popcorn77 ago

Wasn't Brooke Shields and Micheal Jackson married for a brief time in the 80's?

srayzie ago

I think you mean Elvis Presley's daughter.

popcorn77 ago

oh yes I remember now. Thanks

3141592653 ago

The pictures are so disturbing

equineluvr ago

Brooke Shields is an ILLUMINATA of British royal blood. Look it up.

All royals are JEWS, and JEWS have different ideas from normal people.

(BTW, you tards, I'm not condoning it. I'm condemning it.)

srayzie ago

Feel free to provide links to back up what you are saying.

GeorgeT ago

Mums and Dads pimping out their children to the powerful and the perverted seems to be the theme of PIzza/Pedo Gate. Obamas pimped their daughter to that slimeball Weinstein - of course they had no idea!!!!!

JimmyLionstar1 ago

After seeing those pictures.. i am glad her MOM is dead.

carmencita ago

We are taking down greycloud. He is a perv that is downvoating all of us. He is also trying to normalize child porn. He counters everything we are saying. Join in.

Fahrvergnaked ago

I thought you were blowing things our of proportion like the Stephen King IT crowd, then I clicked on your (thankfully) edited evidence, that's straight up intentional erotica. No clue how that was explained legally.

I'm excited. It feels like there's a chance this Weinstein thing is gonna blow wide open and finally throw pedowood/pedogate into the light of day.

After that...Day of the ROPE!!

ESOTERICshade ago

Her ancestors are an old "Noble" Vatican family.

The Torlonia family gained its fortune in the administration of Vatican finances.

Her paternal grandmother.


Poot_McGarvey ago

partially true.

Her mom was a city kid who banged a high status guy and took the abortion money and had the kid anyway.

Oh_Well_ian ago

and this it.... These families rape their own children and offer them to the Satanic cult. Calling it pedophilia is a mistake. It's a cult and Hollywood is only part of it. All the actresses coming out, claiming harassment by Weinstein, are members of the Satanic Cult. They are all attempting to contain the REVELATIONS of their Satan worship. Cortney Love set up Kurt Cobain for sacrifice to the cult. She was rewarded with fame and millions.

'Senseless Apprentice' by Nirvana:

Like most babies smell like butter His smell smelled like no other He was born scentless and senseless He was born a scentless apprentice

Go away - get away, get away, get a-way Every wet nurse refused to feed him Electrolytes smell like semen

I promise not to sell your perfumed secrets There are countless formulas for pressing flowers

I lie in the soll and fertilize mushrooms Leaking out gas fumes are made into perfume

You can't fire me because I quit Throw me in the fire and I won't throw a fit

Didn't Weinstein make a movie called 'Butter' with pedophilia and child foster care themes?

Kregan ago

I am waiting for Drew Barrymore to come out and say some shit ... like for real, girl was a child star and drinking and doing coke! She def had some creeps around her for sure. The more these victims step up the more others will too and all it takes is the right evidence to drop the entire house of cards. I really hope they do not try and act like Harvey Weinstein is the big fish and there is nothing more to see. In my opinion this is just the tip of the iceberg and we need to put pressure on the MSM and Hollywood to speak up! Oh and FUCK BARBARA WALTERS FOR INSULTING COREY FELDMAN WE SHOULD DEMAND HER PUBLIC ON CAMERA FACE TO FACE APOLOGY TO COREY! Lets go Goats and get the traction going!

2impendingdoom ago

Drew emancipated from her parents at age 14 (or thereabout). I think that is saying something!!

Dressage2 ago

Her mother basically pimped her out like all these other child stars. The pedos start circling.

carmencita ago

Come back in here we are all being attacked by greycloud. Notice his perverted remarks. We are taking him down. Join in.

polyhedra ago

Hollywood is a cesspool, plain and simple. They will keep rolling back standards until they literally have live pornography and murder broadcast to as many places as they can. The culmination of it will be when The Antichrist shows up takes the "show" over. Most people in Hollywood are so ignorant of theology (even though they call themselves divine regularly) that they have no clue that's what they're a part of. The Devil thrives upon ignorance. He's the one pulling the strings for the most part, setting the "stage" for his proxy. Thank God that there are enough decent people left to put the whole thing off for another couple of decades or so. Eventually it'll happen though. Welcome to the apocalypse, folks.

srayzie ago

I agree!

carmencita ago

Read the comments by greycloud. We are trying to Down voat his perv comments. He is into normalization. Joint us.

