ASolo ago

"Art forms are reflections so I don't think there are any subliminal tools employed."

And you write for Hollywood? Are you blind or simply misinformed? There is DIRECT psychological conditioning in EVERYTHING Hollywood does. Your losing me bud, something is telling me you either don't know what you're talking about or you don't know enough about what you are talking about. I will agree with your statement about how organic you say the issue is of pedophilia is in Hollywood, not as 'organized' as implied, however, what you describe is endemic in Hollywood, which makes it appear organized.

ASolo ago

Islam IS an Abrahamic religion.

ASolo ago

Still crypto brah, in the long run it is all pagan/nephilim god/goddess blood letting babylonian cults, and you're right, the papacy and jesuits pull all their strings. Ain't no back down the rabbit hole for me bro I know what's up. The Muslim Brotherhood is just one more faction toward the NWO goal.

huskyfly ago

yes you can use anything on the d.c. girls attacked.........i cant comment directly to you

ASolo ago

It's fun to feel that first hand perspective from your stories about Jean-Michel. That feeling was my favorite part about the breakout role Jeffrey Wright played in that 1996 movie of the same name. Although the movie seems to use that poetic license relatively freely with an ominous cast of characters that one feeling was what attracted me to Basquiat. Thank you for that it is perhaps one more gift he could pass on that could inspire other artists to create that innocently.

The Nicholson stories, although never boring to hear, seem to be quite prevalent, who hasn't got one? I would like to hear more though lol.

Kevin Spacey huh, yeah, we know about him, he likes 'english restrooms' if you know what I mean, is in Epstein's little black book, and is great friends with X-mens Bryan Singer. Speaking of Hollywood pedophilia, and as an artist yourself, what would you say about the pedophilic/hebo/bestial/homosexual undertones as an subliminal tool employed in his films? Not to mention the real life legal struggles Mr Singer has encountered over the years. Any additional tea spil't here?

I think your words are wise about most of what you say, I'm intrigued and would thoroughly enjoy opening up an alternative line of communication.

ASolo ago

Just LOOK at that cast!

Basquiat (1996)

Jeffrey Wright Michael Wincott Rene Ricard Benicio Del Toro Benny Dalmau Claire Forlani Gina Cardinale David Bowie Dennis Hopper Bruno Bischofberger Gary Oldman Albert Milo Christopher Walken Willem Dafoe Jean-Claude La Marre Parker Posey Elina Löwensohn Annina Nosei Paul Bartel Henry Geldzahler Courtney Love Tatum O'Neal

ASolo ago

Now there's some interestingly strong tea. I appreciate your reply. Hmm. I guess that really says alot about the Qatar/Saudi connection, vein, lobbying, that exists in the DC area and 'the Golden Triangle' area of Washington DC

DC Street Scorcery: Pizzagate and The DuPont Circle Tetrahedron

Archived Connecting the Podesta-Saudi Child Sex Slave Dots

It seems to me also that part of the sneaky leftist platform is a very duplicitous hegelian dialectic. First, they promote and fund liberal/left programs, LGBTQ, or politically correct gender confusion issues to stir up the pot, cause a number of socio-economic catalysts, withdraw their support for those organizations in favor of the hard line wahhabi islam, which has been proven to be an old testament law observing crypto-jew creation in and of itself which is all truly only an extension of the babylonian blood letting cult of baal/enki.

awarenessadventurer ago


One of our principal efforts in our advocacy of human rights has revolved around the ever worsening violations & crimes against humanity under the feudal Salafi Arab emirates of the Persian Gulf. For those who aren’t familiar with Salafism, it is the brand of Islam practiced & advocated by the Taliban & Al-Qaeda terrorist networks.

It is important for people to understand that these genocidal Safalist regimes are state-sponsors of terror & have enabled the mass slaughter & butchery of countless Muslims—both Shi’a & Sunni—as well as Christians, Kurds, Yezidi, Turkmen & many other ethnic groups of the region.

Even worse, the ruling Salafist families of these murderous regimes engage in all manner of sexual perversions & crimes, from violent, state-sanctioned rape of women, men & children, forced prostitution of women & children in secret brothels, and other such evil behavior that in any civil society would not be tolerated. Yet the United States, United Kingdom, France & Germany grant the bloodthirsty rulers of these regimes carte blanche to do whatever they want due to their spending tens of billions of dollars & pounds on high-value (blue chip) Western art, billions more each year on arms, aircraft & naval purchases, as well as another few billion for the hiring of private armies consisting mostly of Mexican & Columbian soldiers of international drug cartels. If you already thought these terrorist-sponsoring tyrants were bad, they are infinitely worse than anyone could possibly imagine.

We strive to keep our business dealings clean & free of the blood money that flows out of the terrorist-sponsoring feudal Arab regimes of the Persian Gulf. Likewise, we refuse to do business with any artist, gallery or museum that has financial or trade connections to such regimes, and we encourage you not to patronize these establishments either.

Among the artists & institutions that help enable the Salafi barbarism, migrant slavery & terrorist atrocities of the Persian Gulf region are:

Guggenheim Foundation, New York Louvre, Paris Tate Museums, London British Council, London Damien Hirst, artist Larry Gagosian, art dealer Charles Saatchi, art collector

yourtruthseeker ago

I'm suspicious of this thread, cointelpro??

ASolo ago

Another lead:

Ryan Ross and Mitch Denowitz -Palm Beach Florida

Sells Koons and Robert Indiana made famous by his hippy "Love" artwork

Denowitz family organized the "Woodstock" festival, three days of hippies taking bad acid, dancing and having sex in their own feces.

ASolo ago

I wonder if Basquiat's big downfall along with the heroin wasn't when he started fucking with Madonna and her skanky ass in the 80's.

ASolo ago

"Abramovich emerged as a major buyer in the international art auction market. He purchased Lucian Freud’s Benefits Supervisor Sleeping for US$33.6 million (a record price for a work by a living artist)."


Lucian Freud ran up half a million pounds in gambling debts with the gangster Kray twins, who reportedly ran a child abuse ring for top people.



AssFaceSandwich2 ago

Savile. Sa-vil, not sa-ville

ASolo ago

What does the CIA care about art? Nothing, clearly. But that is not the point. The point is that I do not wish to work for the CIA, helping them to sell their newspapers and magazines.

That said, the corporate/government squid does have some interest in the art market, as I have shown in recent papers. Art is a big unregulated business, worth billions a year, and so you would not expect it to be free of the corporate/government mobsters. Like everything else, the art market is controlled from the top down, and it is controlled to benefit a few rich people. It is not set up to benefit art history, much less the artist or the art lover. It is set up to benefit the speculators and the swindlers. That is why you see the obscenely inflated trade in objects of no intrinsic value or worth: it is the art analogue to the derivatives market. Modern art is not really art, it is an art derivative, a manufactured “art market instrument.”

Which leads us to an interesting diversion, and my title here. If Modern art is a derivative, what is the underlying asset? In other words, a derivative in the financial markets is defined as a contract (or bet) based on the performance of an underlying asset with real value, such as gold. But what real asset is a Modern art derivative based on? Since a work of Modern art is a big nothing, there must be something of value that is underlying the trade. What is it? It is the prestige attached to the name “art,” and the prestige attached to spending a large sum of money on something you can point to as “art.” So the real commodity in art is no longer the artifact, it is the perceived prestige attached to the sale. In a way, this is what Robert Hughes meant when he said art had become “monetized.” But I am taking the idea a lot further than Hughes did, since I am showing you that art is not just monetized, it is now based on a psychological state. Prestige is not a “tangible” asset, in the sense that you cannot touch it. Prestige is simply a feeling that a buyer has. The underlying asset in the art derivatives market is a feeling. Art has not just been monetized, it has been psychologized.

But of course this makes art like a fiat currency, since it is based on nothing but consumer confidence. Art, like a fiat currency, depends entirely upon the emotional states of those involved. Modern art is again like a fiat currency, in that it is backed by nothing but an empty guarantee. The paper dollar is backed by the guarantee of the Federal Reserve, but since the Federal Reserve is bankrupt, that guarantee is worth nothing. Likewise, the guarantee of the art market is worth nothing, since it is also bankrupt (and has been since about 1910). The art market has been existing on nothing but credit/default swaps—the art being the default—since before the First World War, and only crushing ignorance about everything to do with both art and economics has kept confidence high.

MODERN ART as a Market Derivative or Credit/Default Swap

ASolo ago




ASolo ago


I Would Like to File a Suspicious Transactions Report on the entire 20th century

“Money laundering in the art world should be considered a big problem,” says Judge Fausto Martin De Sanctis, a federal judge who is releasing a book on the subject this month. In Money Laundering through Art: a Criminal Justice Perspective, he argues that international justice systems, regulatory bodies and police forces are inadequately equipped to detect and investigate such criminal activity. “Proceeds from various crimes can be easily laundered through the purchase of works of art thanks to a big loophole—a lack of awareness and regulation,” he says."

ASolo ago

"All the writers from 2013 implied that money laundering in the artworld was a relatively new phenomenon, one they had been clued into by the ever-rising prices at auction for current (not OldMaster) work. They also assured us that the problem was limited. Both these things are false. Modernism has been a money laundering scheme of one sort or another since the beginning. And I mean all of it. In other words, it is a manufactured market, manufactured to move large sums of money around without regulation and without suspicion." -Mathis

ASolo ago

391, very interesting and believable testimony. Not often we get to meet those who have been in the periphery of fame, and not even know it at the time. Its great fun to experience and view history first hand instead of through the rose colored glasses Hollywood would like us to see it through. Do you have any more interesting nuggets for us. Spill some tea.

Sermo_Ludere ago

Well done.

The take-away of course, is that this is HUGE, global, ancient, and will burn down the entire house to protect itself.

awarenessadventurer ago

I think that about sums it up. And once again, yeah we are getting a clearer picture of how it all works. But what the hell can we do about it? Clearly these guys get off free and nothing sticks. This will never be about pizzagate so I tried to follow a thread that would break down and expose another aspect perhaps a more realistic prosecutable offense. NOw that I have seen this its around every corner, its been going on 4ever and it lurks in every shadow, out in the open, and everywhere in between. It doesnt really matter to itslef because it KNOWS IT LIVES. And "IT" would rather take us down a path of total destruction that expose itself. What else is there to do is my main question in all this. What ACTIONABLE thing would make a bit of difference. Wheel spinning at its finest.

awarenessadventurer ago

Bidoun - Wikipedia Bidoun is a non-profit organization focused on art and culture from the Middle East and its diasporas. Bidoun was founded as a print publication in 2004 Letter to the Editor bidoun

