sugarskull ago

Wow....spectacular (snark). This collection should be called "Jeff Koons has photoshop".

ArthurEdens ago

expensive trashbags

carmencita ago

That is why I find this somewhat dangerous. This is the precursor to the normalization of pedophilia. Slowly one step at a time.If heis guilty of abuse himself, then he may certainly have ulterior motives for this selection.

LA_Trump ago

You're an unbelievable stupid person if you think that I'm a shill. Now get the fuck out, David Brock needs his balls fluffed.

Tanngrisnir ago

The title is kinda misleading. I don't think the classical artwork he ripped off should be labeled as such.

That said, Jeff Koons molested his own infant child and deserves to be lynched by the balls.

LA_Trump ago

My reddit history is proof that YOU are the shill.

LA_Trump ago

The Shills on Voat are out of control. David Brock and Shariablue are working overtime, but they will lose because they are Low Energy cucks. DO NOT GIVE UP THE FIGHT.

Upvoat this comment for visibility.

carmencita ago

Yes this is suspect. I am upvoating.

LA_Trump ago

When the fuck did I ever do that Liar?

YingYangMom ago

Misleading title. Misleading content. Downvoated.

ReyaPhemhurth ago

Who the eff are you even saying yes to? Yourself? You know...being a part of a conversation means talking to people other than yourself.

ReyaPhemhurth ago

Welcome to the conversation, asstwat!

It's nice to see you're taking a tiny little break from spam posting! Be careful though with all those dirty words because I think you're mom's going to be home soon. I'd hate for her to visit your basement dwelling to find out you've put on your cloak of loneliness and have been trying to participate in conversations outside of your league.

Aww, but you so do deserve a little pat on the head for at least trying, little fella.

ReyaPhemhurth ago

Where's the imagery? Where are you seeing it? Clarification would be great. :) Thank you.

YingYangMom ago

That's not a baby. It's got breasts!!!!

carmencita ago

Yes, it is a young pubescent girl. I find it sordid and extremely unpleasant. What a disgusting picture on a purse. This is not a innocent little peck on a cupid babe. This will be walking the streets. That is not my idea of a fashion statement.

ReyaPhemhurth ago

In my opinion....because that is an old painting....this might be a bit of a stretch. Just my opinion thought.

LA_Trump ago

  • James Alefantis infamous Instagram account contained art from Jeff Koons, an artist he admires

  • Jeff Koons sits on the board for international center for missing children, who's board members are all donors to Clinton Foundation and Podesta group

  • Koons headlined events in Qatar with "spirit-cooker" Marina Ambramovic

  • Qatar is known for funneling "oil money" to ISIS clandestinely.

  • Jeff Koons collaboration with Louis Vuitton launched today!

ReyaPhemhurth ago

That's a connection :) Thanks for the post!

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