DomKeyhote ago

"Hollywood" is a place, dear: it's inhabitants do the actual raping.

If Dearborn, Michigan, had a spate of beheadings, would you be saying "Dearborn has a decapitation problem, it's always been a cesspool of violence since that group moved in!"

No. You'd be saying Muslims behead people. Because they do. You just haven't been brainwashed to be sympathetic toward Muslims. What a stupid bitch!

ben_matlock ago

Obviously, @polyhedra was referring to 'Hollywood' as the institution, not just the physical location.

DomKeyhote ago


srayzie ago

If someone made a fake Donkeyhote profile and tried so hard to imitate him but failed, I would call him a pathetic retarded FAKE.

DomKeyhote ago

And you could be crayzie's equally retarded half-sister. Doesn't matter.

All we have are points to express in words on the page.

A rare few, like you, don't even have that and are mere spectators. Now THAT'S pathetic, woman!

srayzie ago

Log into another donkeyhote account and prove you are him

DomKeyhote ago

First repeat how sure you are with your Keen eye for detail...lmao

srayzie ago

You just keep proving you are fake

pixiesbitch ago

Selling child porn to the masses and nobody blinked an eye. This is a truly sick world we live in

AvariciousNose ago

Who the fuck downvoted you?

pixiesbitch ago

I don't know; or care

AvariciousNose ago

You don't care pedophiles are on Voat?

pixiesbitch ago

Did I say those words? No. So don't put words in my mouth, it's rude.

Tallest_Skil ago


Ziggystrife ago

Sick sons of bitches. I hope they all burn.

carmencita ago

Me too. Amen.

Cc183 ago

Onw BIG eye-opener.. check out who's brookes grandma is.

Yep, royalty.

ESOTERICshade ago

check out who's brookes grandma is.

Who is her grandma?

Boyakasha ago

Yeah, I'm not clicking on any of this shit.

Gbuggers ago

Yep so disgusting what people will do for money exploting your own daughter should be punishable by law. A parents greed or hunger for fame could potentially ruin a childs life before they are old enough to make their own decisions. Very sad. Despicable parent. Where was her father?

carmencita ago

YES. I agree. We now arrest people for not vaccinating their children. For not wanting to pump their kids up with their poisonous vaccines. But it is quite ok to sell of sexy pictures of your child. WTH is going on with our country. When I was a kid people would have been screaming out over this. Not now. They have been taught to be too politically correct.

greycloud ago


ends up that the daughter got rich and is still a successful actress. this is abuse in the same way that sending your kids to school when they don't want to go to school so they can have a decent job in the future is abuse. this paved a path to business success. you label that as abuse only because you are emotionally invested in your belief system and refuse to look outside of it.

migratorypatterns ago

Very sad. Didn't it say something about Woman Trapped in Child's Body?

No, she was a child in a child's body trapped by PEDOPHILES!

greycloud ago

how is your multi-million dollar career going? was she trapped, or was she raised to success? she has a lot of money, she still gets a lot of money doing acting. you act as though there were no major positive outcomes for her, that is a lie.

migratorypatterns ago

It's amazing how shlls point to money to erase illegalties.

So Rose McGowan should have taken the settlement because $$$$ = making up for the rape.

Brilliant deduction and spoken like a true perv! Everyone, the new normalization: BEING RAPED AS A CHILD OR ADULT IS OKAY BECAUSE OF MONEY!!!!

greycloud ago


its not rape if you want to do it. i'm not saying kids don't get raped. i am saying that rape is sex against the will of the person. anything more you add to that is just creating nuspeak. its been done, and people continue to stretch definitions and twist the meaning of words. but rape is sex against the will. it requires force, coercion, or trickery.

migratorypatterns ago


You are sick mutherfucking twisted son of a bitch! FYI, ten-year-olds can't give consent. And money does not make everything all right!!! @carmencita @SecondAmendment @Blacksmith2

greycloud ago

did you just call for a voat brigade? you hold no moral high ground. don't lie to yourself and say you do. you can't handle open speech. you know that you are wrong, this is how you handle that.

migratorypatterns ago

You're a Soros-paid attack dog. You've earned my second block.

