andrevandelft ago

I would speculate that these experts are hired to control the minds of the Dutch and the French: one should not complain about this transaction; otherwise you are a cultural barbarian who knows the price of everything but the value of nothing.

The latter saying was used in the public debate, nineteen years ago, when we had a scandal in The Netherlands with the purchase of Mondriaan's Victory Boogie Woogie for 80 million guilders (in todays money, after inflation: about 100 million Euros) from New York billionaire Samuel Irving Newhouse. The year before our parliament had decided that large art acquisitions would require parliamentary approval, but this rule was sneakily circumvented. The unfinished painting was presented as a present by the national bank to the people, to commemorate the introduction of the Euro. Later Jean Claude Trichet, the vice president of the European bank, later declared that such expenditures undermine the Euro.

Vindicator ago

@andrevandelft: I can't find a thesis anywhere in this post about how this information relates to the sexual abuse of kids by the global elite (Rule 1) You wanna edit to satisfy the submission guidelines? Otherwise I am going to have to remove this for you to repost in v/pizzagatewhatever. Sum this up in one sentence: why is this Pedogate research investigators should worry about?

andrevandelft ago

I addressed your point, but I needed to spend a few more sentences. See the update.

Vindicator ago

Thank you for the update. I will leave this up, though this is the most tenuous of threads.

For the sake of all the work you put in and the success of future threads, if you want to get traction with your research try writing a headline that nails the Pizzagate connection up front. When you've got a lot of text, use the "H" button to break it into sections addressing each of the important points that support your headlines. People open this and their eyes glaze over. Once it sits here awhile with few upvoats, people won't even open it. They figure there's nothing to see.

Also, it is perfectly acceptable if you make a post and the way you've written it up fails to gain traction, to remove the post yourself, rewrite/reformat in a more effective presentation, and then repost...particularly at a time when more than 900 people are on the board...usually 8am or 6pm Eastern.

andrevandelft ago

Thank you for your advice. For now, I'll leave the post as it is. It is tenuous indeed. Anyway I think it is good to have it archived here; it may come of use in the future.

andrevandelft ago

That depends on what this market really is: is it a real market or a fake market? Why are the prices so high? Maybe money is transferred for more obscure reasons; see for some speculation this article that was coincidentally posted at about the same time with mine:

The Abduction of MADELEINE MCCANN, Art auctions, and the Fine Art of Money Laundering

Another reason is that political leaders are occasionally very generous with the taxpayer's money. That is also a kind of market distortion.

I have seen these two Rembrandts BTW; they are IMO a bit dull; not very Rembrantesque.

DonKeyhote ago

Nice work. The Egyptian surgeons at Cornell, we all know Egypt has organ stealing and human trafficking in the news. Domeone also said heart surgeons like McCann get automatic Masonic membership

equineluvr ago

McCann = McCAIN

Gerry is of the Cain bloodline. Masonic membership is optional in his case.

andrevandelft ago

I give raw data, that others may combine with things they know. I don't draw conclusions; maybe something comes out of this, maybe not.

Please compare this to the story that I posted last December:

1987: pedophile ring exposed, with secret photographic studio in basement of UNICEF building in Brussels

I also meant that post as raw data; possibly related to Pizzagate. Then others found that this was tightly connected to intelligence operations. It may even be a very sensitive subject, given that somebody else posted:

(9217 again..) Suspended again. Possibly for posting about the old UNICEF case in relation to Honeybee's Brian Podesta NCMEC lead (pizzagate)

ArthurEdens ago

I think he's saying the sale of the Rembrandts were a cover for organ trafficking

andrevandelft ago

I am not. The sale may be just a sale; maybe for a too high a price. Maybe it is a way to transfer money to the Clinton Foundation or so via De Rothschild. Probably not, but that is where my fantasy ends.

With Kaplan's Leiden Collection I have even less an idea what this could be. But like with my article on the UNICEF case that I referred to, I had no idea either.

IMO it is important to collect raw data even if it is only slightly suspicious; at some point it may come of use.

ArthurEdens ago

I respect you for not jumping to conclusions and just reporting what you found. You probably know paying way too much for something is a technique for money laundering and trafficking. The Louvre having that pyramid makes me suspicious too.

JesusRules ago

That's a lot of Synagogue of Satan there