DarkMath ago

Because that's where the money is.



Commoner ago


"Since her release from detention in Haiti, Laura Silsby has returned to Idaho. In 2015, she married and took the last name Gayler. Silsby is currently employed by software company AlertSense as their Vice President of Marketing. AlertSense works with the Federal Government on FEMA's Integrated Public Alert & Warning System (IPAWS). One of IPAWS functions is to issue Amber Alerts during kidnapping events."

Votescam ago

Not that there isn't immediately a lot wrong with FEMA which seems to have the paperwork outline to be a new Nazi/CIA organization . . . . but this would seem to also taint that organization as to child trafficking.

Actually, when we add up all of the trafficking -- human trafficking, child trafficking, organ trafficking, drug trafficking, arms trafficking -- it would seem to me that every part of our government would have to be corrupted in order to not only permit and govern the traffic but to cover it up and keep it covered up long term.

And of course, NSA which is recording all of this data 24/7 has to also know.

And since 1963 and the coup on JFK and our people's government, that seems to be what our government is all about, on every level .... i.e., High Treason: High Level Crime nationwide and internationally -- and High Level Cover up of these crimes.

PS: This has to also include our Military as Det. Rothstein/NYPD has mentioned at the end of this video. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5cnT5amf6Ys

Detective Rothstein is making clear that WATERGATE was also not only about prostitution rings being run by the Democratic Party, but also about pedophile rings. And that a "book" recording this information was at the DNC/Watergate building which seems to be one cause for the break in. >

In earlier days, LBJ and Bobby Baker were running an operation where women of the day or evening were available in various hotel rooms to members of Congress whom LBJ and Baker were looking to compromise, blackmail.

ReddittRefugee ago

Thanks for the link.

One of IPAWS functions is to issue Amber Alerts during kidnapping events.

So a child kidnapper is working for the company that issues kidnapping alerts? These people really have no shame.

tossedpizza ago

She might not even be the only one at AlertSense that is um untrustworthy. What if the plan is to get pizza friendly people positioned such that they can selectively sabotage amber alerts when the abductor is one of theirs.

Judgejewdy ago

Ncmec started this whole amber alert thing. Ncmec and Icmec are up to their eyeballs with pedos, lots of money, lots of access to cp (incl video), and horrible results. I have no proof but circumstantial evidence suggests that they started these alerts for no honorable reason. So the fact that silsby is involved isn't very shocking. Probably best to look at what's staring us in the face instead of making excuses for these sob's. it's all out in the open. #eyeswideshut

Judgejewdy ago

P.s mention ncmec and all of a sudden it's taking a fortnight to load my comment. Curious.

ReddittRefugee ago

What if the plan is to get pizza friendly people positioned such that they can selectively sabotage amber alerts when the abductor is one of theirs

I didn't think of that, but it is a rather horrifying possibility!

We know that the difference between ordinary pedophile rings and elite pedophile rings is that the elites position minions in politics, law enforcement, the judiciary, and other places to set up a system that prevents complaints and investigations from happening.

There could be nothing more attractive to elite pedophiles than being able to cut off publicity of their kidnappings right at the source.

Commoner ago

Yes.. There is a reason they hired her. They wore forced to or they took a big payout! They should be investigated.

Commoner ago

No they don't. They are evil.