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MumofThree ago

The evidence Police refused to investigate:

My witness statement: I am a survivor of ritual satanic abuse and informant of pedo network:

I have intimate knowledge of Hampstead. Hampstead is a HOTSPOT for satanic pedophilia.

The list comprises big and little names: politicians, journalists, doctors, police, celebrities…

Among the names described in detail:

  • Lord Montagu, Grand Master hosting ceremonies in his castle Beaulieu
  • Lord Moyne, connections with Guinness family
  • Lord Caernarvon, owner of Highclere Castle nr Newbury
  • Lord Porchester, son of Lord Caernarvon
  • Marquis of Blandford, Blenheim Palace
  • Marquis of Bath
  • Princess Michael of Kent
  • Earl Spencer
  • Patricia Thornton, nurse in the children’s home in Haut-de-la-Garenne, Jersey The Group

  • John Morriston, London, HIGH COMMANDER

  • Alan Williams, NEW COMMANDER
  • Rod Matthews, COMMANDER
  • David Whiting-John, COMMANDER
  • Bertram Hodinkson, COMMANDER, Mason and member of the Grand Order of Water Rats
  • Chia Mekali, COMMANDER
  • Henry Marshall, Dorchester, MASTER
  • Clive Johnston, KEEPER-MASTER before
  • Mark Davie, KEEPER-MASTER
  • Howard Locke, Bromley, INQUISITOR
  • John Rose, called ‘Your Lordship’
  • William Grosvenor, High in Group
  • Michael Vorster, German, also high in groupp
  • Peter Krausen, ‘bigwig’ in cult
  • Michael Hames, former Det Supt NSY
  • Phil Compton, Driver for group
  • Male Enforcers (ME)
  • Female Enforcers (FE)
  • Roderick Chamberlain, Scribe Watchers.


  • Virginia Bottomley, former Secretary of Health
  • Peter Bottomley, husband
  • Ted Heath, former Prime Minister
  • Lord McAlpine, Treasurer in Heath government
  • Michael Portillo, former journalist, MP and Minister of Defence
  • Ruth Kelly, former Minister of Education and Economics
  • Paul Boateng, Labour MP
  • Tony Heaford, Councillor in Rochdale
  • Cyril Smith, Councillor in Rochdale
  • Peter Mandelson, former MP, British Commissioner of EU for Trade since 2004
  • Margaret Hodge MP, previously Islington Council
  • Alan Johnson MP, took over as Education Secretary from Ruth Kelly
  • Peter Hain, Labour politician, Privy Council
  • Mark Oaten MP, LibDem
  • Mike Hancock MP for Portsmouth
  • Charles Clarke MP, former Labour Education Secretary, later Home Secretary
  • Lord Falconer, Lord Chancellor


  • Ali Dizaei, Iranian, bribed to damage reputation of Met Police
  • Terry Grange, late Chief Constable, Dyfyd-Powys in Wales
  • Paul Kernaghan, Chief Constable of Hampshire
  • John Hoddinott, former police constable, Hants.


  • Sir Stephen Richards, appeal court judge
  • Sir Matthew Farrer, Private solicitor to the Queen
  • Lord Peter Goldsmith, former Attorney General
  • William Chambers, solicitor

Mainstream Media

  • Lord William Rees-Mogg, former editor
  • Geoffrey Levy, Daily Mail columnist
  • Bruce Parker, presenter Southern TV
  • Max Hastings, editor and journalist
  • Sir David Frost, married daughter of Duke of Norfolk
  • Michael Barrimore, former TV presenter
  • Richard Ingrams, former editor of Private Eye
  • Bob Woffinden, Journalist


  • Michael Winner, actor, writer and director
  • Jimmy Tarbuck , comedian
  • Alvin Stardust, 1970s pop singer


  • Dr Robert Wells, Police surgeon
  • Dr Shreeyas Deepak Raj, treats excessively beaten survivors
  • Don Taylor, clinical psychologist
  • Elizabeth Newson, child psychiatrist
  • Prof Gisli Gudjonnson, London University
  • Dr Bill Thompson, Professor of criminology, Reading
  • Dr Tony Baker, Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist, denier of ritual abuse
  • Ray Aldridge-Morris, Pshychologist


  • Rt Rev Crispian Hollis, RC Bishop of Portsmouth

  • Cardinal Cormack Murphy O’Connor, Head of RC Church in Britain

  • Simon Thomas, vicar in United Reform Church

  • Tony Miller, Reader or Curate in Church of England Related articles