Tanngrisnir ago

Found some interesting articles about Tenet from HuffPo and Democratic Underground, of all places. Back in 2007 they hated Tenet Healthcare because of the Bush family connection. Of course, now that the Clinton Foundation is working with them I expect they have forgotten all about Tenet.

Tanngrisnir ago

@Jem777 @Mej777 Pi Pizzerias zip code is 63108 while SSM Health Saint Louis University Hospital is 63110.

Mej777 ago

This is Jem777....was banned. @wolftrail7272 has direct info on this as do I. Tenet healthcare is connected to the Bush Family as well and is linked to organ harvesting...search for connections to Hurricane Katrina. They are also connected through St.Louis Mo and the child trafficking & organ harvesting that is occurring in and around that location. Research where Obama said his favorite Pizza restaurant was and you have struck gold. Hint: It is in St. Louis..Research all the people associated it is not Pizza.

Tanngrisnir ago

Hey Jem777, thanks for the comment.

The Pizza place is clearly Pi Pizzeria. Is the other place you are talking about Union Barber Shop? I'm not exactly clear what sort of location I am looking for.

There is also some mysterious "Euclid Hospitality Group" the Pi Pizzeria guys own. It barely has an internet presence. http://archive.is/lpi2G

Also they run a food truck for charities. http://archive.is/esAqw

Edit: Figured it out. St. Louis University is partnered with Tenet Healthcare and right around the corner from Pi Pizzeria. http://archive.is/4Nkba

Here is an article about the Tenet/SLU Haiti involvement for those interested. http://archive.is/2PK7S

darkknight111 ago



Tenet Healthcare had plans to deploy to Haiti during the 2010 earthquake.

Question is Did they actually have man power there?

Mej777 ago

Yes and Tenet is involved in organ harvesting all the way back to Hurried Katrina. You will find Tenet was in Haiti or at least prepared prior to earthquake. How is that possible? Because earthquake was caused by HAARP energy directed weapon, just like 9/11. They create the disaster then make money off the dead bodies.

mooteensy ago

Yes. Exactly.

TrishaUK ago

Sadly we have surgeons here in UK who are willing to exploit too - Not saying this is connected, but was interested in knowing where the HOUSE HE OWNED in the USA was. But can't find any information on it. Or if he has any connections with people mentioned regarding pizzagate. - He might just be working alone, but its is rather a big operation to fool so many people? Just ignore if doesnt sound connected at all. :) U.K. doctor convicted of performing unnecessary breast cancer surgeries - http://www.ctvnews.ca/health/u-k-doctor-convicted-of-performing-unnecessary-breast-cancer-surgeries-1.3389212 - Rogue surgeon has cost taxpayers £18MILLION in damages to 250 NHS patients as it's revealed he could have been stopped SEVEN YEARS earlier - http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-4429554/Rogue-surgeon-Ian-Paterson-s-1-000-victims.html

Gbuggers ago

awesome find good researching . this is damaging to the clinton foundation. Love it.

darkknight111 ago

Great research. Also suggesting an evidence flare.

Archive this stuff NOW! This lead may very well be the "smoking gun" we've been looking for in terms of the organ harvesting aspects of pizzagate.

To think that a small little link I found would be so important. @TrishaUK, I believe I owe you a coke. One of your messages to me about potentially finding a potential critical piece may have come true.

When this is all over, I'm gonna host a victory party for the lot of us. Hopefully, the timing of it might end up being a Christmas party.

Tanngrisnir ago

@darkknight111 @TrishaUk A Christmas party after high level elites are arrested would be wonderful.

TrishaUK ago

@DARKKNIGHT111 Lets hope this IS the piece of the puzzle. Thanks for linking me in. The victory party sounds great. It would be a BIG CHRISTMAS PRESENT to see some of these BIG WIG elites convicted! That would send celebrations all over the world in the pizzagate research community! I am excited to see that @Honeybee has joined as a moderator here on voat. She is genuinely a brilliant researcher and has an ability to find the 'unfindable' if that's even a word, dirt on these people haha Anyway, Cheers, and again heres to the "smoking gun" being a real BIG DEAL! TrishaUK

Tanngrisnir ago

Hey @Vindicator may I request an evidence tag? All the info in this post are about court cases where Tenet was found guilty or settled out of court. None of it is speculative the slightest and it is all cited.

Vindicator ago

Yep. Looks legit. Thanks for the ping. Giving this a "New Evidence" flare due to the CF connection and pedo judge involvement.

Tanngrisnir ago

Thank you, Vindicator. I hated to ask but I was afraid it would be slid really quickly by Narwhal shitposts.

Vindicator ago

MF banned a bunch of alts a few days ago that will hopefully cut down on those.

Tanngrisnir ago

Thanks! Hope he likes it. I regret not looking into the place like this months ago.

mooteensy ago

Exceptional & VERIFIABLE info. Thank you OP!

Tanngrisnir ago

Thank you, but the real hero of this is Michael Wynne for doing all this research back in the early nineties to the semi-present. The guy should get a medal.

kager ago


french sataristic george bush junior and the world company represented by all stallone puppets (2001)

Tanngrisnir ago

Thank you, mysterywire. It was harder to find because Tenet Healthcare had the name change but once I found the link it was quite easy because Micheal Wynne provided so much great information in one place. Usually I would have to make countless extra searches just to get as much info as his one site provided me.

