Welcome to Skull and Bones. The Foundation for Art and Preservation of Embassies is made up of dozens of billionaire families and politicians with ties to the global elite who are able to ship artwork around the world without passing through conventional security channels. They have partnered with the Rothschild, and Alefantis, The Podestas and Hillary Clinton are involved.
Group Photo
50 years ago, the museum of Modern Art decided to spread “cultural diplomacy” by establishing a program whereby artworks could be spread around the world through American embassies. This matches similar exchange programs by the UK (GAC) and France (Foundation Pompidou, French-American Foundation). Hillary Clinton wrote an article for Vanity Fair celebrating the 50th anniversary of the program. Here are some of them posing for a photo.
Here is a detailed listing of the FAPE board members, which includes such figures as The Rockefellers, the Annenbergs (funded Obama), Tony Podesta, the Estee Lauder family, John Kerry and Meryl Streep.
Here is another member's list and event worth looking at.
Take a close look at that member list. It’s absolutely baffling how much money they all own.
Tony Podesta at FAPE.
the M.I.T. Negropontes, tied to allegations of pedophila/Epstein Island by Japanese journalist Yoichi Shimatsu, are in FAPE (Pictured: Diana Negroponte).Also, the M.I.T. Negropontes, tied to allegations of pedophila/Epstein Island by Japanese journalist Yoichi Shimatsu, linked him to a Cambodian location. This is another connection to the D.C. ring that few are seeing but is right out in the open. This is another connection to the D.C. ring that few are seeing but is right out in the open.
Jeff Koons with Rockefellers at FAPE event.
My research into the Embassy Art shipments began when the Howard Gutman Belgian embassy pedophilia scandal appeared on Voat, and somehow no one in the state department did anything to stop Gutman from doing his job.
An ambassador, believed to be Ambassador to Belgium Howard Gutman, who "routinely ditched ... his protective security detail," and inspectors suspect this was in order to "solicit sexual favors from prostitutes," some of whom were underage. The investigation into Gutman was called off after his meeting with Undersecretary of State for Management Patrick Kennedy.
Beth Dozoretz
Today, Art in Embassies in run by Beth Dozoretz, a close friend of Hillary Clinton and famous for helping Bill Clinton pardon Marc Rich on his final day in office. To quote Vanity Fair, Dozoretz became drew attention to herself when "she played a key role in persuading her friend Bill Clinton to pardon her fugitive billionaire ex-husband, Marc Rich”. As is the case with most Hillary Clinton confidantes, the more effort they put into covering up international crime and trafficking, the higher they climbed. And even though Hillary’s state department did little to oversee embassies during her tenure as SoS, she still invested a ton of time and effort into promoting Art in Embassies.
Dozoretz has worked with Alefantis before and they are closely linked among the D.C. elite. This shows that Alefantis, at the very least, is closely tied to the center of globalist power in America, and with the podesta brothers & company
Skull & Bones, kings of opium and smuggling
The Art in Embassies program is run by many members/alumni of the Yale circle of elites, including John Kerry, Hillary Clinton, Robert Storr (Dean of Yale School of Art) and many other industrialist families behind some of America’s best-known brands. The Sackler's, the family behind Purdue Pharma (Valium and Oxycontin), clearly took time away from their role as drug-pushers to promote the arts with the global elite. Here they are with their esteemed lapdog Alec Baldwin.
This is an important detail I can’t stress enough. They literally controlled the Opium market with a prescription drug, exactly as the United States did in Afghanistan, all the way back to the era of the Opium Wars in China…which Skull and Bones controlled. Remember, these families are primarily located around connecticut.
The Sacklers, who have coordinated events with James Alefantis, presented medals to Marina Abramovic and Jeff Koons, both of whose work have been transported on these aircraft multiple times, some directly through the Tony and Heather Podesta collection. In fact, Podesta “gifted” transported some of Abramovic’s "bloody" work to Whitechapel, London, supported in part by the "UK Friends of the National Museum of Women Artists". Notice how they conceal their organizations--diplomatic groups functioning within art galleries.
The event shows that it’s not simply celebrating art, but actually announcing the sending of the paintings.
The event marks the beginning of a landmark collaboration between the Sackler and Art in Embassies. In coming years, the Sackler will host exhibitions of works by contemporary Asian and Asian American artists before their installation by Arts in Embassies at new U.S. embassies overseas.
Here’s where it gets weirder. Jeff Koons was actually socializing with Philippa Rothschild days before the event. Previous parties where they’ve been seen together in France include cameos by The Hearst family, the Lauders and other globalists. [Jeff Koons had literally just met the Rothschild Family in Paris, an annual meeting that appears to be coordinated with the Art in Embassies event.
