Cigarette5mokingman ago

I had no idea either. Thanks for the heads up OP, will watch when I get off work.

Factfinder2 ago

Thanks for this. I notice that Murun Buchstansangur has also posted other videos of interest to our subject:

3141592653 ago

yes, I definitely noticed that as well. do you know who that is?

Factfinder2 ago

No, but he appears to have named himself after a UK cartoon character

EDIT: Also

3141592653 ago

haha yeah I saw that, I looked the name up to see who the guy was, and that's all I could find!!

SavedbyJCfromRSA_MK ago

Just watched this all the way through, I couldn't turn it off.

If you want to understand why survivors of abuse have learned to hide in plan sight,


3141592653 ago

thanks, I will check these links out tonight

dassaer ago

Good post. These two "Death of a childhood: Cleveland - Unspeakable truths" and "Conspiracy of silence" should be required viewing for anyone that has doubts of these insidious crimes and behaviour, or has just become red-pilled to the extent, veracity and deliberate "establishment people" attempts at covering up. Documentaries such as these help to serve as a reminder of both the historical and the on-going nature of 'organised' pedophillia and the perpetrators.

3141592653 ago

yes, and thanks

hookednosedjoooo ago

Where do John Decamp be at?

3141592653 ago

I have wondered what he's up to these days

millennial_vulcan ago

Make sure people know its Cleveland UK not Cleveland, OH

Narcissism ago

If it had been Cleveland OH they would have been getting organ harvested instead.

millennial_vulcan ago


3141592653 ago

yes, thanks for pointing that out.

millennial_vulcan ago

Cleveland is in north of England. Degenerate, low IQ, working class, and RIFE with every social disability you can think of.

Joe10jo ago

Wow thanks for sharing!!!! Never knew there was another one!

3141592653 ago

I couldn't believe it either, and thanks

3141592653 ago

Another good article on this:

This article really makes me see the similarities between this scandal and the preschool sex abuse scandal aka "witch hunt hysteria" .... looks like TPTB tried to present this as another ridiculous witch hunt when, in fact, there was damning evidence that the kids had actually been sexually abused. This also reminds me of how TPTB and the media presented ritual abuse as "Satanic Panic" to discredit and ridicule anyone who believed the abuse was actually occurring.

FreeRebel ago

Underwager, pedo apologist, has been at this for a long time. False Memory Syndrome Foundation exists to create incredulity and doubt.

3141592653 ago


3141592653 ago

Here is a really good article on this documentary written by director Tim Tate himself:

quoted from the website:

"The headline summed it up: “Is this the film that should never have been made ?”.

Just as telling was that the article under it – in the TV Times – was the only national press coverage of the film. Ten years after the Cleveland Child Abuse Crisis not a single newspaper reported on a documentary which told – for the first time – the truth about what had happened to the children at the heart of a “scandal” which had gripped and divided the entire country. Not for nothing was the film called “Cleveland: Unspeakable Truths”."

The film is also posted on the above website.

norobotono ago

That's probably because the real truth was quite horrific...

Imagine if that happened to you and your family.

Factfinder2 ago

Have you not actually read the article you linked, or are you a pedo defender?


3141592653 ago

I am completely confused by this comment. the articles are anti-pedo and anti-child abuse.... sorry, maybe your comment was directed at user norobotono?

Factfinder2 ago

I replied to norobotono's posting of an article that called the Cleveland events false accusations that victimized innocent parents and traumatized the children. I pinged you to receive a copy of my response because it seemed likely that you weren't aware of the true nature of the article before posting your answer to norobotono. Sorry to confuse. Was simply trying to give you a heads up.

3141592653 ago

it all makes sense now... thanks, I appreciate it

norobotono ago

Yes I read the article but it is a shame that so few people do, and no I am not a pedo defender and get sick of being called one just for pointing out that not every case of a person being accused of being one is actually guilty.

In this case, some of the children say it never happened and the method used to find the 'abuse' was discredited over 25 years ago because it isn't reliable.

Not every person accused if being a pedo actually is. Some people are accused wrongly or vindictively or get caught in witch hunts and hysteria (as happened to the majority of the Cleveland families). In fact, many innocent people have been murdered after being accused of being one - see the cases of Darren Kelly who was stabbed to death and Bijan Ebrahimi who was beaten to death and then burnt. Nigel Lang was labelled one after a typing error put a digit wrong on the IP address in a child porn investigation. Yvette Cloete even found herself with paedo spray painted on her house because some idiot didn't know the difference between a paedophile and a paediatrician (her profession).

All I am saying is to bear in mind that things like that happen sometimes. Some people think that every single person ever accused is guilty but sometimes that isn't the case, as happened with Cleveland (the subject of this thread).

3141592653 ago

of course it's so horrible