Greetings, My number is XXX and I do not use Skype but I think you can contact me with that and we can talk. I am almost always home except for an errand or two. The problem is not with XXX. As you said, “XXX is the best” and I have found XXX to be a real breath of fresh air in a profession where that is all too rare. I am the skunk at the garden party and am very sorry it turned out that way. The unedited version of the transcript of the conversation was not really a problem for me. Where the difficulty lies is that in the place I live free speech is simply not an option, in particular the type of speech I engage in — and what you read is exactly the way that I talk, no attempt to prettify it, because truth to tell, the situation is absolutely rotten as is most of the politics and the political elites in the XXX world. Ditto for XXX and his minions though it must be said that XXX brings a lot more sophistication with his game… How else could he be shredding the constitution with assassinations at whim and obliterating XXX without what I always thought was the sacred secular right of a trial by a jury of one’s peers. Enough of that. My reason for pulling back is quite simple: high tension in the region, XXX being on a war footing, XXX, the authorities here — in addition to their deep-seated paranoia — are fully aware that the XXX for XXX is regime change in one form or another and in that they are absolutely correct, XXX being bent on baiting the XXX into blitzing XXX. I don’t think he will succeed in that, but it is very possible that the XXX on Thursday could be a riposte to the ill-chosen words of XXX making plain that an attack on XXX would be considered an attack on XXX. I am already at odds with things the way they stand here. As one example, I have been without a passport and any form of identification since the incident involving XXX and my telling the XXX he was in government custody which he was and still is, XXX protestations notwithstanding. The list is longer and the consequences for me have been far more profound but not subject for this missive. My dilemma is this: appearing in any foreign publication, no matter how benign or sanitized, would be sufficient pretext for my being incarcerated and possibly more than that — as I have history of not going quietly into the night, so to speak — the odds are heavily stacked against me but even at this advanced age I simply do not respond well to unjust force, regardless of who the perpetrators may be. Frankly, officialdom does not mean a damn thing to me, in particular when it comes in the form of tyranny. If you want to send me an edited version of the conversations I had with XXX, I would be happy to read the same. But the issue is that anything printed related to me, however innocuous, would be sufficient pretext for XXX to come poking around or even ask me to show up in their offices which I would reflexively refuse to do and then the real would commence. By all means send it and by all means do call me because somehow I am intrigued by the premise of the Bidoun phenomenon and if it does not work this time around, perhaps there will be other occasions. At the moment however, I am of the opinion that something very much like war is going to take place between XXX and XXX. The obvious truth is that XXX has for long months been engaged in acts of war against XXX but the corporate media is sanitizing all that, knowing full well that XXX is an act of war. Being stuck between two very different types of tyranny tends to make one keep his/her head down and that is what I am into at the moment. Still I would like to hear what you say and read what you edit but it is more than likely that I would still have to decline because I have a life to live, however truncated, and am not inclined to risk what small freedoms I enjoy for a magazine piece that could turn my small world upside down at warp speed. But I do sincerely appreciate your concern. And again the fault is mine alone and not XXX’s. Thank you for taking the time to read this and you are free to call anytime. —XXX







A Very Still Life Jack Kevorkian and the muse of genocide


awarenessadventurer ago

2009 "Gagosian has evidently pulled out of Moscow for the time being" THIS IS WHEN THE ALLEGATIONS OF BUYING 'SEX SLAVES' FROM ABROMOVICH WAS MADE. post indictment. POSTED AUGUST 18, 2009

Gagosian Opens New Outpost in Athens This fall Gagosian Gallery opens an eighth selling outpost with the launch of a new Greek gallery at 3 Merlin Street in Athens, reports Lindsay Pollock. The inaugural show, “Leaving Paphos Ringed with Waves,” features Cy Twombly paintings. Gagosian has evidently pulled out of Moscow for the time being, according to the gallery website, but has opened an office in Hong Kong. Pollock reports that shipping heiress Marina Livanos will be running Gagosian’s Greek venture.

In addition to Athens and a Hong Kong office, Gagosian operates sites in New York, London, Rome, and Beverly Hills.


There is a lot of research going on that is unearthing some interesting overlaps between the Orphanage Industrial complex, Qatari funding and the modern art world. a map.

awarenessadventurer ago

Larry Gagosian’s Real Estate Wheelings and Dealings Larry Gagosian Buys and Sells Buildings the Same Way He Does Art—Behind Closed Doors; If he wasn't dealing art, "I’d probably be in real estate."


GARGOSIAN - New York Sales Tax Settlement Could Change The Way Art World (And Others) Do Business INSTEAD OF GETTING TRULY BUSTED, THEY GIVE HIM THE POWER TO SET UP HIS OWN UNREGULATED SHPPING AND AVOID TAX ALTOGETHER. THIS GUY NEVER GETS IN ANY TROUBLE. HE JUST SLIMES RIGHT ON THROUGH. "As part of Gagosian’s settlement, it agreed to introduce a new code of conduct that requires it to establish a wholly-owned division to facilitate the shipment of art from the gallery's New York locations to out-of-state clients. The shipping division will arrange for shipping by selecting a carrier and entering into a principal-agent contract with such carrier for the shipment of art outside of New York. Unless an out-of-state buyer agrees to use Gagosian's shipping division, the gallery will collect New York sales tax when it ships art out-of-state."

NY DA SCHNEIDERMAN HAS BEEN AFTER THESE GUYS. HE KNOWS. HE HAS BEEN AFTER GAGOSIAN FOR YEARS. or maybe he is in on it. hard to say with these guys. there is alot of threads in this report below.

2016 The Re-emergence of Art Market Tax Investigations - and the Domestic Freeport as a Tax Safe Haven

Historical Investigations by the DA’s Office and Other State Law Enforcement In 2003, the Manhattan DA’s Office launched an investigation into fine art galleries, dealers, and private collectors violating New York State and City sales tax regulations. The probe focused on high-end art sellers who skirted charging their New York customers sales tax by shipping empty containers to out-of-state locations such as New Jersey and Connecticut. See “Art-World Crime Wave?”, Artnet News (July 25, 2003)

awarenessadventurer ago


"To me, that makes the most significant part of the settlement one that Randy Kennedy's Times story only mentions in passing: To insure full compliance going forward, Gagosian "has agreed to set up a new shipping company of its own." True, plenty of galleries already pack/crate works and make local deliveries via their preparators. But the decision to set up a dedicated in-house shipping company would be unprecedented, to my knowledge. More importantly, it would slide a new component into elite galleries' increasingly "full stack" approach to client services. If you thought the high end of the sector was already feeling corporate, the trend lines point us toward a future where its members become fully autonomous, vertically integrated megaliths, with no need to hire out for anything. And by giving Gagosian another nudge in that direction, Schneiderman probably deserves to have his likeness printed on every urinal screen in the art-services sector."

I suspect we will find connections to human & organ trafficking, money laundering and inflated "art" deals of stolen or faked art. coming together. just trying to map this component as i believe it is the key to the pizzgate ring in how they move money and use it for political and sick aims.

MORE ON SHPPING CONTAINERS. HE SEEMS TO FOCUS ON ART DEPENDING UPON WHAT HE IS UP TO (See earlier Gargosian artists moving from Guns, Pills/Drugs, Children, Money and now Shipping Containers. (my observation) you can actually track it.

Interesting little piece on art "using a shipping container as a camera" seriously. you cant make this shit up. November 20, 2015

"Vera Lutter's "mini retrospective" of photographs opens on November 21st at The Museum of Fine Arts, Houston in Texas. Here, she talks to Gagosian's Derek Blasberg about her MFA Houston exhibition, using a shipping container as a camera, and her place in photography as we enter a digital age."

How did this show in Houston come about? The chief curator of photography at the Museum of Fine Arts in Houston, Malcolm Daniel, was formerly the chief curator of photography at the Met in New York, so I’ve known him for twenty years. We met soon after my graduate show—I attended the School of Visual Arts in New York—in 1994. He had heard about my work but the show was down, so he came to my apartment, because at the time I didn’t have a studio. I guess he liked what he saw because he became a big champion of my work and the Met became one of my greatest supporters. In fact, it was through the Met that I was introduced to Larry Gagosian. So, when Malcolm moved to Houston and had an opening in his programming schedule, he invited me to collaborate with him again, and of course I was elated.

I’m often drawn to your more industrial images, were any of these selected for the show? Yes, there’s an oilrig that I photographed in a German shipyard, and it’s one of my favorite pieces. It’s from 2000 and it’s called Kvaerner Shipyard, Rostock Warnemünde, IX: December 5, 2000. I used to title my works according to the place where they were photographed, but I was forced to stop doing that when I discovered that another photographer was traveling to those locations in an attempt to duplicate my work.

One of your most iconic series, and one of my favorites, is your work from the Pepsi Cola factory. Yes, that’s in the show as well. I photographed these works in 1998, so it’s one of my earliest series. I discovered the Pepsi Cola sign one night when I was out with my friends and we were driving down the east side of Manhattan, and there it was across the river in Long Island City. The factory allowed me to use their roof to set up my equipment for the picture, and then they let me photograph the inside of their factory too, which lead to many more conceptual images, such as Pepsi Cola Interior, XXIII: July 1–31, 2003.

Talk to me a little bit about your process. How do you find a location? Most often things start with an idea in my head, and many times I don’t even know the location. I get an image in my head and then I look for it in the world and for a space to realize it. Sometimes people will make suggestions to me. There’s an image of a massive mining machine in the show, that my mother told me about. She said this would be a great subject for me, so I went and saw it, and she was totally right.

The first “camera obscura” that you ever created was in your apartment. You turned your entire apartment into a camera. How has your technique evolved? Well, I don’t have a studio apartment anymore. That’s the good news! But the process is the same. I still work with a camera obscura, which can be a room, it can be my studio, it can be a cabin I build or a shipping container that I rent. I always take the easiest route. If there’s nothing, I’ll build a little house or rent a shipping container. At the Pepsi Cola bottling factory in Long Island City, it wasn’t possible to crane a shipping container onto the roof, so my friends and I built a little cabin, and that became my camera.

awarenessadventurer ago


Guest List - Maria Abramovic Satanic Celebrity Cannibal Party / Kreëmart at the MoCA Annual Gala 11-12-11 (pizzagate) submitted 3 months ago by adam_danischewski MOCA Gala raises $2.5 million with Marina Abramovic's "An Artist's Life Manifesto"

An Artist's Life Manifesto, hosted by Gala Chairs Maria Arena Bell and Eli Broad, Honorary Gala Chairs Larry Gagosian and Dasha Zhukova, who was also in attendance, together with MOCA Director Jeffrey Deitch, began with cocktails in the MOCA galleries, including a private preview of the exhibition Naked Hollywood: Weegee in Los Angeles, which opened to the public on November 13. Curated by art historian Richard Meyer, the exhibition is the first museum survey devoted to the body of work that the tabloid photographer known as Weegee produced in Southern California. Guests also previewed the work of Kenneth Anger, also in attendance that night, in the exhibition Kenneth Anger: ICONS, which showcases the films, books, and artwork of one of the most original filmmakers of American cinema. Guests were offered what Abramović called Post-Human Cocktails, provided by Purity Vodka. After previewing the exhibitions, guests proceeded to the gala tent, where they were fitted with crisp, white lab coats before entering the main event.

"Marina Abramović choreographed an extraordinary art performance in which all of our guests were participants," commented MOCA Director Jeffrey Deitch "It fused an art experience with a social experience."

"We at MOCA are honored to have had Marina Abramović serve as this year's gala artistic director," said Gala Chair Maria Arena Bell. "We are very grateful for her time and talent in presenting a brand new work at the museum. This continues MOCA's tradition of transforming the museum gala into an experiential, once-in-a-lifetime artwork created by a leading contemporary artist."

MOCA trustees in attendance included Co-Chair David G. Johnson and wife Suzanne Nora Johnson, Board President Jeffrey Soros and wife Catherine Soros, Board Vice-Chair Fred Sands and wife Carla Sands, Chair Emeritus Clifford J. Einstein and wife Mandy Einstein, President Emeritus Dallas Price-Van Breda and husband Bob Van Breda, along with trustees Wallis Annenberg, Charles L. Conlan II, Gary Cypres, Kathi Cypres, Laurent Degryse, Gil Friesen, Susan Gersh, NancyJane Goldston, Richard J. Grad, Lilly Tartikoff Karatz and husband Bruce Karatz, Lauren King, Daniel S. Loeb, Edward J. Minskoff and wife Julie Minskoff, Steven T. Mnuchin and wife Heather Mnuchin, Peter Morton, Carolyn Powers, Steven F. Roth, Darren Star, and Jamie Tisch. Also in attendance were Life Trustees Blake Byrne and Frederick M. Nicholas.

STAR ARRIVALS MOCA's gala drew hundreds of international guests from the worlds of art, politics, design, fashion, and music. In addition to guests noted above, other attendees included MOCA Chief Curator Paul Schimmel; Hedi Slimane, whose exhibition Hedi Slimane: California Song is currently on view at MOCA Pacific Design Center; Tim Blum and Jeff Poe, who hosted a dinner for MOCA donors the evening prior; actors Devon Aoki, Rosanna Arquette, Albert Brooks and his wife the artist Kimberly Brooks; Lisa Eisner, Alice Eve, Linda Ramone, Abigail Spencer, Sela Ward, and Sean Young. Fashion world icons, such as Rodarte's Kate & Laura Mulleavy, Maurice Marciano, Jeremy Scott, Phoebe and Annette Stephens of Anndra Neen, Cameron Silver, Pamela Skaist-Levy and Gela Nash-Taylor of Juicy, and stylists George Kotsiopoulos and Rachel Zoe were also in attendance, as well as violinist Hahn-Bin; Creative Time's Anne Pasternak; collectors Eugene Sadovoy, Nicolas Berggruen, Eva Chow, Amy Phelan and husband John Phelan, and Liz Swig; Jacqui Getty; and Liz Goldwyn. Other noteworthy artists in attendance included, Amy Bessone, Mark Bradford, Brian Butler, Rosson Crow, Piero Golia, Mark Grotjahn, Thomas Houseago, Nate Lowman, Adam McEwen, Ed Moses, Ryan Trecartin, and Francesco Vezzoli.