Oh_Well_ian ago

we found the kid fucker

greycloud ago

is it you? kid fuckers blend in with the crowd, keep their head down, and virtue signal that they are against fucking kids. people like me who advocate for change and stick our heads up, we are watched by every type of police waiting for us to fuck up so they can stop us from talking. i am under constant surveillance, you on the other hand are presenting those virtue signals that time and time again are shown to be wrong. a false flag of sorts, so people won't look into your relationships with children.

carmencita ago

Not on here they don't. They constantly try, like you, to convince the newbies that this stuff does not harm. That it is ok. Ok for them to partake in. Stop trying to brainwash with your lies. We are on to you and we will not let you get away with this. @migratorypatterns Read all of this users comments. They are amazingly sick. He has down voated us and he has been around for quite a while.

migratorypatterns ago

I saw and have answered him back.

Maybe PedoWood has sent out attack dogs.

carmencita ago

He has made submissions to young ladies and to Paranoid Ramblings. These are perfect subverses for him! Pervert. He has been around for 2 yrs. Wow. Srayzie sent me that and we need to keep after him big time to keep him off here. Down voat into Oblivion.

migratorypatterns ago

Yes, just DownVoat!

carmencita ago

Imagine how many we can get rid of if a huge team of us piled on and did that like today. They run with their tail between their legs, like the weaklings they really are.

migratorypatterns ago

Exactly. From now on ping some members you know aren't shills and we can do this effectively.

High five

carmencita ago

High Five!

migratorypatterns ago

Even more good news!!!! Just posted that Mike Cernovich tweeted that: TOMORROW IS GOING TO BE BIG!!!!

Big as in HUGE!!!!!

Give us all something to look forward to!!!

carmencita ago

PULLEEEZZE!!! We certainly deserve good news and I hope it IS BIG. I will not sleep now. This has me all pumped up.

migratorypatterns ago

Me, too. I can't WAIT TO GET UP TOMORROW!!!!

carmencita ago

Can we eat popcorn during the day, or only at night? I hope it is Confetti Time.

migratorypatterns ago

I think we wait for tomorrow. Then it's: (1) Confetti time and then (2) Munch on popcorn all night!!!

Oh, please let this be good ... please!!!!

carmencita ago

If it is really good, then I might get some Sparkling Wine to go along. I am getting excited, but am trying to keep it down.

migratorypatterns ago

Sparkling wine is perfect.

And, yes, I'm keeping it down. Not going to go crazy until I see what this is. Just because all signs point to: GO, we still have to wait and see.

please, please, please

carmencita ago


greycloud ago

none of you who have responded to me have down votes, and i do. is it your norm for you to blame others for things they are not doing but you are doing? i sure hope you aren't involved in the political sphere in any capacity that is working with children.

greycloud ago

the last up or down vote i handed out to a comment was an upvote yesterday. you are lying as usual.

Oh_Well_ian ago

shut up, you kid fucking cunt

Hollywood Elites have been fucking kids, just like you, for decades.

You advocate 'they got rich' and that makes it copacetic.

You're a kid fucker.

greycloud ago

if people had the right to just shut each other up because they didn't like what the other person was saying, than pizzagate wouldn't be a thing because the elites would have shut you up.

its one thing to go after political people who deal in this stuff and use it as blackmail on each other to create an untouchable deep state. it is an entirely different thing to reframe everything that you personally don't like as abuse. i don't support the monopolies in holllywood. can we agree that if there were no monopolies that the free enterprise and free market would create solutions where actors and actresses wouldn't have to whore themselves out to become successful?

i don't have a problem with people opting to whore themselves out. i have a problem when that is the only option they have. remove the monopoly and you remove the power from those "elites" who are abusing it. after that, if people opt into nude pics and whoring themselves out, than that is on them. and i support their decisions.

carmencita ago

Read my comment to this sick sick user. I received a blatant remark that I was brainwashed. See my comment.

123_456 ago

Man, this is disgusting. Absolutely disgusting. It's all sorts of fucked up. We just need to put our foot down on these issues instead of pretending that this is art. It isn't.

Rawrination ago

It can be both art and amoral at the same time. Just because something is artistic doesn't take away from it being a crime.

If I rob a bank in a very beautiful way that's still a crime.

greycloud ago

you don't define what i see as art.

