snefru ago

Good interview with Larry Nichols. Either Foster killed himself several times and moved his dead body around each time or else there is some funny business going on.

Laskar ago

Looks like some kind of "business".

damnittohell ago

or they just waited until dark and took him out of there in a car? maybe a tunnel, they have tunnels all over DC at least I thought so. Dallas has them too (underground shopping malls etc.)

Laskar ago

If they used a car, it would have been logged and recorded, even after dark.

Aaronkin ago

This answered a question I have had for many years. Why would Linda Tripp record her conversations with Monica Lewinsky. I know the reported answer made it seem like she was preparing to write a book, but I never bought that. The answer is because she was personally aware of what happened to Vince Foster. Now that's an explanation I can believe. "The last time Foster was seen alive, he told his secretary, Linda Tripp, "I'll be right back". When Monica was in all the news I honestly don't remember any news source ever reporting that Linda was Vince's secretary. Even today her Wiki page does not mention the fact she was the last person to see Vince foster alive.

Laskar ago

This is a good observation. This is why stuff has to be copied, archived, etc.

People's Wikipedia pages are being "sanitized" and in some cases removed entirely.

There are certain people who spend all day scrubbing information that is critical to truth. I wanted to post a video of people bragging about how and why they do it, but that too has been removed.

And this is why when we find a story worth knowing about, we have to get it out there right away. It has already happened that some links in my submissions went dead and I had to find new ones.

Those of us whose education is primarily from books and other hard copy only had to deal with getting a good source, now we have to climb a mountain of manure just to get a nugget and then get trolled by the ones who do not want truth to be known.

charmeuse ago

The link to the 1995 Forbes editor interview is gold. Thank you.

Laskar ago

You are most welcome. There's a lot out there, for those who want to see the big picture too.

Mad_As_Hell ago

Agreed, I'll very forget the sense of genuine relief when she lost.

Here's Maxine Waters both condemning Trump for firing Comey and claiming Hillary would have been within her rights to fire him. The mental gymnastics being employed by the DNC are astonishing

Are_we_sure ago

I didn't say crimes and corruption I said ethics and I posted my evidence. His ethical problems started before Clinton was President and the Republican Attorney General looked into him as I said. This is not obscure information and could be found in a minute or two.

A report by outgoing Attorney General William P. Barr presented to the Justice Department that month by the Office of Professional Responsibility included criticisms that he had used an FBI plane to travel to visit his daughter on several occasions, and had a security system installed in his home at government expense.

I do not do disinformation. I do facts. From these facts I lay out what I believe to be the truth. This place is chock full of disinformation and terrible reasoning and black/white worldview already. I don't think pizzagate has come anywhere near proving any of its allegations and I don't buy into TPTB/ELITE/GLOBAL conpsiracy nonsense.

The idea that Foster was murdered his ludicrous.

From before Clinton took office

WASHINGTON, Jan. 15— After a long investigation, the Justice Department has prepared a critical report on the administrative practices of William S. Sessions that could cloud his future as Director of the F.B.I., Bush Administration officials said today.

The report by the department's internal ethics unit, the Office of Professional Responsibility, was sent in recent days to Attorney General William P. Barr, who is said to have communicated his decision on disciplinary sanctions to Mr. Sessions today, Mr. Barr's last day in office.

AndPodestaWasMoLesta ago

I don't think pizzagate has come anywhere near proving any of its allegations and I don't buy into TPTB/ELITE/GLOBAL conpsiracy nonsense. - I think this speaks volumes and really calls into question your motives for being here.

I am extremely skeptical certain things - namely anything related to Kevin Annett, Flat Earth and Annunaki/Nibiru.

There's a difference between not being a gullible maroon and believing anything you read online vs. ignoring very disturbing things that point to some highly morally unspeakable acts. Spirit cooking is not normal. Joking about pedophilia is not normal. If this is just what "bored rich people do for fun" as some people claim, then I'd prefer a societal reset button.

Are_we_sure ago

ignoring very disturbing things that point to some highly morally unspeakable acts. Spirit cooking is not normal. Joking about pedophilia is not normal. If this is just what "bored rich people do for fun" as some people claim, then I'd prefer a societal reset button.