An Artist's Life Manifesto continued in the main tent, decorated in black box fashion with mirrors and dark walls, a concept and design realized by Carleen Cappelletti, president of Bounce-AEG, who also produced the event. Inside the tent, everyone wore lab coats over their evening attire—a detail of Abramović's setting for artistic experimentation. Performers were stationed under black-cloaked dinner tables as live centerpieces, their heads popping out from holes cut into the tables and slowly rotating around. The centerpieces engaged in non-verbal exchanges with guests who chose to interact with them, meeting the gazes of the diners as they ate and drank. Other guests sat down to a reenactment of Abramović's Nude with Skeleton (2002, 2005, 2010) work in which female performers were situated under skeletons on rotating platforms at the center of round dinner tables.

Maria Arena Bell and Eli Broad welcomed the crowd, followed by remarks by Deitch and then Abramović, who thanked guests for their participation in the experiment, pointed out the cards at everyone's place setting that instructed guests to "look, but do not touch," and invited guests to silently communicate with the performers: "The centerpiece will observe you. You may observe the centerpiece...please respect the rules." As she left the stage, two sets of shirtless male performers acted as pallbearers, carrying two shrouded bodies across and off the stage, a foreshadowing of what was to come. Suddenly, singer Svetlana Spajic entered and began performing selections from Robert Wilson's The Life and Death of Marina Abramović, capturing the attention of guests. After Spajic left the stage, Abramović appeared and began reciting portions from her Artist's Manifesto. As she recited lines, responses came booming from performers lining the tent’s periphery, who then began to filter onto the stage, single file, and engage in a spirited call and response with Abramović.

After the Artist's Manifesto, guests continued to engage with the performers as they dined on their first course of what Abramović called The Survival MOCA Dinner, consisting of three plated courses prepared by Along Came Mary: Super Human Cocktails provided by Purity Vodka and Rauschenberg Spirit. Sauvignon Blanc and Cabernet Sauvignon from Summerfield Wines accompanied the first course, the John Cage Symphony, a tower of frisée, endive, quinoa, tomato concasse and dates, with roasted shallot vinaigrette and topped with crispy onions, along with various amuse bouches and assortment of breads. The main course, the De Kooning Power Mix, was a roasted filet of beef, sautéed kale and mushrooms, baked root vegetables, roasted artichokes with a rouille, demi glace sauce. A vegetarian and fresh fish dish were also available.

While guests dined, the pallbearers returned to the stage carrying a cloaked Deborah Harry, who emerged in white lab coat, which she promptly stripped off to reveal a tight blood-red cocktail dress. Harry treated guests to a rousing performance of "China Shoes," "Heart of Glass," "One Way or Another," "What I Heard," and "Mother," bringing the crowd to its feet. Guests danced around the stage, relishing an intimate, once-in-a-lifetime experience with the pop icon and legend.

The evening concluded with a surprise finale, dessert prepared by Kreëmart, the Manhattan-based creative entity founded by Raphael Castoriano, which pairs artists with pastry chefs to give the former the opportunity to create via the ephemeral, unique medium of dessert. Guests watched as the pallbearers reappeared carrying "bodies," which were unveiled by Harry and Abramović to reveal naked figures of themselves, decorated with white chocolate fondant. Wielding carving knives, Harry and Abramović, then sliced open their likenesses to reveal red velvet (Harry) and rich chocolate (Abramović) cake inside. Two performers then took over, cutting apart their edible body parts to serve gala guests, who enjoyed the Kreëmart creation along with illy coffee, and Andy Warhol Addictions—pear tarte tatin, brown-sugar-cane wafers, chocolate-espresso molten cakes, pecan bites, and roasted red grapes.

As guests fanned out into downtown L.A. and beyond, lab coats still on or in hand, it was clear that all in attendance had experienced a new kind of gala, which transformed them from spectators into participants in an interactive performance art piece.

awarenessadventurer ago

This 4 chan i believe i posted above earlier, but in review it is loaded with ties of how this money trade moves and the connections. Of course Gagosian featured prominently along with Koons, Clinton, Abramovich and the Oligarchs and Quitar royal family. Need to look into shipping business further. Drug and Arms trade appears to be prevalent.

write up w/ working links is at Reddit

Qatar, a nation known for funneling oil money to ISIS through clandestine banking channels, has taken a keen interest in Jeff Koons, and not just his artwork either. A frequent guest of the Qatari royal family, Jeff Koons has played a major role in the development of their billion dollar Museum of Modern Art. In January of 2015, Jeff Koons and Marina Abramovic headlined a high profile invitation only event in Doha, Qatar hosted by Her Excellency Sheikha Al Mayassa bint Hamad bin Khalifa Al-Thani, chairwoman, Qatar Museums, and Arthur O. Sulzberger, Jr., chairman and publisher, The New York Times Company. Sotheby’s and QNB are the headline sponsors for the Art for Tomorrow conference. “The hostess of the evening (Her Excellency Sheikha Al Mayassa bint Hamad bin Khalifa Al-Thani) sat laughing with the pony-tailed Japanese artist on her right. On her left was Dakis Joannou, a Greek-Cypriot industrialist and avid collector of the work of Jeff Koons, an American sculptor. Larry Gagosian, whom many regard as the most powerful art dealer in the world, was placed at a table nearby, with the other art dealers” KEEP IN MIND, THIS IS THE SISTER OF THE EMIR OF QATAR. THIS IS THE WOMAN IN CHARGE OF QATAR’S $1BILLION / YEAR ART ACQUISITION. THIS WAS A BIG EVENT W/ HUNDREDS PROMINENT FIGURES IN THE WORLD ART SCENE IN ATTENDANCE. DOZENS OF BILLIONAIRES IN ATTENDENCE. He’s With Her: Larry Gagosian to Host Fundraising Auction for Hillary Clinton at 21st Street Gallery JEFF KOONS AND LARRY GAGOSIAN GO BACK A LEAST A DECADE. THIS ARTICLE ABOUT LARRY GAGOSIAN SHOWS A PHOTOGRAPH OF THE TWO TOGETHER IN 2005. GAGOSIAN IS APPARENTLY ONE OF ONLY TWO DEALERS WHO WORK DIRECTLY WITH KOONS., DESPITE THIS, IN 2008 HE PAID $23.5 MILLION AT SOTHEBY’S FOR JEFF KOON’S “HANGING HEART” Koons acted as curator of an Ed Paschke exhibition Anonymous ID:rR/2o8vo Sun 20 Nov 2016 23:45:31 No.99543967 Report Koons acted as curator of an Ed Paschke exhibition at Gagosian Gallery, New York, in 2009. In 2010 he curated an exhibition of works from the private collection of Greek billionaire Dakis Joannou at the New Museum in New York City. The exhibition, Skin Fruit: Selections from the Dakis Joannou Collection, generated debate concerning cronyism within the art world as Koons is heavily collected by Joannou and had previously designed the exterior of Joannou's yacht Guilty. "I love it here," said Jeff Koons. "This is my sixth time in Doha since 2000." Koons denied that he had a project in Qatar, saying rather that he liked taking his kids for buggy rides in the sand dunes." "Doha: Plastic and ready-made, it’s a city built for Jeff Koons... A frequent guest of the Qatari royal family, the artist is in the desert peninsula’s capital to headline the New York Times Art for Tomorrow conference. For a cool $1,995, attendees from around the globe enjoy a three-day confab, which also features Marina Abramović, Jeffrey Deitch, Marc Spiegler, and Hans Ulrich Obrist, as well as cyborg artists, sheikhs, and corporate philanthropists, all in conversation with Times journalists Roger Cohen, Robin Pogrebin, and Farah Nayeri." His work is widely collected in the US & Europe, where some collectors acquire his work in depth. Eli Broad has 24 pieces, and Dakis Joannou owns 38. Dakis Joannou He is considered to be one of the leading collectors of European and American contemporary art in the world, and is famous for acquisitions such as the Jeff Koons-designed yacht ‘Guilty’. Joannou is active in the hospitality sector, with holdings in the Inter-Continental Hotel in Athens and through Yes! Hotels Joannou is also involved in several other industries including bottling, shipping, aviation, and real estate. Primary areas of business located in the Middle East, North Africa, and Southeastern Europe. Jeff Koons Correct the Record

According to FEC filings, Jeff Koons donated Anonymous ID:k0sdCCl+ Sun 20 Nov 2016 23:46:13 No.99544028 Report

99543859 Money laundering to fund ISIS Anonymous ID:rR/2o8vo Sun 20 Nov 2016 23:46:35 No.99544073 Report Jeff Koons Correct the Record

According to FEC filings, Jeff Koons donated $50,000 USD to correct the record, a political hit squad founded by David Brock, a close associate of John Podesta and James Alefantis. Jeff Koons has donated more than $50,000 in cash and through his work to support the US presidential candidate ICMEC held its first Board of Directors meeting in May 1998. It was officially launched in April 1999 at the British Embassy in Washington, D.C., by Hillary Clinton, then-First Lady of the United States, and Cherie Blair, wife of British Prime Minister Tony Blair.

Koons is a member of the Board of Directors of the International Centre for Missing & Exploited Children (ICMEC), a global nonprofit organization that combats child sexual exploitation, child pornography, and child abduction. In 2007, Koons, along with his wife Justine, founded the ICMEC Koons Family Institute on International Law and Policy. It is the International Centre's research arm.

Enter PodestaGroup – Owned by you guessed it, Tony the Pedo Podesta and his brother John Spirit Cooking Podesta.

Lobbyists Set to Fight Royalty Bill for Artists Sotheby’s hired the Podesta Group. This same auction house is selling hundreds of millions of dollars in art to Qatar including a "Cezanne" that sold for $250 million Tony Podesta is quite the art trader. This article goes inside his home and explores his collection. It mentions he rotates the pieces often. Go inside power lobbyist, philanthropist and contemporary art collector Tony Podesta’s Kalorama home Some of his favorite artists are mentioned Louise Bourgeois, Andy Warhol Marina Abramovic imagine that

ASolo ago

Does this alliance roll back into the Saudi investments in The Golden Triangle district of Connecticut Ave, Comet Ping Pong and Washington DC?

awarenessadventurer ago

MORE ALLEGATIONS OF THE SEEDY ART MARKET AND MONEY LAUNDERING. It seems no one misses an opportunity to mention Larry Gagosian when it comes to allegations of money laundering, drug trade and general criminal conduct in the art world.

Does the art market need more regulation? Henry Little 29 JUNE 2015

As the art market becomes ever more international, does the trade need to be more carefully supervised, and whose interests are in need of the greatest protection? (exerpts below)

Recent art market commentary presents a new and unusual crisis: too much money. At the World Economic Forum in Davos in January 2015, the American economist Nouriel Roubini made a well-publicised plea for greater regulation of the art market. Roubini’s argument is straightforward enough: as ‘a new and separate asset class’, traded in what he argues is an opaque market with ‘serious distortions’ and ‘shady behaviour’, reform and regulation are needed. Roubini is not a lone voice in this. In the Deloitte Art and Finance Report 2014, the American lawyer Steven Schindler argues that the market ‘still falls short of meeting the investing class, in terms of regulatory structure, information availability and clear title’.

