21yearsofdigging ago

Good thanks!!

21yearsofdigging ago

Might mention also that he has his peeps guarding and watching his twitter account, apparently banning people and trying to constantly clean up that now tarnished image. What a giver

21yearsofdigging ago

Archive this!! Giustra is the creep that just keeps giving. Many post about Giustra strangely seem to disappear, wonder why?

Vindicator ago

Hey EvaEverywhere, I agree the Giustra is likely a pizzagate player. Unfortunately, the key claims in your post of relevancy --

Pizza Express is named in the Hampstead case There was a Pizza Express in the Dupont Underground until it was unceremoniously closed in 1995. The number 222 is inscribed on Corey Haim and Corey Feldman... it seems to refer to the group of men who abused them, it was their "batch" number.

Have no links at all so that we see that there is support for what you are saying. I'm going to remove this before it accrues too many comments, so you can repost in a way that satisfies Rules 1 and 2.

PizzaGate711 ago

Frank Giustra(Bill Clinton's Partner in the Canadian branch of The Clinton Foundation) owns Gold Wheaton Gold Corp. which between June 2002 and April 2008 was named "222 Pizza Express Corp" (pizzagate) submitted 2 months ago by Nabob_bob I'm not really that good at digging but I did stumble across this link.

http://apps.tmx.com/TSXVenture/TSXVentureHttpController?GetPage=CompanySummary&PO_ID=1046025 http://www.newswire.ca/news-releases/222-pizza-express-corp-completes-15-million-private-placement-and-debt-settlement-535933921.html https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Frank_Giustra#Philanthropy https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Frank_Giustra#Other_work

PizzaGate711 ago

Here are so real meaty articles on Giustra.


I was crossposting findings from here to Twitter and realized for a fact that I was right when I claimed Giustra-related tweets were being systematically targeted and accounts locked over it. I refer to this topic here where I and many others described having accounts locked and tweets about Canadian billionaire and Clinton goon Frank Giustra getting deleted:


I revive this because I tried linking Giustra's own verified Twitter page and couldn't find it. I knew it was there. I opened a privacy window and sure enough his account was visible and I had been blocked:


This scumbag pedo fuck is trying to bury evidence against him. So recap: Frank Giustra is a Canadian billionaire with huge ties to the Clintons and is a partner of theirs in the Clinton-Giustra Enterprise Partnership. They're likely involved in shady mining deals, human trafficking and money laundering:


He has a boys organization/shelter called Elpida Factory/Elpida Home which had a blatant Boy Lover symbol as its logo. When Voat picked up on it they immediately changed it (just like Besta Pizza and Terasol Bistro):


The Clinton Foundation/Global Initiative has now been blatantly linked to pedophilia and busted in Haiti and Norway forcing a cut off of funds. Could these attempts at censorship be more than just protecting his image? Could Giustra himself be trying to preempt the crackdown? Clintons stop getting funds in Norway and three days later a bust. Same thing in Haiti and three days later a bust:


Giustra is Canadian. Perhaps he's protected by the cuck Trudeau and is expecting to cut his losses from the Clintons?

Whatever is going on it's clear to me that Giustra is fucking dirty and he's closely connected to this censorship.

PizzaGate711 ago