Tallest_Skil ago

Art is objectively defined. You are just mentally ill.

heretolearn ago

I think penthouse published a set of a romanian girl at age 14. same thing; mother's consent made it ok.

carmencita ago

I feel sad for Brooke. She still has not faced the fact that her Mother, plain and simple was pimping her out. That is a hard thing to face, but it is true. She wanted to keep her young, so she could keep selling her off for child porn. The longer she stayed the way, the longer she stayed Hot Property. From what we have learned from any of the stars that started out young, there was not any way to escape the horrid abuse and some were raped. Give, me a break Brooke, there is no way you escaped. As soon as you admit it to yourself and what your Mother did, the sooner you will heal.

greycloud ago

what if she wasn't harmed by it? does she become invisible according to your belief set?

As soon as you admit it to yourself and what your Mother did, the sooner you will heal.

she has lived long enough to be forced to confront the truth of her life. it seems she is ok with it, and you are not. maybe this stuff doesn't create insurmountable harm. maybe your beliefs are a lie. maybe the ones who do have insurmountable harm are the ones who are violently raped or coerced and threatened into rape, or the like. you know, the ones that create insurmountable harm in adults too.

2impendingdoom ago

If Brooke wasn't harmed by the child nude photos why did she go to court to stop the use of them? You have seriously failed logic here.

greycloud ago

to virtue signal to idiots like you. she is an actress, she sells her image. she has to conform to the masses so that they purchase her shit.

2impendingdoom ago

I don't buy her naked ten year old images. speak for yourself PERV.

carmencita ago

Stop blaming others for what was done to Brook. We are not responsible for what they did to her. I doubt that she has faced the fact that her mother used her as a porn star for pedos. I doubt it, by the words she uses. She tip toes around when talking about her mother. I have huge sympathy for her, for she has been used and abused and so many are brainwashed into thinking that pictures of nude children are innocent. They are looked at differently in the pedo world. Hugh Heffner was a pedophile if he featured her in his mags. If he could not see that he was sexualizing her, then he is part of the Pack. Maybe Maybe Maybe it does not create insurmountable harm? Every time a porn picture of a child is viewed there is harm to that child. Their pictures are out there for all of those pedophiles to enjoy for years to come. I cannot believe she has those pictures around her house because the did not harm her. I venture to think that she was harmed and it has taken years for her to recover. I certainly hope with all my heart that she has. Evidently you think there was nothing for her to recover from, since it did not seriously harm her.

greycloud ago

so many are brainwashed into thinking that pictures of nude children are innocent.

many pictures are, many are not. you have been brainwashed into thinking that all nude pictures of children are not innocent.

I cannot believe she has those pictures around her house because the did not harm her.

i agree, mainly with the first part of "i cannot believe". that is because you are so caught up in your narrative that you can't think outside of it. to you, every nude picture of a child is abuse, every sexual act to or by a child is abuse, and the harm caused by this, no matter how measurable it is and no matter what the facts of those measurements say, is worse than anything else, even when those acts are also measurable, and even when the numbers and the facts show that they cause more harm.

pushing people to do things that they desperately don't want to do against their will is worse than allowing them to do things they do want to do. as such, forcing your kids into school is a greater form of abuse than taking a nude picture of a child who is agreeable to having their nude picture taken.

carmencita ago

greycloud ago

you and your alts? you got a mouse in your pocket or something? keep brigading me faggot.

carmencita ago

Sticks and Stones. Your views are perverted. You are they only one speaking like that. Everyone else is on the same page but you. Seems pretty obvious. Stop pestering me I am not the only one disagreeing with you. Everyone is. Get it into your head. We do NOT agree with you.

greycloud ago

of course you don't. i am here preventing an echo chamber for your own good. you need that just like children need to be protected from their own choices for their own good. and just like children don't get to decide on that, neither do you.

carmencita ago

Own choices? WTH is it that you do not understand about kids not being old enough to make their own choices about sex with people like you. STOP trying to normalize on here. You are preaching to the choir. But it is not us who you are trying to reach on here is it? You are trying to convince our new members, those that are coming on here to see what we are all about. You think you can turn the to your way of thinking. Well, that is what we are here for. To make sure that does not happen. Do you think we are all asleep? That we are not aware that users like you exist? Wake up. A 10 yr. old is not able to make that decision. You have brainwashed yourself into thinking they have the hots for you. NOT. @migratorypatterns @srayzie

migratorypatterns ago

Way to go, Carmencita! Can't let him get away with that crap here. It might fly in PedoWood, but not here. Money doesn't solve anything.