In such a large global market, worth just over €51 billion in 2014, according to the TEFAF Art Market Report 2015, Roubini points out that private banks and financial institutions are lending money with art as collateral. Art investment funds proliferate, trading in a market with greater price transparency but without fundamental pricing models, creating a market subject to ‘fads, fashions, manias – and potentially bubbles’, which may or may not be about to burst catastrophically. So far, so familiar.

On the point of reform and regulation, Roubini stresses that the market remains opaque, despite relative improvement, with art ‘used for both tax evasion and tax avoidance in the United States and abroad’. It similarly presents a readily accessible ‘conduit for money laundering’, with price opacity facilitating insider trading and outright manipulation, and few checks on the origins of payments for private treaty sales. The apparent contradiction regarding increasing price transparency requires some explanation. Looking at the availability of information over the past 20 years, there has been an exponential increase in both the amount of sale records accessible online and the volume of analysts examining art market data with increasingly scientific rigour. Anyone with an internet connection can trawl the artnet sales database, or similar resources, to check the auction price for a work, or prices for comparable pieces. In contrast, prices in the dealer segment of the market, which accounts for just over half, can be kept private and there is no legal obligation for a seller to reveal his or her financial interests in the work, or indeed the price paid for it. This has historically been the location of profit for dealers: buy low, sell high. It is true to say there is greater price transparency, relatively speaking, but that much still remains hidden.

Whichever way you look at it, there appears to be a growing consensus that the market is in a new phase of consolidation and escalation, with an unprecedented surplus of wealth at the top tier meriting special attention. Clare McAndrew’s TEFAF report, The International Art Market in 2011: Observations on the Art Trade Over 25 Years, concludes that the market doubled during the period in question, growing over 575 per cent from its lowest point in 1991 to its peak in 2007. In January 2013 journalists Robin Pogrebin and Kevin Flynn penned an anxious article, ‘As Art Values Rise, So Do Concerns About Market’s Oversight’, for the New York Times, focusing on calls for the New York State legislature to increase regulation of both gallery and auction sales. In more recent months, Cynthia O’Murchu offered a summary in the Financial Times of the circumstances surrounding Swiss art dealer Yves Bouvier’s arrest in Monaco this February on charges of price fixing and money laundering. Like many journalists writing in the wake of Roubini’s Davos intervention,

O’Murchu highlights the use of freeports (storage facilities in tax-free zones) for discreet transactions, as well as quoting one anonymous dealer: ‘If I think that the guy in front of me sells drugs or has blood on his hands that is where I draw the line…As long as art is not regulated why should I be the one to fix the rules?’

If we can agree there is greater price transparency than ever, thanks largely to the internet, what else has changed in the modern era? Secrets of an Art Dealer (1938), an autobiographical account of the trade by James Henry Duveen (cousin of Lord Duveen), contains many endearing tales of art market criminality that might seem rather parochial in comparison to the global scale and girth of purported art-related crimes today. Describing the early decades of the 20th century, Duveen presents a market overrun with forgeries and outright fakes, overt criminal acts, profit-driven ethos and rampant smuggling. However familiar this may sound, the swashbuckling approach to quick profit was on a scale that seems modest by today’s standards, restricted to a small number of dealers and clients in only a handful of cities.

The auction houses have, in some cases, been quick to address the need for consumer confidence, and the price fixing scandal of the 1990s still casts a long shadow. They have had to be far more assertive about their propriety, demonstrating best practice at every possible moment. Sotheby’s Code of Business Conduct and Ethics pamphlet, which is easily accessible on the company website, asks employees to be aware of phrases such as ‘Everybody in the art world does it’ or ‘No one will find out’. And to think accordingly: ‘What would this look like if reported on the front page of a major news publication?’ Sotheby’s maintains a 24-hour company hotline so that any concerned employee can report ‘potentially illegal, unethical or questionable conduct’.

Sotheby’s code of ethics makes for interesting reading – not least because it signals to shareholder, buyer and consigner alike that the auction house is acutely aware of the myriad opportunities for criminality available. It offers guidance to employees for navigating situations as diverse as conflicts of interest, giving or accepting gifts and entertainment, social media, securities and insider trading, antitrust and unfair competition, anti-money laundering/terrorist financing, and anti-corruption. While Christie’s does not publish its code of conduct online, employees are bound by one that has a comparable reach to that of its major rival.

With so many potential pitfalls, how savvy does a buyer need to be? And does caveat emptor abide? The recent lawsuit brought by Ronald Perelman against Larry Gagosian, heard in the State Supreme Court in New York, established that buyers operating in the top price brackets should do their homework when spending $4 million on a Jeff Koons. Perelman alleged that Gagosian had exploited his position of trust as a long-time advisor to the billionaire, withholding information and hard-selling the work at an inflated price. Associate Justice David Friedman ruled in December 2014 that ‘as a matter of law, these sophisticated plaintiffs cannot demonstrate reasonable reliance because they conducted no due diligence. They did not ask defendants, “Show us your market data.”’

If anything, this shows that accusations of unfair knowledge ‘asymmetry’ are beginning to lose water. Yet we should view the top end of the market in perspective. The industry at large is still comprised of small- and medium-sized businesses, with only 3 per cent of dealers reporting 2014 sales in excess of €25 million, and the bulk (68 per cent) with turnover of less than €2 million (according to the TEFAF Art Market Report 2015). Most glaring of all, the top 1,530 lots sold at auction in 2014 represent 48 per cent of the value of the fine art market, but less than 0.5 per cent of the transactions. Such numbers present the disproportional weighting of the market in sharp relief, forming an irresistible argument for a tier-by-tier assessment of the case for greater regulation.

The outlandish top end of the market, in which vast sums of money change hands between a wide range of international players, is ripe for confusion between different tax regimes and responsibilities. New buyers and fledgling collectors must surely be thinking twice before entering the market, when the mainstream media is dominated by reports of high prices and legal cases surrounding title (such as Nazi-related restitution claims) and authenticity – especially now many authentication bodies such as the Keith Haring Foundation have ceased to offer this service. All the same, while a bad reputation for the industry is damaging all round, it is difficult to quantify how far any law suit contested between two billionaires might affect the sale of a £20,000 painting.

In terms of a regulatory body, perhaps notable trades at auction should be subject to spot-checking by a board of impartial legal and tax experts. Of course, implementing the same for private treaty sales would be much harder. The trade ultimately wants an easy life, and a fair profit. What nobody knows yet is how busy the courts might become once the feast is over, and speculator-collectors have assets with crashing values dropped on their toes.

awarenessadventurer ago


In 1994, the first Scream (1893, oil, tempera & pastel on cardboard) was stolen from its home in Norway's National Gallery. It was the opening day of the Olympics in Lillehammer. Thieves broke in at night by climbing up a ladder and in a window before snatching it off the wall. The painting was not secured in any substantial way and not connected to an alarm system. A psychic was called in and had a vision of pieces of wood tangled in wire in a body of water. Authorities found the remnants of the painting's frame and "security device" on the edge of a pond, just as the psychic had divined. The painting was eventually recovered three months later when the crooks were unable to secure a ransom for it. Could they be at it again?

Unfortunately, many news reports failed to make the distinction between the two versions of The Scream, if they even realized there was more than one. Some even reproduced the wrong one, including a notable British news organization. Gasp! Scandal! I know... Perhaps it is crass, but I am glad that the iconic famous one is not the one stolen two months ago.

There are four versions of The Scream. According to Ulrich Bischoff, in his monograph on Munch, fifty versions exist. He can only be including the various lithographs and prints which exist of this image in addition to the four paintings.

Again, inaccuracies riddle this story. A definitive breakdown of the numbers and natures of the works was found at The Munch Museum's website ( There are two paintings, the National Gallery owns the afore-mentioned one, The Munch Museum owns the other. There are also two pastels, The Munch Museum owns one and the other is in a private collection. It is The Munch Museum's painting of The Scream which was most recently stolen. Both the paintings are executed on cardboard, with a sketched version on the reverse of the one in the National gallery. The Munch Museum also has a sheet of paper with several sketches relating to The Scream doodled on it.

It's a cold comfort, but at least the other one is still out there. Could the recently stolen Scream now be in private hands as well? There is no way the art thieves could sell or auction the piece off through any normal channels. Experts feel that the crime was committed in order to extract a ransom. This seems like a dumb idea. Have you ever heard of a ransom being successful? But maybe we never hear about successful ransomings because the authorities don't want to encourage anyone.

*Is it possible this is a Thomas Crown affair? Where someone so wants a work of art that they hire armed thugs to steal it in order to possess it. *Who could be so unscrupulous? Larry Gagosian? In all seriousness, it is entirely possible that there is network of black market art collecting. From all the lawsuits and court cases that Artnews so diligently reports on, it isn't hard to believe that all sorts of underhanded dealings go on in the art world. Such things go on in every other aspect of the world, so it is entirely possible here too.

Experts in the field of giving disappointing statistics about stolen art say that the higher profile the piece, the harder it is to sell. If they can't ransom it, or turn it in for a reward, the Munch marauders would probably trade it for drugs. This was the gist of what Tony Russell of Art Recovery Ltd had to say.

About 5 billion dollars of art gets stolen every year. About 5% is recovered. But the more high profile the art, the more likely it will be returned for a ransom. So I guess ransoming does work. And there is a secret web of clandestine art traders. Apparently the real money is in stealing less valuable works and selling them unnoticed. Most of the art is stolen from homes and sold on the internet. So that is why art auctioning online has failed, there's a better way!

It makes you wonder how much of the art on Ebay is stolen. It is the only online auctioning of art left and it groups its art by color. "Green paintings," for instance. I once had a conversation with a businesswoman from South Africa who was posative she saw an Utrillo (Maurice Utrillo, French, 1883 - 1955) on Ebay, and that it was going for very cheap. Very suspicious. I told her she'd better snatch it up then and cash in.

Galleries and museums each have about 12% of the loss that makes up the yummy pie graph of art purloinery. For those of you who think art doesn't matter to the rest of the world, art crime is fourth behind drugs, money laundering and gun running. The experts feel that this type of crime isn't linked to an artlover with masterpieces on their walls. It's part of organized crime and connected with the other three top crimes being committed. Well fuck you, I like my theory.

The other expert was Sarah Jackson of the Art Loss Register.

But don't forget that Madonna was also stolen. Again, in his text, Bischoff mentions that five versions of this painting exist. This image is also in lithograph form, so that number is higher, like the 50 Screams. Both paintings were part of Munch's opus work The Frieze of Life. Which was a tour de force of the human experience, but mainly the sad bits. When discussing the Madonna, and when it was displayed as part of the Frieze of Life in 1903 in Leipzig, Bischoff notes that it is "impossible to be certain which of the five versions Munch painted of this picture it was." The Munch Museum Madonna is oil on canvas, and there are four other versions done in paint. Two are in private collections. The National Gallery owns one and so does the Hamburger Kunsthalle. Now, after consulting the information on The Munch Museum's website, I thought I had finalized the details. But I am still confused. In Bischoff's book on Munch, the reproduction of the Madonna is credited to the National Gallery, not The Munch Museum. This is so in other publications I looked at as well. Now the Bischoff Munch book is from 1995, so it is possible in the meantime, that one could have come to the Munch Museum. It is not possible that the reproductions are of two different paintings. I compared the reproduction in the Bischoff book to the one on The Munch Museum's website, and located several nuances that showed up in both images, eccentricities such as drips, gestural marks, and stains, which would not be possible for Munch to have created twice by hand. The National Gallery's website provided no insights. So is this the Madonna that was stolen or not? I don't know.

ASolo ago

Definitely a big upvoat for this thread. Amazing research.

More than a few very interesting dots to connect in this debacle. Looks like that Richard Prince pissing off that Sera Fina was a big mistake. Now she's showing the world how the elite's ringmasters operate. Those agencies, artists and photographer's that are nothing more than drug dealers and pimps that are into the most egregious practices known to man.

