote about it ->

8pinkstars ago

This "tradition" is beyond horrible and the sick bastards involved need to castrated and murdered.

Factfinder2 ago

Thank you for sharing your friend's story--it needs to be spread far and wide. The horror of this is beyond comprehension, and the fact that leaders/controllers of "civilized" western nations condone it in order to achieve their own twisted ends is pure evil. We MUST find a way to decapitate these vipers.

angelafogo ago

That we do. Blessings

new4now ago


MightyJoe ago

Circumcision is the curse of this earth, I'm trying so hard not cry right now. This story is harrowing.

dundundunnnnn ago

I have three blonde sons. This entire scenario has me back and forth between seeing red and crying. Those poor children deserve so much better.

think- ago

:-( :-( :-(

Thanks, OP.