srayzie ago

The pervert has submitted 52 posts in the youngladies sub which is under adult content.


carmencita ago

Hah! Paranoid Ramblings. I am trying not to laugh. How perfect for his Paranoid Perverted Ramblings. I guess the forgot a word.

carmencita ago

Yeah, well that is where he has been hiding out, places like that. He has been a member for over 2 yrs. Yes, Totally Perverted.

greycloud ago

the reasons they can't make those decisions is because they are not emotionally or mentally developed to make those decisions. in a way they are mentally handicapped just like you.

carmencita ago

Oh and you are not mentally handicapped? You think you have normal healthy thinking? You think every child out there is mentally handicapped? You really are nuts.

greycloud ago

Oh and you are not mentally handicapped? You think you have normal healthy thinking? You think every child out there is mentally handicapped?

nope, i am mentally handicapped, you are mentally handicapped, everyone is mentally handicapped. you just point at children as if they were unique in this, they are not. but when it comes to effective cognitive ability, not just an IQ over 9000 (not literal, an exaggeration in honor of a meme), many children outperform many adults. but you would blindly deny all of them personhood and deny all of them autonomy to push your agenda.

it would be easy enough to find out the real answers. like i said earlier (perhaps to another poster). just study the effects. its that easy. break down stuff as much as it can possibly be broken down and study every tiny thing one at a time to see the differences between all of them. we live in an era of big data, it should be easier now than ever. i believe that your narrative is false, but i am willing to look at the facts. are you afraid of the truth?

carmencita ago

Stop trying to convince me about the data. All I need to know is that what you are advocating is wrong. The American People will never accept your screwed up thinking. The never have and they never will.

Oh_Well_ian ago

twisted words of a twisted pedophile

greycloud ago

yup, my twisted thoughts get me to question the beliefs of people who would impose their values on other people. my twisted mindset says we should just measure everything and after we get the results go from there. ends up that there are tons of people who have been sexually abused as children, we can ask them about their experiences, we can look at their lives and measure things like their depression, their job, their happiness with life, their income, their marital status, etc. we can measure the effects of other things on those exact same things. from this we can determine how harmful different things are relative to each other and relative to their outcomes.

in my twisted mind, these types of things are important to do if i want to escape my personal opinions and see the truth. but in your righteous mind, these are evil things to do. you have to go against the truth, because the truth doesn't support the lies you tell.

Oh_Well_ian ago

kid fucker

talk all day, you pseudo-intellectual piece of filth..

you're a kid fucking cunt

greycloud ago

you are now guilty of slander and libel. you are using illegal speech, no better than posting child porn.

Oh_Well_ian ago

except you are anonymous, you stupid cunt

there is no libel

Your words betray your feeble attempts at placing yourself above others. Just what the fuck brings you to PIZZAGATE, all of the sudden, and why are you concern trolling sub-members that have been here since the beginning?

greycloud ago

lets say you have some type of point about getting around the technicalities. than your statement is no better than a technically legal pic like the ones of brooke shields in the original post. except they don't need to be censored, because they are technically legal pictures, no matter how much you dislike it.

greycloud ago

voat is a honeypot and in time all of our accounts will be linked to our real world identities. this is a reasonable expectation given the development of laws and social norms around the world regarding encryption and internet protocol.

Oh_Well_ian ago

great... so let's just get your full name, SS# and address.

carmencita ago

I have been fighting this user for the last hour. He does not see his "clouded" thinking. Actually it is not thinking it is brainwashing of one's mind. The mind that believes our children are his for the taking. Yuck.

Oh_Well_ian ago

He's a paid professional that usually hangs out in v/politics. I think we both know why he is on PG at this point.

carmencita ago

I know. But we cannot let him win. He is poison on our board. He is wrong and he knows it. He just will not give up his sick perverted acts. He keeps espousing his lies to hopefully convince one person at a time to his disgusting sinful ways. Where is everybody anyway @migratorypatterns @srayzie

migratorypatterns ago

He tried his crap with me, too. I tagged you. Just keep downvoating him.

srayzie ago

Thank you. I will

greycloud ago

its already happened twice so far on voat alone. don't think i have been doxxed? they dropped it when i put up a campaign to counter doxx. they looked into who i was, and realized that i would win the gun fight.

