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AngryMimi ago

My first detailed post so please be kind if I have missed something or formated incorrectly etc. For Everything There Is A First Time.

  1. Orlando Shooter: Worked for G4s

  2. Who is the biggest security company in Las Vegas: G4s

  3. G4s is owned by ex FBI - Wakenhut hated rules and created Shadow CIA. G4s Wiki

  4. Paddock owned "Paradise Ranch"; which is an LLC joint venture with the Phillipines Children's Fund of America. Providing a transitional home for children flown from the Phillipines to the US. Paradise Ranch in the Phillipines is next to Clark Air Base which is well known for child sex trafficiking. Nevada State Entity

  5. Paddock's girl friend is Phillipino.

  6. Rumor (at this point) that Paddock worked with G4s.

  7. Conjecture: Paddock did not earn millions on video poker, he ran guns and probably aided in the trafficking of children. (pilots license, 2 planes, multiple properties)

  8. Researching if Wakenhut owns prisions....I believe they do.

  9. OH they do guard nuclear facilities......

  10. Paddocks brother that was interviewed and seen all over the world for days at one point was wearing a t-shirt that had the "Central Florida Community Arts" logo.
    T-Shirt CFCARTS board of directors chair is Sara Brady. Her own company "Sara Brady Public Relations" specializes in crisis management and strategic communications. Sara is listed as one of the top "50 most powerful people in Orlando". Her company was the PR firm that handled the ORLANDO shooting at the Pulse Club. Sara Brady PR

migratorypatterns ago

  1. Conjecture: Paddock did not earn millions on video poker, he ran guns and probably aided in the trafficking of children. (pilots license, 2 planes, multiple properties)

This. No, not conjecture. The link given to the DEA wiretapping Paddock proves the gambling story a false narrative.

Here is what we have gleaned from law enforcement sources who are NOT directly linked to the sham active Las Vegas probe of Paddock:

  • Paddock had a number of cell phones acquired and linked to numbers in Los Angeles, CA.
  • From what we can ascertain on or about 2013 one on the LA-based numbers linked to Paddock turned during a DEA wiretap.
  • That phone was reportedly an AT&T Mobility phone.
  • After tracing the phone to Paddock, DEA agents delved into his finances and background.
  • DEA agents pinpointed a high number of federal Suspicious Activity Reports (SAR) linked to Paddock’s bank transactions, including large wire amounts.
  • A number of such wires were from shell companies without an official brick-and-mortar presence in any domicile.
  • A number of SARs involved offshore wires coming into Paddock’s U.S. accounts.
  • Paddock may have maintained at least one offshore bank account.
  • Paddock subscribed to different cell phones in different U.S. cities from different cellular phone carriers.
  • A number of those phones are now in the possession of the FBI lab in Virginia.

AngryMimi ago

Thank you for confirmation! It appears that Paddock was a very busy man

migratorypatterns ago

Yes, he was.

Almost as busy as the cheese pizza Pedosta crowd.