PedoStomper ago

The Illuminati secret societies use black people as a pawn, like tools. They do not look at them as equal. They look at them like the slave masters did, as equipment to use to further their own personal goals.

Criticalthinker615 ago

to those evil fucks pedophilia is all of the above....everything else they do is an absolute failure. they seem to only excel when it relates to hurting children which leads me to believe that their only true goal is that. everything else is just a beard.

Piscina ago

So you're saying that all those black young men giving accounts of being anally raped are liars? You're saying that Russell Simmons nephew is a liar? How do you explain Quincy Jones, Russell Simmons penchant for sodomy?

PedoStomper ago

What's crazy is how people are SO brainwashed and under mind control, even people who are fans of Pac, Pimp-C, Prodigy, and the like, even a lot of those people don't believe in the secret societies. Its like, okay, so Tupac dedicates an entire album (including the title) to the concept, but it's just complete bullshit? Wake up people, damn. These rappers were trying to tell you something other than "get high, fuck bitches" and you weren't paying any attention.

Also, you will notice how 99% of rappers these days are completely materialistic, never talking about anything real, just being goofy monkey ass negroes as Pimp-C would put it. It's because they know the deal by now, based on what happened to these guys. Talk Truth, Get Killed.

Piscina ago

Yep, I too have noticed that no rappers these days talk about the struggles of their people. None of them tackle the difficult stuff, which is what rappers used to do. Nowadays they're dressed in preppy clothes and NEVER talk about the hood and the plight of the black people.

PedoStomper ago

Because they don't want the Brotherhood to smack them down and give them the Kanye treatment.

Piscina ago

You're spot on. Tupac, Pimp C and Big came from the projects. They cared about the black community and were spokesmen for their black brothers. They kept it real. The new hip hop are manufactured pretty boys who know to keep their mouths shut and NEVER speak up for the black man.

PedoStomper ago

I also feel like race relations were going in a better direction until modern "trap" music came along and started creating a new generation of what I would call "hyper thugs," people who are getting into the idea of drug dealing and murdering people when they're seven, eight years old. Trap music along with all the other factors of living in the hood is creating very violent black youth.

PedoStomper ago

The elite are trying to get the masses to accept pedophilia and other perversions as soon as possible, so that they will have little to no resistance.

PrideOfOshtekk ago

Ah yes the ever illusive gangz.

These guys are respected. People from their own community won't be able to kill them that easily.

gamepwn ago

OP link this to the mobb deep Prodigy death thread! IMPORTANT!!! Prodigy spoke about the sacrifices and raping if kids two years ago he made a tweet in 2014. He died a few weeks ago. We need a list of red pilled celebrities and MSM to show the world and truth!

PGIss_Retardedd ago

OMFG you pathetic laughable retards.

Piscina ago

*My house burning down wasn't an accident. My days are numbered. ... gonna kill me just like they did pac. Blood sacrifice or not. I been poisoned, shot at, had my house burned down, kicked out of PUblic Enemy .... Ask Quincy Jones about Tupac *

PedoStomper ago

Every time you post I read it in Podesta's voice.

DeathTooMasons ago

No that is your Cobain tranny comment. Notice how you follow quickly after every silly contrived comment? Sock pupette much?

je-sui-pepe ago

John John John Molesta... keep trying you reeeeeetard but you will be in jail, your career is already in the toilet which is why you have time to troll here and write fake news for WAAAH-Po. Sad little man.

LostandFound ago

Don't forget the artist known as Prodigy from Mobb deep same thing a few weeks ago.

carmencita ago

And Kanye for trying. I think he has been silenced for good. Unless something wares off and he takes to the stage again to tell it to the people. If they let him get on the stage again.

PedoStomper ago

If Kanye ever has a breakdown again, they'll kill him while he's in 5150 hold, or shortly thereafter. He already pushed their buttons, and I'm sure if he does it again, someone higher up in the chain will say "kill that damn nigger already" and that'll be it for him.

carmencita ago

I agree it is curtains for Kanye if he tries to red pill his hip hop fans one more time. It's over.

LostandFound ago

Yeah not a Kanye fan but that was some crazy shit and I really felt sorry for him.

carmencita ago

Yes, I am not either. But I certainly have a lot of respect for him coming out and spilling the beans when it could mean death. He probably thought he was worth too much for them to off him, but if he does it again, which I doubt because they have taken care of that, you can bet he will be taken out.

