DawnofTruth ago

I know we're all speculating but I don't think it's Reiner. He just doesn't strike me as a sexual deviant. But what do I know? I do feel uncomfortable with Steven Spielberg for some reason especially because he and Drew Barrymore seemed to have had a very close relationship (and she was extremely engaging with older men---and women) Check this out. It might not be anything but.... https://youtu.be/z-kwwANfmVg?t=4m53s

migratorypatterns ago

I thought the same things about Reiner in the past, but no more. At some point, you have to ask yourself who had access to all these kids. He did. And that roast ... Jimmy Kimmell and Franken just happening to talk about pedophilia? It was creepy.

Watched the video and I'm not seeing anything wrong. I'm seeing a lot wrong with Drew herself and her actions, but don't know if what she's saying is the truth Re: why she started drinking and why she liked being around adults. Spielberg to me is an unknown. He' a very vicious person and has had actresses and a director blacklisted for not kissing his ass and saying he wasn't the greatest. That to me is problematic. We'll see.

DawnofTruth ago

There's actually another video where Drew is pleading to give a shout out to Steve, proclaiming her love to him. She was only 7 years old. I thought that was it but there's another one. Not sure if it was Johnny Carson though.

I happen to like Drew a lot. I think she's extremely authentic but she was abused big time. But she confused sex (even at an early age) with love. I still have a feeling Spielberg is a pedophile.

R34p_Th3_Wh0r1w1nd ago

That would make me so happy.

migratorypatterns ago

UpVoat for you.

That about seals it for me.

He's on my radar.

formatist ago

Isn't Grazer suspected, too - who worked on Arrested Development w/ Reiner?

migratorypatterns ago

Haven't heard about him, but it' hard to keep up!

I don't rule anyone out ... even Gary Marshall has come up on the radar.

shortymcbossypants ago

I always got bad vibes every time I would see Gary Marshall on Tv or something. Would not be surprised at all if it came out too about him.

migratorypatterns ago

I wouldn't either.

Especially because his daughter became a celebrity and a director. That seems to be the MO. Reward the pedos so that their children can carry on the legacy.

darkknight111 ago


Breaking. James Toback is getting the heat now. Potential new lead. Any connections we can find with this guy?

migratorypatterns ago

Thanks for this.

I did post about Toback. My guess as to how the directors would go down was: Weinstein, Toback, and Reiner. Reiner I'm particularly interested in because his name is HUGE!!!! He's basically been portrayed as this "nice" guy who's very family oriented. He also has all those deep connections because of his dad.

Sorting fact from allegations is going to be interesting, but there are a lot of neon signs pointing at these three.

GeorgeT ago

Always felt he had that look and the usual Trump bashing.

migratorypatterns ago

It's the Trump bashing that's doing it.

And the fact he knew all those kids and was in a perfect position to take advantage of them. You have to consider all directors that had access to them and he's one.

GeorgeT ago

He gives off all the vibes and looks the part. Most of them come from the same mould.

migratorypatterns ago

True. He does. But it's that reputation that was cultivated that is the most suspicious. This nice guy image seems "crafted".

Cheesebooger ago

You can just tell that jew isa creepy pedo sex abuser. I hope they get him. Filthy meathead jew. Hollywood needs diversity. Too many jews. We need lots more whites. I hope that rednecks start making movies left & right. Show creepy jews in every movie. Show niggers and liberals in a real light. It would be heaven

Tsuishika ago

Cool these bloated cuntbags need to be put away.

SoberSecondThought ago

I called this one a week ago. It's in a deleted thread that pointed to Danny DeVito instead.

Not bragging as I was just putting together clues from other people like @bopper. Just saying, in case the attempt to pin it on DeVito turns out to be important.

migratorypatterns ago

Right now, it's speculation ... at least on my part.

Does someone know something? Undoubtedly. Hope they start talking soon.

bopper ago

@SoberSecondThought I see that you posted that clip of the Al Franken roast before I did. Maybe I got it from you, dunno.

Here's what Reiner thinks about Trump supporters, maybe you've seen it.


SoberSecondThought ago

I enjoy watching Joe Scarborough. He winds up defending Trump quite often, even though he and Mika really dislike the guy.

It doesn't matter who posted it first. We should just thank the guy who preserved the evidence in the first place.

SayWhatNOWAY ago

Anyone else think Corey F. looks a lot like Charlie Sheen?

migratorypatterns ago

A little. They're only six years apart.

SayWhatNOWAY ago

Maybe Martin Sheen is Corey's bio dad😉

migratorypatterns ago

I don't know. I mean, lots of people look alike, but who knows?