Neither of these two things point to some highly morally unspeakable acts. That linkage is in your head. People make sick jokes about all kinds of things. It may not be nice, but they do it. Spirit Cooking was a damn performance art piece and decades later by the time it involves Tony Podesta was just a dinner with some poetry and meditation. Why would you expect a performance art piece to be normal? You could love it or hate it, but it was a performance. Do you think Anthony Hopkins going around killing and eating people because he played Hannibal Lecter or do you recognize that as a performance? To get a non-distorted view of Ambramovic may to see the Ambamovic documentary, the artist is present. It's on youtube. You can then see if you are being properly skeptical or gullible.

If this is just what "bored rich people do for fun" as some people claim, then I'd prefer a societal reset button.

I think this actually says a great deal.

SoberSecondThought ago

I've upvoted this, and I have no problem with most of what you wrote. I just want to give my perspective.

The strongest evidence that Foster was killed comes from eyewitness Patrick Knowlton, who pulled off the highway into Fort Marcy Park to pee. Knowlton only realized the next day, when he saw a news report about Foster, the importance of what he had seen.

Knowlton told the FBI that the Honda with Arkansas plates that was parked at Fort Marcy was a brown hatchback, not Foster's blue sedan. This matters enormously. The park is very small and there were only three vehicles in it when Knowlton arrived. The occupants of the second vehicle were interviewed and cleared. The occupant of the third vehicle was a scary guy who eyeballed Knowlton the entire time, which is why Knowlton paid such close attention to his surroundings.

Knowlton was subjected to lengthy, repeated harassment. This was a coordinated effort between the FBI and the prosecutor's office. It started with the FBI badgering him and insisting that he was wrong about the color of the Honda; then his vintage car was destroyed; next the FBI agent recorded that Knowlton had admitted that he was unsure about the color; and "lost" his interview for over a year by filing it under the wrong address and misspelling his last name. When a journalist nonetheless managed to locate Knowlton, and asked him about what he actually saw, Knowlton was very upset at what the FBI claimed and insisted on testifying to the commission. This triggered a huge campaign of harassment that went on for days. Knowlton's girlfriend, the journalist, and a lawyer all witnessed the harassment in the street; meanwhile Knowlton was treated very badly by the inquiry itself. He was accused of being gay, of having gone to Fort Marcy for sex; and his testimony was more or less dismissed as a fantasy.

There was a panel of three judges overseeing Ken Starr's inquiry. They insisted on allowing Knowlton to submit a twenty-page deposition about what he saw, what happened at the FBI, and the subsequent harassment. Starr did not want Knowlton's testimony, but the judges overruled him. No mainstream media outlet covered Knowlton's deposition. In defiance of the court order, Starr left it out of his published report.

In other words, the REAL outcome of the Starr commission was a finding, certified by three judges, that the FBI had harassed a key witness, whose story established that Vince Foster did not drive himself to Fort Marcy Park. What is more, when Knowlton and his lawyer published a lengthy analysis of the evidence (including all kinds of other incredibly suspicious stuff like Foster's car keys not being on the body), William Sessions (the FBI Director fired by Clinton) volunteered that he thought their story needed to be looked into.

I won't go on and on about this (at least not right now). I just want to underline the key point, which is that a court supported the accusation that the FBI had engaged in a cover-up and that Foster did not commit suicide. We have been told absurd lies about this episode for more than two decades, and the media have simply ignored the lies.

shoosh ago

This is well written and researched. Thanks for your contribution. I tried to upvoat but it wouldn't register, so I'm upvoating the comments in support.

Laskar ago

Thanks a lot. Have an upvote yourself.

Sometimes my upvotes of a submission so not show either, but I have found that if I go to the "hot" or "new" page, I can usually get the vote to register there, if I click it carefully. Sometimes it takes a couple of tries. i am not the only one who has noticed this. Or you can try later.

Laskar ago

Okay. + You are welcome.

SayWhatNOWAY ago

Wasn't Robert Maxwell's own death suspicious? Another victim of the Clinton's?

Laskar ago

Yes it was.

Votescam ago

Agree that Vince Foster's death was likely murder.

Laskar ago


Laskar ago

My post is not about whether Sessions was truly corrupt or not. The only reason I even mentioned that allegation is: that is what they used to justify firing him. The point is, they could not very well say, "this guy was fired because the Clinton's were worried what he may look into".

EQJ ago

Don't forget the FBI vault release on the Vince Foster case. Of course lots of redactions but what was readable clearly showed a murder and not a suicide!!!

