comeonpeople ago

lol @ that being Soros

dreamdigital ago

The guy on the left is definitely the Majestic Ape guy. And I strongly believe the middle guy is Alex Soros. But the guy on the left I'm 100% certain unless proven differently that this is Majestic Ape.

SturdyGal ago

Magestic Ape keyboardist in Heavy Breathing is a woman Amanda Kleinman. Once or twice JA may have thrown on the balaclava at Comet.

dreamdigital ago

The person talking at Comet with a red mask and blonde wig is a man I thought.

SturdyGal ago

I agree that the guy on the left of the three guys is balaclavas in James Alefantis. If performing as Majestic Ape in video or musical performance, it is Amanda Kleinman. She usually wears the big hoop earrings. I tried to find original Comet footage but found this: Majestic Ape video. If this is one you mean, it is Amanda Kleinman I am pretty sure.

dreamdigital ago

Yeah I honestly can't tell if it's a girl or a guy beneath that mask and wig. The way they're clothes are it looks like a woman. And if you listen to the voice behind the voice changer, it sounds like a woman.

zenmaster_411 ago

Looks like you nailed it! Great analysis!

sunajAeon ago

Are you fucking serious???

iamthepizzanow ago



Hungarian Coal Miner Terrorist

And they call him jokingly terrorist in allusion on the repeatedly made allegations against his father george soros who has literally often been called a terrorist, financial terrorist, market terrorist and so on. and what the father may be, is the son inevitable too.

So you hit 100% correct from my opinion

Mad_As_Hell ago

I think the 'terrorist' bit is a reference to what he's wearing in the photo, no? Looks like stereotypical IRA bomber type with the balaclava

fuspezza ago

@ASTOR7USI tried to upvote you and it doesn't show I did it again and it said ÷nan I Google search returned Java script for not a number lol I also noticed a -1 where the blue upvote should read 0 If none ( (

AzarelDJ ago

A lot of my upvoats on pizzagate material aren't going through according to the Voat mobile app; Boats for Voat. I'm chalking it up as a bug in the app but I might as well mention it.

EDIT: Yeah it's just the app being shitty

psmith85 ago

How do the pictures of the clean-shaven, no-glasses guy relate to 'Hungarian coal miner mask' guy in the CPP-related Instagram pic? I'm not clear on where you got those two images. It does very strongly resemble him, but it's hard to tell conclusively unless you can find pictures of him with no beard and glasses. There are a lot of people who look like the clean-shaven guy. Or are all five actually Soros and you're just trying to tell who the masked guy is?

anolegion ago

All the pictures are in fact Alex Soros. I added the clean shaven ones because they show a very distinctive feature: the facial lines towards his nose are asymmetric, under every angle, with the right side going upwards along the nostril, and the left side going towards the nostril.

These type of lines would be very visible when smiling with a cold face, regardless of age. He is 27/8 in the picture, which could very well have been taken on his birthday on January 1st 2013.

Counting 202 weeks from then I arrive at a date of November 15th 2016 when the screenshot was taken (or the IG account made private). Possible.

Vindicator ago

That is the same nose in all the pics. I'd bet money on it. It's fairly unique looking, as well. Nice job, OP.

redditsuckz ago

Someone needs to find out what adoption agency Justin Barrows was visiting;

Justin Barrows AKA jabbaroos Annual Adoption Day Celebration

Justin Barrows, a carpenter who helped build Comet Pizza

VeryOffended ago

Seems like a pretty strong match to me. I'm too tired to find the original image, but is there a chance the image with Alefantis and Barrows has been mirrored? I was looking specifically for the freckle beneath his (Soros) left eye. The spacing of what would be that freckle in the mirrored image seems accurate with the other shots.

anolegion ago

There it is. Used some basic enhancement. Hope you see it too.

Maybe someone more expert can do a better enhancement because for me this settles it.

VeryOffended ago

Haha thanks! I was 99.9% sure before, but that enhancement definitely brought me all the way up to 100.

anolegion ago

I don't think it's mirrored because of the unique asymmetry of the facial lines towards his nostrils. If mirrored the freckle would not be visible due to the reflection in the glass on his right eye. If you zoom in close enough there seems to be a barely visible freckle on the 'right' (i.e. left) eye.

Again I don't have the software and couldn't use it if I did, but I'm pretty sure there are darker pixels on the exact spot.

Xax ago

David Seaman and Alex Soros have a Goldmoney connection.

dickface8 ago

Unfortunately to me at least and many others, it seems David may be controlled opposition. He has still failed to bring up MANY VITAL findings in this case and the only narrative he ever really seems to push is " The code used in the Podesta emails". We're all far, far beyond that now but he's not making it known. The other narrative he really seems to be pushing at the same time is his gold and bitcoin shit, and how he wants to start a network of his own that takes over CNN etc. When you compare him to someone like Marty Leeds who doesn't have a patrion, isn't pushing other shit to distract from pizzagate and is getting a wealth of information out there and making a solid case for us, David seems highly suspect. I hope I'm wrong but logic is telling me I'm not.

virtuous_pedophobe ago

I don't know, he seems more like the typically sloppy (and lazy) journalist to me.

For example, when he reported on Pegasus he talked about image metadata, which is complete nonsense, but doesn't make sense from a controllet opposition point of view either.