Cheesebooger ago

Inbred jews is why

DawnofTruth ago

Just thinking the same thing. What's up with all these jews?? It's been suggested that jews are a different race (whites, blacks, orientals,reds and jews) ---not just religion and if that's true then that would explain why some recoil from them.

shortymcbossypants ago

I do believe the same thing and I'm partially Jewish by blood as well. We do have a different DNA structure from the Ashkenazi (Eastern European) Jews, since I'm Sephardi, but yeah most Sephardic, Cohen's, and Middle Eastern Jews don't look like the Ashkenazi's, or like a regular joe Middle Eastern person or even Arabs. I'm in an interfaith marriage and we're Sabbath Keeping Christians and so as opposed to so many of the Ashkenazi Jews who are part of the problem, I just try to be one of the many Jews who will call these assholes out on their bullshit. There is a lot of back handed dealings and shady shit with Jewish people and this is just one of them.

Cheesebooger ago

Whatever they are, us whites cannot ignore them any longer. We have a serious jew infestation. Even in my rural area filthy kikes own everything here. All of them have big houses and all that. I want to puke in their face every time I see them . If I see kikes in a restaurant I walk by and fart. I ruin their day any way I can http://thezog.info/list-summaries/

DawnofTruth ago

Well that's the thing too. There are whites, blacks, orientals, browns etc. Since when did Jews become an ethnicity? But it is. You ask some of these Jews (let's say on a blind date before you know them) 'what are you?' they'll reply 'Jewish' instead of Italian or German etc. I really have a problem with them and I don't like that I do. Especially after living in south Florida for 12 years. I find most aren't extremely bright. They may be book smart (learned) but very few have wisdom. They're deeply traditional (robotic) yet very few even know why they practice certain activities. Sorry. I don't like 'groups' of people. I wish we could just be blended already.

millennial_vulcan ago

Honestly, I think he, like CHESTER BENNINGTON, looks like PODESTA

Oh_Well_ian ago

eugenics is huge in the pedo cult

spacewitch ago

Yeah, just look at Aldous "Brave New World" Huxley and his brother Julian Huxley, the biologist who coined the term transhumanism apparently... Also, I found out about that recently, everybody should check out the link between progressivism and eugenics. It explains quite a lot on recent politics.

SayWhatNOWAY ago

I hope all of them go down!

migratorypatterns ago

Me, too!!!!


LightlyToasted ago

Rob Reiner shifts questions on Weinstein to Trump. http://dailycaller.com/2017/10/17/hollywood-director-tries-to-dodge-the-weinstein-problem-video/?utm_campaign=atdailycaller&utm_source=Twitter&utm_medium=Social

Reiner and Hanks focus on women coming forward rather than including allegations of PEDOPHILIA: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9MHNZkKAuRY. That's how they're going to bury Pedowood.


migratorypatterns ago

Very. He's acting shady.

Whatcha got to hide, Mr. Reiner? Those jokes told at your roast were sick and you sat there and laughed?

TrishaUK ago

Notice he says 'It is more than a coincidence' (hes making a statement) - he doesn't say, 'Is it**** more than a coincidence?' (he is not asking a question).

migratorypatterns ago

I did notice that.

But is it true?

turitelle ago

I was going to post that. For those who don't want to click on the link, its a video of Al Franken before he was a senator cracking jokes about Rob Reiner being abused as a child. Its sickening.

KeksMex ago


AgainstPedos ago

I definitely don't think this is funny either. I don't like most humor today. However this is the only method Hollywood has used to "out" true despicable power players who were seen as a source of income yet had really, really "crossed the line" of behavior deemed acceptable by entertainment standards.

Read "Star Child" on GLP. Not the 1st account of Hollywood fathers using their kids as "cash registers" from the youngest ages. There's an online vid of a top fundraiser and major Democratic Party Organizer, re former Sen Ted Kennedy's run for POTUS, saying how he quit in total shock rather then let super entitled Sen Kennedy have his way with his virginal 14-year-old daughter he suddenly saw & coveted.

SoldierofLight ago

Do you remember sometime around Ted's presidential run (I think) there were crazy rumors (at the time I thought they were crazy but that was before I woke up) that he had been keeping a woman sex slave chained to his bed for years? Not surprisingly, I can't find any references to that. I vaguely remember that the accusers seemed legit, but I just couldn't wrap my head around the possibility that it could be true.

Buttfuckmebigfoot ago

I'm surprised he died, you'd think he would've had the hook up for baby blood

bopper ago

"The Kennedy's, they'll chase anything in a skirt." - Jackie O

Wouldn't surprise me if they'd enslave anything in a (young) skirt either, not really.

