Fateswebb ago

Well think about it, both were and even still are insane media circuses.. books and movies sold etc.. there are a ton of motives if you think about it.

hir0ce1ine ago

From my own recent research, there was no physical evidence of an abduction, but cadaver/blood sniffing dogs found cadaver scent and blood in the apartment. The McCann's changed their story multiple times, and their friends remembered new things months after the initial investigation. The media here latched on to every theory they could, but pushed the abduction story the hardest. I think the identikit link to the Podesta's is a dead end, but it doesn't mean she wasn't sold into a pedo ring.

The more likelier case is that Madeleine was killed in the apartment, unintentionally or not, and they covered it up with an abduction story.

Yuke ago

I'll say one thing for sure, the majority of Brits are against the McCann's because we can't understand how anyone could leave their kids like they did. The general feeling is one of high suspicion of them being involved somehow.

Interesting to note that two of the people mentioned in this thread so far are linked to other links. Kate Moss was featured topless in one of Alefantis' instagram posts and Sienna Miller is an ambassador for the Blue Marine Foundation mentioned in that wikileaks email.

smokemirrors ago

i didnt see Alefuckface's instagram art. Was it the Lucien Freud pic of Kate Moss?

Sienna Miller is a c*nt whore of the worst kind. Google her long running affair with Balthazar Getty....HMMMMM. Come to think of it, someone needs to poke around the GETTYS too....I betcha they're only one step removed from this whole p-gate mess too.

Yuke ago

They are. Follow Bonner Group links to find them. And no, it was a photograph of Kate Moss topless, not a painting.

smokemirrors ago

Im curious about the Kate Moss pic because if Alefuckface/T Podesta ever posted that Lucien Freud pic of Kate (its a famous one, but only by people "in the know") on any of their social media or had a copy displayed anywhere, it would be a link to the Freuds and ergo, Clement etc....

Oh The Bonner Group, LOL.

"“The Bonner Group gets us the best fund-raising product for the lowest cost,” said David Brock.."


I bet it does, you piece of shit

Don-Keyhote ago

Yea post pg I can't laugh quite as hard https://youtu.be/6b-3vgq95F0

quantokitty ago

Very interesting thread and connections. I like the way you put this together .... along with the conversations about the sausage rolls and use of code words, it begins to make sense. And these people hated the McCann's. Probably wanted them to join the pedo fun and the parents refused. People get punished for standing up to these monsters. Hopefully, this case will be solved once the swamp is drained.

smokemirrors ago


smokemirrors ago

Brit 'expert' here. Was there during 2007/McCannGate.

What do you need to know?

I was the one that told you about the Chipping Norton set. I have told numerous people repeatedly on here, but it never gets followed up and my threads get deleted, evenutally being buried altogether by incoming stuff...

The CN set are at the heart of everything Brit-pedo. By now, folk who know about them or have done their research, know about the Rebekah Brooks (formerly Rebekah Wade)/Cameron (pig fucker)/Blair/Murdoch/Freud/Royals (Matthew Freud ex wife 1 is now married to Princess Diana's brother....ex wife 2 is Rupert Murdoch's daughter) connection....

...where I wish people would dig DEEPER is the phone hacking scandal that got sidetracked by idiots such as Sienna Miller complaining journos were hacking into her voicemail and then sending paps to show up and stalk her. Boo fucking hoo.

What seems to always get "glossed over" are the Milly Dowler hacks: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Murder_of_Milly_Dowler ...and her connection to a slew of other pedo murders that occurred in England in the 2002-2004 period - and Maddie's disappearance in 2007.

Murders of whistleblower journalists Sean Hoare and Daniel Morgan (about to expose police corruption and newspaper laundered drug rings...)

....wasn't the timing of the 2005 London Bombings a nice distraction.....??

