AgainstPedos ago

Has anyone ever researched exactly how all of these charity organizations distribute their profits?

DomKeyhote ago

Edible Schoolyard lady high-up cult figure

cantsleepawink ago

That's a very interesting post.

DomKeyhote ago

Her restaurant is north of campus on Shattuck Ave. More down you find codeword businesses over the metro tunnel as well as buildings like this

party1981 ago

The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation was a top tier donor to the Clinton Foundation.

FBIanon said that everyone who donated to the Clinton Foundation was corrupt.

I never knew what Bill and Melinda did that was so evil. I just knew they did. Maybe it involves pizza?

Dressage2 ago

They are involve with AIDS vaccines that are suppose to help kids in Africa. Except, they have birth controlling features in the vaccines. Also, trying out new viruses and they are used as their lab rats. If they can start an illness, big Pharma comes to the rescue. Like Zika. Guess what, suddenly verybody wants to get vaccine. Cash galore.

swordfish69 ago

Wow, this is a great lead. A whole lot more to unpack, but if you recall the so-called Chris Kloman scandal that Susan Alefantis was involved with when she tried to exonerate her Pedo friend, the strange thing was that most of the apologists were Smithsonian types.

I also recall the Ponce de Leon apartments being nearby, very much plays into the theory as well.

cantsleepawink ago

UK commits $88 million to LBNF/DUNE in first-ever umbrella science agreement with U.S.

Building on the U.S.-UK partnership, the U.S. Smithsonian Institution and the UK Arts Humanities Research Council are extending a successful history of partnerships by developing a new collaboration, based at the Smithsonian’s National Museum of American History, focused on increasing the use of digital research skills in museums. Enhancing these skills will benefit areas such as data analysis, curating, and accessibility of collections, and will also further audience engagement. This work will help achieve new best practices in digital scholarship and the application of digital technologies at research-led museums.