Rmm ago

Thank you for your research. I agree there is something up with that Private tab. jenny Saville's "art" is also quite telling

awarenessadventurer ago

MARK LOMBARDI KNEW THE TRUTH. HE WAS MURDERED. GAGOSIAN TIES "The Untold Story of the Man Who Might Have Created Peace in the Middle East, 2007"

Here is a book I think will shed light on the "Art" circuit conspiracy. It is key and ties together many strands. I will be reading:

Interlock: Art, Conspiracy, and the Shadow Worlds of Mark Lombardi


I cannot copy excerpts, but this goes to the page that explains how they make fake paintings witha n artist and sell for double the price of the originals. This is an elaborate web. Here are some review excerpts:


A tormented artist’s life and death.

An interlock search, explains reporter Goldstone (Aaronsohn's Maps: The Untold Story of the Man Who Might Have Created Peace in the Middle East, 2007, etc.), is “a type of flowchart used in anti-trust litigation and accounting that involves graphing the relationships between interlocking boards of directors.” That construction formed the basis of works by conceptual artist Mark Lombardi (1951-2000), a paranoid, opinionated conspiracy theorist whose mission in life and art was “to connect all the scandals of his generation into one huge interlock,” from the Kennedy assassination to the bombing of the World Trade Center. Described by his family as “a hellion and a chronic envelope-pusher,” Lombardi earned the nickname “Mighty Mouth” because of his endless harangues. “He not only grabbed your ear, he bent and twisted it,” a friend said. The author speculates that Lombardi’s obsession with interlocks of banking, politics, the CIA, the FBI, the Mafia, and foreign potentates stemmed from his being fired from his first job at the Contemporary Arts Museum in Houston. “Forbidden knowledge of the clandestine alliances between master class and underworld gave him a giddy rush of power,” writes the author, and “a weapon against the fraternity that had disadvantaged him.” Despite his difficult personality, Lombardi found champions: for example, the Texas lawyer and legislator Sissy Farenthold, a “glamorously melancholy society rebel” who pitted herself against Gov. John Connally and his “Gorgon’s nest of allied business interests.” With Farenthold’s help, Lombardi became a fixture of the Houston art scene, and his work came to the attention of the prestigious Drawing Center in New York, which invited him to participate in a group show. Interest from other galleries and museums soon followed. Goldstone has impressively mined the artist’s archives and interviewed many who knew him, dutifully recording all their contradictory gossip, but readers may have a difficult time finding sympathy for the author’s subject.

An exhausting deluge of information about a man many remember as a “natural-born hustler.”

Pub Date: Oct. 13th, 2015 ISBN: 978-1-61902-565-3 Page count: 408pp Publisher: Counterpoint Review Posted Online: July 15th, 2015 Kirkus Reviews Issue: Aug. 1st, 2015

GOLDSTONE REVEIW Interlock: Art, Conspiracy, and the Shadow Worlds of Mark Lombardi Patricia Goldstone MORE BY AND ABOUT THIS AUTHOR The question of who murdered New York artist Mark Lombardi (1951–2000)—if, in fact, he was murdered—is clearly an intriguing one, but journalist Goldstone (Aaronsohn’s Maps) never really gets around to answering it in this meandering, overwritten biography of the controversial artist. Lombardi struggled in near obscurity until achieving some success in his 40s, but he was found dead in his Brooklyn apartment in March 2000, having apparently hanged himself. His best-known creations were intricate maps illustrating how one entity influenced or interacted with another, which he used to artfully illustrate the shady banking practices of BCCI and its connections with high-profile banks in Texas as well as the Bush family. It’s debatable whether Lombardi truthfully exposed collusion and conspiracies, though Goldstone points out that more than 20,000 of Lombardi’s notes and citations were seized by the FBI, and the revelation of the CIA’s connection to the Whitney Museum and MoMA—two prominent buyers of Lombardi’s work—is certainly enough to give one pause. Unfortunately Goldstone spends far too much time telling the Rashomon-like tale of the artist, particularly in his later years, as she pursues thread after thread with little analysis or conclusion, resulting in a tangled narrative as interlocked as its subject’s art. (Oct.)

ASolo ago

Amazing artwork. Seemed to be a very conscious individual. May he rest in peace.

Stanford, Georgetown mentioned often in his 'power structures' pieces

ASolo ago

That's heavy.

awarenessadventurer ago

Larry Gagosian a member of rothschild group

Lord JACOB ROTHSCHILD, London " IN THE ANNUAL GATHERING OF THE INTERNATIONAL COUNCIL OF THE MUSEUM OF BERGGRUEN IN 2010 WAS ALSO PRESENT NATHANIEL ROTHSCHILD, SON OF JACOB ROTHSCHILD. " The third annual meeting of the International Council welcomed 230 guests to the Museum Berggruen on June 12, 2010. The guests included: Princess & Prince d'Arenberg, Andé Balasz, Christopher Bass, Nicolas, Olivier & John Berggruen, Klaus Biesenbach, Christian Boros, President Fernando H. Cardoso, David Chipperfield, Andrea Dibelius, Michael Eissenhauer, Larry Gagosian, Isa & Tita Countess von Hardenberg, Bettina von Hase, Princess Mafalda von Hessen, Heinrich Prince zu Hohenlohe, Frederick Iseman, Katherine Keating, Udo Kittelmann, Lars Krückeberg, Johannes & Wilfried Kühn, Princess & Prince von und zu Liechtenstein, Klaus-Dieter Lehmann, Glenn Lowry, Ambassador Earle Mack, Erich Marx, Ambassador Bernard de Montferrand, Michael Naumann, Kerr & Judith Neilson, Alexandra Oetker, Hermann Parzinger, Gerald Parsky, Ulla Pietzsch, Jean Pigozzi, Simon de Pury, Juliette Scharf, Peter-Klaus Schuster, Count John and Countess Aglae Seilern, Peter Raue, Simon Reuben, Rafael Roth, NATHANIEL ROTHSCHILD, Gary Tinterow, Ambassador Michele Valensise, Luchino & Zava Visconti di Modrone, Christina Weiss, Beth de Woody, Ambassador Yoram Ben Zeev. ",_4th_Baron_Rothschild

quantokitty ago

Thanks for this. I posted a thread on this same subject yesterday that was met with disdain and off topic responses. The problem was that I tied the information to the Madeleine McCann case. There were TWO HUGE RECORD-SETTING ART AUCTIONS by both Sotheby's and Christie's on May 15th and 16th of 2007 that raised over FIVE HUNDRED MILLION DOLLARS!!! The artwork? Trash and garbage. The question is why did elites throw money away on trash and garbage at that precise time? Seems people only wanted to rehash the case rather than following up on a new lead, but I'm happy that you made headway in advancing the idea that I failed to get across.

ASolo ago

Qk, could you please link your piece here so I may review it?

Tanngrisnir ago

Of course, Gagosian has displayed the Chapman brothers artwork. Luckily, this is far from the worst the two have ever made.

21yearsofdigging ago

You are so right. I went to Larry's and saw Jean Michel holed up in Larry basement. I knew Larry from being around the scene in Venice Beach and what you are saying is true.Gagosian was upstairs selling small drawings by Jean-Michel Basquiat. Don't know if Jean Michel knew.If it is Jean Michel you are talking about he died in Hawaiii

AngB23 ago

Fantastic thread/research. Like the saying goes, life imitates art. Richard Prince is very connected to musicians, stars and Politics. Here he is at the WH Christmas party

Some pics of. "Art"- include kids tied up, a big slice of pizza in a gallery, what looks like a Satanic ritual, an old altered ID card (weird)

Fortnight gallery-who we are

ASolo ago

Shit is disgusting.

PizzagateBot ago

Hi! I used Google to find related Voat posts using the URL(s) in your post and created the following link(s):

OriginLinkFromCurrentPost RelatedPostTitle PostDate LinkOrigin ICMEC and Big Pharma 1/25/2017 OP Revisit: International Center for Missing & Exploited Children 2/1/2017 7841439

awarenessadventurer ago

2010 Gagosian Gallery Makes Play For $3M Stanford Bullion With $3 million of gold for an exhibition caught up in Stanford International Bank Ltd.'s alleged Ponzi scheme, the Gagosian Gallery Inc. has gotten permission to pursue its own lawsuit over the bullion, gaining ground against the receiver's claims that the gold belongs to the Stanford estate. Judge David C. Godbey cleared the way Friday for the gallery to pursue its lawsuit over 101 gold bars it acquired for exhibition from Stanford Coins & Bullion Inc., days before federal regulators accused infamous financier Robert Allen Stanford of operating a $7 billion fraud scheme and froze his assets.

Fakes, forgeries and dirty deals

Global fight against amorphous art fraud The opaque and unregulated global art market is vulnerable to forgeries, tax fraud, insurance fraud and money laundering. Here are details on how fraud examiners can detect and investigate crimes in this murky corner of creative commerce and why circumstances are often in the fraudster's favor.

Prosecutors Expose Jho Low’s Secret Schemes to Illicitly Acquire $137 Million in Art Funds were used to buy works by Van Gogh and Monet

Did This Billionaire Get Swindled Out of Millions in an Elaborate Art World Scheme? Russian billionaire Dmitry Rybolovlev may have been hoodwinked by his close friend in the biggest scandal to hit the art world in decades.

THE PANAMA PAPERS HAVE REVEALED THAT I WAS RIGHT AT STOPPING ART DEALING AFTER BEING INTRODUCED TO THE NAHMAD FAMILY BY A NY WEALTH MANAGER In the most recent case, New York’s Helly Nahmad has been indicted for allegedly running illegal gambling dens at the family art gallery and money laundering. Although Nahmad’s lawyers strongly reject the accusations, the affair has led to renewed calls for the art market to be better regulated. In my experience, a former client of mine, David Dwek, Executive Director at Morgan Stanley Investment Banking responsible for Private Sponsor coverage, introduced me to Nahmad and offered to introduce me to Mugrabi to do business with him saying that both of them ‘control the market’. The moment I hesitated not only he poisoned my relationship with friends and clients but pushed me into depression and deciding to stop art dealing

The art of tax evasion The cat-and-mouse game between wealthy investors and tax authorities over payments for luxury goods, most notably paintings, is facing greater scrutiny JANUARY 2017

Gagosian Gallery Ranked As Most Active Borrower In Art Gallery World

ASolo ago

"Modernism has been a money laundering scheme of one sort or another since the beginning. And I mean all of it. In other words, it is a manufactured market, manufactured to move large sums of money around without regulation and without suspicion." -Mathis

Vindicator ago

Damn. That is SOME SWAMP. Amazing post, awarenessadventurer. Upvoat and a "Potential Lead" flair for you.

MyNameIsLuka ago

How am I beginning to sound like anything? This is the first time we exchanged words.

If you can't see the connection between Pizzagate and the art world, I'm not sure what to tell you. Maybe read the wiki and see how much is archived on this.

MyNameIsLuka ago

You are absolutely describing the kind of person that would traffick a child and launder the money with a piece of "art". I'd also like to mention that lots of pedos completely despise children.

awarenessadventurer ago

DECEMBER 1, 2016 6:56 PM Unsettling ‘Desire’ showcases sex in the Design District

Read more here:

Call me old-fashioned, but sex can still be startling. At least the many iterations of sex showcased in “Desire,” the second Miami Art Week show produced by art-world stars Larry Gagosian and Jeffrey Deitch (last year’s version, also in the Moore Building in the Design District, was “Unreal”), and curated by Diana Widmaier-Picasso. Walking through it is unnerving, titillating, thought-provoking and occasionally gut- and emotion-wrenching (art will do that to you).

Why an erotic show? “Because it is the essential subject of the artist,” Deitch said Thursday afternoon at the Moore space. “Go back to the ancient world. Greek sculptures and vases. Baroque paintings. Matisse, Picasso. It’s one of the great subjects of art. I asked Jeff Koons, and he said ‘this is what life’s all about.’”

Architect Kulapat Yantrasast, sweeping by on his way out, confirmed that conclusion. “It’s great,” he told Deitch. “It gives you hope for humanity. This is the perfect time for this.”

The show is wildly varied: 50 artists, from Picasso and Lichtenstein to R. Crumb and Tom of Finland, Diego Rivera to Richard Prince, Keith Haring and Kenny Scharf to Martin Wong — with painting, photography, sculpture, cartoons, video and, yes, a live nude model. She was lounging on a blue divan on the second floor in Urs Fischer and Georg Herold’s Necrophonia, stifling a yawn and startling a couple of guys who thought she was another sculpture.