Dressage2 ago

Ha, I did not see you and I think alike with "pimping".

carmencita ago

Yeah, and I thought at the time she made those movies, I thought what is that woman thinking, and then it hit me. She knows exactly what she is doing. I felt so sorry for Brook.

Kwijibo ago

She also did Pretty Baby About a girl who lives in a brothel and becomes a prostitute at 12. There were nude scenes, but the rumor is that they used a body double.

Tallest_Skil ago

How do you get a naked body double for a 12-year-old?

Kwijibo ago

Desperate stage mothers.

Rawrination ago

A different 12 year old girl >_<, or someone with a growth hormone issue, but those are super rare.

MrKequc ago

Isn't child prn illegal? How did that end up in playboy and on the silver screen. Parental consent or otherwise. I've not paid attention in a while admittedly but I remember that used to be illegal.

Tallest_Skil ago

Wait, you think that the laws of the goyim apply to the jews?

ToFat2Fish ago

There's different rules regarding works of art

StSimonTrentPray4Us ago

This is the same problem with Kinsey institute and Moca.

ToFat2Fish ago

What's that never heard of it

Ohsoedgy ago

Be careful. It's one dark, twisted, fucked up ride if you learn about the Kinsey Institute.

greycloud ago

whats extra fucked up is that every study attempt to create a non-biased study on the same topic comes to the same conclusions. if a study differentiates between the willing and the non-willing, then the study shows trivial harm to no harm at all to positive outcomes for these types of things.

ESOTERICshade ago

Kinsey was a notorious pedophiles that did "research" on kids and babies. MOCA is an organization with ties to Clinton. Watch the vids on Kinsey. Pretty wild.


derram ago

https://archive.fo/yuY1b :

Brooke Shields' Teen Years: Actress Reveals She Went To Studio 54 With Andy Warhol At Age 16 | HuffPost

This has been an automated message.

DomKeyhote ago

Question: why did Hugh Hefner as the most recognized name in porn hide his jewishness when there's a thousand other less-famous pornographers proudly touting their jewishness? https://saboteur365.files.wordpress.com/2014/04/the-skanky-jew-porn-industry-2.jpg

I guess creating and dominating the SMUT MARKET makes them look bad? Evidently not, as nobody here seems to care at all.

Looks like a cripple Jew PG-cult lawyer recipient of the Hugh Hefner Award got porn considered art, I was shocked!! https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/2063874

But why the fear, since Jews don't believe in collective punishment, like slavery reparations or Holocaust reparations ($90bn paid out since I last checked) LOL.

srayzie ago

Whatever. If you were donkeyhote, you would not keep logging into this one new account. FAKER. So you trying to post comments to me isn't working. You don't talk like donkeyhote. You do not imitate him well. I think that faggot got locked up 😂

2impendingdoom ago

lol, FakeKeyhote

srayzie ago

LOL. Do you see how fake this one is? It's not donkeyhote. That would be a good one... Fakekeyhote 🤣

DomKeyhote ago

"So you trying to post comments to me isn't working"

If you don't want responses why post at all. I've never seen someone enjoy their own ignorance quite so much. Fucking women lol

srayzie ago

Keep going thru his past comments and study

Aizlynne ago

She also was naked in movie Blue Lagoon and if I recall she had sex and became pregnant in that movie.

542345 ago

Jeeze she was 14. There is no golden age of Hollywood. She sucked dick for that part just like John Travolta admitted he had to suck dick for all of his parts when he was a teen. What a cesspool.

ben_matlock ago

Got a source for that Travolta admission?

srayzie ago

I edited and added the Blue Lagoon info. I remember seeing that movie as a kid.

srayzie ago

She was 14 years old in The Blue Lagoon. She says body doubles were used in SOME of her nude scenes.


2impendingdoom ago

the doubles were probably for the preg scenes, and that was probably another underage actor who really was pregnant.

Sackajahweeda ago

Too bad there arent "body doubles" for all the pedo sex we KNOW GOES ON IN HOLLYWOOD. That body double excuse means nothing in the real context of what was truly going on.

Sackajahweeda ago

Hard to call that oven a mother isnt it?

OhBlindOne ago

A mother in biology alone.