ArthurEdens ago

You know if he wasn't as big a moneymaker he'd be dead right now

sugarskull ago

I think his being married to Kim the witch helps too...I'd hate to think what could happen to him if he divorced. Sudden death or at least a major mental breakdown he never comes back from.

dassaer ago

Not so sure about that, being married into that witches brew only increases his own personal 'hoodoo', much much harder to leave the dinner party when you have a seat right next to one of the hostesses....

PedoStomper ago

Look at Lamar Odom. Tried to leave the Kardashian Witch Clan, O.D.'s in a brothel.

BlowjaySimpson ago

And River Phoenix

ArthurEdens ago

Upvote for your name

quantokitty ago


Upvoat for this.

carmencita ago

Yes, UPVOATS are in order. I truthfully believe in this.

Warnos44 ago

I always wondered if Kurt Cobain was offed for similar reasons. He seemed so intelligent and had amassed a very big following.

redditsuckz ago

Courtney Love is a minimum Kurt Cobain was gay and possibly a FTM Tranny himself.


DeathTooMasons ago

Your post is fail.

redditsuckz ago

Your gonna have to be more specific.

So you dont think Courtney Love is a Tranny and you would fuck "it"?

You dont think those in Hollywood or elites dont worship the Tranny Beast Baphmet and mold their children in that image?

sugarskull ago

In Kurts case they say there was enough heroin in that needle to kill 3 seasoned junkies. Why would he put so much in there? I never believed that he did.

DeathTooMasons ago

Same withPhilip Seymour Hoffman. At that level, somebody has to give you a hot batch. Cobain however, suposedly blew his head off with a shotgun. Rediculous.

sugarskull ago

Yeah blew his head off on all that smack? Something smells rotten in Denmark..

je-sui-pepe ago

Courtney love had him killed and there is a great documentary on that subject. Either way I doubt his death had anything to do with illuminati

DeathTooMasons ago

Considering the industry he was in, you cannot doubt his exit at his age. Or Jim Morrisons. Or Joplins, Or Hendricks.Notcie...only illuminati album cover Eddie Vedder still lives. Johinie Depps good friend. Eddie Vedder of West Memphis threee are inocent fame? Damien Echols wrote a song for his album? ...Yeah Illuminati has nothing to do with Cobains death....M'kay.

sugarskull ago

I agree with your theory...I heard that he was considering divorce as well as leaving the music business...double no no for a junky wife I would say.

eyeVoated ago

Courtney Love seems to be an illuminati puppet.

ArthurEdens ago

I thought it was just her too but now i think satanists helped her. She and her daughter and dave grohl and friends are all satanists

carmencita ago

Anyone in Hollywood making any real money is connected to the Illuminati. They are controlling them all. Most of them are Satanists or Scientologists. Many are also involved in Secret Societies as well.

PedoStomper ago

This. Getting people to understand that they are ALL involved in this, that's key. People still think that these "secret groups" consist of a few hundred people at the very tippy top of the power structure. They've got covens and Masonic Lodges in every single small town and big city in America, and abroad.

carmencita ago

There is one in Racine. And Racine is not some Big Mecca City. Also you will find CP factories not in some high tech building. They are in little towns where they can be less expected.

ArthurEdens ago

I think scientologists might be satananists too, L Ron Hubbard knew Crowley apparently

sugarskull ago

Yeah they don't like to talk about the years that L Ron wanted to find a woman to have Satans baby so they could nuture the evil seed and thus eradicate evil...true story but not one in Dianetics.

ArthurEdens ago


carmencita ago

Yes! They all are connected as Satanists.

Criticalthinker615 ago

This is all very real. Noticed the hints, clues amd listened to these guys telling us the truth WELL BEFORE pizzagate. Watched them killed as revenge for speaking out. Its odd how the idiots dont realize that by murdering their enemies that they are making the claims seem true.

carmencita ago

They don't care if the claims seem true. They have their protectors. But there will come a day when that won't matter. All of the people that closely followed their music are becoming red pilled. They will go from hundreds to thousands to the millions. Spread the Word.

DeathTooMasons ago


carmencita ago

Thank you. I am glad to know someone things so, for if you notice I have been down voated at least 9 times by someone just in this post. Hmm. Wonder who that could be. Up voat for you for noticing.