A giant, shiny, cartoon-realistic Jeff Koons sculpture of a couple coupling dominates the first floor — people walk around it, nervously eying its oversized and anatomically exact details. A “cool” conceptual wall includes Richard Prince’s (in)famous “Spiritual America.” His photograph of another infamous photo, a nude 10-year-old Brooke Shields, her gaze unnerving, still challenges us. In the window is Allen Jones’ “Chair, Hatstand and Table” — three mannequin sculptures dressed in S&M gear in masochistic poses as furniture — a comment, perhaps, on the Design District’s history selling furniture? On the high-fashion mannequins there now?

Upstairs, there’s a long R. Crumb strip (the revolutionary underground comic artist, specifically included by Widmaeir-Picasso) illustrating, and using the language of, a bizarre 1906 account of sexual fetishes by a Viennese doctor. (Oh Freud.) Some students from Design and Architecture Senior High (DASH) across the street shrugged at explicit Tom of Finland gay drawings. “It’s art,” shrugged one girl. “At this point I’ve seen it all,” said another. Indeed, another Prince photo of a photo, this one a blow-up of an Instagram post of a couple of teen girls, is the kind of provocative thing teens post all the time.

There’s a lot of photography, from Man Ray’s mid-20th century women softly touching their throats, to Nobuyoshi Araki’s giant picture of a dreaming (or ecstatic?) Asian woman on the second-floor landing, to Helmut Newton’s “Big Nude,” gazing defiantly out at us. One of the most unsettling works is Noritoshi Hirakawa’s “Dreams of Tokyo,” with 20 portraits of attractive young Japanese women, prettily and demurely dressed in skirts or dresses, squatting. It takes a few seconds before you realize that none of them are wearing underwear. Their direct gaze and solid stance challenges ideas of vulnerability, exposure, strength and control.

There’s a Kenny Scharf painting where figures and genitalia cycle in a glittery, slithery tangle. Martin Wong’s enigmatic “Heaven” is a circle showing a brick wall, with a small black hole in the middle, beckoning and enigmatic. Is it an orifice? Escape? Eyehole into darkness? (Wong died of AIDS.) In Eric Fischl’s “First Sex,” a nude woman confronts three boys in a night landscape — which of them is in control?

Hard to imagine walking through this show without being unsettled; however sophisticated we may be, this is sex, after all. Yet each piece is also layered with so many other things — ideas, cultural references, our own response, the drama of the action, the intention of the subject (what do those perpetually subjugated mannequins feel?). Essential subject, indeed.

Read more here:

awarenessadventurer ago

Oh Look Larry Donates and someone named Gagosian, Stacey Younger 2008related to him is a Lobbyist for "human rights" Stacy Younger Gagosian Revolving Door/Lobbyist Employment History Period Employer Title Additional Info

2008- American Legacy Foundation Revolving Door Personnel: (3) Government Affairs Manager Major Donor profile

2003-2008 National Breast Cancer Coalition Revolving Door Personnel: (5) Legislative Associate Client lobbying profile Major Donor profile

2002-2003 Filner, Bob Revolving Door Personnel: (8) Legislative Asst Member profile

2001-2002 Stabenow, Debbie Revolving Door Personnel: (18) Legislative Correspondent Member profi

DONOR LOOKUP (bill, hillary, chuck schumer.... the gangs all here)


Money to Candidates GAGOSIAN, LARRY NEW YORK, NY 10021 GAGOSIAN GALLERY 07-06-2004 $2,000.00 Lampson, Nick (D)

Money to Candidates GAGOSIAN, LARRY NEW YORK, NY 10021 GAGOSIAN GALLERY 10-21-2005 $2,100.00 Rales, Joshua B (D)

Money to Candidates GAGOSIAN, LARRY NEW YORK, NY 10075 GAGOSIAN GALLERY 06-30-2009 $2,400.00 Schumer, Charles E (D)

Money to Candidates GAGOSIAN, LARRY NEW YORK, NY 10075 GAGOSIAN GALLERY 06-30-2009 $2,400.00 Schumer, Charles E (D)

Money to Parties GAGOSIAN, LARRY NEW YORK, NY 10021 GAGOSIAN GALLERY 07-30-2010 $30,400.00 DNC Services Corp (D)

Money to Candidates GAGOSIAN, LARRY NEW YORK, NY 10021 GAGOSIAN MUSEUM 06-08-2001 $1,000.00 Biden, Joseph R Jr (D)

Money to Candidates GAGOSIAN, LARRY NEW YORK, NY 10021 GAGOSIAN GALLERY 05-29-1998 $1,000.00 Boxer, Barbara (D)

Money to Candidates GAGOSIAN, LARRY NEW YORK, NY 10021 GAGOSIAN GALLERY INC 10-17-1995 $1,000.00 Clinton, Bill (D)

Money to Candidates GAGOSIAN, LARRY NEW YORK, NY 10021 GAGOSIAN GALLERY 09-16-2000 $1,000.00 Clinton, Hillary (D)

Money to Candidates GAGOSIAN, LARRY NEW YORK, NY 10021 GAGOSIAN GALLERY 09-16-2000 $1,000.00 Clinton, Hillary (D)

Money to Candidates GAGOSIAN, LARRY NEW YORK, NY 10021 GAGOSIAN GALLERY 07-20-1998 $1,000.00 Schumer, Charles E (D)

Money to Parties GAGOSIAN, LARRY NEW YORK, NY 10075 Gagosian Gallery 09-16-2016 $42,208.00 DNC Services Corp (D)

Money to Candidates GAGOSIAN, LARRY NEW YORK, NY 10021 GAGOSIAN GALLERY 07-06-2004 $1,000.00 Lampson, Nick (D)

Money to Candidates GAGOSIAN, LARRY NEW YORK, NY 10021 GAGOSIAN GALLERY 11-21-2003 $1,000.00 Lieberman, Joe (D)

Money to Candidates GAGOSIAN, LARRY NEW YORK, NY 10075 GAGOSIAN GALLERY 03-31-2009 $2,400.00 Maloney, Carolyn B (D)

Money to Candidates GAGOSIAN, LARRY NEW YORK, NY 10021 GAGOSIAN GALLERY 05-04-2006 $1,000.00 Yeager, Karen (D)

Money to Candidates GAGOSIAN, LARRY NEW YORK, NY 10021 GAGOSIAN GALLERY 05-11-2006 $500.00 Lampson, Nick (D)

Money to Candidates GAGOSIAN, LARRY NEW YORK, NY 10075 GAGOSIAN GALLERY 09-12-2016 $2,700.00 Clinton, Hillary (D)

Money to Candidates GAGOSIAN, LARRY NEW YORK, NY 10075 GAGOSIAN GALLERY 06-06-2016 $2,700.00 Clinton, Hillary (D)

Unknown GAGOSIAN, LARRY NEW YORK, NY 10021 Gagosian Gallery/Art Dealer 01-18-2002 $5,000.00 Responsibility/Opportunity/Community PAC (D)

Unknown GAGOSIAN, LARRY NEW YORK, NY 10075 ART DEALER 08-09-2013 $25,000.00 Ready for Hillary

Money to Candidates GAGOSIAN, LARRY NEW YORK, NY 10021 GAGOSIAN ART GALLERIES 09-30-1996 $250.00 Levin, Carl (D)

Money to Candidates GAGOSIAN, LARRY NEW YORK, NY 10022 GAGOSIAN GALLERY 06-30-2002 $1,000.00 Kerry, John (D)

Money to Candidates GAGOSIAN, LARRY NEW YORK, NY 10021 07-13-1990 $1,000.00 Gantt, Harvey B (D)

Money to Candidates GAGOSIAN, LARRY NEW YORK, NY 10021 09-19-1990 $1,000.00 Gantt, Harvey B (D)

Money to Candidates GAGOSIAN, LARRY NEW YORK, NY 10075 04-27-2012 -$2,500.00 Romney, Mitt (R)

Money to Parties GAGOSIAN, LARRY NEW YORK, NY 10075 Gagosian Gallery 09-16-2016 $7,792.00 DNC Services Corp (D)

Money to Candidates GAGOSIAN, LARRY NEW YORK, NY 10075 08-25-2015 -$2,700.00 Christie, Chris (R)

Money to Candidates GAGOSIAN, LARRY NEW YORK, NY 10075 GAGOSIAN GALLERY 08-17-2015 $5,400.00 Christie, Chris (R)

Money to Parties GAGOSIAN, LARRY NEW YORK, NY 10075 Gagosian Gallery 09-12-2016 $25,608.00 DNC Services Corp (D)

Money to Candidates GAGOSIAN, LARRY MR NEW YORK, NY 10021 Gagosian Gallery 08-11-1999 $1,000.00 Bradley, Bill (D)

Money to Candidates GAGOSIAN, LARRY MR NEW YORK, NY 10021 Gagosian Gallery/Owner 08-23-2002 $1,000.00 Bishop, Timothy H (D)

Money to Candidates GAGOSIAN, LARRY MR NEW YORK, NY 10021 Gagosian Gallery/Owner 08-23-2002 $1,000.00 Bishop, Timothy H (D)

Money to Candidates GAGOSIAN, LARRY MR NEW YORK, NY 10075 GAGOSIAN GALLERY 02-29-2012 $5,000.00 Romney, Mitt (R)

Money to Candidates GAGOSIAN, LARRY MR NEW YORK, NY 10075 GAGOSIAN GALLERY 04-24-2012 -$2,500.00 Romney, Mitt (R)

Money to Candidates GAGOSIAN, LARRY MR NEW YORK, NY 10075 GAGOSIAN GALLERY 04-24-2012 $2,500.00 Romney, Mitt (R)

Money to Candidates GAGOSIAN, LARRY MR NEW YORK, NY 10075 12-28-2011 $2,500.00 Romney, Mitt (R)

Money to Candidates GAGOSIAN, LARRY MR NEW YORK, NY 10021 GAGOSIAN GALLERY 06-17-2003 $2,000.00 Bush, George W (R)

Money to Candidates GAGOSIAN, LARRY MR NEW YORK, NY 10021 ART DEALER 03-17-2007 $2,300.00 Dodd, Chris (D)

Money to Candidates GAGOSIAN, LARRY MR NEW YORK, NY 10021 ART DEALER 03-17-2007 $2,300.00 Dodd, Chris (D)

Money to Candidates GAGOSIAN, LARRY MR NEW YORK, NY 10021 08-21-2008 -$2,300.00 Dodd, Chris (D)


awarenessadventurer ago

HE KNOWS PODESTA $50,000 ticket to an auction hosted by Larry Gagosian in September. Hacked campaign documents published by Wikileaks this October appeared to show the extent of that co-ordination, involving senior Clinton aides including John Podesta, the campaign chairman. any Ready for Hillary co-chairs hail from outside the world of Clinton loyalists. They include New York art dealer Larry Gagosian, who gave money to support Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney in 2012, and Northern California philanthropists John and Marcia Goldman, major Democratic benefactors who have given thousands to the party’s congressional super PACs. My next stop was Vanessa Beecroft’s “South Sudan” show of photographs in which the figures assume classic Christian poses at Galleria Lia Rumma. When I introduced myself, Beecroft immediately took me aside. “My dealer in the US refuses to show this work!” she said stridently. I confirmed that she was referring to Larry Gagosian, then she continued: “Images of black people are too loaded in the US, but this work is based on a true story. I went to the Sudan and nursed three newborn babies in the orphanage. They were malnourished, and I fed them. They thought I was their mother. But my husband said there was no way we could adopt them . . . so I am thinking of leaving him!”

awarenessadventurer ago

I am not suggesting he is a pedophile. I am suggesting he is a sicko that peddles sick art as a cover for a very complicated money laundering ring. He also has been indighted in MOscow for buying 'thousands' of sex slaves. I think he trafficks. I think he does anything for money. He is a key to this pedo network because he is an insider tool. I do see from the Abromovich parties he does prefer very young girls. He is the money man, trafficker, deal maker... IMO. Understanding him, helps us understand how this ring operates.

awarenessadventurer ago

Mr. ICMEC LARRY GAGOSIAN and his choice in artwork.