Laskar ago


Mad_As_Hell ago

I am familiar with the works of are_we_sure :)

Yeah looks like Sessions was fond of dipping into petty cash for his vacations and that's about the height of it. Not cool but in a world where the rich and powerful aren't held accountable for murder, child trafficking etc. it's hard to summon up much outrage

Laskar ago

Right. People may not realize what they are getting into?

SecondAmendment ago

Excellent post, @Laskar. So well-researched and very well written. Thank you very much.

Laskar ago

You are most welcome.

Laskar ago

And thank you for the kind words. It offsets the flack.

The_Crux ago

John Podesta's career really took off days after that Vince Foster suicide. It's because a lot of trust was gained about Podesta in that specific time frame for some unknown reason. He goes from little junior adviser guy who went to Clinton's alma mater (( Georgetown ), to the highest positions of trust within so short of a span.

Laskar ago

Thanks for pointing that out, though Foster did not commit suicide.

It's no coincidence where Podesta is concerned. Have an upvote.

Are_we_sure ago

This is a real dumb theory. You may read up on why Sessions was fired. He was under a big ethical cloud and Clinton basically was giving an opportunity to retire without being fired he didn't take that opportunity. From Wikipedia

Just before Bill Clinton was inaugurated as the 42nd President of the United States on January 20, 1993, allegations of ethical improprieties were made against Sessions. A report by outgoing Attorney General William P. Barr presented to the Justice Department that month by the Office of Professional Responsibility included criticisms that he had used an FBI plane to travel to visit his daughter on several occasions, and had a security system installed in his home at government expense. Janet Reno, the 78th Attorney General of the United States, announced that Sessions had exhibited "serious deficiencies in judgment." Although Sessions denied that he had acted improperly, he was pressured to resign in early July, with some suggesting that President Clinton was giving Sessions the chance to step down in a dignified manner. Sessions refused, saying that he had done nothing wrong, and insisted on staying in office until his successor was confirmed. As a result, President Clinton dismissed Sessions on July 19, 1993.

Clinton did not appoint a Clinton loyalist as his successor. He appointed a Republican close to Rudy Giuliani, Louis Freeh. The firing of Sessions had no effect on the Vince Foster case.

Mad_As_Hell ago

And Comey isn't under a big ethical cloud? Trump hasn't appointed a replacement yet so not sure what your point is

Are_we_sure ago

Who said anything about Comey?

Tyranny-News-Network ago

This is an absolutely killer synopsis of the Foster situation. I've often wondered about the lack of evidence that Foster left the WH, but never seriously considered the tunnel possibly.

It should also be illustrative of the "problem" to see the name Linda Tripp included in this narrative. The corruption is almost too total to be believed. Thanks for this!

Laskar ago

You are most welcome, TNN.

I thought it was worth posting to show "how they roll".

How could they get the body out and to another state without a tunnel? No blood, no powder burns.

Foster was going to resign because he couldn't take it anymore, but they killed him first.

And look at all the idiots screaming about Trump firing Comey, so funny when months ago, when they were afraid that Comey might go to town on the emails they said he should be removed, and now they are crying that Trump is a dictator. I think it's because the whole Foster affair was more to do with Hillary than with Bill of the Clinton Crime Family, to say nothing of the Clinton body count.

I was hoping someone would pick up on the Linda Trip (who urged Monica to "save the dress") inclusion. They hope the corruption is "too total to be believed"--that's their only hope really.

I refrained from including all the crap I found on Ken Starr as it gets to be a cluster*#@$.

remedy4reality ago

Tripp was the last person to see him alive !! That is mind blowing.

Laskar ago


Tyranny-News-Network ago

I refrained from including all the crap I found on Ken Starr...

I can imagine. You might have a ready response to a difficult question my research seems to boil down to. Take the JFK assassination for example. Or take the Sandy Hook event for example. In most scenarios I can fathom, there would always be a chance that someone would fail to turn up for the job or have second thoughts or have a change of heart and spill the beans. Yet the operations, or in the case of the Foster situation the cleanup proceeds with abandon. It can't just be the duties of the job or simple politics. Even threats or coercion don't seem a sufficient enough guarantee. It must be ideological at the very least. What do you think is the "glue" that binds these jerks?

Laskar ago

I have made several careful replies to your question. They have all been deleted (not by me). I spent hours trying to get the information to you.

