TrishaUK ago

Factfinder2 - I wonder why the Bush sisters are all over the place promoting what a wonderful life they had growing up in the Bush family? Not sure if the timing is strategic....How wonderful their Grandad Bush is??? Guess the Bushs know that this is all coming out - (ff to 24:50 mins) The Five Fox News 11/13/17 | Fox News Today November 13, 2017

sore_ass_losers ago

Sorry, I will be lambasted as a shill: To me the wealth of technical details about drugging, sound, light, and electroshock doesn't ring true. Giving such a wealth of details is meant to be convincing.

Really, a shared IV? Injections into forearm when a catheter already available? Sound/light programming works on 2-year olds and adults? They have the same chairs with headband and arm/ankle restraints in a wide range of sizes to cover 2 year old to adult? "Blood transfusion" through wires?

4_InquiringMinds ago


I agree

The smart way to keep people passive and obedient is to strictly limit the spectrum of acceptable opinion, but allow very lively debate within that spectrum – even encourage the more critical and dissident views. That gives people the sense that there’s free thinking going on, while all the time the presuppositions of the system are being reinforced by the limits put on the range of the debate.

Gatekeep Noam Chomsky

sore_ass_losers ago

As a gatekeeper, he should know. Good quote.

TrishaUK ago

I AGREE WITH YOU, You are a shill! This sick stuff has happened and still does happen. You're sounding like a pedo defender!

sore_ass_losers ago

We have to pick and choose what we believe. To me this part doesn't ring true. Why the shared IV? Trying to save a few bucks?

In what way was I defending pedophilia?

TrishaUK ago

Who knows why these sickos do anything, I doubt the 'shared IV' was anything to do with the expense lol. Defending pedophilia by not believing a person telling her actual history of pedophilia. Anyway, at the end of the day, looks like all this is coming out so speculation will not be needed.

darkknight111 ago

To think this shit happened in the hospital where I was born. Sickening.

Mej777 ago

Bob Hope viciously raped Michael Jackso as a little boy around 7-8 years of age.

thescribeofthecreed0 ago

And now he's been accused of groping 6 women. You are going to hell soon H.W. You're going to hell.

new4now ago

This stuff is so sick

ESOTERICshade ago

I have been meaning to read this book for a long time. Thanx for the post.

carmencita ago

Even though we know different, I can understand why Normies might think this is fake, for how can any human do these things to any other. Children, no less. It just boggles the mind. But yes, there are such horrid beings on this earth. And then to know that they were ruling our country is shocking. To think that we voted for these people and put them in power is earth shattering. Yes, it there are such people. The sooner people realize that, the sooner we can wipe out these vile monsters.

TrishaUK ago

To be fair, I have not been through this, but I think I would have chosen to kill my baby daughter and myself if there were NO POSIBLE WAY of getting out, instead of watching her go through any of this.

carmencita ago

It is a horrible thought to even think about, but I totally understand. A horrid decision, but possibly no other choice.And a somewhat valiant one.

Onetime1 ago

In 1992, at a convention, DC Hammond gave a famous speech to a group of therapists - forevermore known as the Greenbaum Speech - that lends both credence and sense of scope to these atrocities.

new4now ago

These people should be taken into the woods, break their legs and call the wolves

Well said Carmencita

They count on people not believing this stuff

The Red Pill Hits Hard

carmencita ago

I think it is happening. I think people are reading and hearing, but keeping it in their heads. They are not all completely ready yet. They are hearing their Idols accused of heinous acts. But what about those that no one hears about. The every day people that go unmentioned. Those are the ones that go by without a thought. So sad.

new4now ago

The CIA needs to be debanded

They do not work for the people

Hard to believe tax dollars go to them

carmencita ago

Yes, and many do not know the CIA is not part of the Federal Govt. They are a rogue global org.