We Call it ART! There are so many marvelous exhibits on view at the moment (or about to be unveiled) that I’m devoting a post to art in The Big Red Apple!

A startling outdoor exhibit that explores the horrors of sex trafficking is on view in Washington Sq. Park until Sunday. The exhibit, titled Journey, is designed to take “viewers through a range of emotions that sex slaves feel throughout their journey, ranging from hope to desperation.”

WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 7, 2011 Saatchi's scathing portrait of the art world: 'Vulgar, Eurotrashy, masturbatory' Leading British collector launches surprise attack saying buyers and dealers 'can't tell good artists from bad'

CELEBRATING RAPISTS & MURDERS AS "ART" - A documentary about "innocent" rapists and child molesters. Featured at Gagosian Galleries.

LARRY GARGOSIAN ROASTS A PIG FOR NIGHTLIFE ROYALTY This ‘family portrait’ of nightlife royalty was snapped at the beachside barbeque during Art Basel hosted by Halliburton, in honor of Dick Cheney and the late Serbian arms dealer Sviclo Prvvv. Harry wears a black sweater that no one told him is from the bargain rack at UNIQLO. He’s seated next to Demi Moore, a one-time Brat Pack actress now known as an anti-sex trafficking activist and world-famous “sad cougar.” Peter II poses in a Timo Weiland “Zig-Zag Fantasia” shearling sweater, his arm around Princess Lalaloki, the supreme ruler of Swaziland, who wears a native doilee-dress stained with the pulp of laumai berries. (The individuals seated between Demi and Peter II are 'Sarah’ and 'Eddie,’ two reps from Red Bull, on hand to promote the new and ill-fated 'Red Bull Gives Those Who Already Have Wings Even Better Wings’ campaign. “Sarah and Eddie would not leave us the fuck alone,” Harry reportedly said. “Plus I know they’re hiding calories somewhere in that 'sugar-free’ swill.”) Later in the evening the group decamped to the beach where a 322-pound pig was roasted on a spit after being hand-rubbed with Dirty South barbeque sauce by Larry Gagosian. Harry ate thirteen breath mints during the course of the evening. Demi Moore was sighted crying, quietly and alone, behind a dune.

"One of Gagosian’s particular talents is conjuring complex, chesslike transactions that offer elements more enticing than cash." "He lives with his girlfriend, Chrissie Erpf, a director in his New York gallery, and spends time with Erpf’s four children, saying he enjoys their “energy.”


The billionaire collector Ronald O. Perelman’s attempts to expose what he has called the “dirty” side of the art world were dashed on Thursday when his lawsuit against the dealer Larry Gagosian was dismissed by the appellate division of the New York State Supreme Court.

Larry Gagosian’s Lawsuit over a $100 Million Picasso Explained

Gagosian Probed Over ‘Bust of a Woman’ in Murky World of Art Deals

2003 26 million in unpaid Tax

2016 Art Dealer Larry Gagosian Settles Over Sales Taxes for $4.3 Million

2016 Richard Prince And Gagosian Sued By Makeup Artist Over Instagram Copyright infringement

Gagosian & Prince appropriating art

Larry Gagosian is being sued for more than $14 million for selling two works of art it’s claimed he had no right to sell.

2003 ART DEALER'S TAX RAP Probed in ImClone scandal, he's now sued for 26M COMEY CONNECTION "S. Attorney Jim Comey said in a statement. The Internal Revenue Service charges Gagosian and his partners deliberately shifted assets out of a company they created, Contemporary Art Holding Corp., to avoid paying $6 million in taxes."

U.S.A. vs. Larry Gagosian by Gary Comenas/2003

2013 The Trials of Art Superdealer Larry Gagosian Gagosian and Mugrabi are among the richest and most powerful figures in the art world, though the two function differently. Working primarily as a gallerist, Gagosian puts on exhibitions for several dozen artists and is responsible for building their careers—or, in the case of the deceased artists he also shows, representing their estates. Mugrabi, along with his father and brother, operates a private art dealership and trades with other collectors behind a cloak of relative obscurity. When collectors and dealers describe Gagosian as “brash,” “shameless,” and “ruthless”—his own publicist lauds him as “a real killer”

2017 Katy Perry celebrates Picasso exhibit On Thursday, Perry arrived at Larry Gagosian’s Madison Avenue gallery in a pair of giant furry Chanel earmuffs for a reception to celebrate the final days of the exhibition “Picasso’s Picassos” as well as the launch of a new publication, Gagosian Quarterly.

Why Wouldn't Marc Jacobs Have a Shirtless Wedding Cake? We're starting to fall in love with Marc Jacobs' unabashed faggotry, including the shirtless wedding cake topper at his marriage ceremony in St. Bart's. That's why he and Lorenzo Martone have been on the beach so long, it's a honeymoon! Details are sketchy, but it seems the couple, engaged since March, were joined earlier this week, according to Stylexperts (via Guest of a Guest), at a private location and then had a dinner party hosted by art dealer Larry Gagosian. The only detail we really need is that on top of the cake is dashing Lorenzo in a tux and Jacobs shirtless, in all his tattooed glory. This is everything that conservatives fear about gay weddings, and we fucking love it! Congrats to the couple. Now, if only their "marriage" could become a legal marriage State-side.

Larry Gagosian & Peter Brandt interview.. full of nuggets. It's a part of the art business that remains a point of near-constant speculation, if only because it occurs largely behind the scenes and thus encourages debate as to who is selling what and why. But it's an area in which Gagosian—with his extensive network of contacts, deep well of resources, and uncanny ability to source and deliver hard-to-get pieces—has long been a dominant player, brokering deals that have been reported to reach nine figures for a single work.

Suit over tragedy at Gagosian's Feb 17, 2016 - The widow of a laborer who died after a fall from a ladder at art mogul Larry Gagosian's Upper East Side mansion is suing.

Larry Gagosian: The fine art of the deal Who is Larry Gagosian? Rob Sharp offers a portrait of the secretive gallery owner whose ruthless climb to the top has brought him wealth, friends and enemies

1994 FORTY-ONE FALSE STARTS How does the painter David Salle know when to stop? How does the author know where to start? It’s all a question of process.

1993 Waksal Implicates Art Dealer in Fraud Larry Gagosian's gallery 'cooperating fully' with government requests

2009 Pulling Art Sales Out of Thinning Air

crazimal ago

alors cest comment que tas connu jmb?

awarenessadventurer ago


ICMEC SUMMER NEWSLETTER (this is full of ironic bs)

COALITION SPONSORS Larry Gagosian JEFF KOONS & WIFE - ICMEC Child Pornography: Model Legislation & Global Review

"Qatar, Podesta, Pharmaceuticals. Clintons & Creepy Friends – including at least two CTR “donor” Whats going on here?

International Center for Missing & Exploited Children has a board of directors filled primarily by Pharmaceutical & tech executives. Most of these companies contributed millions to the Clinton Foundation, or paid millions in lobbying fees to the Podestas.

We also have at least two former ambassadors appointed by Clinton who served in geographical locations which are critical to trafficiking. Harty was Amb to Romania, Bagley was Ambassador to Portugal. Bagley now works with charity groups in Morocco. She gave between $1,000,000 – $5,000,000 to the Clintons. They have been close for a very long time.

Then we’ve got Jeff Koons. His ties to Qatar are deep, to say the least. He is also an investor in Correct the Record.

Among others are several Bilderberg Group members, Goldman Sachs execs, Julius Baer execs, President of the Aspen Institute in Romania. A lot of these people have strange ties to the Clintons.

The International Center for Missing & Exploited Children held its first Board of Directors meeting in May 1998. It was officially launched in April 1999 by Hillary Clinton, then-First Lady of the United States, and Cherie Blair, wife of British Prime Minister Tony Blair. ICMEC HISTORY / FOUNDING



Eve Branson: Mrs. Branson was a founding board member of ICMEC in 1999 and served on the first board of directors until 2005. She is also the mother of Sir Richard Branson who was ICMEC’s founding sponsor. Last month she released her new autobiography “Mums the Word.” Mrs. Branson also heads the Eve Branson Foundation which works to improve the lives of women and girls in the Atlas Mountains of Morocco.

Ambassador Elizabeth Frawley Bagley: Ambassador Bagley served as the Special Representative for Global Partnerships for the U.S. State Department from 2009 until 2013. She is an attorney specializing in international law, was an Adjunct Law Professor at Georgetown University, was a Senior Advisor to former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright and served as the US Ambassador to Portugal. EXCLUSIVE: What travel ban? The Obamas visit neighboring island with billionaire host Richard Branson during second week of holiday on his private island | DAILY MAIL





ICMEC Board Members as of JUL 4, 2013

ICMEC Board Members AS OF DEC 8, 2014


Founder & Former CEO of ICMEC


Why is she so obsessed with foreign adoptions? WIKILEAKS


Organization Position RxArt, Inc. Artist Hillary For America Fundraiser, donor Correct the Record Contributor FEC Filings Qatar Museum Authority Event Headliner, Museum development contributor. I love it here Qatari Royal Family Frequent guest

AND HERE IS LARRY GAGOSIAN IN ATTENDANCE * ART FOR TOMORROW CONFERENCE | Marina Abramavic, Dakis Joannou, Larry Gagosian also in attendance. They all go back a ways.. Dakis Joannou owns a yacht named “Guilty” which was designed by Jeff Koons.*

Qatar, SC Port Authority, W African Hdlg. Co - Podesta-Clinton Qatar, a nation known for funneling oil money to ISIS through clandestine banking channels, has taken a keen interest in Jeff Koons, and not just his artwork either. A frequent guest of the Qatari royal family, Jeff Koons has played a major role in the development of their billion dollar Museum of Modern Art.

In January of 2015, Jeff Koons and Marina Abramovic headlined a high profile invitation only event in Doha, Qatar hosted by Her Excellency Sheikha Al Mayassa bint Hamad bin Khalifa Al-Thani, chairwoman, Qatar Museums, and Arthur O. Sulzberger, Jr., chairman and publisher, The New York Times Company.

Sotheby’s and QNB are the headline sponsors for the Art for Tomorrow conference. “The hostess of the evening (Her Excellency Sheikha Al Mayassa bint Hamad bin Khalifa Al-Thani) sat laughing with the pony-tailed Japanese artist on her right. On her left was Dakis Joannou, a Greek-Cypriot industrialist and avid collector of the work of Jeff Koons, an American sculptor. Larry Gagosian, whom many regard as the most powerful art dealer in the world, was placed at a table nearby, with the other art dealers”




there is more... but you get the picture.

awarenessadventurer ago

CLINTON & POLITICAL CONNECTIONS He’s With Her: Larry Gagosian to Host Fundraising Auction for Hillary Clinton at 21st Street Gallery

ARTnews has learned that on September 12, Larry Gagosian will host “Art for Hillary Auction 2016” at the Gagosian Gallery space on West 21st Street in Chelsea, presiding over a benefit sale that will raise money for Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign.

Artists who have donated works to the show, according to sources, include Jeff Koons, Sarah Sze, Chuck Close, Barbara Kruger, Elisabeth Kley, Joyce Pensato, Deborah Kass, and the identical-twin duo of Ryan and Trevor Oakes.

Hillary Clinton and Lisa Perry on Sunday. COURTESY INSTAGRAM Hillary Clinton and Lisa Perry on Sunday. VIA INSTAGRAM

The Hillary Clinton campaign did not respond to an email asking for information regarding ticket pricing and availability. [UPDATE: tickets range from $1,000 to $50,000, the latter of which comes with a print by Jeff Koons, “Gazing Ball (da Vinci Mona Lisa)”, 2016.] There will be a 6 p.m. reception for “host committee, artists & special guests,” followed by the auction from 7 to 9 p.m. (A representative at Gagosian Gallery did not respond to calls and emails requesting comment.)