In light of the French election, it’s worth knowing that the Rothschilds and the Clintons are two major pieces in a secretive, international group with access to cargo planes.
Please Note Koons had literally just met the Rothschild Family in Paris, an annual meeting that appears to be coordinated with the Art in Embassies event. .
Rothschild with Hearst and Ronald Lauder of FAPE
Conde Nast Europe connection to FAPE/Rothschild Events
Masterpiece INTL Shipping - Proof of Security Bypass
One of the standouts on the Art in Embassies program is Masterpiece INTL, a Manhattan-based cargo shipping service specializing in fine art. While that’s not exceptional in itself, information on the Masterpiece website proves that (1) there is proof that the works of art can bypass security, and (2) that they also permit the shipping of “perishables”.
The description of the services of Masterpiece, located a literal stone’s throw away from the Rockefeller Standard Oil Headquarters, shows that FAPE’s shipping service gets special privileges when crossing national boundaries.
This includes in-house consultation and coordination of shipments requiring specialized expertise with other US regulatory agencies such as US Fish and Wildlife Service (for shipments that contain endangered species or animal products), the Office of Foreign Assets Control (for shipments containing objects whose country of origin is under current embargo with the U.S. or where cultural property restrictions are in place), Alcohol Tobacco and Firearms (ATF – for those works that contain such products), among others. We also operate and maintain a TSA Security Program which includes National TSA Security Coordinators on each coast, and worked closely with the TSA during the preliminary phases of the Certified Cargo Screening Program to facilitate the early approval of museums, galleries and fine art warehouses into the program.
So let me get this straight. I can’t even carry a laptop on a fucking flight anymore, but anyone with an Art Gallery whose part of the program can ship large, cumbersome, ridiculous, bloody, pedophilic works of art around the world under the supervision of the Podestas, Kennedy’s, Kerry’s and people connected to history’s largest smuggling rings?
This is the big picture that everyone is missing. And they’re pulling this off right under our noses. The Rockefellers run the folk art industry and are prominent donors. Tony Podesta is a record-breaking collector. They all visit the Venice Biennale and go to major art events all over the world.
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ASolo ago
Astounding connection and I do believe you've probably hit the motherload. Just an amazing collection of epiphany's from understanding a possible trafficking route and venue (most DEFINITELY for illicit substances) to an angle on Aaron Swartzs' death and more, great work.
Huge upvoat.
swordfish69 ago
This is 100% Skull and Bones. Not simply that they're mostly Yale/Connecticut globalists--the family links are unmistakable. People need to understand how connected the Comet Ping Pong gang is to this operation.
ASolo ago
Exactly. I see you mentioned Sussman, another important connection here. "They're mostly Yale/Connecticut globalists" - my sources tell me that the island retreats of Vinalhaven and North Haven where the Turner Farm and Nebo Lodge are provide exclusive 'services' and mk-ultra training.
"Donald Sussman, another big Clinton Foundation donor, who resides in the secluded and uber elite islands off the coast of Maine with worldwide personalities that have had a wide array of influence over the panopticon of international economics and politics like Prescott and currently Neil Bush, The Dupont's and IBM's Watson. His art tastes are as big as his wallet, I wonder how interested he is in the styles of art like those of James Alefantis, Tony and John Podesta?"
And of course we have the Aaron Dover saga:
I have insider information on a global money laundering syndicate of hedge funds and IBs linked to the Clinton Foundation -by AaronDover
"I was a partner in a hedge fund owned by Donald Sussman one of Clinton's main backers in the election and the "godfather of the hedge fund industry". I have vast amounts of information on fraudulent financial markets which are fronts for dollar payments between criminal groups. The figures we are talking about are billions of dollars PER DAY in transactions going through these markets. The markets are operated by the Crown. I need to get in touch with researchers who can use my information. Please can you get in touch if you want to discuss this info. I have plenty of documents proving what I have to say. I was gagged by the High Court of the UK from sharing this info but my current circumstances place me outside their jurisdiction. PDF VERSION: My Witness Statement to the High Court Regarding a Worldwide Crown Money Laundering Syndicate."
RIP Hampstead Researcher/Activist Aaron Dover Dead Aged 42
A bit of news today, Aaron Dover, who wrote this piece here on has been reported as having died by The Times, UK. Aaron was a student at the same Christchurch primary school in Hampstead, London that Ella Gareeva's children attended and testified about having been complicit in their abuse. Aaron's mother, Jenny Dover, worked at the school as well as the Tavistock Centre in Hampstead apparently.
To see more:
The Sandler Foundation, D.Sussman, Pizzagate, Hampstead and the Death of Aaron Dover
DarkMath ago
The pdf link isn't available anymore:
fartyshorts ago