I found this on Justice Yeldham. I don't know much about elite pedophilia in Australia so any research you want to do would be greatly appreciated.

http://www.equalparenting-bc.ca/issues/na_nicholson-rob-pedophile-rings.htm use ctrl-f "Yeldham" to find it.

In June, 1996, David Yeldham a retired judge from Sydney, Australia, committed suicide after being linked to investigations into pedophilia. He was a member of the National Association for the Prevention of Child Abuse and the sixth person to commit suicide after being named in the investigation.  The Australian Special Police Branch was disbanded for corruption, including political and judicial blackmail.  On a National Level T. Alex Hickman - Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Newfoundland.  On a B.C. Provincial Level: Former B.C. Provincial Court Judge - David Ramsey - Sentenced to Seven Years for Sex Crimes Against Teens - June 01, 2004

Z11Mama ago

Reminds me of this story.

This is the part of the story that it reminds me of: http://www.pamplinmedia.com/pt/9-news/316764-195972-eye-clinic-manager-pleads-guilty-to-fraud-

And this is what makes it creepy. The Drs in the lawsuit own this: http://thatoregonlife.com/2014/10/temple-oculus-anubis-creepiest-place-oregon-wtf/

Tanngrisnir ago

That is some weird crap. Thanks for the links, Z11mama! Hadn't heard any of that.

TippyHome ago

Ok, so reading the story about the compound in Oregon, the researcher said almost everyone on the street to it has the last name Neal. The eye doctor has the last name Neal.....part of all this group? And with all these types of places around, do you think that the Eagles are alluding to them in the song "Hotel California?" Cause you know they are creeped out at the beginning of the song and then, realize they know too much now to go back? Just wondering.

darkknight111 ago

There's theories that Hotel California is based on a former mental health institution with a dark history. That site is now the location of Cal State University Channel Islands, my former college campus. The place is reported to be one of the most heavily haunted sites in all of California.

There was this one part of the campus that I could feel a menacing aura of evil from at night. Thankfully most of my time on campus was in the newer buildings where the science labs were.

Z11Mama ago

I've spent a lot of time researching Oculus Anubis. There are quite a few video's on YouTube. The people on the street do not know or care for their neighbors at the end. It adds to the creepiness.

2impendingdoom ago

FYI carmencita is offline for a while for travel. Anyway, great post! I bet all (or a lot) of the healthcare businesses do this fabricated billing or fake treatment to some extent. It seems to be standard operating procedure.

There are fraud charges against Dr. Ali al-Attar (Iraqi fugitive) who "loaned" Imran Awan $100,000; He is also notable for being among Wolfowitz's associates during the 2003 Iraq war run-up.

I wonder if Elizabeth Berg (the DNC lawyer) has found anything more on the Mayo clinic connections in her investigations to the FL attorney deaths. Mayo was where peter smith was being treated when he inhaled the helium at the hotel across the street in his alleged suicide.

Tanngrisnir ago

I knew she was on vacation but I figured this post would probably be buried by the time she got back and so I pinged her so she could easily see it when she returns. Also who knows when Wolftrail7272 will be on next. I think you are right that most healthcare business encourage expensive but needless treatments but medical kidnapping to the extent Tenet/NME did seems pretty darn unusual. I think that Hillary Clinton associates with a healthcare company that began its existence by abducting kids says it all.

I need to look into the Awan case some more. I got fed up with it and ignored it for a while because George Webb was acting like a drunken histrionic and there was the weird Dave Acton drama. Then of course Imran gets arrested and it is back in the forefront.

I think you mean Elizabeth Beck. You could ask her. Here is what I believe is her twitter account. https://twitter.com/eleebeck I don't think she will say any more about Mayo Clinic though out of fear of death. Can't say I blame her.

TrishaUK ago

Great article @Tanngrisnir! - H.A. Goodman is on the Awan case:- AWAN SCANDAL BREAKING NEWS: DEMOCRATS WRITE OFF $120,000 IN STOLEN ELECTRONICS https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NeObi9KXJ2c Can guarantee they are going to connect to the Clinton Foundation in a BIG way. They could have copies of all the records on the 'stolen $120,000 gov. ele. equipment".

2impendingdoom ago

yes to all. & I did mean Beck. The Daily Caller has coverage of the Awan's without having to deal with the annoying videos, its where I saw the connection to the Iraqi doctor. I think it was G. Webb's source in the first place.

fogdryer ago

Don't you have to reference this

I believe everything you say ( show references) Because we are in healthcare, worked for them,. This sort of thing happens All the time and in Every dam hospital! As a matter of fact my mom is going thru this herself. She loved the attention, hospital and doctor love the money ! Disgusting.

Tanngrisnir ago

The links are above the quotes at the end. This is the site. It is from the University of Wollongong Australia and by Michael Wynne. https://archive.is/lsMG

If you want some further verification here are some NYT articles on it. (Both are archived I just posted the unarchived version because one has multiple pages.) http://www.nytimes.com/1991/10/22/business/company-news-chain-of-mental-hospitals-faces-inquiry-in-4-states.html?pagewanted=3


mrohm ago

Oh the things you find when you follow the pizza related map.

Tanngrisnir ago

Mind numbing isn't it?

Dressage2 ago

Great find!! Solid work.

Tanngrisnir ago

Thank you, Dressage2.