He also first pushed, but was then too lazy to post his videos there.

dreamdigital ago

You can only fully trust pizzgate investigators by who they align themselves with. I am not in favor of any politician, including Trump. While I don't think Trump is anything like Killary, I would not campaign or promote their cause. Now if Trump started openly saying we're going after pedophiles involved in Pizzagate and Washington... then I might say Trump really is a good guy. David Seaman aligns himself heavily with a political party.


I find it funny how he is always trying to prove a link between JA and Brock using that staircase speech/party photo at Tony Podesta's home.

shows his lack of knowledge on the subject in general

Pokes ago

Plus fucking two. Seaman is so likely a spook whose job it is to distract from the actual details of the investigation and affirm the idea that all pizzagate researchers are right-wing fruitcakes. Huffpo or no, Seaman is a Trump fanboi and never fails to drop mention of his patrion or how everyone should invest in bitcoin and gold, cliche tin foil hat doomsday prepper rhetoric. He is so controlled opposition!

crazimal ago

@dickface8 @Pokes

"patrion" =/= a word in English. Sock puppet much? Never seen that particular misspelling in my life and now in consecutive posts, hmmm?

Either way I wouldn't trust seaman on anything.

phlux ago

plus fucking one!


Why can't we link direct to a photo rather than have the stupid 'Imgur album' black thing first? ... Anyway, yes, the photos do look like they are of the same person, so far as I can tell. The nose is identical. My only reservation is that the 'Hungarian coal miner' looks ten years older.

anolegion ago

Alone among the guys pictured Alex Soros is smiling, and it's obviously cold. That would produce wrinkles even in young faces.

He's 27 or 28 years old in the picture (hard to tell which because it must have been taken around his birthday on January 1st).

dickface8 ago

When only that much of your face is showing it is easy for looks to be deceiving. Take for example Richard Spencers attacker. With the balaclava thing on he looked about 35 - 40yo, but in reality he's like a 50 year old human toilet cuck.

Xax ago

David Seaman is an investor with Alex Soros in Goldmoney. #weird

I'll supply another link in a moment.

archons ago

Well gold has always been real money. Only fools trust fiat. As for bitcoin, it is too new to make a confident prediction but it is definitely better than the dollar system we have. Connections with Alex Soros at all are worrying.

phlux ago


Votescam ago

Think you got it!
And, provides stronger link of Soros's to Alefantis/CPP.

SecureYourSeats ago

Hungarian coal miner terrorist. You failed to mention the "Hungarian", Soros is Hungarian.

keepthefaith ago

he did mention it?

SecureYourSeats ago

oops I should read slower.

Truthseeker3000 ago

Can you imagine how fucked up Alex Soros really truly is? He had to have had the worst MK Ultra traumatic childhood filled with ritualistic abuse and regular cult killing attendances. He's got his father narrative down to a tee now though. He's VILE and repulsive just like his papa. George Soros is said to have been at many child hunting parties in Europe. They are so contradictory they don't even know who they really are. They have so many faces. Alex looks, dresses and acts homosexual yet ales out like he's a womanizing playboy but what woman would find him attractive (other than if they were gold diggers)? The Soros' are the most EVIL horrible people on the face of the earth, along with the Rothschilds.

anolegion ago

I thought those childhood pictures were pretty shocking. His father seems to force him to drink/take something, his mother lies on him as if to comfort him, but he has his eyes open staring into space. Very unusual for a kid that age.

crazimal ago

I disagree about the pictures. They don't look that weird. Theory of coal miner = Alex is interesting... I really thought it was podesta before but this is a good possibility.


Yes, and SO close to Hillary and the Dems. How anyone can support the Dems in such circumstances is way beyond me.

remedy4reality ago

stop leaving out the entire Bush Family and most of the Republican Party

Throwthisaway33 ago

Seriously. If people stopped thinking this is a partisan issue and its just the dems, I think we would make a lot more progress. This was labeled a right-wing conspiracy from the beginning by the media and that was pretty smart of them. Half the country immediately dismissed it for that reason.

Singleservename ago

Yeah Bush's niece defended the Silsby gang. Bobbie Kilberg connects to Alefantis thru Grandma Rita's. And a Rockefeller owns most of the properties around Comet.

Fuck this fake dichotomy. They are all in this together, vs. We the People.

SayWhatNOWAY ago

I agree seems like it maybe Soros! Good Find!

Mrs_Ogynist01 ago


remedy4reality ago

Yeah... that's him. I vehemently disagreed that the middle character was Podesta, every time it was previously brought up. Podesta had a job that required way too much of his time to get into the day to day of the DC child trafficking world. I had also said Alefantis was not featured in this pic, but I have since concluded that I was wrong, it is Alefantis. Alex Soros would make a perfect bagman for the DC operation, delivering not only funding but prime directives from the top. These creeps are thrill seekers. They are the base jumpers of the child trafficking world. Let me congratulate you on what I think is an amazing find. It is making many things come into focus.

FriesischShipping ago

He's to busy husslin organs for DynCorp.

VieBleu ago

Very interesting. upvoated.

quantokitty ago

It really does look like him. Nice work!

Dressage2 ago

Great post! I can see what you are saying. I always thought is was John Podesta. Did you try putting any pics of Podesta next to this ?

ZalesMcMuffin ago

While the guy does resemble Podesta a bit, he resembles AS a lot.

Orange_Circle ago

I can see it.

derram ago :

This former fat kid is now a billionaire heir playboy on the NYC party scene | New York Post

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