Jem777 ago

This organization is a front company that uses the name of military operation to " rescue children " No suspects were chargeted. Suspects walked free,

crystalclearme ago

I emailed. I tweeted. I placed comments on their FB page. I was curious I was not accusatory. I want to know what the hell happened that no one was charged. I am not letting it go and am going to approach them again. If you would like to do the same or want me to let you know how it goes please pm me and I will do so. Pisses me off.

Koched_Up404 ago

Hate to rain on the parade but this is a puff piece.

All of the adults arrested in this operation have been released from custody.

Foreign participants in the trafficking were not even held or arrested according to numerous accounts. Of the nine Haitian nationals who were arrested, by Wednesday, March 15, 2017, none were still in police custody. Many civil society organizations across different sectors have expressed outrage since learning of the sting, that freed 31 girls, of at least, 14 minors, and the lack of justice which ensued.

Although it seems as though they are fighting child trafficking you have to wonder if this is not a 'feel good' story to put out in the press to show the general public that something is being done about child trafficking.

OUR worked in conjunction with the Haitain National Police in this raid. It's well established that the police forces in Haiti have been infiltrated and trained by DynCorp.

Don't fall for this farce of a bust, the story was broken by Glenn Beck for fucks sake.

lawfag123 ago


Laskar ago

I grieve for this child and all the other victims; my heart is broken, but it motivates me to continue to research and also to try and wake people up about this whole topic.

We must not stop publicizing this far and wide.

Nadeshda ago

Amen brother...

pete2016 ago

Shock video of UN soldiers apparently raping a Haitian teenager raises questions about why these 'peacekeepers' are there at all

Nadeshda ago

Just to let you all know, we are praying and fasting for these abdominable crimes to be brought to the light! And when I say, we, there are confirmed persons worldwide that stood yesterday in humility and asked the FATHER for help in this matter. With all the news today that is coming out... I am so encouraged and humbled.... we will be praying and fasting again next week Tuesday sundown to Wednesday sundown... and so on until this is resolved...

TheyLie ago

How about publicly castrating these pieces of human shit? No anesthesia.

ArthurEdens ago

We need 200,00 undercover agents making these busts 200 times a day around the world, then zero in on the judges and elite

pby1000 ago

They need to be arresting the high level people involved in this.

Charlie_Prime ago

I never heard of this organization.

Thank you for posting.

blablah ago

This organisation is just awesome. They're really digging into it and help where they can. I'm amazed!

blablah ago

Great! Get em all!