Criticalthinker615 ago

it's already happening in front of our eyes. I can't tell you how many times I have been reading other forums, news stories or random web pages lately and noticed sooooo many people coming to the conclusion that the whole "Illuminati" "new world order" schtick is/was really just a pedophile ring making themselves seem mystical and powerful. People are coming to the same conclusions that we as a group have arrived at . its only a matter of time now until it all comes crashing down on their wierd asses and "they" know it.

equineluvr ago

" sooooo many people coming to the conclusion that the whole "Illuminati" "new world order" schtick is/was really just a pedophile ring making themselves seem mystical and powerful."

They (da Joos) have you ENSLAVED.

Are you gonna break free, slave? The FIRST STEP toward FREEDOM is to NOT PAY INCOME TAXES. I encourage you to do just that!

Criticalthinker615 ago

It's mighty presumptuous to assume that I am a slave to any jew. And as far as refusing to pay taxes; I'm 5 steps ahead of that.......And I'm glad death^ noticed that you had to bring the race card into it..... truth is, I don't really see many jews getting more than fiat currency. There is truly only a handful of their race who REALLY prosper and those guys don't seem to be motivated by money. In all appearances, it is little boy butthole that motivates the 1%. That much is undeniable.

PedoStomper ago

This is where you really need your thinking cap on. The problem is not "Jews" but rather a group/race of people who CLAIM to be Jews, but in reality, they are the descendants of a tribe of Israel that was kicked out due to the fact that they, like you said, liked little boy butthole too much, and they also sacrificed children to Moloch/Ba'al. Those people are the people who currently run Israel and call themselves "Jews." Israel has been owned and controlled by the ROTHSCHILD FAMILY since at least the end of World War I. So when people say "its the Jews," they're only half-right. The Bible calls them "Those who say they are Jews but are not. They are the Synagogue Of Satan."

Criticalthinker615 ago

exactly, the reason for doing so much evil shit in the name of "jews" is to give true spiritual jews (of every ethnic background, chosen by the creator) a bad name.... a true false flag in the simplest sense of the phrase.

DeathTooMasons ago

Thank you for calling the bullshit artisit out before I could. Shill though you be, this was a moment of truth among your many lies. Most have zero truth among their lies. Toast to you mr or mrs shill...'drinks..

DeathTooMasons ago

Look how you two "Inadvertently" changed the subject to "race".... Well done...Back to the topic? Or are the two of you still on the clock?

carmencita ago

I so agree. I don't follow this music, but I commend those that have had the guts to speak out, knowing that they may die. Yes, they knew that, for many have gone before them, for telling it like it is.

ArthurEdens ago

hip hop fans seem to be redpilling faster than anyone else

carmencita ago

I agree! Remember that Black people know about the occult. Granted there are White people that listen to hip hop but they did not hear about this growing up. It goes way back. Many of their grandmothers and Moms told them about this stuff as they were growing up. I have read it on here a couple of times. People recalling what they heard in their childhood from the people that were instrumental in raising them. And yes, If he was not pulling in a lot of dough, yeah, he would be gone. I remember the day of the rant. Someone on here posted it. Wow.

PedoStomper ago

Keep in mind that a lot of black magick (like brujeria) originate from Africa. So people took the beliefs over here when they became slaves, and then the African black magick mixed with the local occult beliefs and created entire new occult belief systems. Its impossible to really trace anything back to a single source.

ArthurEdens ago

I didn't think of it like that, their grandparents saw it first hand as slaves. Damn.

carmencita ago

Yes, the Slaves knew about all of this and passed it down. Thank God for them. Thank God for the people that listened and are remembering. We must reach out to the hip hop group and to Black people to spread the word for our people have not been enlightened when it comes to satanic horrors.

PedoStomper ago

It's harder for black folks to give up their idols because they have it ingrained in their head that if someone is black, their motivations should not be questioned. "Gotta do what you gotta do" is the attitude of many black folks. I have many black friends (I live in Orlando) and we talk about this stuff often. My friends are open minded enough, but they all say that their aunts/cousins/parents/siblings think the Illuminati stuff is 100% bullshit and say things like "I don't care if ___ is a devil worshipper, they sexy!!"

carmencita ago

I think this is the newer crowd. I am talking about the really old folks, that grew up in the south and handed it down to children and then some did the same. The ones that integrated into the cities and had children are not enlightened. The chain has been broken.