ENJOY: http://aanirfan.blogspot.com/2014/11/jimmy-savile-sarah-payne-milly-dowler.html

Edit: link above

Piscina ago

You may have read that Gerry had used his credit card to download 200,000 images of children and babies being sexually abused and murdered, and for trafficking his own produced videos of child abuse. His name wason the UK National Child Sex Abuse Offence Register. However, the record was wiped by a Jim Gamble. Gerry conveniently 'lost' his wallet with his credit card, so that he could have an excuse when his credit card number was shown to be paying for child porn. Gerry, as a cardiologist, had automatic entry to the freemasons. http://steelmagnolia-mccannarchives.blogspot.com.au/2011/07/httpwww_27.html

Two women gave a statement about a conversation between Gerry and Dave (fellow traveller) which indicated that they were paedophiles:

...and Gerry and Dave were talking about Maddie. Katherina does not know what they were saying but she remembers that Dave sucked on his fingers, pushing them into the mouth and pulling them out again, while his other hand traced a circle around the nipple, with a circular movement over the clothes. “That was done in a provocative manner”, recalls Katherina, who says that it stuck to her memory. Days later, the scene repeated itself. The doctor saw Dave making the same gestures again, while he talked about his own daughter. http://madeleinemccann.org/blog/2008/07/19/payne-suspected-of-paedophilia/

smokemirrors ago

No I haven't read anywhere that "Gerry had used his credit card to download 200,000 images of children and babies being sexually abused and murdered, and for trafficking his own produced videos of child abuse" and I have read/watched almost everything about these nutcases in the last ten years. How do you know that? Not saying for one minute I disbelieve you or you are wrong, just....evidence?

Yes, I wholly believe the Gerry and Dave conversation - its on many sites. Along with the vid of Gerry and his "fuck off-Im not here to enjoy myself" tantrum.

So who or what is GERRY??? A dodgy pedo cardiologist with connections who accidentally overdosed his kid to get her to sleep, or let global elite pedophiles diddle and then kill her?

When will we ever know?

unkyshaun ago

I have read many UK blogs and a recurring theme i come across is Madeleine being raped and killed on camera for a pay-per-view pedo audience. Abel Danger, a research team i highly respect, say Jon Benet Ramsey was killed for a pay-per-view snuff film, as well as to blackmail her father who had access to technology the killers wanted. Killers allegedly connected to the Clintons. An interesting assertion i haven't confirmed yet was that Gerry McCann was very prominent in RFID implant technology, what a great way to track trafficked children, especially in poor countries that don't issue birth certificates or foster children who don't get issued a birth certificate until 18.

Fateswebb ago

Jonbenet isn't dead. You see her all the time but don't realize it.

unkyshaun ago

Who was in the crime scene pics then? You sweety?

Fateswebb ago

If you look closely at the crime scene photos, which couldn't have been taken for at least 5 hours. You will see that both bodies look very healthy. When you die from loss of blood you immediately lose your color.. you certainly will not look perfectly healthy 5 hours later. The photos were staged, the people in them are alive.

unkyshaun ago

Good point, will keep digging, cheers.

BackToBlack ago

ok, googled it myself. interesting.

BackToBlack ago

spill the beans

Fateswebb ago

The theory is that she is now Katy Perry. There are others I can prove more, but it seems like it could be true. Nothing that happens and gets that much media coverage every ends up being real when you look into it... I'm thinking OJ Simpson. I can all but prove that nicole didn't die and that she is now megyn Kelly.. they love doing this shit...

BackToBlack ago

thanks I did look it up even before you answered and I agree. Do you have any idea as to why they'd do this? Is this some higher level memetics? What's the point? It really is weird that no matter what you dig into you find our reality is built with and covered with lies. I can see it everywhere, I just don't get what's the end goal in all of that?

Fateswebb ago

Not sure it's weird.. the jonbenet one is strange, maybe she was born to be a star, or maybe it was all a Hollywood production and the family wasn't real. I don't know honestly. I can answer more for the oj Simpson trial being faked because that made a lot of money.

Don-Keyhote ago

Mostly I wanted to know what theories circulated over there. Apparently many outlets were even hacking phones with scanners 20 years ago and I believe the official list from the NOtW scandal exceeds 5000 victims. Also important is establishing sources of facts, as there has been so much false info in this case. For instance I still have no idea who first claimed podesta even knew freud, let alone well enouhn to have stayed at his empty villa.