Laskar ago

I spent an hour writing an answer, then deleted it. Actually, there is an answer, but not a safe or short one.

It's a great question that I have also had to grapple with for more years that I care to admit. What I found, I cannot say on this forum, but it has stood hard scrutiny. I do not want to be banned from VOAT as I believe it is very important for everyone to put ideas here and spread research and information on pizzagate in all it's dimensions.

The VOAT safe answer is that I found the consideration of the following to be useful:

Primarily, if you are confronted with something that does not make sense (such as three empires and several countries suddenly at war out of nowhere over the shooting of an archduke, for example), then you know you are being lied to--that the story you are hearing is not true. This applies even more to examining sources, and applying knowledge of science, ecclesiology, medicine, intellectual history, and even art.

We cannot ignore the fact that the intelligence services employ 6 to 10 million people in the USA alone, so they have many who will go along with whatever program or face summary "elimination". Many intelligence services have no borders.

People can be bribed or threatened into not "spilling the beans"-- and there are echelons of control and knowledge of what's really happening. "Brown Cow" in the Boston hoaxathon, for example, might be told to "walk into this store" but she has no idea why. Later, at the so called trial of Tsarnaev, she has her leg in a cast, is limping on the wrong foot and incorrectly using crutches, while all the footage of the "bomb scene" she is in shows her to be just fine and nowhere near anything happening. So that's one echelon of information, then you have another one in the media which fails to point out what a fraud she is. And there are many more layers than that.

In some recent hoaxes, such as Pulse/Orlando for example, they use people who have long rap sheets and leverage that. They also count on the fact that most people have zero real medical knowledge, and that the ones who do are content with numbers of casualties/fatalities, and not with details of crime, too busy etc.

Satanism, and all that garbage is just a front for intelligence services and a distraction so people get hung up on numerology, astrology and further and further from any real knowledge or truth.

In the 24 hour news cycle, "events" are crafted in a certain way and then presented by media for effect. For example, people do not realize that the footage of planes hitting buildings aired as being "live" was, in fact entirely created at the MIT Media Lab (DARPA). It was badly spliced in before the explosions. But the explosions were live. This created confusion because all the New Yorkers who were talking about explosions were just integrated into the desired narrative. later when people analyzed the footage frame by frame, then they said "well the whole thing was CGI" and people laughed because they knew that there really were explosions, etc. so the CGI proponents were summarily discredited. (okay this is just a little bit of an example and I do not want to go long on it here) We are dealing with television being used as trauma based mind control. Even Nixon said people will believe anything if it is on television.

Third: if you look at the Manhattan Project then you realized that hundreds of people kept that secret for a very long time. No doubt money counts, which is why it is useful in any investigation to "follow the money" and notice who controls money as well. It helps to have a cohesive group with ostensibly the same goal.

Lastly, the killing and/or discrediting of those who speak the truth requires a closer examination of what those people are actually saying, as well as a scrupulous second look at evidence presented, and the incorporation of new evidence. All of that needs to be put into the big picture throughout history. It's getting harder to do that, but if you can--a clear picture will emerge.

Where do people get information from? Always consider the source.

Example: the ancient Egyptians kept meticulous records which have survived and are well understood. Paid, skilled workers, with health plans and social services, living in multi-generational communities, who were Egyptians built the pyramids. Americans, especially Protestants imagine that the pyramids were built by Hebrew slaves, maybe they are fans of Cecil B. DeMille's Ten Commandments, which is a terrific movie, but it is not in any way factual. The Egyptians did not even call themselves pharaohs, but kings. There was no such thing as "Hebrew slaves" in all of Egyptian history--although at some point the Egyptians had colonized the Middle east up to Assyria--and here's the best part--although there are over 800 references to "Egypt"--a Greek name for that area---there is not one mention of any pyramid, yet this wonder of the ancient world was already very old at the time frame of the OT.

Please let me know when you have read this comment, so I can delete it.

Tyranny-News-Network ago

I've read it and will respond discretely, shortly.

Laskar ago

Great, looking forward to it.

Tyranny-News-Network ago

First, I'm surprised that your comments were removed. But you may have hit on something juicy. This response is to your later post.