SayWhatNOWAY ago

Yeah who the fuck makes jokes about something so sick!

migratorypatterns ago

Yeah, that roast.

Why those jokes? So bizarre.

bopper ago

Yeah. Thought I'd post it again here cause it's relevant.

migratorypatterns ago

Very! Thanks.

Old-Misogynist ago

The "Meathead" next to be Weinsteined?

migratorypatterns ago

If he's guilty, hope so.

AgainstPedos ago

"Rob Reiner" is one of the names on the frequently circulated list of possible pedos who by the dates and respective ages encountered Corey Haim and could have been the rapist who passed him around to many others.

migratorypatterns ago

I always figured it was Ron Howard, but Reiner is on my radar now.

I don't know who's guilty, but I hope to God the perv who did that is caught and thrown in jal.

What a bastard!

shortymcbossypants ago

I'll admit that every director or executive in Hollywood is now on my crap list, but Ron Howard, man I watch the Andy Griffith Show almost every night with my kids, that would just be heartbreaking to find out he was one of the bad guys.

migratorypatterns ago

Unfortunately, I've always had the feeling he was in on this crap. No proof ... just that vibe. And having access. Scott Baio was picked out by Gary Marshall. Here's Gary on YouTube talking about a ten-year-old.


Then you have Gary Marshall not only creating Happy Days, the show where Erin Moran alleged she was molested, but Mork and Mindy. Robin Williams committed suicide and others alleged he starred in these horrible movies because of blackmail. Wasn't Rebecca Schaefer also killed by that nut job Bardo? And everybody got on Scott Baio for some reason, but he was the one that actually talked to Erin Moran! The person that really was disgusting to her was Henry Winkler, who everyone thinks is just such a nice guy!

I'm putting anyone with the reputation for being this "nice guy and beyond reproach" on my radar.

shortymcbossypants ago

Yeah I met Henry Winkler before, that guy is about as friendly as a dog of Ramsey Bolton's after it hasn't eaten in a week on Game of Thrones.

migratorypatterns ago

Really? See that's what I mean. The lush Satanic whore Angelina Jolie is Mother Teresa, Jimmy Kimmel is "America's Conscence?)", and Henry Winkler is some patriarch father figure who spits out pithy sayings to warm our collective hearts.

Don't trust people given these accolades.

BehindTheCurtain ago

Plug" Rob Reiner pizzagate" or "Rob Reiner pedogate" into the twitter search....and a lot of stuff comes up. Same for other celebs. Take all the demons down.

AgainstPedos ago

https://twitter.com/GrrrGraphics Lots of cartoons dissing Reiner & others. Watch the film clip of Bob Hope totally dissing Democrats in 1 single line.

Sackajahweeda ago

Bob Hope had no room to speak from what I read...another dirtbag pedo!!

migratorypatterns ago

If he's guilty? Absolutely.

carmencita ago

I know I was the same way at the beginning especially since there was no real proof, but you have to admit he worked with a lot of little kids and we know these kids never get to where they are with out the abuse. 1+1=2 Easy Math We shall see

migratorypatterns ago

You're right. What's the common denominator?

Rob Reiner.

carmencita ago

God this is all so very sad. How did Reiner get that way? Hmm? Maybe we should ask his dad, Carl.

TrishaUK ago

I see Rob Reiner on his twitter is projecting onto Trump, classic! https://twitter.com/robreiner

migratorypatterns ago

That's usually where it starts.

So hard to believe. And he is a very talented man. He and his father, actually. The last person in the world I'd believe this about, but like I said I am listening.

AgainstPedos ago

Wait until you find out about all the others on the widely circulated list on the internet. Everyone knows about outrageous behavior. Parents pimping out their kids to whomever. Even witnesses have ever known how to stop it.

Recall years ago a girlfriend returning from a visit to LA from a small town near New Orleans. Relayed the town gossip re a prominent businessman who had been raping his 3 young daughters for years and years. Everyone knew the gossip, and that the police were totally corrupt. Now what could be done? I was beyond horrified.

Before the age of the internet who could do anything without verifiable proof?

migratorypatterns ago

True. The internet has made it that much easier to get your story out there.

So sorry for those kids.

derram ago

https://archive.fo/yq2Lm :

🅾️🇭️🇴️🇺️🇷️❗ on Twitter: "Many child actors Rob Reiner has come into contact with lead troubled lives Drugs Self Harm and Suicide. Its more than a coincidence."

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