The first mention of Clement Freuds contact with the McCanns was in her own memoir, no? Can't be a breadcrumb because it leads right back to her employing Freuds son after already interviewing and hiring a rep (Justine mcguinness). So why intentionally put focus on him by publishing in the news his suspicious remarks (dogs can't testify anyway, is it true you're a nympho, etc)?

smokemirrors ago

Great questions: We're pulling at the Serpents tail and if all this comes out (too many powerful, complicit people, unfortunately, but lets see....) the sun finally will have set on the Empire.

Freud's tentacles are far reaching. Too long to go into but research into his varied and colorful career path and where/who his kids married into (not just Matthew.) His relationship with pedo brother artist Lucien, Lucien's 50 or so illegitimate kids...etc and so on. Re Maddie, as far as I know, first anyone knew of anything was the bizarro book released by Kate: 'Clement cheered us up by getting us drunk....' or whatever. So Clement is the link between Maddie/Kate/Gerry and the Chipping Norton set, but that relationship was established AFTER she went missing. There is clearly another, missing link that was present BEFORE Maddie went missing, to warrant the huge protection immediately afforded to Kate & Gerry right when she disappeared. Who or what that connection is, is still a mystery.

The Podesta link is truly baffling. Been a million discussions but still no irrefutable evidence to put them in Portugal at the time of the disappearance. I am sure they were good friends with C Freud though, and by virtue, rest of the CN set. Its been discussed they had many trips to Europe, regardless, so they obviously are close to the whole Euro 'consignetti'...we know their links with sicks pedo artists, the Italian Koons, and so forth. Past discussions on here about varying Lobbyist dirty tricks to try and discredit both brothers in guise of e-fits...

These threads are always deleted though and its becoming tedious championing the cause and typing the same thing week after week....

edit: typos

Mad_As_Hell ago

Gossipy side-note: Emma Freud, daughter of Clement, is married to Richard Curtis, director of shitty rom coms (Love Actually, Four Weddings and a Funeral). Their underage-looking 18 year old son had a fling with Kate Moss, who also posed for, and allegedly did other things, with his uncle Lucian


smokemirrors ago

always love gossip! Yes, I posted the story about Richard Curtis and Emma Freud before christmas and got a bunch of idiots commenting "Thanks for ruining Love Actually for me"


Don-Keyhote ago

That article is stomach-turning. How could england, who gave the world capitalism and common law, have sunk into such moral decay? Why do Americans who never even read about Savile or Rotherham have the image of schoolboys getting ass raped on the regular? onestly you couldn't pay me enough to raise a kid there.

Mad_As_Hell ago

In fairness I don't think it's any better or worse in the UK than anywhere else, if I've learnt anything over the past few months it's that this stuff is happening the world over and needs to stop

Don-Keyhote ago

Uhh even FBIanon said organized pedophilia is mostly UK and Saudi Arabia. Its definitely worse in the UK, unless we soon have our own Operation Yew that ends up dwarfing yours..

Mad_As_Hell ago

I'm not from UK. I guess I'm thinking of the prevalence of church-related abuse in Catholic countries. Shocking statistics released on its scale in Australia the other day, something like one out of every 14 priests were involved. In terms of the elite UK does seem to be uniquely affected alright, tentacles everywhere

Don-Keyhote ago

Have you been to other European countries? English girls are known to be hands down the biggest sluts. Not even Americans come close. English parents send their kids South for cheap all you can drink holidays, which is probably worth a little markup given that girls have been filmed and appeared in news sucking 20 guys off for a drink

grlldcheese ago

You're a fucking faggot.

NikitaVerite ago

I apologize. I realize my error. Please forgive me. I shall keep humor away from such deathly serious topics. Shame on me.

Don-Keyhote ago


NikitaVerite ago

Dwight - is that you?

CuckSlap ago


goodguy1367 ago

If you read it you'd see they wrote "would have posted more links if not for using a phone". You've been here 2 days and your asking mods to delete stuff, pathetic.