I admit being a little disappointed that your answer to my question (what is the glue that binds...) wasn't a single, revelatory one... Amway or Scientologists. But I sense we share some suspicions in common. For instance, that aspects of history are completely invented for whatever reason. How could I rule out the glue being hidden in a part of history we don't know about? I've been particularly interested in the true nature of the Egyptian Kings, the "dark ages" and the "mongel hordes." Actually I'm plenty interested in many other historical mysteries.

Your info on the Boston fiasco was impressive. Obviously doing good research there. While on the topic, here's a warning of potential disinformation or distraction. I was a fan of Russ Baker's work on Boston. He was probably the best and most prolific of serious journalists. That is, until I visited his site, [whowhatwhy_com] about 6 or more months ago. The articles had suddenly become leftist playbook and notably statist. So I checked out his funder info and noticed Open Society Foundation. I just checked and that info doesn't seem to be on the site anymore. Maybe Russ has a strategy, but it's probably curtains for his outfit as far as usefulness to us.

FYI, my name is Peter Klein. Not Jewish or even antisemitic. Just strongly antijudaic. 😵

Pizzalawyer ago

I'm making this comment based upon memory and a very weak memory at that. I recall that there was either speculation or facts that hillary was aware of the Swiss bank account and was endeavoring to warn Foster that the authorities??? had found the account and had seized the funds. Hence Ken Starrs notes re: 3 phone calls from Hillary to her assistant to get hold of Foster. Foster was genuinely anguished i think when he realized he was in way over his head and the Clintons were hardly going to help him, they dragged him into their increasingly messy lives. I wouldn't be surprised if he had committed suicide, the pressures had to be unbearable but the evidence suggests foul play.

Laskar ago

Hillary worked with Foster and had an affair with him as she wanted a child (Bill shoots blanks which his hwy he got away with thousands of rapes, and dozens of affairs without fathering any children--he did not have a vasectomy). Probably Chelsea is Hubble's child--looks jsut like him. We all know that Hillary does not like men at this point--look at the testimony of Kathy O'Brien.

Foster knew too much and was going to resign; he spoke about this and wrote about it immediately before he was "suicided". He was supposed to have a private meeting with Bill to formally resign, but he was dead by then.

There was a massive coverup. Read the research.

I'd like to know how he ends up in Virginia, for one thing.

Pizzalawyer ago

Pushing Fosters body over the state line into a regulated park all but guaranteed a "clusterfuk" over whose gonna be in charge of evidence and investigation. I dont think the selection of his final resting place was any accident. Are there tunnels that extend that far out?

Laskar ago

That was my question.

We know there are tunnels from the WH to Camp David, which is pretty far ---at least 30 minutes by helicopter. They stopped giving tours through them recently: They may have even removed information from the site.

We don't yet know exactly where all the tunnels are, but we do know lots of children go missing in Virginia.

2impendingdoom ago

The Scalia blackmail murder theory says that Scalia travelled to Texas on a private plane with a lawyer named Foster. I always intended to see if there was a relation to Vince Foster. Also, I suspect that tunnels were used by Seth Rich's killer to avoid street cameras.

Laskar ago

I believe the Foster Scalia traveled with was C. Allen Foster.

2impendingdoom ago

that sounds right, its been awhile since I read the VT article. Are these Fosters related?

Viridia ago

Snopes was quick on the trigger to try to bury this too:

No doubt they left out the most suspicious parts.

Laskar ago

They left out the truth, except for the date. The Snopes article claims "it was deemed a suicide" as if someone could shoot themselves in the head twice, leave no blood, have no powder burns, do it with a gun no one laid claim to etc. etc. and their body turn up in another state.

Laskar ago

That Snopes jumps on it is telling in and of itself.

Snopes writes for people who were not adults in the 90s, who are severely brainwashed already or do not have an IQ above room temperature. They are pure disinfo as previous VOAT posts have attested.

duhiki ago

From a 1995 transcript of a radio interview with a former senior editor for Forbes:

Ties Foster, the Clintons, Robert Maxwell (father of Ghislaine, the right-hand woman of Jeffrey Epstein) to money laundering and spying via a banking program. Scalia helped to cover it up by failing to address the appendix to the report on Foster's death; the appendix was ordered to be attached to the report by a three judge panel, and contains information that contradicts what's in the "official" report. Fascinating stuff.

Laskar ago

Like I said, it's a deep rabbit hole.

Thanks for the link--I'll add it to the post.