While art galleries occasionally host fundraisers for political candidates at their spaces, this appears to be a first for Larry Gagosian. In 2012, he gave $5,000 to the Mitt Romney campaign, but did not go as far as to throw a fundraiser for the Republican nominee in his gallery. (He also contributed $2,700 to the Chris Christie campaign during the Republican primary.)

The Democratic Presidential nominee will not be in attendance during the auction, sources said, though her daughter, Chelsea Clinton, will be there in her place. Clinton will apparently be in Paris.

Justine Koons and Jeff Koons speak to Hillary Clinton in Sag Harbor, New York.COURTESY INSTAGRAM Justine Koons and Jeff Koons speak to Clinton. VIA INSTAGRAM

To thank the artists for their contributions, and to make up for her inability to attend in person, Clinton made time during a busy fundraising weekend in the Hamptons to host a meet-and-greet Sunday at the home of collectors Lisa and Richard Perry in Sag Harbor. Though this reporter was not in attendance—Clinton has not been allowing the press to attend ticketed campaign events—sources said that each attendee had to be vetted by the Secret Service ahead of time, and arrive during a very specific time window in order to be let in. There was airport-style security at the entrance.

Around 3 p.m., the Secret Service surveyed the room, and once it was clear, Clinton came into the garden area, being led through by Lisa Perry. After saying a quick hello to Jeff Koons (she bestowed upon him a U.S. State Department Medal of Arts in 2012, when she was Secretary of State), she spoke to the crowd for about seven minutes, touching upon the importance of the arts and reminding them that her opponent, Donald J. Trump, does not really care for their profession. After that, she spoke with each of the artists in attendance, and managed to take a few selfies with admirers.

And, as evidenced by a picture that was shared on one attendee’s Instagram Story feed, Larry Gagosian was standing in the room, watching it all, wearing a canary yellow jacket.

ASolo ago

"Justine Koons and Jeff Koons speak to Hillary Clinton in Sag Harbor, New York VIA INSTAGRAM"

The same Sag Harbor that some of the wealthiest personalities in the world reside:

Jimmy Buffet

Lorne Michaels

Jon Stewart

Richard Gere

awarenessadventurer ago

Larry Gagosian & Jeff Koons Interview. Best buds...


DonaldWashington [S] 2 points (+2|-0) 1 month ago Jeff Koons Correct the Record According to FEC filings, Jeff Koons donated $50,000 USD to correct the record, a political hit squad founded by David Brock, a close associate of John Podesta and James Alefantis.FEC

Jeff Koons has donated more than $50,000 in cash and through his work to support the US presidential candidate

ICMEC held its first Board of Directors meeting in May 1998. It was officially launched in April 1999 at the British Embassy in Washington, D.C., by Hillary Clinton, then-First Lady of the United States, and Cherie Blair, wife of British Prime Minister Tony Blair.

Koons is a member of the Board of Directors of the International Centre for Missing & Exploited Children (ICMEC), a global nonprofit organization that combats child sexual exploitation, child pornography, and child abduction. In 2007, Koons, along with his wife Justine, founded the ICMEC Koons Family Institute on International Law and Policy. It is the International Centre's research arm. They research child porn.

Qatar, a nation known for funneling oil money to ISIS through clandestine banking channels, has taken a keen interest in Jeff Koons, and not just his artwork either. A frequent guest of the Qatari royal family,Jeff Koons has played a major role in the development of their billion dollar Museum of Modern Art.

In January of 2015, Jeff Koons and Marina Abramovic headlined a high profile invitation only event in Doha, Qatar hosted by Her Excellency Sheikha Al Mayassa bint Hamad bin Khalifa Al-Thani, chairwoman, Qatar Museums, and Arthur O. Sulzberger, Jr., chairman and publisher, The New York Times Company. Sotheby’s and QNB are the headline sponsors for the Art for Tomorrow conference.

“The hostess of the evening (Her Excellency Sheikha Al Mayassa bint Hamad bin Khalifa Al-Thani) sat laughing with the pony-tailed Japanese artist on her right. On her left was Dakis Joannou, a Greek-Cypriot industrialist and avid collector of the work of Jeff Koons, an American sculptor.

Larry Gagosian, whom many regard as the most powerful art dealer in the world, was placed at a table nearby, with the other art dealers”

"I love it here," said Jeff Koons. "This is my sixth time in Doha since 2000." Koons denied that he had a project in Qatar, saying rather that he liked taking his kids for buggy rides in the sand dunes."

awarenessadventurer ago




"While going to art school in Berlin, Bieterling formed a band [Soundpool] to help pay for living expenses. He soon discovered that groupies could serve him as excellent models as well as sex slaves. His photographic vision is soft but often brittle in its subject treatment.

Most of the paintings and photographs in the exhibition aren't so much about sex or sex acts as about a display of craft, but of course such display is in itself a sex act. The sex act in which art is grounded to eroticism, and, thereby, cleverly avoids the label of pornography. But pornography it often is, and John Currin and Hans Bieterling are the art world's new sex professionals. There is no lack of champions in this category -- Jeff Koons, Cindy Sherman, Nan Goldin, Richard Kern, Balthus, Hans Bellmer -- but no other recent attempts in this new millennium have so clearly lionized sexual transgression to such an elegant degree."

Piscina ago

Richard Prince sold a screenshot he stole from Instagram for $90,000.00. The woman whose screenshot it was did not give him permission, but he put it up anyway. What an unscrupulous fraudster!

21yearsofdigging ago

I used to know him

Piscina ago


21yearsofdigging ago

Creepy but unsure if he is a pedo. He was into young models

ASolo ago

Oh, really.

Remember any of the agencies?

21yearsofdigging ago

It was in Los Angeles. he hung out at The West Beach cafe with i guess local models from around L.A.

gurneyx ago

This is amazing research very nice work!!!!!

Jem777 ago

Is Abramovich related to Marina Abramovich. She has ties to Serbian royalty I believe. Odd that this name is brought up regarding Art & politics using occult and Satanic reference.

kpymo ago

Roman Abramovich is 100% jewish, just like 99% of so-called "russian oligarchs". Same with Marina. Just look at her face.

ASolo ago

They HAVE to have some more of a prurient connection to each other, but if they do, it's well hidden on the internet. Those Russians are all very wary of public exposure, I notice this abramovich is not an exception.

awarenessadventurer ago

He is referred to as Lithuanian and Armenian in others... he has brought her in for private swanky "shows" along with Koons and all the other names we know making sick art. They go way back. I am still trying to determine relations but they have collaborated many times and run in the same "art" circles.I have so much more on this whole thing but i need to verify some of it. Definately a money laundering aspect here. Also rumors he was caught up in the weapons trade in the 80's and perhaps 90's. Still verifying. He is a high flyer and still active in the art world. And likely child trafficking as well. I think the money aspect is perhaps the key...he has been sued many many times but somehow he keeps rebuilding and growing. His latest was being a big Clinton insider. So much on this network and its ties. Verifying...

awarenessadventurer ago


"Anthony Haden-Guest—who, and, really, I'm not going to explain—was roasting artist Damien Hirst (who is an Important Artist right now selling Expensive Art to Fancy People) at The Standard in Miami (where Art Basel is wrapping up) and he did it with this fairly crafty poem, entitled "A Brilliant But Inexplicably Underappreciated Artist Contemplates Some Figures in the Landscape."

It went:

"Why would I want to see him immersed / In formaldehyde next to his putrid shark / And sold as a set to an oligarch?"

" This was in reference to a Hirst piece sold to a billionaire. What I like about thinking about artists who only sell paintings for bazillions of dollars because they all blew Larry Gagosian is that they're a fine lesson in exactly what kind of art sells in this world: theirs, and their poster reprints at the MoMA. And that's really all you need to know! [Page Six]"

awarenessadventurer ago

MONEY LAUNDERING? SLAVE TRADE? From 2008. Damien Hurst comments on Gagosian.

"So I can't resist introducing Hirst as guest blogger today. His remarks made in 2004 surely reveal a lot about his real feelings about White Cube and Gagosian."

" ... Art is about life and the art world is about money although the buyers and sellers, the movers and shakers, the money men will tell you anything to not have you realise their real motive is cash,

**because if you realise - that they would sell your granny to Nigerian sex slave traders for 50 pence (10 bob) and a packet of woodbines - then you're not going to believe the other shit coming out of their mouths that's trying to get you to buy the garish shit they've got hanging on the wall in their posh shops ... **

"Most of the time they are all selling shit to fools, and it's getting worse."

awarenessadventurer ago

  1. DIRECT LINK TO CLINTON CAMPAIGN (Koons, Clinton, Abromovich...) - Larry Gagosian

NEWSPAPER | NOV 3, 2016 “Jeff Koons has donated more than $50,000 in cash and through his work to support the US presidential candidate” “Jeff Koons’s donation of $50,000 to Correct the Record, a “Super Pac” (Public Action Committee) backing Hillary Clinton, is the biggest cash donation by an artist to this year’s US presidential campaign. According to reports from the Federal Election Committee, Koons made the donation on 17 June this year.”

“But the artist has potentially donated significantly more in kind: he created a print in an edition of 40, Gazing Ball (da Vinci Mona Lisa), which was given to those who bought a $50,000 ticket to an auction hosted by Larry Gagosian in September.”

“If all 40 of those prints sold, it would raise $2m for the Hillary Victory Fund, however a spokesman for the campaign said it could not release such donor information.”

“Koons was not available for comment, but recently told Monopol magazine that he had supported Clinton for 20 years. She awarded him with the Medal of Arts in 2013, when she was Secretary of State.”

“Other prominent artists to have supported the Clinton campaign according to the FEC reports, through cash donations or auctioned works—many given as part of September’s Gagosian auction—include Marina Abramovic ($2,700 cash donation made in May), Glenn Ligon ($30,000 “joint fundraising contribution” in September), Ed Ruscha ($12,500 contribution in September), Richard Serra ($28,000 contribution in September), Cindy Sherman ($33,400 and $75,000 contributions in August and September) and Sarah Sze ($21,000 contribution in September).”

“Art dealers including Gagosian and David Zwirner have also donated to the Clinton campaign.”

He’s With Her: Larry Gagosian to Host Fundraising Auction for Hillary Clinton at 21st Street Gallery | ARTNEWS | AUG 29, 2016 ARTnews has learned that on September 12, Larry Gagosian will host “Art for Hillary Auction 2016” at the Gagosian Gallery space on West 21st Street in Chelsea, presiding over a benefit sale that will raise money for Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign.

awarenessadventurer ago

4: GAGOSIAN TIED TO BANKINIG CRASH Artists' Dreams Imploded Along With Bankers'

"The economic meltdown is supposed to "reenergize [the] creative economy" of New York by breaking the city's expensive obsession with finance. Instead, it's wrecking artists' best shot at wealth: Through Larry Gagosian. The top-tier art dealer, who bridges the worlds of art and finance, seems panicked by the recession, turning into even more of a workaholic jerk than he was before the crash. Gagosian won't talk, but the New York Times surmises he's in trouble along with the rest of the art industry:

Everyone is vulnerable. Especially Larry Gagosian...

The prices of work by the young artists he has been luring into his galleries... are falling like bank stocks. Christie's and Sotheby's are in trouble, too, but Gagosian's bread and butter is brokering private deals between rich people. Since the wealthy have lost much of their taste for art acquisition, Gagosian is especially vulnerable.

Why should anyone care about Gagosian's fortunes? Because this was the guy who, through his access to the filthy rich, could make a young artist. That's why most in his stable were poached from rivals: Gagosian could pluck the best. As the Times put it, "the postwar art world is basically a stock market with a couple of thousand really valuable shares." Gagosian was the gateway to being listed on that market. "His apparent decline indicates that artists have seen their own bubble burst along with Wall Street's other false economies. The vast majority of artists won't have to adjust their lives to that, but they will have to adjust their professional fantasies."

ASolo ago

Miles Mathis

"Modernism has been a money laundering scheme of one sort or another since the beginning. And I mean all of it. In other words, it is a manufactured market, manufactured to move large sums of money around without regulation and without suspicion." -Mathis