fLAtbaCK ago

Man, i used to love going to see a good flick. I'm going to miss what i thought hellywood was, and never forget what it truly is as i watch it fade away...

new4now ago

Even before the red pill I found it lacking

Nothing very original, sad

DrPenguin ago

So basically whoever hates Trump the loudest is diddling kids? What's in Keith Olbermann's closet?

Luis_Sphincta ago

What's in Keith Olbermann's closet?


WhyAserverWasBuilt ago

Well a friend of mine met up with him for dinner with her husband. Keith showed up with someone who did not look a day over 21! My friend said back then, "Keith likes that girly girl stuff!". Just remembering that from back in 2010.

sore_ass_losers ago

I love to see the likes of Weinstein fall. Hate to see allegations against Woods, who I consider to be an ally with his tweets.

Unfortunately the downside of recent revelations is it's easy now for the left to take out political enemies, just throw out some allegations. In this case, not even an allegation, Perkins just held up a sign with James Woods' name and #metoo on it. There was an earlier allegation that JW tried to pick up a 16 year old, which he has denied.

pussyslayer666 ago

James Woods might not be the ally you think he is. Did you know he stared in a movie aimed at discrediting Day Care abuse investigations? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Indictment:_The_McMartin_Trial http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0113421/

sore_ass_losers ago

I did not know that!

From the first link: "A defense lawyer defends an average American family from shocking allegations of child abuse and satanic rituals." Just an average American family. Woods plays the defense lawyer.

I do like some of his recent tweets.

pussyslayer666 ago

This is the case in question:


3141592653 ago


new4now ago

Sure is looking that way

As I had said, The Canal called an all hands on deck

con77 ago

now we know why hollywood bob is so scared of Trump.

new4now ago

Do you know he was the last person to see John Belushi alive?

Robin Williams was there too but he had left

con77 ago

probably picked his pocket

new4now ago

I remember him saying he was gonna give his French medal back and never go there again

Lol. He lied, he was a judge at some film festival

Tsuishika ago

The reason he is voraciously anti-trump is because his ass is on the line. He knows his days are numbered.

InnocentAngels ago

I was a big fan of his until he started showing just how rude and nasty he could be. So many actors have taken their veils off and showed their true self. So disappointed.

spherical_cube ago

So - Mel Gibson is basically the only known clean actor so far?

TruthEarthOrg ago

I get the feeling South Park's depiction of Mel is probably accurate..

NSFW Scene

AngryMimi ago

Holy hell that was damn funny and great timing.

AgainstPedos ago

LOL. You don't read CDAN Blinds.

undertheshills ago

Nice try Mel.

fLAtbaCK ago

LMFAO...top notch bro

Voatwontletmesignin ago


Joe10jo ago


anotherdream ago


realise_this ago

What you are not being told. Israel and Saudi Royals are Sisters [ie, Zionists and Wahhabis are Brothers]


Remember the cabal pizza playing card. Gave up one side to loose its status.


throwawayjade ago

based mel

new4now ago

I seriously doubt that

Voatwontletmesignin ago

I witnessed Mel Gibson enter a club with his entourage in Melbourne Australia in the late 80s. He scanned the room, picks out a young starstruck blonde girl then in front of everyone lies down on top of her on a stage nearby, kissing her like a madman. I thought she was going to suffocate lol. Two minutes later the girl is whisked away by this crazy man and we never saw her again. I often wonder what happened to her. It happened so quick but I never forgot it. Mel was married at the time and according to magazine articles back then he was constantly cheating and paying for women's silence. SO he's at the very least a creepy predator womanizing slime ball.

Betty_Swollocks ago

Why? Because he doesn't like Joos?

new4now ago

Wasn't aware of that

ComedicGoat ago

His career was ruined because he was openly calling out the Jews that ran Hollywood.

surgeson ago

Hardly ruined. He stopped acting because he started directing. He's been in plenty of movies lately.

ComedicGoat ago

I remember the media furore when it came out that he was politically-incorrect. The whole of Hollywood would not let go of it for saying that Jews controlled the movie industry. Maybe ruined is the wrong word, but you-know-whos definitely gave him hell for being "anti-semitic."

surgeson ago

There certainly was some outrage, but what do you expect? He was also struggling with alcohol and being a general asshole. But he sure wasn't cast out by Hollywood- he took it easy and after a break his acting career slowly started to ramp up again.

new4now ago


All three of the women claim to have seen the royal having his penis 'stroked' by a male aide and say they were forced to stay in the room and watch as the encounter unfolded. Homosexuality is illegal in Saudi Arabia, and punishable by flogging, or even execution. Another says she was made to watch while a different male aide bent over and broke wind in Al Saud's face – apparently at his request.

thescribeofthecreed0 ago

South Park. Osama Bin Laden has farty pants. Welcome to www.celebjihad.com. ROFLMAO!

new4now ago

Figured I'd make this a post

Never thought of fart sniffing being sexual. Lol

Lafall ago

what a disgusting, hollyweird criminal mess

carmencita ago

This type of scandal is not anomalous, but the norm. It is much worse than we know, and this type of thing surely continues today. THAT appears at the end of the article. It is so very true. Thank you for posting this, we need to out these abusers that are hiding behind their fame and fortune. There are some Big Names involved in these Rings and it will shock those that do not believe.

Mad_As_Hell ago

Remember Dominique Strauss-Kahn and Silvio Berlusconi were accused of similar, yet PG is still a crazy conspiracy... 🙄

carmencita ago

Yes! Remember Burlusconi was involved with some Arab girl? I can't remember the whole situation but wonder if she was part of a harem or package of girls. I have always thought there was more to that story. Bunga. Bunga.

carmencita ago

Was this the the same Saudi Prince that raped the woman in Beverly Hills? https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1796541 I remembered posting this months ago.

jangles ago

his title in Arabic

يواجه الأمير السعودي ماجد عبدالعزيز آل سعود

jangles ago

Allegedly died in the Chopper crash https://www.liveleak.com/view?i=a65_1509917421&comments=1

4_InquiringMinds ago

Allegedly died in the Chopper crash

Well justice is served :)

carmencita ago

No big loss. I bet those three women are rejoicing.

new4now ago

yes it was carmencita

I had no way of knowing or I would have put your link up, sry

carmencita ago

Oh, that is OK.No need to apologize. I wanted to include the article for people to read. It has hard to know who posted what when there are so many.

new4now ago

Put yours in when I made a post of article, your post covered the aftermath

Should have ping you, but I getting worse with this virus, and just not thinking clear

Again sorry, figured he was one of the Pronces arrested, I hope MF realizes that

carmencita ago

I don't think anyone will mind, I hope. If the Mod opens the link they should see.

new4now ago

We will see :)